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How we can make this RV come quicker!!

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Go with me on this:

A few months ago there was a lot of news media coverage on the Obama Birth Certificate Issue. It seemed to be gaining more and more momentum, and experts started to come out and claim that the birth certificate that was released by the White House was a fraud. Does anyone remember what happened next (when the issue was at it's peak)??

We killed Osama Bin Laden!!

Now here we are, a few months later. The thrill of killing the world's most notorious terrorist has fizzled and Obama's job approval is once again slipping to it's worst lows ever. Couple that with the fact that he has had 2 1/2 years into his presidency and he still hasn't even mentioned a legitimate plan to create jobs? Anyway, what I'm getting at is if we all start calling our congressmen to raise the issue of Obama's Birth Certificate again, since it really was never concluded conclusively, and to even go a step further. In conservative states, if we could get our Governors or state legislatures to pass laws requiring documented proof of citizenship for a person's name to be allowed on a presidential ballot, we will get our RV!!!

Why, you ask? Well, Obama needs something of "good news" to distract America so they are not calling for his head. He has NO cards left to play to create wealth (that Wall Street doesn't see through - like QE1, QE2, just printing money, etc.) and so he needs this RV to bring money in, to pay down half the debt, and restore our AAA S&P rating.

If you've seen the movie "Wag the Dog", about a president that is involved in a scandal that creates a war in order to distract attention from himself (ahem...Bill Clinton), this is exactly what Obama needs, and it could play out very nicely for the revalue to actually happen. Yes, we can create the urgency and get results. Obama needs a Wag the Dog moment, or will need one if we do this.

If you are new to the concept that he might not have been born in Hawaii, go to Youtube, there is plenty of info and expert opinion against it's validity.

If you are an Obama apologist, I expect you'll give me a -1. I don't care. If you are still holding onto Obama, you either are more delusional than he is, or you are being fed too much main stream media crap.

Call your congressperson, raise the issue, get results the American way...demand action!!!

And Yes I know that Obama allegedly has not influence on when the RV will happen, but if he is just a puppet, and being told what to do, then likely the CBI and Maliki and Shabibi are also being influenced by the same people and they'll need this distraction as bad as Obama does.

It's worth a try.

If nothing else, we may get our country back on track...

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I'd much rather NEVER see an RV than see Obama get re-elected.

The positives for the U.S. far outweigh that nightmare of that possible event!

'nuff said!

...and more importantly, stay safe all those on the east coast in the path of that hurricane, my prayers are with you!

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I'd much rather NEVER see an RV than see Obama get re-elected.

The positives for the U.S. far outweigh that nightmare of that possible event!

'nuff said!

...and more importantly, stay safe all those on the east coast in the path of that hurricane, my prayers are with you!

I agree 100 percent. I am not willing to sell out this country by giving nObama another term just to make a few bucks. R/V just isn't worth it in those terms.

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Move on. Get a life! Republican garbage campaign is over. :P

Oh yea the democraps have done soooooo well. In just 2. 1/2 years they have managed to build up more debt and spend more money than all the previous presidents INCLUDING bush COMBINED. So its people like you that are to blame so why don't stop your garbage and accept responsibility for YOUR vote

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Go with me on this:

A few months ago there was a lot of news media coverage on the Obama Birth Certificate Issue. It seemed to be gaining more and more momentum, and experts started to come out and claim that the birth certificate that was released by the White House was a fraud. Does anyone remember what happened next (when the issue was at it's peak)??

We killed Osama Bin Laden!!

Now here we are, a few months later. The thrill of killing the world's most notorious terrorist has fizzled and Obama's job approval is once again slipping to it's worst lows ever. Couple that with the fact that he has had 2 1/2 years into his presidency and he still hasn't even mentioned a legitimate plan to create jobs? Anyway, what I'm getting at is if we all start calling our congressmen to raise the issue of Obama's Birth Certificate again, since it really was never concluded conclusively, and to even go a step further. In conservative states, if we could get our Governors or state legislatures to pass laws requiring documented proof of citizenship for a person's name to be allowed on a presidential ballot, we will get our RV!!!

Why, you ask? Well, Obama needs something of "good news" to distract America so they are not calling for his head. He has NO cards left to play to create wealth (that Wall Street doesn't see through - like QE1, QE2, just printing money, etc.) and so he needs this RV to bring money in, to pay down half the debt, and restore our AAA S&P rating.

If you've seen the movie "Wag the Dog", about a president that is involved in a scandal that creates a war in order to distract attention from himself (ahem...Bill Clinton), this is exactly what Obama needs, and it could play out very nicely for the revalue to actually happen. Yes, we can create the urgency and get results. Obama needs a Wag the Dog moment, or will need one if we do this.

If you are new to the concept that he might not have been born in Hawaii, go to Youtube, there is plenty of info and expert opinion against it's validity.

If you are an Obama apologist, I expect you'll give me a -1. I don't care. If you are still holding onto Obama, you either are more delusional than he is, or you are being fed too much main stream media crap.

Call your congressperson, raise the issue, get results the American way...demand action!!!

And Yes I know that Obama allegedly has not influence on when the RV will happen, but if he is just a puppet, and being told what to do, then likely the CBI and Maliki and Shabibi are also being influenced by the same people and they'll need this distraction as bad as Obama does.

It's worth a try.

If nothing else, we may get our country back on track...

Here's something worth a try...... How about some cooperation from the Republican GOP. Who has the majority of jobs to offer? Republicans do! Why aren't the Republicans offering jobs? Because they would rather take the millions of stimulus money that was earmarked to create jobs and put that money in their pockets. Then blame the President for a failed policy.

Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines.

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Here's something worth a try...... How about some cooperation from the Republican GOP. Who has the majority of jobs to offer? Republicans do! Why aren't the Republicans offering jobs? Because they would rather take the millions of stimulus money that was earmarked to create jobs and put that money in their pockets. Then blame the President for a failed policy.

Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines.

Who cares if he is Black! He is an idiot!

Why do the Republicans have more jobs to offer? Maybe because we dont give everything away? I havent seen any stimulus money...... maybe my million is waiting on me.

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Who cares if he is Black! He is an idiot!

Why do the Republicans have more jobs to offer? Maybe because we dont give everything away? I havent seen any stimulus money...... maybe my million is waiting on me.

Then you agree that the Republicans have the jobs, and you just proved my point. My State Government was given millions to create jobs, and they created none. There were found empty warehouses by the media. Maybe that's where your million went.

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Here's something worth a try...... How about some cooperation from the Republican GOP. Who has the majority of jobs to offer? Republicans do! Why aren't the Republicans offering jobs? Because they would rather take the millions of stimulus money that was earmarked to create jobs and put that money in their pockets. Then blame the President for a failed policy.

Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines.

Oh here we go I knew you liberals were going to play the race card eventually.

Please let me school you about the reason jobs are non existant. To say the stimulus went into the pockets of rebublicas is just idiotic. The democrats had control of both the house and the senate and presidency. They controlled where the money went. Everything democrats have done has hurt jobs. They said if pass the stimulus the unemployment rate would not go above 8 percent. Yea how has that worked out for you. Its been close to 10 percent since Obama has been in office. Jobs suck also because of obamacare. This is the worst job killing legislation ever devised. All it has done is put a strain on small business and caused lager ones to either layoff workers or scap plans to hire.

The skyrocketing energy costs are also a job killer. Look no further than obamas worthless energy policy. Let's not drill anywhere, let's creat taxing regulations on coal plants. Let's not explore nucular energy. Do I need to go on. These policy is causing everything to go up in price. This is also directly effecting busineses abilty to hire.

Really the only jobs that are being produced are in the public sector (government jobs). These do nothing but further throw us into debt. The pensions are no longer sustainable. Unions in general are causing jobs to leave for other countrys.

Bottom line is know what you are talking about so not to sound uninformed. Your facts are sorrly lacking. But then again libs never let facts get in the way of their beliefs. Im tired of typing if I you need more examples I can go on and on. I have somewhat of a working knowledge of Dinar, but Politics on the other hand is definatly my forte

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Here's something worth a try...... How about some cooperation from the Republican GOP. Who has the majority of jobs to offer? Republicans do! Why aren't the Republicans offering jobs? Because they would rather take the millions of stimulus money that was earmarked to create jobs and put that money in their pockets. Then blame the President for a failed policy.

Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines.

Racecard alert

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The best way for it to RV is if I dont have any. I am the hold up ! The only breaks Ive ever got is the ones I made myself by working very hard. I have one million dinar so if you want to increase your chance of this RV happening take my dinar off my hands for a little less than I paid for it. $1,055 will get it. That the lowest price I have found to buy it and its a bank. Bought most of mine for more.

Get me out of this deal and your chances go up!

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Here's something worth a try...... How about some cooperation from the Republican GOP. Who has the majority of jobs to offer? Republicans do! Why aren't the Republicans offering jobs? Because they would rather take the millions of stimulus money that was earmarked to create jobs and put that money in their pockets. Then blame the President for a failed policy.

Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines.

And if all else fails, play the race card. Wake up Obama is not BLACK, he is a fake. And most of all not even a "Natural Born Citizen" which is one of the requirements of being THE President. Naw, all you democratys fell for the jive card. Plus some of the wealthiest people in America are your own Democrats. You guys just fall for the BS.

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Here's something worth a try...... How about some cooperation from the Republican GOP. Who has the majority of jobs to offer? Republicans do! Why aren't the Republicans offering jobs? Because they would rather take the millions of stimulus money that was earmarked to create jobs and put that money in their pockets. Then blame the President for a failed policy.

Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines.

I am so sick of folks pulling the race card. Obama has not been a stand up president. He has bowed to Saudi Royalty and he is "supposed" to be the most powerful man in the world. But he has not stepped up to the plate to do his job. He is a great speaker but no action. Really. Can we just not make excuses for him. He inherited it. Whatever. Man up and do yo job Barry. You probably didn't even know his name was Barry.

Edited by uncirculd
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uncirculd your right.

Barry Soetoro is his real name. And there is no record of him legally changing his name to Obama. He was adopted by Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia. Went to school in Indonesia until the 5th grade. Back then, you had to be a citizen of Indonesia ONLY to go to school there. How did he go to school if he was an American? There are so many skeletons in this mans closet, but everyone looks the other way. We wont even mention the wrong SS #.

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I wish I had your answer to how to get this thing to Rv sooner.. Here is a thought maybe we could stop buying the dinar and maybe Iraq will Rv because they aren't selling it anymore..I don't know the answer but I wish It would Rv soon...

Oh ya Mods please close this thread it's getting a little racey

Go Rv

God Bless America

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"Republicans dont want to see a Black President do well in the White House. That is Paramount. End of story..... and you can read between the lines."

There are no lines to read between. It is what it is. Obama is not an American, and he is a lousy president. I can't wait to get him out of there!! I never dreamed American voters would do this again, but Obama is so bad that he is being compared unfavorably to Carter, for Pete's sake!! I would have loved to see him do well in the White House. Most of us felt that way. We believed it was time for a Black man president, but as Obama has shown us--just not this one.

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uncirculd your right.

Barry Soetoro is his real name. And there is no record of him legally changing his name to Obama. He was adopted by Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia. Went to school in Indonesia until the 5th grade. Back then, you had to be a citizen of Indonesia ONLY to go to school there. How did he go to school if he was an American? There are so many skeletons in this mans closet, but everyone looks the other way. We wont even mention the wrong SS #.

He sits in the highest office in the world. Is he untouchable ? Maybe he blocks all attempts to reveal anything. We know he has done quite a lot of legal manuvering here in the us to keep his history sealed. Be if you went to Indonesia you could literaly lose your head asking the wrong questions. I have heard it said that the school he went to in Indonesia he could not attend if he wasnt muslum. Then again it could be like John Kerry. He is keeping his records sealed because his scores in school were low.

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