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Everything posted by handy

  1. Thanks DB and Nadita , great research , ya'll nailed it. I think we will see about a dollar once they become tradeable which may not be too far off.....
  2. they are moving a lot faster this year and there's just too much going on at once for it all to be a coincidence . imo , I think we have a very good chance of seeing the iqd becoming tradeable in a couple of months and jmo, I think it will be a very good rate but all that is just my opinion....
  3. oil, gold , iron, copper , natural gas , agriculture , dates , is there anything this country doesn't have? they are just too rich in natural resources , usd ,oil and gold reserves and almost no debt for their currency not to go up . hopefully we'll find out in a couple of months ...
  4. a little over a dollar at first and then I think it will slowly climb to 3 dollars but i'll take a dime in a minute...
  5. i like how she uses solid imf documentation to back what she says unlike those that love to bash for the sake of bashing
  6. stryker does good research and backs up what he says with links . he's giving his opinion based on the news that's coming out this year , if that opinion happens to be positive there's nothing wrong with that ...
  7. Tlar isn't a guru , imo. I've read his posts for years and he does really good research . I know i'll get shot down for this post but no problem . I believe he really did hear something from a solid source . I don't think it's such a bad thing to let yourself get excited every now and then . Again I don't follow the gurus but I really don't see Tlar as a guru . ...
  8. Barzani would make a very good PM imo, and he would speed things up a lot with their currency reform..
  9. blueskyline , thanks for the info about ballasa samualson theory . I didn't know she was on record of saying that . I just need .02 and i'll never look back....
  10. i'm excited about all the good news this year myself . We are so close to seeing this end . If they don't at least have a tradeable currency in less than 2 mos. I would be very surprised ....
  11. imo, tradeable currency w/in a month now that western union is sending and receiving iqd but that's just my opinion..
  12. spending hundereds of millions of dollars to reprint a currency that is practically worthless ? Don't add up unless they plan on giving that currency a REAL value. Also big notes are for international banking IMO . WTO + IMF saying they are stable enough (within 2%)+ISX ready to go international+ Huge increases in Gold + Huge international bank interest = Retirement!
  13. IMO we're going to bank big time . If it just goes to .02 I can retire. From what I've read they already have reduced drastically what they have in circulation in country . In addition to almost tripling their gold reserves since the 1980s , having way more US dollar reserves in their entire history , being able to supply 45% of the global demand for oil (all sweet crude ) , virtually no debt, a projected gdp of 40x what it is now (based on standard charter), having over 15 foreign banks coming in the past few mos. (costing each bank at least 10 million dollars for an Iraqi banking license), hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen assets and the list goes . IMO the IQD is going to sky- rocket but my that's JMO.
  14. I will really be surprised if this don't RV before the end of the year. The banks already know why Iraq is loading up on all this gold . All I need is a dime out of this joker and i'll never look back
  15. IMO it will be tradeable by the end of the year based on all the recent news lately , final steps to WTO , large increase on gold reserve, these re-printed bank notes, about 15 foreign banks coming into Iraq , IMF saying their economy is stable enough and the ISX is getting ready to go international . Once tradeable then only a matter of time whether you believe it will float or not and we can all finally get off this roller coaster...
  16. Well it's good this is finally getting out but I'm afraid it isn't Obama we have to worry about , it's the people that voted him in is where our problem lies...
  17. ohh I like this part "....within Iraq and that commitment is performed exclusively in Iraqi dinar" add this to them starting OMO (Open market operations , meaning soon they will have to have a floating currency) in addition to them wanting to be linked to the London Stock exchange "promptly " and you have some pretty interesting times coming in the next few months IMO.
  18. yah they've made that so called "typo" of 160 billion dinar in several articles in the past as well , i'm beginning to think it might not be a typo
  19. future project of Iraq document by state dept. , it shows iraqs intention to return the rate back to what it was before the war , MOP feasibility report showing it's feasible for them to support a rate of .86 and the Paris Club agreement proving the US and several other countries opted for a "currency swap" to allow Iraq to repay their debt .
  20. mr.john , yap you and me both . I only read the first 3 and my blood pressure started climbing so I quit there .....
  21. dinar believer , yah I agree , Tlar , makes the most sense so far and he backs up what he says with articles .
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