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Everything posted by betsy1949

  1. I hate to think we are relying on Sadr for anything positive. I don't think he would knowingly do anything he thought we wanted or were relying on. I also do not think he cares much about the ordinary Iraqi citizens.
  2. Isn't it wonderful? No point to worrying about a valueless currency being counterfeited. All this concern about counterfeiting tells us that they expect their currency to be worthwhile. Enough with the meetings, lets get this done!
  3. Sounds very promising, however, Parliament does not meet until first part of the week, so don't see how anything could have gone through or been voted on. Articles such as this one, though lead me to believe the votes are just a legality, and should have no problem going through. Don't see how you have major articles like this in major media for the area if you are not sure of the votes on your position.
  4. Actually, a number of our people do work at banks, at least in Texas. I know of several with first convenience bank who have invested in it.
  5. I'm for the pig. After all, who else would keep track of all of our countdowns for us?
  6. I can't see it coming in less than Kuwait. And that would be great!
  7. I have seen this same article around a number of times since I joined in July. Notice that no date after Jan. 2011 is listed, article came out in 2010, not 2011, and gives no further information of interest to us after stating that the currency would be redenominated.
  8. Come on now, who would actually quit a job based on Okie's unverified and unverifiable info? We were smart enough to get in on this investment, surely no one would quit a job prematurely unless they were in a position to not need said job. I bet even our little pink piggy is smarter than that. Of course, pigs are supposed to be somewhat bright. I don't think you are included in that category, Thug. Please don't stop your posts.
  9. This is hardly likely to take place just before a long holiday weekend. Their EID al something or other doesn't end until Sunday. Adam seems to think we have a few days after that before they can finish getting their ducks in a row to get this done, so I am hopeful for toward the end on next week or beginning of following one. Adam is a lot higher on the truth scale than Okie and his group are, though I sure like Okie's rate better.
  10. Amen to that, but wouldn't it be wonderful if he were right for a change! One of these days he is bound to be, just by the law of averages. After all, we all expect it to rv. And when it does, Okie would have put out a post just previous to that, that it is done. Okie is always putting out these posts. Please, please let this one be the one he is right on.
  11. Pardon me, but we are in the Rumors section. No proof, no links were offered trying to shore up the statement. Anyone who would quit a job or take any other definitive action on something as nebulous as this would have only themselves to blame for their idiocy (unless, of course, they live in California). It should be kicked out of any court immediately. Only a California court or attorney could see the least hint of a case here. This one isn't even from Okie or one of the other pumpers. It is just someone posting a rumor they heard. Lighten up.
  12. I believe I read on another post that the Eid holiday is a 5 day holiday ending on Sept. 4th.
  13. If Adam is right about the rv of the dinar, why should we doubt him on the dong?
  14. Adam will likely wait until it is a done deal on forex and CBI. He doesn't deal in rumors.
  15. Excuse me if I am mistaken, but doesn't Dinar Thug carry quite a few Okie comments? Okie can be fun. Just don't take him seriously.
  16. Maybe not. There are those out there that have that type of resource. I intend to join them within the next few weeks after RV, though I will spend mine differently, not needing a truck or John Deere.
  17. I just read a post of hers this morning in rumors. She does not appear to have gone anyplace.
  18. Has Okie taken on a new anonymous identity, so he can post without the rest of us hooting at him. Forget the beer, how about a pitcher of margaritas?
  19. Please, Piggie, don't be lenient. After all the Okie crud and high hopes we went through last week, this one deserves a poo face, As later replies reveal, this has Okie's name all over it.
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