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Everything posted by Djorgie

  1. davis411, Make that 3 of us! ... and what kind of a bank runs out of money?
  2. Well, he seems to completely contradict himself more than once in just this article alone. I mean if you think something is a absolute SCAM then why would you spend a single dime on it lol? He spent a grand on it so, I would say that his actions speak louder than what he is spewing. Also, he states that the Kuwaiti dinar revalued which I disagree with completely. Why would he even mention it anyway? Has nothing to do with Iraq. Again, in his last statement he says " You should never buy bank note currency as an investment". Only he didn't take his own advice. I for one would like to know why?
  3. Yeah, I'd have to say that at least up until this point the dealers and the pumpers are the brilliant ones as far as making money goes. Just think, if we had all invested in becoming dinar dealers instead of investing in actual dinar we wouldn't need a stinking RV lol. Then again, that would have left no one to actually buy dinar and that would have made for a whole other basket of hodgepodge. I do still have hope for it though so, I will continue to hold on until something PROVES my thoughts on this whole RV thing to be completely and undeniably wrong. That is where I am at mentally anyway. I just want to know either way already! This limbo thing is for the birds! As for this Dinar Banker dealer it just goes to show how greedy people can really be. You make all those millions of dollars and can't pay the very employees whom otherwise without would never have been able to have accomplish this is just absurd. Personally I have only dealt with one dinar dealer and that is DinarTrade. Made several purchases from them with the last being somewhere around Oct. 2012 and I have not had any problems with nor have I read any bad press on them. I guess like everything else it is your own choice and preference whom you deal with, but just try and be as careful as you can because there are a lot of crooks out there just waiting to take what you have.
  4. rulesforrebels, You are correct that currencies are changing all of the time but, that is more of a fluctuation IMO and not a set rate. Some currencies are pegged and that can cause fluctuations as well. Anyway, here goes the explanation... Well, mine anyway lol. For me, to "revalue" a country's currency means to raise the value of that currency to a higher SET rate. I don't think it has anything to do with a certain % in order to be considered a revaluation. Countries can do this for any number of reasons ranging from positive growing economic situations to trade purposes or maybe to lower inflation, etc. Simply put, a "revaluation" is a set adjustment to a country's official exchange rate relative to whatever their baseline happens to be. It is of course the complete opposite of a devaluation. Help me out if I have messed up here because I am absolutely not an expert of any kind relating to this whole RV thing. I am simply a student in the dinar RV classroom.
  5. gymrat76541, Well, thank you... and I love my country and world as well. There is one thing though that I would like to ask of you. Could you please change the Mr. to a Ms.? I am a female so, I do prefer to be addressed as one lol. Also, thanks for not jumping down my throat. Nice to be able to share opinions and learn from one another without all of the drama.
  6. gymrat76541, It is a conspiracy... you can bet on that. Sometimes people get a "real conspiracy" confused with a "conspiracy theory". Correct me if I am wrong but, I think you were trying to imply that this is a conspiracy theory. I respectfully have to disagree with your opinion because it is obvious to me anyway that this is not something made up by some guy who lives in his mother's basement, running around in his tighty-whities and wearing a tin foil hat. Reason being is... have you ever heard of Agenda 21? Have you heard of "Sustainable Development"? If not that would be a good starting point to do some research. There are those who laugh or smurk when they even hear the word conspiracy but, our own government is one of the biggest conspiracy offenders in the world. There are hundreds upon hundreds of government conspiracies that have been proven. All you have to do is a little research. Our government is so powerful and sure of themselves that they don't even care if we know. They release documents themselves proving that they are liars, murders, thieves, etc. all of the time. This should raise some questions with the American people at the very least! Back in 1992 I believe, George H.W. Bush and 177 other world leaders agreed to it as well as Bill Clinton, Executive Order 12858. It targets private property. Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset. Basically they want private property transferred to government control plain and simple... and if you didn't already know it there are already certain cases/situations in which this can be done. For example, if Martial Law were to be implemented the government CAN and WILL come and take land, water, crops, etc. and there isn't a thing you can do about it. All I can say it is that it is better to educate yourself on these kind of things rather than to remain oblivious because for those who know at least they can see it coming and that's better than being blind-sided IMO. Also, the world will never "end", as in burn up, blow up, cease to exist. It is absolutely going to go through some changes and eventually a full-on transformation, but end? I personally don't see it happening because GOD has plans for this world as well as every being on it.
  7. I am by NO means a "lopster" but, the Kuwaiti dinar DID NOT RV! The official rate of the Kuwaiti dinar NEVER really changed... not prior to or during or even after the Saddam invasion. It stayed around the $3.50 range. There are some people that did make SOME money during that time because the people of Kuwait were scared and lost faith in their currency and country. Some of them even sold off their dinar on the streets to others for very little because of the takeover, etc. but again, the OFFICIAL rate of the actual KD NEVER plummeted or really changed. I'd say it was more of a mirage than anything else. They are after all living out in the middle of the desert lol.
  8. Indraman, Exactly! Personally, I don't believe that Jesus would go for any kind of political anything! and FYI, if you do some deeper research on Ayn Rand you will discover that she was really a satanist disguised as an "atheist"... not that there is a WHOLE lot of difference between the two because separating yourself from GOD is just that. It doesn't make two dinar to satan HOW he accomplishes this just as long as he does.
  9. Yeah well, that's just great! Funny how our government is always "trying to help in the fight against al-Qaida" when they are the one's who created al-Qaida in the first place via the CIA! This is of course my own personal belief so, if anyone wants to slap a label on me or call me a name I am perfectly okay with it and will take no offense lol. I am lucky enough to have the freedom to express what I choose to believe and that is a lot more than many others have so, I am grateful for that.
  10. I agree, Lady Grace's daddy. I like this scenario as well... and we must remember that the CBI is the entity that controls the rate. If they intend to do as they have said then I would be MORE than happy if they would just go ahead and drop it on us at a big fat one to one.
  11. Good article! Been waiting for SO long for someone to kick Maliki in the backside, but again, we will just have to wait and see what plays out. It's not like no one knows what he has done and continues to do. Lets not forget that the "west" were the ones who put him in his position in the first place. I'm sure it was all a part of the plan (whatever that is) to accomplish their goals. Honestly, I don't believe Maliki will get another term... and not really because of the laws or the fact that most of the people loathe him, but more so because I think he has completed his part in what he was supposed to do in all of this and he was paid VERY handsomely for it. Probably just time for the next puppet to be brought out of the box. Seems he and Obama have a lot in common... They both pretty much came out of nowhere and were placed in high ranking positions to rule masses of people. They both are great liars and they both have deceived and taken away rights of the very citizens they are "supposed" to be working for. Let's just hope and pray that things work out long enough and right enough for some sort of a positive to take place for not only Iraq and America but the world as a whole.
  12. I think someone should gather up all of the bank stories that have been told over the years and make a coffee table book out of them.
  13. Thanks Boomer. I understand all of that and I made another more detailed post after the fact about why I asked this particular question (think it's at the top of this page). I guess it was silly, but it was on my mind and I was trying to make some sense of it and thought maybe you guys here could give some better insight than I obviously have lol.
  14. WOW! So sorry to hear that. Hope you get what you paid for. Really tough situation. It's these kind of things that make it so difficult to trust anyone. I have only ordered from one company when I have purchased dinar and that was DinarTrade. Never had any problem with them at all. Always paid COD just to be safe. That is really one of the reasons I chose them because who else offers COD anymore?
  15. Thanks! I currently live in S. Dakota so, I guess I'm doing a lot better than many others as far as being bombarded by these particular sins (according to the maps anyway) lol. Very interesting, but not too surprising how the maps worked out. Just too bad that no matter where you go really that it continues to grow like a cancer. Our government has really stepped up their role in it lately and unfortunately because of some of the things coming out of our government it will only get worse. All we can do is try to be good, kind, compassionate, loving, understanding and forgiving of oneanother and stay strong long enough to make it through to the other side.
  16. Geez! You just had to go and make me cry. What a lovely thing to do. We should all remember to do something nice for others whenever we are able. We take too much for granted in this life.
  17. Thanks for the responses. I asked because my idea of the whole "deletion" of zeros was somewhere in the arena that they just print new lower denoms... and rumor is that they have already done that, but who knows? Whether they have or not still means a massive cost it would seem. Then they would have to pull the old notes from the streets over a period of time until they were fully replaced by the new lower denomination notes. That all seemed pretty logical to me, but with SO many different ideas and theories on how they may accomplish this it gets a little confusing at times. I do my research but, I am not afraid to admit that I am by no means a mathematician. As a matter of fact I really SUCK at math. I am an artist and my brain works on a bit of a different level lol. There are people who naturally think mathematically and there are those of us who don't. Anyway, what sparked my original question was that someone (won't mention any names) claims that "lifting" of zeros and "deleting" zeros are two completely different things. They are saying that basically the lifting is what matters to us first and foremost because that would mean the release of the lower denoms which would somehow result in a different rate of up to 90 cents. They say that this is NOT the actual RV and that the RV will not happen until the government is fully formed which will come some time after this "lifting". The "deleting" will supposedly happen at that point which would mean they would pretty much take all of the large notes and lock them in a vault. Then the RV would be fully implemented and bring the value up to around $1.13 or so. I'm just putting out the scenario that I listened to. I am willing to listen to anyone's opinions/ideas because that is how I learn. Not sure why this particular idea struck me as another possibility... maybe because this isn't the usual "it's going to RV today" bs but, that is why I brought it here to get other opinions. I didn't mention these facts in the original question because I wanted as little bias as possible on the subject, however, now that I have told the whole story it may open up for more opinions, explanations or complete debunking of this theory. I would really like to know what you all think about it.
  18. You can bet that EVERYTHING that is in Obamacare IS intentional and much of it has nothing to do with healthcare.
  19. Well, here goes... my first post in the tank. I come in and read a lot, but was leery about just jumping in for fear of being eaten by the sharks lol. I have to say though that I really appreciate everyone's point of view here and I have to admit that I also like the verbal battles that take place here. Anyway, wanted to throw something out and see what I get back on it. Also, I am fairly neutral concerning possible RV scenarios, but I'm definitely not leaning toward the lop theory. So, on to my question... What would your opinions be on the difference in a "deletion" of zeros vs. a "lifting" of zeros? and why?
  20. Oh wow! What a great film. That was one of those movies that always stayed with me. I was only 3 yrs old when it released so, I didn't get to watch it until a few years later lol... and watched it many times after. I love that film. Rest peacefully Tom. God Bless his family and loved ones with strength and love.
  21. Poor kid:( And who would want to be santa anyway? Especially if you've done your homework on who he really represents. Anyone ever heard of the false god, Saturn? Ya, seriously, people have NO IDEA! christmas is just another pagan holiday wrapped up in sheeps clothing to feed the money hungry elite and their god. Jesus wasn't even born in winter let alone december 25! There is no exact record of the day of his birth, only that maybe it fell around end of summer or beginning of fall. The Gregorian calendar with all of its "named" days and months isn't God's calendar. Each day and month are named for other pagan gods mostly, and of course all of the "holidays" (Holy Days) are pagan as well. I celebrate my savior every day and I am well aware of his rivals deceptions. Sad that even most Christians believe that it is really his day of birth and have no idea that this day is really the day the ancient pagans celebrated their evil god, Saturn and offered up blood sacrifices of their own children to him. I don't ask anyone to believe a word I say. All you have to do is some research and you'll find the truth.
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