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Everything posted by imgesing

  1. excellent points... Yes you are correct in what you are saying in many ways. Yet the CONFIDENCE in the USD is apparently not very strong. We will see how plays out in the years to come. As far as IRAQ, they are definately under our thumb in many ways. It is like a US project in the ME, which we certainly do not want to fail. I am unsure though if these numbers are accurate by design. I trust it about as much as I trust the politicians who are behind the scenes. Not just IRAQ but on our side too. Yet, again transparency is definately important for trade etc.
  2. Praying and hoping but certainly not going to hold my breath. We have all been down this road a few too many thousand times.... lol Peace GREAT AS ALWAYS THUG!!!!
  3. I think about snuggling up to something more than a recliner, but when I think about all that comes along with it... Your description of relaxation and comfort is close to perfect! Can I borrow it? LOL Be well. Peace
  4. Well you use 2003 and as a guide line. DO you think the USA has an accurate idea of how much money is in our circulation (published to us) and do you think they would tell us the true debt? DO you think the data for how much gold is in reserve is also something we would be informed of? The true nature of debt to currency in our country and what is owed to the FEDERAL RESERVE, let alone other countries is something we wont be previed to. To believe this reported data would be foolish. It is akin to showing your cards at a poker match. It simply wont be revealed or known publically (even if that is how it is proposed to be). So of course all we have is the DATA we are given. As I said before this does not factor into everything needed to RV. Yet, many here do their due diligence in trying to create some basis to factor a value from. I actually enjoy and learn at times from this. YET, I stand firm in still believing we are all being held captive by a system nationally and internationally whose true nature is hidden in order to give some control over trade and economic stabilities etc. We wont know an amount for this RV until it happens... In all the time I have been here I have at times stumbled but I never have stated anything with out some basis of knowledge or fore thought. I dont mislead... I am saying this post as my opinion. Like I said before i could be wrong... Maybe we are given all the data.... Again I doubt it highly. How much DINAR is held by the USA? How much is in circulation in IRAQ? How much has been sold to us small guys on these sites? Some many true unknowns... I have said this before on Adams chat, we should have a time line. This would reveal a clear picture of what has been done and the movement of IRAQ would not seem as scattered... I hope you are well. Its been a while since we have exchanged some thoughts. Peace
  5. What is the life cycle of their currency (circulating currency has a life cycle)? Not the new ones we have but those in internal circulation? So many have some reference and yet the REAL or GREATER truth is we have no clue where this currency has been collected or dispersed and even distroyed. So you can talk numbers and currency and TRY to get a fix on a rate but the truth is you are clueless. I mean that in sincere due respect but this is the nature of this investment. MAYBE you are close to some accuracy but I personally do not think so. I dont believe we have an accuracte knowledge of the workings of the IRAQI DINAR. This is what gives the IMF such a strong and powerful leverage. If you disagree with what I am saying I stand humbly corrected. I just do not believe that many here can put me in a more informed stance. I always state that I hope this concludes soon and we all do well. I still feel that way. I believe this cant go on for much longer, and yet I felt that way last year. LOL Peace.
  6. We can all speculate all we want. It wont change the outcome of this. Not a single one of us knows with certainty anything. This is why this investment is a high risk investment. High risk is possible for a high yield. We try to follow news and what we believe, but again not a single one of us knows. Concurrently aside from what we are told, we do not know the REAL amount of currency in circulation. I strongly believe we are not even a concern (us little holders of Dinar). We can try to understand when everything will happen and who is REALLY controling this currently. One thing I feel fairly certain when I read many posts few understand what is involved in an RV (not that I know much better than some). IRAQ can RV at a reasonable rate... What does this mean though? What is involved in considering an RV? Who determines what the true TRADABLE value is when they RV? How do they become a world recognized and accepted tradable currency? DO any of you understand what is involved? HOW MUCH CURRENCY IS IN CIRCULATION IS ONE FACTOR OF MANY! So many pin their ideas around this one thing and I am fairly confident in saying it is not nearly all that is considered. ALSO, I have brought this point up before..... The trade in value once RV'd is equal on both sides of the trade. IF, Iraq RVs at 1 dollar then that currency you give back has equal value on both sides of the trade. DO any of you get this? They do not lose on the trade in. That is not even considering what they make on the trade within the CBI on exchange rates... I hope some of you understand what I am doing my best to express. I would appreciate any help from those who understand all of this more completely. I hope they are able to get the ball rolling quicker and we all profit soon. I am in this for the long haul and with full confidence in a nice RV. PEACE....
  7. 100% agree!!! It really pisses me off how we are all led on this sensationalism trail. We are given partial truths which slant on a story and encourage a rage in our country. Nanacy Grace, with her voice tones and anger before there is any solid proof. Showing of pictures of a much younger kid. Showing Zimmerman in Orange Jail Garb. It is really UNBELIEVABLE that the media is not held accountable for this type of reporting. Its a lie to the public. There is no way that Zimmerman can face a fair and completely untainted jury. You would have to find people who dont watch the TV. Not an easy thing to find. Sorry but this stuff really get me PISSED!!!! If the media can taint this imagine what they can do with world issues, and countries, etc. We are all walking around with our eyes half open. Peace and I hope we all are able to find ways to see through much of the BS.
  8. 5th time... OK some one needs to check their math skills. Okie is a full of...
  9. Hey Adam, I have an idea and not sure who would have the time to impliment it. How about a time line of what they have accomplished and when for the last few years. It might be good to see the progress on a time line so we get a clearer picture of what they are doing daily or weekly, monthly etc... Might paint a nice picture of what to expect and what has been done. JUST A THOUGHT... Let me know what you think and if any of you have any ideas like this post them. The BS gets old but something like this would help put a focus on things. PEACE...
  10. Its all good my friend and thanks for telling me. Hope we all do well as soon as possible. This economy is killing me. PEACE !!!!
  11. Adam, one good thing is there seems to be MUCH LESS posts regarding the RV happening Tuesday or Thursday etc. (well except for OKIE lol) It seems however there is a lot less news in general. A while ago I read that when the times seem the most conflicting or uncertain we are close to the possible RV, RI etc. Also many flip flops on a rate. Maybe it will come out at .10 and quickly move up? Maybe it will come out around 1.00? I know it is all speculation, except based on the plan put into play said it will be close to an RI plus a percentage above that due to time etc. I posted the plan a long time ago from that long document which I wish I could remember the title to. I will try to find it and repost it. Yet, this was some government doc. which outlined a clear political and economic plan in play I think by the USA. I believe based on what I read that this should be close to 1.00 and move up to "the highest monitary system in the M.E., as I have read time and again... I personally feel unsure yet optimistic. Times right now seem unclear and I am really curious where to look and find reliable or stable insight into where we are currently? Long ago someone said look to Hilary Clinton. I remember last year all the visits to IRAQ by Bush etc. Since Feb or March of this year a lot seems to have stalled. What are your thoughts on the above? Where should we seek the best source of insight? PEACE and Thank you for this site. I hope you are well. I know this is a speculative investment but I value your opinion...
  12. One of the all time coolest famous persons I ever met! He is a GREAT person! Peace!
  13. LOL Hey if you dont buy it than please point me in the right direction. Have a great weekend.
  14. Show me an ACCURATE value of IRAQI dinar in circulation? Accurate or reliable source... Well there goes that theory you just put out. Maybe we can try to use the auctions.. but even that might not tell the real story. Speculation on your numbers is just speculation. We will see what they do but I hope what you think is an assessment of their monitary assets is wrong. I am actually betting on it. Peace .
  15. Almost correct... Iraq's structural wealth is diverse and aside from gold and other metals, gems, among many commodities very rich in IRAQ, the currency value is based on other factors too. Of course one factor would be the security of the political system (which weakens them a bit currently, yet has been on a constant up swing), but also in coming business, etc. The strength of this nation is based partially on a sustainable future and that is based on the current commerce they are in the process of building. It isnt from a pipe dream but the amount of current build up in that region, which is real and on going. They also have a wealth of historical structures and places which strongly promotes tourism. Many large hotels have come into Iraq and are in the process of building up that nation right now. That is just one area among many businesses currently showing vast interest in Iraq. An RV is not based on OIL alone. It isnt based solely on the current currency in circulation either. This has been what I have tried to say for some time now. If you look at IRAQ just politically, it is almost like a neon light for success. America among other nations have a huge stake in the success of their political and economic structure. As I always state when making such grand remarks is that this is IMHO. After watching so much and reading so much from different resources, it would appear that we are in a position for a nice return. Those who dont agree have a right to their opinion but I am curious why they are even here. Of course you are right when you say we dont know..(about much internally going on in IRAQ). It is all speculative and the none clearity makes this a high risk investment. High risk = high yield. Right? PEACE....
  16. In so many words this is exactly what I have been trying to say also. The rate change doesnt hurt them. It is an equal trade on both sides when cashed in. The RV is not based solely on what amount of currency is in circulation. Many seem to speculate on this site with very limited understanding of economics and what revaluing currency means. The loss is in the intrum not once it is done. Those for instance who cash out now loose and all the trade since it went low was at a loss. Yet the RV wont hurt IRAQ at all. They still get the value regardless of the direction of the trade. I wish some members here would understand this. I sincerely hope this crazy roller coaster ride for IRAQI citizens and of course all of us ends soon. PEACE....
  17. I am not an expert on grammer BUT some of you need spell SHECK... lol The best part of coming in to this site is sometimes to laugh at the pointless discussions about rates and dates when none of us know a DAM THING! The second is the spelling errors. LOL I hope we RV sometime in the not too distant future, so we can all jerk one another on some post RV site. LOL PEACE ALL...
  18. With all due respect you are going by what you read as accurate in terms of IRAQ's monitary supply. They have been taking the higher notes out of circulation for some time now. Yet another thing you might want to consider is that by raising the value they loose nothing. This is a hard thing for most to understand but try. If I sell you something today and you give me .10 for it. Now tomorrow I say the value is 1.00. The loss is not when the amount is recreated. The amount of value is on both sides of the trade. Think about that for a little while. TRADE is equal even if the value goes up. There is a lot which goes into a country RVing and this RV is not only easy to consider, it is very much required for IRAQ to find stability economically within the ME. Read as much as you can and watch videos from as reliable a resource as you can find before making any speculation. In the end this is a speculative investment. If you dont believe in what you find get out. Considering economics 101 this seems like a no brainer. Peace.
  19. Sorry for those who gave a neg for you simply forwarding intel. Even if it is BS you dont deserve a neg. I gave you a plus to try and get you back up. Peace.
  20. mokack, very true the verdict isnt out. Apparently they have a phone conversation that the kid was on with his girlfriend and what she heard etc. We will learn more with time. The amount of frustration in my view is still premature. This case is going to be played out with pin point accuracy of the law due to all the press it has received. We all need to sit back and watch. They have a march in the town where he lives not too far from this part of town where I live... Everyone wants Zimmerman to get arrested. There is a 10,000 reward on his head. It is really a bit out of control. Would he have gotten away with a possible murder if not for all this media attention... POSSIBLY. Now something is going to happen. Either we learn more details slowly... LIKE WE HAVE BEEN. We already see newer pictures of both. THE MEDIA HAS BEEN PLAYING ALL OF US. THAT is the part we need marches about! The media should be held accountable for how they portray some of this. Anyway, as I said before thsi will play out and I believe in the right way. Peace all.
  21. You talkinmg from experience? WOW if so that sucks... You always talk from experience though right? Smart guy... AGREED... 100%! So what about all the unrest and racial tension due to this? I agree with you and we shall see how this unfolds but the tragidy in this I think is due to how it is being handled. The media is fueling unrest. The new pics now shown are not the ones in the beginning. This whole things sucks big time!
  22. WOW, many have come to support someone down. THIS GIVE ME A LOT OF HOPE that there are GREAT people involved in this RV and when we all do well we can make some positive changes. On the flip side it also shed light on someone who is cruel or sick minded. There really is no favor in just being an A--HOLE for the sake of your self. I want to thank all of you who stood up and said something. The sad part is this one bad guy got a lot of publicity. Still it is better to shine light on him than to let it go as if un-noticed. PEACE ALL AND GO RV!!!!
  23. AND THIS IS WHY THEY SAY THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD! It is an outrage. Media is fueling this hate with out revealing all the truth. It is the media portayal with this case and other things to sell and fuel societys need for hate. It really upsets me that we can not believe what we are told and those who report what they want or slant the truth are not held accountable. I am very curious if the black community will stand in outrage IF they find out that the details are different than what they have been lead to believe? Will they still use the rage to say that they have possibly been mislead? Will they say that they are sorry for all the finger pointing at this one man. You see there is still a current of hate in our society. It is towards the african american community and there is anger from the african american community towards the rest too. It works two ways and the hate and or anger solves nothing. The Jessie Jacksons who use these episodes to fuel there political stance, use this hate. People need to stand up for true injustice. We all become the sheep of the media and those who are in a role of power and use it to their gain. The media should be held accountable for reporting slanted reports. The pictures they are showing of this 17 year old are pictures of him when he was 13!!!!! It paints a very different picture to everyone. It is WRONG! Sorry for my self proclaimed rant but we all need to wake up and get angry at those who mislead us. THERE HAS TO BE HONESTY in the media and in public offices and religions and across the board. I want a cleaner world. For the sake of the future of our children.... OK I am done... LOL Had to get that off my chest. PEACE!!!!! Really peace....
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