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US holding dinar for profit??


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You "anti-guru's" are as bad as the real guru's. :lol:

Those of us that choose to believe this investment will bring a great return... (I mean 10 cents, not $4), really tire of listening to your incessant dribble. You never have anything positive to say and just tear down people's hope! :(

Your scenario brings about as much return to long term dinar investors as that of a bank savings account at 2% interest. Pretty bogus. Why do you stay? You guys never answer that question. Why do you stay? :blink:

You remind me of atheists that try to make believers feel stupid... you know the type, they verbally disdain God whenever possible and put those stupid Darwin lizards on the back of their cars to mock the Christian fish! :angry:

You "anti-guru's" attack others just as regularly as you are attacked, and then go on, and on, and on about how great each-others posts are. Pretty pathetic stuff to read! That's why your rep numbers are so high! :lol:

LOL....yea he has never been much for anyone trying to bring a little bit of reality to the table.....poor guy.....

You are truly too kind...

How about defining a Guru as a liar with a bank account accepting commission checks.

Sooner, or later, they may have to accept Dinar for promising a RV every week.

That would really suck loudly...

i guess this persons fragile little feelings were hurt when he finds out everything okie told him is not true. btw, i cut and pasted this from jurypickers profile page:

JuryPicker Icon

08 Jun 2011 - 05:33

This Site Sucks. Pure trash on here now

Read more:

thanks for the info keep.

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You "anti-guru's" are as bad as the real guru's. :lol:

Those of us that choose to believe this investment will bring a great return... (I mean 10 cents, not $4), really tire of listening to your incessant dribble. You never have anything positive to say and just tear down people's hope! :(

Your scenario brings about as much return to long term dinar investors as that of a bank savings account at 2% interest. Pretty bogus. Why do you stay? You guys never answer that question. Why do you stay? :blink:

You remind me of atheists that try to make believers feel stupid... you know the type, they verbally disdain God whenever possible and put those stupid Darwin lizards on the back of their cars to mock the Christian fish! :angry:

You "anti-guru's" attack others just as regularly as you are attacked, and then go on, and on, and on about how great each-others posts are. Pretty pathetic stuff to read! That's why your rep numbers are so high! :lol:

Exactly! These guys must have really bought into Okies garbage at one time cause it is obvious they have an ax to grind with all of the gurus! They all say those who disagree with the lopsters are just whining, upset sheeple! LMAO they dont get the problem is they constantlt whine and pat eachother on the back over and over and over again!

Yet they ALL spend a ridiculous amount of time on this site trying to make sure that no one else falls as hard as they did at first! Lol pathetic actually!

All in all the lopsters seem pretty intelligent but lack wisdom. This investment is not for everyone and clearly not for them! BUT hey I guess a auto mechanic can work a keyboard just as good as anyone else! Im just curious to know when that mechanic is going to start his own blog since hes so smart! Im sure everyone would love to listen to a giy say the same thing over and over and over again! LMAO

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You "anti-guru's" are as bad as the real guru's. :lol:

Those of us that choose to believe this investment will bring a great return... (I mean 10 cents, not $4), really tire of listening to your incessant dribble. You never have anything positive to say and just tear down people's hope! :(

Your scenario brings about as much return to long term dinar investors as that of a bank savings account at 2% interest. Pretty bogus. Why do you stay? You guys never answer that question. Why do you stay? :blink:

You remind me of atheists that try to make believers feel stupid... you know the type, they verbally disdain God whenever possible and put those stupid Darwin lizards on the back of their cars to mock the Christian fish! :angry:

You "anti-guru's" attack others just as regularly as you are attacked, and then go on, and on, and on about how great each-others posts are. Pretty pathetic stuff to read! That's why your rep numbers are so high! :lol:

Wwhen are you gonna put your big boy pants on and stop crying whenever someone brings factual information to these boards?? I've never seen you post ANY information for discussion....all you do is complain when people bring up topics that don't mean ur gonna be a millionare overnight.....

Instead of crying, why don't you bring something to the table that will disprove what I presented?? Make yourself useful....

If you want lies, I'm sure PTR will take you will just have to pay for their super secret intel.....

All I'm doing is exposing some lies that have been put out there for everyone to base the validity of this investment on...sooooo sorry for searching for the truth! LOL I guess its true that some people just can't handle the truth!

And FYI....I'm here the same reason everyone else make money.....doesn't take a genius to figure that one out....

when is coming out I can only imagine th following you would have LOL.

LOL it probly wouldn't be too popular since I can't seem to tell everyone what they want to hear!

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Do you really think all things about the US govt. or federal reserve is open to the public? No way. You should know that they do all sorts of things that they never publicize and in fact go to great lengths to hide. This would be one of them.

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You "anti-guru's" are as bad as the real guru's. :lol:

Those of us that choose to believe this investment will bring a great return... (I mean 10 cents, not $4), really tire of listening to your incessant dribble. You never have anything positive to say and just tear down people's hope! :(

Your scenario brings about as much return to long term dinar investors as that of a bank savings account at 2% interest. Pretty bogus. Why do you stay? You guys never answer that question. Why do you stay? :blink:

You remind me of atheists that try to make believers feel stupid... you know the type, they verbally disdain God whenever possible and put those stupid Darwin lizards on the back of their cars to mock the Christian fish! :angry:

You "anti-guru's" attack others just as regularly as you are attacked, and then go on, and on, and on about how great each-others posts are. Pretty pathetic stuff to read! That's why your rep numbers are so high! :lol:

Dude, You're the reason I stay.....

You are so fun to drive around.

You always crank on the very first pull.

Why would I ever think of leaving??

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Do you really think all things about the US govt. or federal reserve is open to the public? No way. You should know that they do all sorts of things that they never publicize and in fact go to great lengths to hide. This would be one of them.

Your right the govt doesn't make everything public, and that's not the point I'm making......what I am getting at is there is no proof whatsoever that the govt holds dinar....there is only evidence against that let's say that this is a huge secret ok? Do you really think that our beloved gurus would be pprivy to that information? LOL. I mean let's get real here....NO ONE would know about that but yet these people are coming up with exact numbers almost of how much our govt holds LOL....its a joke....but they like to base the validity of this investment off that statement!

Not to mention if the US is hiding all this dinar from prying eyes and then all of a sudden they pop out of no where and announce to the world that we have 4 trillion or so dinar that we have at a RVd rate and now we can pay off our debt and other things, how do you think that will look in the international community especially since we went in and invaded iraq for wmds but yet still no evidence was ever found would be a total outrage in the international community and someones head will roll for it....

Bottom line is that it seems very very unlikely that the US is holding trillions of dinar to cash in once it possibly RVs......or to buy oil with or whatever else has been used in those lines.....

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Could the federal Reserve hold Dinar...Just asking

The Fedral reserve can do what ever they want and not tell anybody anything. That's basically what Burnanke has to say about it.

The FED sure is against being audited. I for get the number but the Fed has been around for like 94 years, and never once been audited.

Who knows what kind of skeletons they have in their closet!

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Keep, just how heavily invested are you?

Its not like I have 20 million LOL......just more then a few....only spent what I could do without.....

Why do you ask?

The Fedral reserve can do what ever they want and not tell anybody anything. That's basically what Burnanke has to say about it.

The FED sure is against being audited. I for get the number but the Fed has been around for like 94 years, and never once been audited.

Who knows what kind of skeletons they have in their closet!

Even if the federal reserve held dinar, they are their own entity....our govt doesn't run the fed reserve so IF they did hold it, it surely wouldn't go to benefit our country so its really a moot point if they do

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You "anti-guru's" are as bad as the real guru's. :lol:

Those of us that choose to believe this investment will bring a great return... (I mean 10 cents, not $4), really tire of listening to your incessant dribble. You never have anything positive to say and just tear down people's hope! :(

Your scenario brings about as much return to long term dinar investors as that of a bank savings account at 2% interest. Pretty bogus. Why do you stay? You guys never answer that question. Why do you stay? :blink:

You remind me of atheists that try to make believers feel stupid... you know the type, they verbally disdain God whenever possible and put those stupid Darwin lizards on the back of their cars to mock the Christian fish! :angry:

You "anti-guru's" attack others just as regularly as you are attacked, and then go on, and on, and on about how great each-others posts are. Pretty pathetic stuff to read! That's why your rep numbers are so high! :lol:

I believe most have answered your question. I know I have several times. This is an investiment forum were we talk about what is in store for the finar. Its not ment to be a happy fantasy land forum where everything is made up of gumballs and lemon drops. Talking about tearing peoples sreams down....really seriously. That's what thjs site is really about. Burying our heads in the sand constantly pretending that all the factual articals coming from the CBI talking about the R/D not R/V is just smoke and mirrors. That they don't really mean what they say because it interfers with your dreams of owning a Ferrari, Lamborgini, and yacht. You want to know what's not health, your way of thinking is not healthy. Following the continous notion that it is gonna R/V is what is causing so many people to feel desparate and hopeless. They can no longer look for solutions that do not involve the dinar to bail them out.

Why do I stay here? Same anyone else to follow this investiment. Is going to take awhile? Sure. Are we going gto get rich? No. Are we gonna make a good return. Yes. If you are tired to listening to tne truth maybe Adam Montana should have an R/V chat section like he has a LOP section because the facts point more toward a LOP than an R/V.

And lastly might I aslo address a question I know will be asked next of me cause it usually is.......why am I invested then or why don't I sell and get out. First let me say that I got into this investiment without doing the research I should have. Now im stuck. I cant sell it because the would end up taking about another 15 percent more on top of the 30 percent I already paid to the Dinar Trade. Now I'm stuck. I just got to waite this out long term. Get the LOP, R/D or whatever you want to call it and hope it goes up in value later.

Sorry a little long winded. Off my soap box. Keep up the good work Keep.

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I believe most have answered your question. I know I have several times. This is an investiment forum were we talk about what is in store for the finar. Its not ment to be a happy fantasy land forum where everything is made up of gumballs and lemon drops. Talking about tearing peoples sreams down....really seriously. That's what thjs site is really about. Burying our heads in the sand constantly pretending that all the factual articals coming from the CBI talking about the R/D not R/V is just smoke and mirrors. That they don't really mean what they say because it interfers with your dreams of owning a Ferrari, Lamborgini, and yacht. You want to know what's not health, your way of thinking is not healthy. Following the continous notion that it is gonna R/V is what is causing so many people to feel desparate and hopeless. They can no longer look for solutions that do not involve the dinar to bail them out.

Why do I stay here? Same anyone else to follow this investiment. Is going to take awhile? Sure. Are we going gto get rich? No. Are we gonna make a good return. Yes. If you are tired to listening to tne truth maybe Adam Montana should have an R/V chat section like he has a LOP section because the facts point more toward a LOP than an R/V.

And lastly might I aslo address a question I know will be asked next of me cause it usually is.......why am I invested then or why don't I sell and get out. First let me say that I got into this investiment without doing the research I should have. Now im stuck. I cant sell it because the would end up taking about another 15 percent more on top of the 30 percent I already paid to the Dinar Trade. Now I'm stuck. I just got to waite this out long term. Get the LOP, R/D or whatever you want to call it and hope it goes up in value later.

Sorry a little long winded. Off my soap box. Keep up the good work Keep.

Don't be sorry! LOL.....sometimes you gotta let it out! Hahaha

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I just get tired of the constant bulling by the R/V only people. When you try to have a rational conversation with facts it makes me feel I am having a conversation with a democrat or my 6 year old. These R/Vers are so afraid of facts is kinda funny.

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You "anti-guru's" are as bad as the real guru's. :lol:

Those of us that choose to believe this investment will bring a great return... (I mean 10 cents, not $4), really tire of listening to your incessant dribble. You never have anything positive to say and just tear down people's hope! :(

Your scenario brings about as much return to long term dinar investors as that of a bank savings account at 2% interest. Pretty bogus. Why do you stay? You guys never answer that question. Why do you stay? :blink:

You remind me of atheists that try to make believers feel stupid... you know the type, they verbally disdain God whenever possible and put those stupid Darwin lizards on the back of their cars to mock the Christian fish! :angry:

You "anti-guru's" attack others just as regularly as you are attacked, and then go on, and on, and on about how great each-others posts are. Pretty pathetic stuff to read! That's why your rep numbers are so high! :lol:

Exactly! The guys seem pretty intelligent BUT there obviously not....all they wanna do sit around waisting their time trying to figure out a math equation with a very limited amount of info! The real answers and info will NEVER be exposed much less before anything happens.

This investment is definitely not for everyone and the lopsters are clearly in the wrong investment. The whole lop argument is boring at this point. Id be willing to bet not one of them holds a position of any significant impotance in this world much less an economist or currency expert or they surely wouldnt spend as much time on here barking all day about a lop! I mean who actually takes thes guys serious. I did at first but they all quickly showed their true colors. Their whole agenda and argument is just like Okie! Lol constantly saying the same stuff over and over and over again.

Its all sooooo boring at this point. The info thats necessary to know exactly whats going on is not available. Period the end.

Why is this in rumors? This should be in opions but hey I gues if keep/the mechanic/currency expert says it....its gotta be true! LOL

Keep.....when are you gona start your own blog??? I think it would be great! That way whenever I get bored I can tune in and listen to you say the same thing over and every day! Lol anyway keep rockon little man! Keep smokin on that pipe and type away!!!

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Exactly! The guys seem pretty intelligent BUT there obviously not....all they wanna do sit around waisting their time trying to figure out a math equation with a very limited amount of info! The real answers and info will NEVER be exposed much less before anything happens.

This investment is definitely not for everyone and the lopsters are clearly in the wrong investment. The whole lop argument is boring at this point. Id be willing to bet not one of them holds a position of any significant impotance in this world much less an economist or currency expert or they surely wouldnt spend as much time on here barking all day about a lop! I mean who actually takes thes guys serious. I did at first but they all quickly showed their true colors. Their whole agenda and argument is just like Okie! Lol constantly saying the same stuff over and over and over again.

Its all sooooo boring at this point. The info thats necessary to know exactly whats going on is not available. Period the end.

Why is this in rumors? This should be in opions but hey I gues if keep/the mechanic/currency expert says it....its gotta be true! LOL

Keep.....when are you gona start your own blog??? I think it would be great! That way whenever I get bored I can tune in and listen to you say the same thing over and every day! Lol anyway keep rockon little man! Keep smokin on that pipe and type away!!!

More crying and still nothing of importance to say.....not even the slightest bit of validity still......tsk tsk tsk!! I thought you woulda learned by now you gotta come stronger then thatif you wanna to me.....

Just because I'm a BMW tech doesn't mean I can't learn about economics, global currency, laws , regulations. You name it....its all out there on the internet if you know how to read and comprehend don't need a masters to figure some of this stuff out.....

Seems the only thing you keep coming back at is that no one must have a job of importance in this world....hahahahaha I guess that's all you can do in your position since you have nothing of intellectual validity to bring to the table to discuss....

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JWJW, Iforgot to ask and I feel terrible for notbringin it up but would you like to dicuss the current topic? Do you have anyh info that would differ from what I have presented?

Or do you just wanna talk about lopsters which NO ONE HERE is talking about? Lol.......try to stay on topic if its not too difficult.....

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More crying and still nothing of importance to say.....not even the slightest bit of validity still......tsk tsk tsk!! I thought you woulda learned by now you gotta come stronger then thatif you wanna to me.....

Just because I'm a BMW tech doesn't mean I can't learn about economics, global currency, laws , regulations. You name it....its all out there on the internet if you know how to read and comprehend don't need a masters to figure some of this stuff out.....

Seems the only thing you keep coming back at is that no one must have a job of importance in this world....hahahahaha I guess that's all you can do in your position since you have nothing of intellectual validity to bring to the table to discuss....

Lol....dude you lost me once you told me you are a mechanic. You can throw BMW in there all you want still a mechanic at the end of the day! I dont trust mechanics to fix my car muchless debate with one.

No ones whining except you and all lopster buddys little man! You are a young punk mechanic and you actually want to be taken seriously! Lol

The one thing you lack keep is wisdom....but dont worry that comes with age. As far as me being able to 6 yr old can need to learn things arent always what they appear and alot happens outside those mechanic bay doors in the real world. Thats just something you will have to learn on your own. You will never find what your looking for in the manner your going about it. Sometimes in life you just gotta be patient .

Im sorry Okie burned you so bad and made you believe all of his ridiculous lies! Lol but little man Im gonna tell you you should learn to let go......this investment is way over your head little man! As I stated above you lost me when you told me your a mechanic! LMAO!

Im gonna sit here and debate with a mechanic!!! LMAO! Nahh i got better things to do....I cant even take you serious anymore!

Lol....dude you lost me once you told me you are a mechanic. You can throw BMW in there all you want still a mechanic at the end of the day! I dont trust mechanics to fix my car muchless debate with one.

No ones whining except you and all lopster buddys little man! You are a young punk mechanic and you actually want to be taken seriously! Lol

The one thing you lack keep is wisdom....but dont worry that comes with age. As far as me being able to 6 yr old can need to learn things arent always what they appear and alot happens outside those mechanic bay doors in the real world. Thats just something you will have to learn on your own. You will never find what your looking for in the manner your going about it. Sometimes in life you just gotta be patient .

Im sorry Okie burned you so bad and made you believe all of his ridiculous lies! Lol but little man Im gonna tell you you should learn to let go......this investment is way over your head little man! As I stated above you lost me when you told me your a mechanic! LMAO!

Im gonna sit here and debate with a mechanic!!! LMAO! Nahh i got better things to do....I cant even take you serious anymore!

And btw....there are people in the world who do have jobs of importance.....your just one of them!

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Lol....dude you lost me once you told me you are a mechanic. You can throw BMW in there all you want still a mechanic at the end of the day! I dont trust mechanics to fix my car muchless debate with one.

No ones whining except you and all lopster buddys little man! You are a young punk mechanic and you actually want to be taken seriously! Lol

The one thing you lack keep is wisdom....but dont worry that comes with age. As far as me being able to 6 yr old can need to learn things arent always what they appear and alot happens outside those mechanic bay doors in the real world. Thats just something you will have to learn on your own. You will never find what your looking for in the manner your going about it. Sometimes in life you just gotta be patient .

Im sorry Okie burned you so bad and made you believe all of his ridiculous lies! Lol but little man Im gonna tell you you should learn to let go......this investment is way over your head little man! As I stated above you lost me when you told me your a mechanic! LMAO!

Im gonna sit here and debate with a mechanic!!! LMAO! Nahh i got better things to do....I cant even take you serious anymore!

And btw....there are people in the world who do have jobs of importance.....your just one of them!

Are you maybe just a little worried that this mechanic could put you in your place mentally? Does it scare you that this mechanic has a better grap on a lot of this information then you apparently do?? Or is it the fact that this mechanic is bringing undisputable information like presented in this post and as much as you wish I wasent right, you know I am so it hurts you inside and makes yhou wanna scream?

If you have something to prove then bring it to the table and ill be more then happy to debate it with you.....otherwise take a seat.....cause it seems from the baseless personal attacks you have nothing of importance to say and we have already reached your mental capacity/limits.....

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Are you maybe just a little worried that this mechanic could put you in your place mentally? Does it scare you that this mechanic has a better grap on a lot of this information then you apparently do?? Or is it the fact that this mechanic is bringing undisputable information like presented in this post and as much as you wish I wasent right, you know I am so it hurts you inside and makes yhou wanna scream?

If you have something to prove then bring it to the table and ill be more then happy to debate it with you.....otherwise take a seat.....cause it seems from the baseless personal attacks you have nothing of importance to say and we have already reached your mental capacity/limits.....

Spoken like a true greasy monkey. Keep learning baby boy! I know your to young to get and really not as smart as you think you are but you will one day get it until then you keep searchin for the answers. Your doing great. Pertaining to me be educated by a 25 yr old mechanic nahh thats not gona happen you got say more than they same thing over and over to get to me little man!

Hey PS if you want people to take you more serious as your the one who just cant stay away from all the "amazing" research you do....change that ridiculous profile pic you got! You look like Opey Taylor! Lol

Please tell us all how you come upon all of this great info you you have paticular websites u go to or do u use google? Wikipedia? LMAO! Dude get a life whatevers gonna happen is gonna happen! Me you or anyone doesnt know! Do I think it will LOP probably not BUT theres always a chance. Im not sure I actually see that happening with everything thats involved in this but since the "BMW Tech" says It....its gotta be true! Lol

No worries little will come to you you just open up your eyes just a little!

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Spoken like a true greasy monkey. Keep learning baby boy! I know your to young to get and really not as smart as you think you are but you will one day get it until then you keep searchin for the answers. Your doing great. Pertaining to me be educated by a 25 yr old mechanic nahh thats not gona happen you got say more than they same thing over and over to get to me little man!

Hey PS if you want people to take you more serious as your the one who just cant stay away from all the "amazing" research you do....change that ridiculous profile pic you got! You look like Opey Taylor! Lol

Please tell us all how you come upon all of this great info you you have paticular websites u go to or do u use google? Wikipedia? LMAO! Dude get a life whatevers gonna happen is gonna happen! Me you or anyone doesnt know! Do I think it will LOP probably not BUT theres always a chance. Im not sure I actually see that happening with everything thats involved in this but since the "BMW Tech" says It....its gotta be true! Lol

No worries little will come to you you just open up your eyes just a little! you can't dispute anything I'm saying?? Do you know how to express your opinion on this topic or is that too much for you to handle? Do you have anything important to say? Your proving your true depth of knowledge with every comment that has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about in this thread or about dinar period......

Cause all I'm hearing is whining....more then likely to make yourself feel better which if that's what you need in your life to get by then you really are missing out.....if you wanna learn something then stick around.....otherwise your wasting space cause others including myself are trying to learn as much as possible about what's going on while you just want to blindly criticize....

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Keep... Thanks for the links! Good info. ... However, I'm not totally convinced of our record keeping either. I mean, I have never seen the money. But I have never seen all the gold in fort Knox that we are supposed to posses. Till we figure this thing out keep up the great work!

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More crying and still nothing of importance to say.....not even the slightest bit of validity still......tsk tsk tsk!! I thought you woulda learned by now you gotta come stronger then thatif you wanna to me.....

Just because I'm a BMW tech doesn't mean I can't learn about economics, global currency, laws , regulations. You name it....its all out there on the internet if you know how to read and comprehend don't need a masters to figure some of this stuff out.....

Seems the only thing you keep coming back at is that no one must have a job of importance in this world....hahahahaha I guess that's all you can do in your position since you have nothing of intellectual validity to bring to the table to discuss....

Hey keep, just bought my daughter an x3 and we watched a video of it being produced in either NC or SC?

Is that where you work? I have driven beemers for years. Great cars!

By the way, i always love reading your posts.

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Lol....dude you lost me once you told me you are a mechanic. You can throw BMW in there all you want still a mechanic at the end of the day! I dont trust mechanics to fix my car muchless debate with one.

No ones whining except you and all lopster buddys little man! You are a young punk mechanic and you actually want to be taken seriously! Lol

The one thing you lack keep is wisdom....but dont worry that comes with age. As far as me being able to 6 yr old can need to learn things arent always what they appear and alot happens outside those mechanic bay doors in the real world. Thats just something you will have to learn on your own. You will never find what your looking for in the manner your going about it. Sometimes in life you just gotta be patient .

Im sorry Okie burned you so bad and made you believe all of his ridiculous lies! Lol but little man Im gonna tell you you should learn to let go......this investment is way over your head little man! As I stated above you lost me when you told me your a mechanic! LMAO!

Im gonna sit here and debate with a mechanic!!! LMAO! Nahh i got better things to do....I cant even take you serious anymore!

And btw....there are people in the world who do have jobs of importance.....your just one of them!

So, where exactly is your "wisdom" then????????? I have only seen you spew your temper tantrums. I cant wait to see your great wisdom...................MMMMMMMKAY!!!!

Edited by 4given2
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Hey keep, just bought my daughter an x3 and we watched a video of it being produced in either NC or SC?

Is that where you work? I have driven beemers for years. Great cars!

By the way, i always love reading your posts.

Thanks....yea the X3 is made in spartanburg sc.....I'm up in NC now actually at a dealership, would be sweet to work at the plant in SC though.....gravy train for sure!!! you got the brand new body style X3?

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