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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Okie X3


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DAM IT! Every time OKIE says Something it turns out to ruin my hopes... He is like a bad jinx!

Also curious if he even reads his own words?

"[OKIE_OIL_MAN] don’t forget the promises you made to god and honor your word to him"

Is honoring your own words the same as honoring your word to him? Because if it is OKIE has some serious repenting to do... No?

I wish he would shut up long enough for this RV to happen... :(

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Why the heck didn't DD put this crap in the "DOOZIES" section....??

Since when has Okie EVER said anything that turned out to be correct?

Why on earth has this investment community given him so much credit and clout when time after time, prediction after prediction.....he's wrong.

Just sayin'.

He's been wrong about dates and rates for sure. There have been a few cases where he has been the 1st state some things that have turned out to be true. I'm not defending the fact that he's caused a few stirs, but if you're not pulling for him to be right, you're crazy.

Go okie!

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My thoughts exactly.

He is giving all flight crew a bad name with his lies and deceit,,military and civilian.

That if he was really one to begin with?

Guess when he retired he lost his ops manual and definitely forgot any morals that he would have had to get into this position to begin with.

Or any credibility in life.

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He's been wrong about dates and rates for sure. There have been a few cases where he has been the 1st state some things that have turned out to be true. I'm not defending the fact that he's caused a few stirs, but if you're not pulling for him to be right, you're crazy.

Go okie!

Oh, I'm hoping he's right....but his credibility is shot, IMHO.

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Ok so here it is....... I have been on this site for 3 days and have watched for years....SINCE 05 when I bought my first mil for 820.00, incase any of you are wondering from GID. This Is my response to okie....No I am not a basher, I am LIKE a sniper, I lay and wait for the perfect time for a kill shot........BUT OKIE DOKIE SMOKEY...This cat is full of BS and has been for years. IT's DONE, IT'S Done IT's Done...That goes over like a LEAD BALLOON...What an IDIOT!!

I hide behind your mailbox like an OLD DRUNKARD!!

Go RV....But in this case, Pop some Xanax!!!!!

May the good lord bless you and keep you OKIE.....You are truly special and should be wearing a helmet!!

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Okie is doing his best, at least he has faith!!!

In what? I suspect faith in his own prowess is more genuine for him than any faith in a higher source.

Personally, with this post, I am still trying to figure out just what languange he is trying to use, or create?



Oh well, let him have his faith and secret coded language and supposed pilot background. When I first read him he was touting the fact that he was an oilman, rich, very wealthy, owned many wells and was such a good ole boy he went out on holidays to relieve his workers so they could take time with their families, therefore little posting from him during Christmas and Easter and so on. I suspect he was kept busy covering for someone not working those days but I do not for a moment believe they were his employees on his own oil wells. <_<


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BTW Okies --- "Hello America and all the ships at sea" is from and old Walter Winchell radio program and we were fighting a world war [before TV for those that might confuse it with the civil war but not that far back] he started his news program that way---just in case anyone was thinking this was an original thought! Just like Jimmy Durrante used to sign of "Good nigh Mrs. Clabash whereever you are" NOT----whats next 'Hello America , Iraq and the rest of the ME' deliverd by Robin Williams

LOL this guy cracks me up---if you don't understand it well maybe a local college course would help---never trust anything or anyone when you can look it up yourself and confirm, confirm, confirm,

capt cliff

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Okie is doing his best, at least he has faith!!!

Faith ?!? Balls is more like it !!

Anyone who can constantly post it's done, it's done, it's done for months without it being done and doesn't know when to quietly admit they have no fricking clue what they're talking about; but will instead get upset because someone questions his credibility - has cajones the size of grapefruits. Must be an ego-thing !!!

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