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So, anyway, make the most of your current circumstances, regardless of RV wealth. Choose the Love based response every time to every moment, and you will get to feel better about yourself, and the life you have created for yourself, and those around you will reap the benefits as well.

Love, Light, and Blessings to us all,

Come on Home RV333!!!


Revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items!


I have reviewed in some detail the requisite criteria for the restructuring and implementation of the Central government investment accounts under the PFM Public Financial management System as mandated by the MOF and coordinated with the IMF & World Bank. The process is somewhat skewed given that the plan methodology is integrated with the Iraq 2011 Budget which as we all know has fluctuated pro forma income and production projections with the contributory oil pricing variable. With these in mind, one should also bear in mind that the Iraq economic policy has experienced delays in their capital budget primarily due to the political uncertainties as noted in the IMF report (noted below).

The key components of production increases, pricing and large investments in the oil infrastructure have reduced the 2011 budget deficit while allowing for an increase in more transparent government finance activities. This trend toward a surplus position in the following years is realistic and will put government finances on a sustainable footing to help rebuild the government’s financials.

I believe that the revaluation we are looking for is more than clearly defined and outlined in the letter of intent to the IMF: “Iraq: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding”

The key areas of interest imo are the following:

1.We have worked with IMF staff to complete the review of exchange laws and regulations and are considering measures to remove the identified exchange restrictions on current international transactions.

2. In this regard, we formed a Bank Reconciliation Unit that comprises technical level staff from the banks, the CBI and the Ministry of Finance, and with the assistance of Ernst and Young (who were the agents of the Ministry of Finance in the external debt restructuring process) to: (i) deal with all legacy external liabilities taking into account the government’s actions in the context of Iraq’s external debt restructuring (ii) indentify and propose to write-off non-performing loans to defunct state-owned enterprises; (iii) propose a course of action for other remaining unreconciled accounts; and (iv) after the balance sheets have been cleaned up, revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items.

( note: Iraq's foreign currency is anything & everything they hold in currencies from OTHER countries, everything OTHER than the IQD itself )

3. The CBI will follow the guidelines to diversify currency composition and establish an appropriate duration and credit risk profile, and build capacity for risk analysis.

I encourage everyone to review this letter and contrast its content to the economic reality of revaluation as not just a pipe dream but a documented FACT as outlined. _criticisms

"guru spew" & sweet tidbits this morning - i like Dusty's post best! (0:

From Star & Deb:

[9:47:12 AM] from GET the end of thier call...

6/15/2011 1:39:17 PM [dustyd14369] got word from fed res source about 20 minutes ago. Said we are a go for 6/16 [6/15/2011

11:39:35 PM] [dustyd14369] this person has never said this to me before

Still on a "Minute to Minute watch:

"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed-nothing is impossible unto you"

PTR's zzzzzzzzz (dan) had a 4 hour long call with a hundred or so of his followers annd friends. This one was recorded if you care to listen. they are waiting just like us.

4 hour call !! 760-569-7699 486551#

Or early morning for us East Coasters.

On Frank26's call last night ..

Blueice: ------guys frank26 on his call tonight said he got an email from a trusted source an American in Iraq that he cashed out in iraq today and they said we would see it in the US tomorrow. He also said 3 banks in Purteo Rico said the rate is on the screen and they are just waiting. The rate they see is $5.25.

jerrickjay] well guys i can say this believe it or not i got a text at 7:45am from a birdie at a bank they are really looking for this thing around 10 est. (oops...not yet but could be any minute!)

[Josey Wales] GM, let today be the day, remember the guy from Dubai on the beach said the 16th

[Josey Wales] someone posted and was on the beach in FL, kids started playing with kids from another family, parents talked, man was from Dubai, an attorney. Conversation went to Dinar, he was shocked they knew about it, he said Shhhhhhhhh, the 16th of June.

BUCKEYE] Should see this by the end of the day

[dennis] Agent 007 BUCKEYE Wizards13 What rates have we been hearin lately?

[bUCKEYE] My bank source called me

[dennis] Buckeye Yes....and?

[bUCKEYE] Early this AM

[bUCKEYE] Hearing the same

[bUCKEYE] Rate

[Agent 007] Dennis depends on who is quoting and what it is pinned to GBP or USD

[Wizards13] BUCKEYE wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we all getting the same info from all our guru's

[dennis] Agent 007 did Okie say it is pinned to the GBP?

[kettle7] BUCKEYE Are they saying today?

[Wizards13] kettle7 they are talking about something else

[Wizards13] we all gonna be rich

[dennis] Anyone have any word on the movement of the Kuwaiti Dinar?


[Agent 007] BUCKEYE London opening see it time you mean?

[bUCKEYE] By end of day

[kettle7] Buckeye ty high5

[kettle7] Buckeye ty

[Wizards13] well I can see a long day ahead but it's well worth the wait

[dustyd14369] got word from fed res source about 20 minutes ago. Said we are a go for 6/16

[dustyd14369] this person has never said this to me before

[jjhall] XXX (BGG)......I've been on the phone for the past 30 min. with a candidate for........but I did receive a call from Kate around 9:30 tonight (this was last nite). It was strange because she called from her husband's cell phone. She said that her boss at the XXXXX main branch called her. She and all local branch managers have officially been put on "24 hour call". When they are contacted they will have an emergency meeting at the main branch office. They are expecting a mass influx of Dinar holders wanting to exchange Dinar. She said she didn't trust her office cell or home phones as numbers can be traced. She was told that this information was not to be shared with anyone - especially banking personel until an official rate has been updated in their system.

Soul Searcher] Hello Everybody I actually have my own personal (Well.. Wifes) Banking Story. My Wife went to do a deposit today in our Chase Bank here in Arizona. The parking lot was jammed full with cars ( it's never busy there especially at 2pm Wed.) and as she approached the door two men standing there suddenly stopped talking. The bank was full of employees in a Big meeting. My Wife was told by the teller that it has been like this all day. This never happens here she said. The teller did not know the reason for the meeting. Found this very interesting.. thought I would share..

Very appropriate as we receive the RV!! At the Beginning

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Bible speaks of many kinds of beginnings.

There is the beginning of kingdoms, the beginning of strength, the beginning of months and the beginning of the year; the beginning of revenge, the beginning of the watch, the beginning of barley harvest and of harvests; the beginning of places to dwell, beginning of reigns, beginning of wisdom, beginning of knowledge, beginning of ways, and beginning of strife; there is the beginning of words, beginning of supplications, and the beginning of the word of the Lord; the beginning of sorrows, beginning of the sin of sons, and the beginning of sins of daughters; the beginning of confidence, beginning of days, beginning of the world and the beginning of the creation of God; the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the beginning of miracles,

Heaven’s assignments begin—despite the unpredictable nature of the beginning of anything and despite human nature. God sets in motion then joins the person He chooses to the action, with both design from His wisdom and a conclusion in mind; therefore, from His perspective, the end result is very predictable: God distinguishes “the end from the beginning” and the time of sacrifice from the time of glory:

Isaiah 46:9-10 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. (NKJV)

Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. (NKJV)

Prayerfully offer your life afresh to the Lord. Speak your agreement with the entire plan he has for you: Lord, I consecrate my life today to begin—with purpose and according to divine vision to receive mercy for mercy, integrity for integrity and purity for purity. I declare today is the beginning of some things and the end of other things . . . a continuum moving from beginning to end, in order to build. Psalm 18:25-26

Your Kingdom come; Your will be done. Hallelujah!

Amen—so be it.

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Easy, tnx for the post BUT all is hotair. I go back to my original perspective: RV, RI, RD, LOP, no-LOP....this is nothing but 'penny stock', not a lottery ticket.

I do hope all will turnout well, but, a small (200-500%) return is likely....nothing is guaranteed. Too many wanting 1,000s of % return is IMO, unlikely ... But not impossible.

Too much false hope based upon too many variables and unknowns keep this investment as speculative...nothing more. Plan for the worst and hope for the beat.

BTW: does Modesto have a bunch of car clubs like they did in the '60s?

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Thanks Easy for the time to put together another good read. A positive post is better than a negative one. hoping and praying for the best but will exept anything more than put into.

Even if its lies?

Exactly why this dinar speculation is so far removed from rational business practice its almost in another atmosphere.

Do you think Donald Trump calls in his senior advisers and says 'Don't tell me where we really are at, just tell me something positive'.

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[jjhall] XXX (BGG)......I've been on the phone for the past 30 min. with a candidate for........but I did receive a call from Kate around 9:30 tonight (this was last nite). It was strange because she called from her husband's cell phone. She said that her boss at the XXXXX main branch called her. She and all local branch managers have officially been put on "24 hour call". When they are contacted they will have an emergency meeting at the main branch office. They are expecting a mass influx of Dinar holders wanting to exchange Dinar. She said she didn't trust her office cell or home phones as numbers can be traced. She was told that this information was not to be shared with anyone - especially banking personel until an official rate has been updated in their system.

[uPDATE] Kate now no longer has a job.

Heh. J/k but seriously, kinda' funny her boss told her not to tell anyone and what's the first thing she did?

Take care.

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[jjhall] XXX (BGG)......I've been on the phone for the past 30 min. with a candidate for........but I did receive a call from Kate around 9:30 tonight (this was last nite). It was strange because she called from her husband's cell phone. She said that her boss at the XXXXX main branch called her. She and all local branch managers have officially been put on "24 hour call". When they are contacted they will have an emergency meeting at the main branch office. They are expecting a mass influx of Dinar holders wanting to exchange Dinar. She said she didn't trust her office cell or home phones as numbers can be traced. She was told that this information was not to be shared with anyone - especially banking personel until an official rate has been updated in their system.

[uPDATE] Kate now no longer has a job.

Heh. J/k but seriously, kinda' funny her boss told her not to tell anyone and what's the first thing she did?

Take care.

poor kate...maybe we can pass the hat for her....bad boss :angry:

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For the life of me, I just can't understand why so many of these guru clowns keep lying and lying about people already cashing in, and $5+ rates. Every night is a new lie about cash-ins in different countries, and in the green zone, and forex screens going "green", and it's all a bunch of crap. When this actually happens, we won't need any super-secret-boots-on-the-ground-red-alert-high-level-intel. This news will be around the globe in a matter of minutes, and noone will know before it happens. And it won't be for $8, or $5, or even $3 to start with. It gets old, to me. I guess some may still find it entertaining. To me, it's just liars trying to sell dinar to people who probably can't afford to buy any more. ;)

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Easy, tnx for the post BUT all is hotair. I go back to my original perspective: RV, RI, RD, LOP, no-LOP....this is nothing but 'penny stock', not a lottery ticket.

I do hope all will turnout well, but, a small (200-500%) return is likely....nothing is guaranteed. Too many wanting 1,000s of % return is IMO, unlikely ... But not impossible.

Too much false hope based upon too many variables and unknowns keep this investment as speculative...nothing more. Plan for the worst and hope for the beat.

BTW: does Modesto have a bunch of car clubs like they did in the '60s?

I have been on this site for a while, but could not resist to post for clarification of your figures. While I agree with you that this is a speculative investment like a penny stock.

I would like to know how you are coming up with a 200-500 percent return. Unless you are believing in some sort of lop scenario or total new currency, I can't see any way it would not be much higher than that.

If it rv's for just 3 or 4 cents, a million dinar is worth 30k to 40k. If it does not rv but moves up over time to say 30 or 40 cents, the returns are huge. Are you thinking the iqd will never be worth more than a penny?

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