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Adopted in a gesture of Trade Bank of Iraq 27/02/2011

sweet B

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Adopted in a gesture of Trade Bank of Iraq تم قراءة الموضوع 108 مرة Subject has been read 108 times

27/02/2011 27/02/2011

تدريب ملاكات الدولة على المعايير المحاسبية الدولية Training of cadres of the state to international accounting standards بغداد - ياسر المتولي BAGHDAD - Yasser incumbent انهى 197 متدربا مثلوا مدراء الاقسام المالية من العاملين في تنفيذ العقود التجارية وفتح الاعتمادات المستندية في دوائر الدولة تدريباتهم التطويرية حول كيفية اعتماد المعايير المحاسبية الدولية المعتمدة. Ended the 197 trainees representing the managers of financial staff in the implementation of commercial contracts and the opening of documentary credits in the state departments trained on how to adopt a development of international accounting standards adopted. اعلن ذلك لـ”اقتصادية الصباح “ مدير عام المصرف التجاري العراقي حسين الازري حيث يقوم المصرف بتبني مثل هذه الانشطة بهدف تحصين العاملين في مجال العقود والاعتمادات من الاخطاء التي قد تحدث اثناء تنفيذهم لها. This was announced by "cost-morning," Director General of Commercial Bank of Iraq, where Hussein Azri the bank to adopt such activities, aiming to reach workers in the field of contracts and provisions of the errors that may occur during their implementation of it. وقال: ان الدورة ضمت عدداً من المدراء العامين ومدراء الاقسام المالية والتجارية في دوائر الدولة بهدف تدريب الملاكات المتقدمة في الدولة في مجال اختصاصات المالية والعقود والاعتمادات على كيفية التعامل الصحيح وبما يؤهلهم لتحسين ادائهم وبما يتوافق مع الاعراف الدولية التي تتطلب الدقة في التعامل مع العقود والاعتمادات. And said: "The session included a number of general managers and directors of departments of Finance and Business in the government departments in order to train cadres developed in the State in terms of reference for financial contracts and provisions on how to properly handle and in position to improve their performance and in line with international norms that require precision in dealing with the contracts and appropriations. وإضاف ان برنامج الدورة يعتمد المعايير المحاسبية الدولية التي تنظمها العقود وتتطلبها الدول الاجنبية في التعاملات التجارية. He added that the course program supports international accounting standards organized by the contracts and required by foreign countries in commercial transactions. واكد ان المصرف بأعتباره الرائد الاول في مثل هذه التعاملات في فتح الاعتمادات مع المصارف والدول العالمية يجد من مسؤوليته اطلاع العاملين في الدولة على آخر المستجدات والمتغيرات في العمليات المحاسبية والشروط المستحدثة لتنفيذها. He stressed that the bank as the first pilot in such transactions in the opening credits with the banks and the countries of the world finds its responsibility For workers in the state on the latest developments and changes in accounting processes and conditions developed for implementation. الازري اوضح في حديثه لـ اقتصادية (الصباح) ان هناك ثلاث دورات بهذا الاتجاه يحصل بعدها المتدرب على شهادة تؤهله للعمل في مثل هذه الانشطة في وزارته ونظراً لاهمية تطوير الاعتمادات بما ينسجم مع مقبوليتها في معظم المصارف العالمية. Azri said in his speech for economic (morning) that there are three courses in this direction after the trainee gets a certificate to qualify to work in such activities in his ministry and given the importance of the development of appropriations in conformity with their acceptability in most international banks. وقال ان المصرف يتابع كل المتغيرات والتطورات التي تطرأ على العقود الموقعة وتوضيحها للعاملين في هذه المجالات بما فيها شروط الدفع والتسديد وآلية التعاقد. He said that the bank follows all the changes and developments in the contracts signed and explained to workers in these fields, including payment terms and payment mechanism and contract. وبشأن سؤال لـ (اقتصادية الصباح) عن افاق العمل المصرفي وخطط العام 2011 آفاد الآزري بأن المصرف العراقي للتجارة هو احىد مؤسسات وزارة المالية يتجه نحو الاستثمار وتمويل الشركات وصيرفة الشركات وفتح اقسام للتسويق لخدمة عملاء المصرف. And on the Q's (economic Sabah) on the prospects of the banking business and plans for the year 2011 Azri said that the Trade Bank of Iraq is to digress institutions and the Ministry of Finance is moving towards investment and corporate finance and banking companies and the opening of the marketing departments to serve customers. كما يتابع المصرف عن كثب مشروع الحوكمة وادارة المخاطر والاقتصاد في العمليات المصرفية وكذلك مكافحة غسيل الاموال والدقة في التعامل مع المعاملات الخارجية انطلاقاً من مبدأ المحافظة على سمعة المصرف كما يخضع المصرف لقوانين وتعليمات البنك المركزي العراقي. The Bank closely follows the draft corporate governance and risk management and economics in banking operations as well as combating money laundering and accuracy in dealing with foreign transactions from the principle of preserving the reputation of the bank as the bank is subject to the laws and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq. ويلتزم بكل تعليماته واجراءاته والتعاون والتنسيق مع البنك في كل الانشطة بأعتباره صمام الامان للاموال العراقية. And comply with all instructions and procedures, cooperation and coordination with the World Bank in all activities as a safety valve for the Iraqi funds. كما ان هناك توجهاً جاداً للمصرف وذلك بالاشتراك في الاستثمار في المشاريع عن طريق تمويلها وهناك اربعة مشاريع للاستثمار في مجال الكهرباء في البصرة والعمارة والسماوة والديوانية طرحتها وزارة الكهرباء للاستثمار ويقوم المصرف بدراسة امكانية الدخول في مثل هذه المشاريع. Also that there is a serious bank jointly investing in the projects through funding and there are four projects for investment in electricity in Basra, Amarah, Samawah, Diwaniyah launched by the Ministry of Electricity Investment and the bank will study the possibility of entering into such projects. واشار الى ان هناك دراسات لدى المصرف للمساهمة في المشاريع الاسكانية وتمويلها ضمن خطط المصرف بالتعاون مع هيئة استثمار بغداد. He pointed out that there are studies with the bank to contribute to the housing projects and financing within the bank's plans in cooperation with the investment of Baghdad. الازري بين بان المصرف قد تبنى عدد من الدورات التدريبية للمدراء الاقسام المالية والتجارية في دوائر الدولة في خارج العراق ايضا، في تركيا ولبنان خلال عامي 2008 و2009 ضمن برنامج تاهيل الملاكات المالية وتعريفهم بالمعايير المحاسبية الدولية المعتمدة. Azri between that the bank has adopted a number of training courses for directors of financial departments and business circles in the State outside Iraq, too, in Turkey and Lebanon during the years 2008 and 2009 within the program of financial rehabilitation of cadres and introduce them to international accounting standards adopted. ولفت في ختام حديثه الى ان المصرف يعمل على زيادة عدد فروعه في داخل وخارج العراق حيث بلغ عدد الفروع في الداخل 15 فرعاً فيما هناك نية لافتتاح فرعين في لندن وبيروت. He noted that in his closing remarks that the Bank is working to increase the number of its branches inside and outside Iraq, where the number of branches in 15 branches in the inside there is an intention to open two branches in London and Beirut.

Edited by sunshinelvr
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The Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) today confirmed its launch of an important new series of training sessions for Iraqi ministries, after the success of the three-day intensive training session the Bank hosted over the summer in Istanbul. Financial and legal training of this level is unprecedented in Iraq and is testimony to the Trade Bank's leadership role in updating Iraq's banking system.

Hussein Al Uzri, chairman of TBI, said: "we are proud to be the full-sponsor of such vital training events, the results of which should make a big contribution towards improving Iraq's adherence to the latest in international standard practices. TBI is committed to developing and modernizing Iraq's economy and believes that the training of Iraqi ministries in contemporary financial and banking procedures will go a long way in achieving this."

At TBI's training conference in August, 35 representatives from the major importing Iraqi ministries attended and were trained by professionals from JPMorgan Chase (the lead bank in TBI's Operating Consortium) and Dallal & Associates law firm. The session covered the central topics of International Trade Dynamics, Contracts, Commercial Letters of Credit and Documentary Credits; delegates were also engaged in case studies, exposing them to latest developments in international trade.

TBI plans to hold its next training session in the coming months.

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The Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) today confirmed its launch of an important new series of training sessions for Iraqi ministries, after the success of the three-day intensive training session the Bank hosted over the summer in Istanbul. Financial and legal training of this level is unprecedented in Iraq and is testimony to the Trade Bank's leadership role in updating Iraq's banking system.

Hussein Al Uzri, chairman of TBI, said: "we are proud to be the full-sponsor of such vital training events, the results of which should make a big contribution towards improving Iraq's adherence to the latest in international standard practices. TBI is committed to developing and modernizing Iraq's economy and believes that the training of Iraqi ministries in contemporary financial and banking procedures will go a long way in achieving this."

At TBI's training conference in August, 35 representatives from the major importing Iraqi ministries attended and were trained by professionals from JPMorgan Chase (the lead bank in TBI's Operating Consortium) and Dallal & Associates law firm. The session covered the central topics of International Trade Dynamics, Contracts, Commercial Letters of Credit and Documentary Credits; delegates were also engaged in case studies, exposing them to latest developments in international trade.

TBI plans to hold its next training session in the coming months.

Thanks double double dduce for making that easier for me to understand. After going through all the comments on this post, I checked the dates of the article post I did and yours and the dates are different. Yours was from Nov 2007 and mine from the other day but it seems to me that they are talking about the same thing.

Several months ago there was a post that revealed a large order of cd's and other promotional items for education purposes into Iraq. It also spoke of the Iraqi bank calendar where several days would be shut down in order to educate the financial system relating to the rv.

I remember that but haven't seen/read anything about it since.

Does anyone check the date on this information before they post?

Yes, the date on the original post article was 2/27/11

Article is from Nov 2007

If you check the link from the original post it show a date of Feb 27 2011

I did see the date on the link from double double duce showing Nov 2007

The articles are different but I think they are talking about the same thing.

Thank y'all

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