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Baghdad Today' publishes summary of PM's meetings in New York


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Al-Sudani calls on Bulgarian companies to seize investment opportunities in Iraq
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met this evening, Tuesday (Baghdad time), with the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, on the sidelines of his participation in the work of the United Nations General Assembly at its seventy-eighth session held in New York.

During the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries were reviewed, and ways to consolidate joint cooperation in the economic and security fields, health and agriculture, and confronting climate challenges. The meeting also discussed the resumption of the work of the Iraqi-Bulgarian Joint Committee, in order to advance bilateral relations to a better level.
He pointed to the extended history of Iraqi-Bulgarian relations, and the Bulgarian role in supporting Iraq, within the mission of the NATO/NATO mission, in the field of training and enhancing the combat capabilities of the Iraqi forces on the path of combating terrorism.

Al-Sudani expressed Iraq's desire to revitalize relations with Bulgaria and sign a memorandum of understanding for political consultations between the foreign ministries of the two friendly countries.


The Prime Minister called on Bulgarian companies to seize investment opportunities in Iraq, strengthen economic partnership and raise the level of exchange in various fields.

For his part, President Radev expressed his country's interest in participating in the development road project, stressing the desire of the Bulgarian industrial and economic sectors to contribute and extend the economic partnership within this vital and promising project.

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Sudanese at the Sustainable Development Summit: We plan to achieve the goal of “zero flare” for gas in 2023
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani participated yesterday, Tuesday (Baghdad time), in the Sustainable Development Goals Summit, which was held in New York, in the United States of America.

Al-Sudani delivered a speech in which he affirmed Iraq’s commitment to the action plan of the International Conference on Financing for Development, which was held in Addis Ababa/2015, and the international plan issued by it calling for the development of integrated national financing frameworks to complement national strategies for sustainable development, as well as Iraq’s welcome to the summit’s adoption of the political declaration that confirms The urgent need to work hard to accelerate the implementation of development goals.

The following are the highlights of the Prime Minister’s speech during the summit:

We affirm our commitment to implementing the sustainable development goals, despite the complex challenges we face.

We welcome the summit’s adoption of the political declaration, in which we stressed the need for serious work to accelerate the implementation of the sustainable development goals, especially in providing and mobilizing financial resources, in accordance with the Addis Ababa Action Programme.

Our government is making great efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals, and we have made relative progress within this framework, and it is important to work with all partners to enhance progress in implementation.

Iraq submitted two voluntary reports on the extent of the sustainable development goals achieved in a transparent manner, and the Iraqi national government’s program is consistent with these goals.

Achieving the sustainable development goals is a national mission and a humanitarian duty, and Iraq deals with all of these goals at the same level.

Implementing the sixth goal related to water is a priority in light of the severe drought that Iraq is witnessing, and we call for the comprehensive implementation of this goal and its economic and social repercussions.

- Iraq welcomes the holding of the United Nations Water Conference in March 2023, and its outcomes.

- Iraq has taken a number of national measures related to the sixth goal, including: maintaining infrastructure, expanding the clean water network, using modern agricultural irrigation techniques, and maintaining irrigation channels. 

- Iraq faces challenges in financing the sustainable development goals, some of which are due to the financial losses it suffered in its war against ISIS terrorist gangs.

- Iraq gives priority to financing climate action; Being the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

- Iraq began implementing nationally determined contributions, including investing in associated gas to produce clean energy to achieve the goal of “zero flame” by 2030.

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Conflicting expectations for dollar prices...and talk of a “big shock”

Conflicting expectations for dollar prices...and talk of a “big shock”
2023-09-20 02:19


Shafaq News/ The visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to the United States of America is important in terms of its timing, which coincides with the crisis of the rise in the dollar exchange rate, amid high hopes that Iraqis have for the possibility of finding solutions to this issue.


Al-Sudani left for New York to participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, at its seventy-eighth session, and met on the sidelines of his participation in the meetings with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who was issued an official invitation by US President Joe Biden to visit the White House.


This comes at a time when the dollar exchange rates in Iraqi local markets are witnessing unstable jumps until they approached 160 thousand dinars per 100 dollars, for internal and external reasons, as attributed by specialists.


In this context, a member of the Iraqi House of Representatives, Firas Al-Muslimaoui, says, “The House of Representatives hosted the Governor of the Central Bank following the rise in the dollar exchange rate, and he explained that the reasons for the rise are due to internal and external factors.”


Internal factors


Al-Muslimaoui explained to Shafaq News Agency, “Internal factors include those related to merchants escaping taxes and purchasing dollars from the black market, and among them are administrative obstacles, some of which require those who take dollars to register a company.”


He added, "The Central Bank sought to address these obstacles, and decided to allow individuals, not companies, to buy dollars if they supply goods, provided that they are committed to ensuring that the goods are of the country's need, real, and have official receipts."


The third factor, according to Al-Muslimaoui, is that “the Central Bank submitted a proposal to the Prime Minister to reconsider the tax rate imposed on existing goods and reduce it, to encourage the merchant to buy through official methods.”


He continues, "The fourth factor is smuggling. There is security work and large gangs have been arrested for smuggling dollars out of Iraq."


External factors   


The representative points out that "external factors are related to the US Treasury policy, and these are outside the management of the Central Bank, so it is expected that the dollar exchange rate will be one of the issues that the Prime Minister will discuss in his current visit."


At the conclusion of his speech, Al-Muslimaoui expected that "the dollar exchange rate will witness a gradual decline over the next few days, in a way that does not affect the Iraqi market." 


Continuous rise


On the other hand, the researcher in financial affairs, Ahmed Fouad Shukri, believes that “the dollar will continue to rise due to the government not taking real measures to curb its rise, but rather was content with some preventive or precautionary measures.”


Shukri explained to Shafaq News Agency, “The government banned dealing in the dollar within the local market, and it succeeded to a certain extent, but a large percentage of Iraq’s imports come from neighboring countries that are subject to American sanctions, such as Syria and a number of Turkish and Iranian companies that are completely banned from dealing in the dollar, and they did not The government has so far established a specific mechanism for trade exchange with these countries, and for the purchase and payment processes.” 


He points out that "there are other factors that the government did not pay attention to, including the country's high budget, which leads to fears and bad and negative expectations, high inflation, and Iraq's foreign debts. These are all factors that contribute to the decline of the currency locally against foreign currencies in general, and since Iraq is linked to... In dollars, this rise will certainly happen.”


He continues, “In addition to the main and largest reason, which is the American sanctions that led to the rise of the dollar in the recent period, there are sanctions that may be more severe and may affect the Central Bank of Iraq, through which a major shock could be exposed, and also with regard to financial transfers that have become confined to the hands of the American Federal Reserve, which "The risks to the Iraqi government have increased significantly."

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15 minutes ago, screwball said:

Talk of a big shock? Hmmm…..”Biden shock”?

The only "shock" Biden will likely recognize is a close encounter with a cattle prod to the nether region.

Having said that my curiosity is aroused as to what exactly according to the Iraqi definition will be a "big shock for the dollar"

These fools are big on talk not so much on results.

As has been stated many times over 20 years, this is Iraq, anything can happen ( & usually does ).

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Al-Sudani: The government is in the process of reviewing the relationship with the international coalition

Yesterday, 20:51upload_1695232354_641200394.jpg


Al-Ghad Press/Baghdad
Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the government is in the process of reviewing the form of the relationship with the international coalition in light of the readiness of the Iraqi security forces.
The Prime Minister's Media Office stated, in a statement, a copy of which was received by Al-Ghad Press, that Al-Sudani "met with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in New York, on the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly."
According to the statement, Al-Sudani invited Stoltenberg to visit Iraq, based on “the latter’s desire,” praising “the support provided by NATO during the war on ISIS, through direct participation in military operations, or in the aspect of providing advice and training to the Iraqi security forces,” indicating that "NATO contributed to the stability that the country is experiencing today."
Al-Sudani stressed, "The importance of cooperation in the field of exchanging information and tracking the sources of financing terrorism, whose networks spread throughout all countries of the world, in addition to the challenges related to drug trade and smuggling."
For his part, Stoltenberg expressed his thanks to the Prime Minister; "In appreciation of the Iraqi government's steps towards reform," noting that "the role played by the Iraqi government and people, through its security forces, in defeating ISIS, removed the danger not only from Iraq but from the peoples of the NATO countries."
Stoltenberg stressed respect for Iraq's sovereignty, and expanded cooperation in providing advice and training to the Iraqi security forces to include the formations of the Ministry of Interior, according to what was stated in the statement.


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Al-Sudani confirms Iraq's efforts to pursue strategic relations with the United States
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, today, Thursday, Iraq’s endeavor to pursue strategic relations with the United States, based on mutual interests and constructive economic partnership.

Al-Sudani’s office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani met in New York, after midnight on Wednesday (Baghdad time), with the US President’s special envoy to the Middle East and North Africa, Brett McGurk, on the sidelines of his participation in The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and the meeting witnessed discussion of the overall relations between Iraq and the United States, and ways to strengthen and develop them at various levels and fields, in a way that serves the interests of the two friendly peoples. 


The Prime Minister affirmed Iraq's endeavor to pursue strategic relations with the United States, based on mutual interests and constructive economic partnership, indicating that the investment arena in Iraq is open for American companies to contribute to the reform and reconstruction plans of Iraqi infrastructure.


Al-Sudani also renewed his reference to the readiness of the Iraqi security forces, the advanced level of performance and integration of their formations in various categories, and their success in pursuing the terrorist remnants of ISIS, stressing the investment of the successful visit recently conducted by an Iraqi delegation headed by the Minister of Defense to Washington, and its discussion with the American side of the future relationship with the coalition. International fight against terrorism.


For his part, McGurk affirmed his country’s support for the success of the reform steps pursued by the government, and the United States’ continued provision of advice and training to Iraqi forces in their fight against ISIS, reiterating the American administration’s commitment to the Strategic Framework Agreement, and supporting the reforms undertaken by the government, in the economic fields, infrastructure reconstruction, and combating corruption. .

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Sudanese to the Iranian President: Iraq will never allow its lands to be exploited to attack neighboring countries
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani met, in New York, yesterday evening, Wednesday (Baghdad time), with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi, on the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of consolidating relations between the two countries, in various fields, in the interest of the two neighboring peoples, noting the necessity of accelerating efforts to make joint projects between the two parties successful, which was recently represented by the railway connection project for transporting passengers between the two countries.


Al-Sudani stressed that Iraq will never allow its territory to be exploited to attack neighboring countries, just as it refuses to compromise its security and sovereignty, and that all problems with the regional neighborhood must be subject to dialogue. In order to reach radical solutions to crises.


In turn, Raisi thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran, the government and people, to Iraq, its government and its citizens for their good hosting of visitors to the holy shrines participating in the commemoration of the Arbaeen anniversary of Imam Hussein and his companions (peace be upon them), describing the relations between the two countries as important and distinguished, stressing the importance for the officials of the two countries to address the consolidation and promotion of The level of economic and trade relations, through bilateral initiatives. He also praised the efforts of the Iraqi government in addressing the situation in the areas adjacent to Iraq’s northern borders.

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Sudanese to his Kuwaiti counterpart: Iraq is committed to Security Council resolutions and the sovereignty of your lands
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani affirmed to his Kuwaiti counterpart Iraq’s commitment to the relevant Security Council resolutions, the principles of international law, common understandings and good neighbourliness, and the territorial sovereignty and integrity of the State of Kuwait.

Al-Sudani's office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, that "the latter met, after midnight Baghdad time, with the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, on the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly." 


Al-Sudani stressed, "During the meeting, Iraq's commitment to the relevant Security Council resolutions, the principles of international law, common understandings and good neighborliness, and the sovereignty and integrity of the territorial integrity of the sisterly State of Kuwait." 


He also expressed the desire of the Republic of Iraq to continue holding joint committee meetings, and to exchange visits between officials and experts in the two countries, in all fields, in order to enhance levels of cooperation and partnership, build confidence, advance bilateral relations, and overcome all obstacles.

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The Foreign Minister reveals the date of Al-Sudani’s visit to the White House: I will meet Lavrov soon
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Foreign Minister, Fuad Hussein, revealed the date of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani’s visit to the American capital, Washington, and to meet with President Joe Biden, as an official invitation.

Hussein said in a press statement: “The Iraqi Prime Minister is planning to visit the United States during the current year,” revealing that he “will meet his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, during the next few days.”


He added, "Iraq needs Russia's expertise in maintaining old weapons systems, but sanctions prevent cooperation."


Hussein pointed out that "the sanctions on Russia impede its cooperation with Iraq in maintaining old weapons systems," stressing that "Iraq is committed to the security agreement with Iran and awaits a similar position from Tehran."


He pointed out that "Baghdad hopes to achieve progress in the discussions with Ankara regarding the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan region of Iraq," noting that "it would be the best that the United Nations General Assembly could discuss achieving peace between Russia and Ukraine because the world needs it."


It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is currently visiting New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting. On the sidelines of the meeting, he met with the US Secretary of State the day before Tuesday, who handed him an official invitation from President Joe Biden to visit Washington, to be determined at a later date.

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Foreign Minister: Iraq opened the doors of the economy to Gulf investment, and there are clear misunderstandings
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein confirmed today, Thursday, that there are clear understandings with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, pointing out that Iraq has opened the doors of the economy to Gulf investment.

Hussein stated, in a press interview on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York: “The Iraqi side has committed to the security agreement with Iran, and we hope that Tehran will also adhere to it and not use the language of violence,” indicating that “there are some problems that must be solved.” The path of dialogue, and the date of the visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, to America has not yet been set.” 


He added: "The relationship with America is good, and there are clear and transparent understandings," noting that "the relationship with the Gulf Cooperation Council countries has developed rapidly in recent years, and we are now at an important stage, as we have opened the doors of the Iraqi economy to Gulf investment."


He continued, "Gulf security is part of Iraqi security, and vice versa, and ISIS has collapsed due to the unity of Iraqi forces and great international support."


He added, "ISIS as a terrorist organization moves here and there, but in the Iraqi arena the organization is very weak. The idea of ISIS still exists in Iraq and Syria. We must be careful at all times and must take into account these terrorist groups." 

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"Khor Abdullah"... Iraq confirms its commitment to international resolutions, and Kuwait calls for the demarcation of maritime borders

Port in Kuwait - Sputnik Arabic, 1920, 09.21.2023
Today, Thursday, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, renewed Iraq’s commitment to the relevant Security Council resolutions between Iraq and Kuwait, the principles of international law, common understandings, good neighbourliness, and the territorial sovereignty and integrity of the State of Kuwait.
During his meeting with his Kuwaiti counterpart, Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, on the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Al-Sudani expressed “Iraq’s desire to continue holding joint committee meetings and exchanging visits between officials and experts in the two countries, in all fields.” ", according to the Iraqi News Agency - INA.
For his part, the Kuwaiti Prime Minister affirmed his country's desire to finalize the demarcation of the maritime borders with Iraq beyond nautical mark 162, explaining that the Iraqi ruling regarding the regulation of maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah has "historical fallacies."
Tensions escalated between Kuwait and Iraq after the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court ruled that the Iraqi Parliament's ratification of the agreement regulating navigation in the Khor Abdullah waterway between the two countries was unconstitutional.
The Iraqi court says, in the merits of its ruling, that “the ratification of international treaties and agreements must be by law enacted by a two-thirds majority of the members of the House of Representatives.”
The State of Kuwait announced earlier its objection to the decision issued by the Iraqi Federal Court declaring the unconstitutionality of the law ratifying the agreement “regulating navigation in Khor Abdullah.”
This came in a note of protest delivered by the Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab World Affairs in Kuwait, Ambassador Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al-Bakr, to the Iraqi Ambassador to Kuwait, Al-Manhal Al-Safi, at the General Office of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to an official statement .
Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah earlier denounced, “in the strongest terms, the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq, regarding an agreement between the two countries related to maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah.”
He pointed out that he " presented a briefing during his meeting with the foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries on the merits of the ruling, and a clear and supportive statement was issued from their meeting for the Kuwaiti side," stressing that this ruling attempts to overthrow the ratification of the agreement concluded between the two countries in 2012, which was agreed upon. It was ratified by the legislative authorities in Kuwait and Iraq.
For his part, the head of the Supreme Judicial Council in Iraq, Faiq Zaidan, stressed “ Iraq’s respect for the State of Kuwait in its history, present and future, and its independence throughout the various historical stages.”
The Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq announced in a statement, “The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, received the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to Iraq, Tariq Al-Faraj, to discuss cooperation between the two brotherly countries in the judicial field,” according to the official Iraqi News Agency, “INA . ”
Khor Abdullah is the northernmost region of the Gulf between Kuwait and Iraq. In 2013, the two countries signed an agreement to regulate maritime navigation in the Khor.
It is noteworthy that Khor Abdullah is located between the Kuwaiti islands of Bubiyan and Warba, and the Iraqi Al-Faw Peninsula, and extends into Iraqi territory, forming Khor Al-Zubair, in which the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr is located.
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The representative of the Emir of Kuwait meets Al-Sudani: The Iraqi judiciary committed a historical fallacy


The representative of the Emir of Kuwait, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, informed his country of his country’s desire to end the border demarcation file, and said that the Iraqi Federal Court’s decision included historical fallacies regarding Kuwait.


A Kuwaiti statement published by the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas read:

The representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, received at his residence in New York City today, Wednesday, His Excellency the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq, Mr. Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, and his accompanying delegation, on the sidelines of the meetings of the 78th session of the General Assembly. To the United Nations.

During the meeting, they discussed the repercussions related to the ruling issued by the Federal Supreme Court in the brotherly Republic of Iraq declaring the unconstitutionality of the law ratifying the agreement regulating maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah concluded between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq in 2012, which was ratified and deposited with the United Nations in 2013 and so on. The ruling included historical fallacies regarding the State of Kuwait.

He stressed the need for the Government of the Republic of Iraq to take concrete, decisive and urgent measures to address the ruling and the historical fallacies contained therein in a way that preserves good neighborly relations.

He also stressed the need to adhere to the security, independence, and territorial integrity of both countries, the agreements concluded between them, and the relevant international resolutions, most notably Security Council Resolution No. 833, which delineated the land and sea borders between the two sides up to nautical mark No. 162.

His Highness also stressed the desire of the State of Kuwait for the demarcation of the Kuwaiti-Iraqi maritime borders beyond Mark 162 to be completed during the coming period and in accordance with international laws and conventions.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jassem Mohammed Al-Budaiwi, His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, His Excellency the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, Sheikh Khaled Talal Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, His Excellency the Director of the Office of His Highness the Prime Minister, Mr. Hamad Badr Al-Amer, and His Excellency the Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs. Ambassador Sadiq Muhammad Marafi, His Excellency the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to the United States of America, Sheikha Al-Zein Sabah Nasser Al-Saud Al-Sabah, and His Excellency the Permanent Representative of the State of Kuwait to the United Nations, Ambassador Tariq Muhammad Al-Bannai.

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Tomorrow, Friday... the content of Sudanese’s speech at the United Nations will be revealed

Yesterday, 19:16upload_1695308692_1637927068.jpg


Al-Ghad Press/Baghdad  

Today, Thursday, the Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, announced the content of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani’s speech, tomorrow, Friday, within the work of the United Nations General Assembly .


Saleh said in a televised interview followed by Al-Ghad Press, “The Prime Minister’s visit to the United States reflects Iraq’s role in building relations and stability in the region, and Iraq’s constructive role in the international community. ”


He added, "This visit is very important in the midst of the opening of the work of the United Nations General Assembly, and the Prime Minister usually delivers a speech that reflects Iraq's role in building global peace, development and stability, rejecting conflicts, and aspiring to peace. "


He pointed out that it is "an opportunity to get to know large international groups, and the Iraqi presence is important, especially since Iraq was one of the first countries to establish the United Nations in 1944, and therefore Iraq's presence is historic and important ."


He pointed out that "this visit will contribute to opening new horizons for cooperation and investments in Iraq."


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The first official comment from Sudanese regarding stopping the export of oil through Turkey: We will be an “invading” country

Yesterday, 18:06upload_1695308758_853115538.jpg


Al-Ghad Press/Baghdad  

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Thursday, that Iraq does not need any combat forces on its territory, while pointing out that Iraq will become an influential and effective member of the gas market in the future .


Al-Sudani said in an interview with the American Bloomberg channel, seen by Al-Ghad Press, that “Iraq is committed to the agreements with the OPEC and OPEC+ countries, in a way that preserves the interests of producers and consumers, and Iraqi production capabilities will be part of these understandings,” indicating that “Iraq We seek a reasonable price for oil that guarantees the interest of producers and consumers. We do not have a fixed price, and we believe that the appropriate price is not less than $85-90 per barrel .”


He added, "Iraq has fields announced within the sixth round of natural gas investment, and there is another round of fields being developed," noting that "Iraq will be an active country in the gas market ."


Regarding the situation with Turkey, Al-Sudani pointed out that “Iraq is awaiting the measures of the Turkish side to resume exports via the Turkish line, especially oil produced in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and it will be within the general policy of the state,” indicating that “there are mutual complaints in the International Court of Arbitration, but we have negotiations with The Turkish side to separate the export appeal from the legal issues in court .”


There is a strategic relationship between Iraq and the United States, and the meeting with the US Secretary of State discussed the activation of the strategic framework agreement, the entry of American companies, and the resumption of oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.


Al-Sudani stressed in his speech that “Iraq does not need any military presence or foreign combat forces in Iraq. We have security services capable of imposing security,” explaining that “his government is in dialogue about the future of the relationship with the international coalition, and we are discussing with the United States formulas of bilateral cooperation away from The alliance is on the table with all countries in the region and the world.”


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Al-Sudani: We are preparing a draft of the economic reform law and concluding a trade and investment agreement with America
{Economic: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani held a meeting this evening, Thursday (Baghdad time), with members of the American Chamber of Commerce, in the presence of a number of businessmen, investors, and representatives of major American companies.

Al-Sudani appreciated the efforts of Vice President of the American Chamber of Commerce, Steve Lutz, in arranging this meeting to inform investors about the business environment in Iraq.

He stated that Iraq is a fertile land for investment in many important sectors, and there are natural resources that have not been invested yet, and the time has come to invest them in a way that achieves prosperity for the Iraqi people and contributes to strengthening the strategic relationship with the United States.

The Prime Minister delivered a speech during the meeting, the highlights of which are the following:

Our government invests revenues correctly to activate important economic sectors other than oil, as it is not possible to continue to rely on oil to strengthen the budget and cover obligations, as was the case throughout the previous stage. 

The wrong path in wasting burned gas will stop within 2-3 years, after the completion of the gas projects that began with Total and the Emirati and Chinese companies in the fifth round.

We announced 11 fields and exploration blocks in the governorates. Anbar, Nineveh, and Najaf, which include natural gas that will be invested for the first time in Iraq’s history.

Economic reform is a priority, and it cannot be implemented without the presence of an effective and capable private sector that is a partner with the government.

We focused on providing a favorable business environment for foreign companies in general, and American companies in particular, by virtue of the capabilities they possess, and also within the vision path of the partnership between Iraq and the United States.

The relationship between Iraq and the United States cannot remain limited to the security aspect.

The business environment in Iraq requires a great effort to reduce bureaucracy. We have the decision and will to stop corruption through legal measures, and companies cannot be made vulnerable to blackmail or red tape.

- Every project and file related to a company will be personally sponsored and followed up by us, and we will work to overcome all obstacles you face.

We are working to reform the tax system and the customs system, and we are currently preparing a draft economic reform law that addresses loopholes in several laws.

We have a draft system to regulate e-commerce, and the government is committed to protecting intellectual property, and we approved a draft law that was sent to the House of Representatives for a vote.

We are working diligently on the draft electronic payment law, and we have made great strides in financial and banking reform, through our relationship with the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury.

Today we have clear and transparent trade subject to global compliance standards in financial transfers.

- The Ministry of Commerce, through the Commercial Attaché in Washington and with the US Trade Representative Office, is working to hold meetings of the third session of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, in the first quarter of 2024.

The function of this agreement is to identify the challenges facing trade and investment relations between Iraq and the United States.

We call on all American companies to present their challenges facing their presence and work in Iraq. To develop solutions for it.

- We supported the private sector in the budget law, through the Iraq Fund for Development, whose capital reaches $750 million during 2023, and in 2024 we will add an additional amount. 

We are currently conducting understandings with Arab and international investment funds, specifically with the Saudi Investment Bank, where we have a partnership in this aspect.

The government will provide sovereign guarantees in the budget law to establish industrial and agricultural projects in Iraq.

We have understandings with the German Hermes Foundation and the Italian Sochet Foundation, and they are prepared to provide production lines to important laboratories and factories in the industrial sector in exchange for 15% from Iraqi businessmen and 85% provided by the government as a sovereign guarantee.

A delegation of Iraqi businessmen toured Germany and Italy and identified factories, and is currently in the process of reaching understandings to implement these projects that were chosen according to market requirements. 

We want to achieve a real shift in health services, and we have a health insurance law, and we have a new philosophy that represents a transitional stage for implementing this law, through joint operation with companies specialized in providing health services.

We offered 6 hospitals and we hope that there will be American companies specialized in providing medical and therapeutic services in operating these hospitals.

The size of the pharmaceutical market in Iraq is approximately $3 billion annually, with national production representing only 10%, and the rest is imported.

The Council of Ministers issued a package of decisions to support pharmaceutical producers, and today there are more than 245 requests to establish production lines for the pharmaceutical industry. 

We are moving strongly towards using modern irrigation techniques to confront water scarcity. There are arable areas and an attractive environment, but they need specialized technologies and companies to develop this sector.

We concluded contracts with Emirati, Chinese, and Iraqi companies to establish solar power plants, and we concluded a contract with Total to generate 1,000 megawatts of solar energy.


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Hussein: We discussed with Washington linking the market and the dinar to the dollar... and it reveals provisions of the agreement with Iran
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Foreign Minister, Fuad Hussein, confirmed that the recent Iraqi-American discussions focused on bilateral relations and joint work in the fields of economy, energy, health and security.

Hussein explained in a press statement that the American-Iraqi relations are distinguished, and have expanded to include various fields, after they were based on security and military cooperation, indicating Washington’s support for the Iraqi position in the international arena, and for economic reform and development in the country.

Regarding the security agreement recently signed between Iraq and Iran, he stated that its provisions were fully implemented by the Iraqi side, with regard to the return of militants present on the border between the two countries in Iraqi Kurdistan to refugee camps.

Regarding the political and security importance of this agreement, Hussein stressed that Iran’s cessation of bombing areas in Iraqi Kurdistan was a condition of the agreement, in exchange for the removal of militants across the border, which the federal government did in cooperation with the Kurdistan Regional Government, in an “important and successful” process for both sides. .

Regarding the possibility of signing a similar agreement with Turkey regarding the armed Kurdish groups that Ankara demands to be removed from the border, Hussein stated that Baghdad has always been in favor of dialogue, expressing his hopes for “intensive dialogues by the same means” with the Turkish side.

The Foreign Minister stated that Ankara has not yet made room to discuss solutions to this problem in another way, far from the use of weapons and violence.

The same spokesman revealed that the President of the Republic summoned the Turkish ambassador to Baghdad to hand him a protest note after the recent bombing, which targeted Arbid Airport in Sulaymaniyah.

The Iraqi official denied the existence of any agreement with Turkey to allow it to carry out repeated strikes on Kurdistan Workers' Party forces in northern Iraq.

Regarding relations with Kuwait, the spokesman explained that the Prime Minister held an “important meeting” with his Kuwaiti counterpart, during which he stressed “Iraq’s full commitment to all Security Council resolutions, bilateral agreements, and respect for Kuwait’s sovereignty.”

Returning to the issue of relations with the United States, the Iraqi official revealed that among the important issues raised at the level of dialogue with Washington is “the issue of linking the Iraqi market and currency to the dollar and the flows of American currency into the country,” noting that it is “a financial and banking issue related to the financial and economic situation of Iraq.”

In his answer to a question about whether security issues related to armed groups affiliated with Iran were among the files that were discussed, Hussein Fouad said, “We did not discuss this issue, and all groups are subject to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, that is, to the orders of the Iraqi Prime Minister.”

Regarding the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the spokesman indicated that the two countries have declared and strong relations, after the exchange of ambassadors and visits by the two foreign ministers, indicating that Baghdad played a role in the restoration of their relations, but the discussions between them are now direct.

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Al-Sudani: We are a sovereign country and we are interested in understanding, rapprochement, and resolving problems between Iran and America
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani confirmed today, Thursday, that Iraq is a sovereign state and is interested in understanding, rapprochement, and settling problems between Iran and America.

The Prime Minister said in an interview with the American Bloomberg News channel in New York, followed by {Al-Furat News}, that: “Iraq will be an active country in the gas market,” pointing out that “we are awaiting the measures of the Turkish side to resume exports through the Turkish line, especially oil produced in the Kurdistan region.” Iraq, and it will be within the general policy of the state.”
He added, “There are mutual complaints in the International Court of Arbitration, but we are negotiating with the Turkish side to separate the export appeal from the legal issues in the court,” noting that “stopping exports harms all parties, including the Turkish side, which depends on tariffs from the export pipeline.” ".
Al-Sudani continued, "We have started important projects with Total and the fifth rounds with Emirati and Chinese companies," pointing out, "Iraq has 11 fields and exploration blocks for natural gas, and we are serious about investing in it."
He stated, "We met with American companies operating in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and they have a desire to work in the rest of Iraq. We also discussed the investment opportunities in which we would like American companies to enter," explaining, "There is a strategic relationship between Iraq and the United States."
Al-Sudani pointed out that “the last meeting with the US Secretary of State discussed activating the strategic framework agreement, the entry of American companies, and the resumption of oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan,” stressing, “Iraq’s keenness to conduct dialogue with the United States, in a way that maintains stability in a sensitive region like the East.” "Middle."
He pointed out, "Our official position is declared, which is that there is no need for any foreign military presence or combat forces in Iraq, and we have security services capable of imposing security," explaining, "We are in dialogue about the future of the relationship with the international coalition, and we are discussing with the United States forms of bilateral cooperation." Away from the alliance, and it is on the table with all countries in the region and the world.”
Al-Sudani affirmed his “support and accompaniment to any international effort to target terrorist groups, ISIS or others,” pointing out that “we have found an understanding and conviction that there is no need for combat forces, and that there can be joint programs for training and exchanging information, which is what the technical committees will agree on.”
He continued, "What currently exists are advisors, and we are trying to organize their presence, their locations, the type of tasks required, and the time period," noting, "The American-Iraqi Committee will meet this month to discuss these issues."
He explained, "Understanding, rapprochement, and settling problems between Iran and the United States is a contributing factor to the stability of the region, and we are trying to distance our relations from any conflicts in the region," pointing out, "Iraq will not be an arena for settling disputes and conflicts."
Al-Sudani stated, "Iraq is a sovereign state and we maintain our relations in the region according to the principles of common interests and non-interference in internal affairs."

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Al-Sudani: The meeting is being arranged with Biden, and we will call for the formation of an international bloc in the region
{Politics: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, announced that the Iraqi and American Foreign Ministries are working to arrange the date of the upcoming visit to the United States of America, in response to the invitation of President Joe Biden.

Al-Sudani said in the most prominent part of the press interview he conducted in New York with the American CNN network: 


The strategic framework agreement must be discussed and activated, which includes economic, educational, cultural and security files, and there is a serious desire to develop the bilateral relationship in other fields.


Iraq is an influential country in the energy market, and there are many opportunities for American companies to work in various sectors.


Today, Iraq does not need combat forces, whether from the United States or from the rest of the international coalition countries.


- The Iraqi security forces have reached an advanced stage of readiness and capabilities.


- ISIS is no longer merely groups pursued in the desert or caves, and does not pose a threat to Iraq.


The new reality is based on cooperation in specific fields with the international coalition.

We received a draft of a memorandum of understanding from the US Department of Defense, which is now under study by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, related to the form of the relationship between Iraq and the international coalition.


- What concerns us is the continued security stability in Iraq, and this is happening for the first time thanks to the government and the political forces that formed it.


We reject any aggression on the Iraqi border, from the Turkish or Iranian side, and Iraqi sovereignty is not subject to any courtesy.


We are committed to not allowing any armed groups to exploit their presence on Iraqi soil to attack neighboring countries.


 We are working to form security committees with Turkey and Iran, and identify important points and commitments that have been implemented, which will enhance stability on the borders.


We are currently holding discussions with the Turks, and we have confirmed our official position of rejecting attacks and addressing any security observations, through joint committees and dialogue.


-Iran is a neighboring country and we have many things in common. It is a country that supports the political process in Iraq, and in the fight against terrorism and the war against ISIS.


Our relations with all countries are subject to the criterion of common interests and non-interference in internal affairs.


- We are interested in the convergence of views between Iran and our Arab brothers, in a way that contributes to strengthening the stability of the region, and we are working on this matter and our efforts are continuing with Saudi Arabia.


We have our own national decision, which is based on the national interest. We are not subject to the desires of others, and we speak frankly with everyone if Iraq’s sovereignty is compromised.


- Our government established, in less than a year, complete energy independence, through Total projects, the fifth round, and national effort projects.


Within two years, we will rely on Iraqi gas to operate power stations.


We have large reserves of natural and associated gas, and our economic plan aims to make Iraq an active country in the global energy market.


We are working to diversify the sources of our economy, gas investment, and financial revenues. To activate the agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors. 


We have the potential to increase oil production, but this is subject to a deliberate policy inside Iraq, and with our brothers and friends in OPEC.


We are working to change the stereotypical image of exploiting wealth in Iraq, and to go for the optimal investment of oil and its revenues in developing important sectors.


- Cooperation with developed countries and with the United States as a strategic partner for Iraq will contribute to the success of this economic transformation.


- Our people are waiting for the desired reform to be achieved, in an economy that the Iraqi state has followed for many decades.


- Corruption is a real challenge facing the Iraqi state, and we are working to target it according to legal procedures.


We need the support of friends in fighting corruption and recovering money and wanted persons who exploit their second nationalities, and the international community must support Iraq in this endeavor.


Climate change represents an existential threat to Iraq, and we have adopted a national strategy to combat pollution, extending to 2035.


We identified the importance of addressing the impacts, starting from investing in the gas that is burned, all the way to renewable energy.


We need the support of the international community in combating the effects of climate change, and we have not found any trace of the work of international institutions concerned with this responsibility.


Water scarcity greatly affects the marshes, and the water level decreases in two large rivers such as the Tigris and Euphrates.


We will call, through the United Nations platform, for the formation of an international bloc of countries in the region, Iraq, Iran, and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, to confront the effects of climate change.


Our security services are concerned with ensuring security for all those arriving to Iraq, and the woman who entered Iraq with a Russian passport disappeared months ago. We are following up on the disappearance, and we are serious about uncovering her fate, and we will not tolerate this matter.


Iraq hosts tourist delegations and foreign companies, and the issue of security is a priority and cannot be tolerated.

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Al-Sudani meets in New York with a number of representatives of American companies

Al-Sudani meets in New York with a number of representatives of American companies
2023-09-22 00:08


Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met in New York, on Thursday evening (Baghdad time), with a number of presidents and representatives of American companies, on the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.


Al-Sudani met with representatives of: The American company General Electric, the multinational technology group Honeywell, and the American law firm Kuvenkin.


The meeting witnessed discussion of expanding the partnership and cooperation between Iraq and these companies, and the possibility of strengthening and developing previous agreements, within the framework of the government’s pursuit of economic reform and laying the foundations for technological and industrial development in the Iraqi economy.


During the meeting, the Prime Minister confirmed that the Iraqi investment arena is prepared to attract all types of investments, especially within the government’s ongoing efforts to build infrastructure, as well as developing the rest of the economic and industrial aspects. 

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Al-Sudani from New York: Iraq will be active in the gas market, and Turkey is one of those affected by stopping oil exports

Al-Sudani from New York: Iraq will be active in the gas market, and Turkey is one of those affected by stopping oil exports
2023-09-21 11:04

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, on Thursday, the trend towards making Iraq an active element in the global gas market, and while he pointed out that stopping the export of Kurdistan Region oil has harmed Iraq and Turkey as well, he pointed out that there is a trend to regulate the relationship with the United States and the coalition. International report on the military presence in the country.


In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, Al-Sudani’s media office reported the highlights of a press interview Al-Sudani conducted with the American “Bloomberg” news channel in New York, on the sidelines of his participation in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly in its 78th session.


During the interview, Al-Sudani stressed Iraq's commitment to the agreements with the OPEC and OPEC+ countries, in a way that preserves the interests of producers and consumers, and Iraqi production capabilities will be part of these understandings.


He added, "We will direct part of our oil production to operate refineries outside Iraq, and we discussed this matter with Bulgaria, and there are refineries in China and Malaysia."


He continued, "We seek a reasonable price for oil that guarantees the interest of producers and consumers. We do not have a fixed price, and we believe that the appropriate price is no less than $85-90 per barrel."


He pointed out that there are fields announced within the sixth round of natural gas investment, and there is another round of fields being developed, considering that Iraq will be an active country in the gas market.


Regarding stopping the export of Kurdistan Region oil, Al-Sudani explained, “We are awaiting the measures of the Turkish side to resume exports via the Turkish line, especially oil produced in the Kurdistan Region, and it will be within the general policy of the state.”


He stated, "There are mutual complaints in the International Court of Arbitration, but we are negotiating with the Turkish side to separate the export appeal from the legal issues in the court."


He pointed out that stopping exports harms all parties, including the Turkish side, which depends on tariffs from the export pipeline.


He added, "We have started important projects with Total and the fifth rounds with Emirati and Chinese companies," noting, "We have 11 fields and exploration blocks for natural gas, and we are serious about investing in it."


He added, "We met with American companies operating in the Kurdistan Region, and who have a desire to work in the rest of Iraq, and we discussed the investment opportunities in which we would like American companies to enter."


He pointed out that "there is a strategic relationship between Iraq and the United States, and the meeting with the US Secretary of State discussed the activation of the strategic framework agreement, the entry of American companies, and the resumption of oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan."


He stressed that "Iraq is keen to conduct dialogue with the United States, in a way that maintains stability in a sensitive region like the Middle East."


Regarding the presence of foreign forces in Iraq, Al-Sudani said, "Our official position is declared, which is that there is no need for any foreign military presence or combat forces in Iraq. We have security services capable of imposing security."


He continued, "We are in dialogue about the future of the relationship with the international coalition, and we are discussing with the United States formulas of bilateral cooperation away from the coalition, and it is on the table with all countries in the region and the world."


He stressed, "We support and accompany any international effort to target terrorist groups, ISIS or others."


He stated, "We found an understanding and conviction that there is no need for combat forces, and that there can be joint programs for training and exchange of information, and this is what the technical committees will agree on."


Al-Sudani explained, "What currently exists are advisors, and we are trying to organize their presence, their locations, the type of tasks required, and the time period. The American-Iraqi committee will meet this month to discuss these issues."


Regarding the regional issue, Al-Sudani noted, “We are interested in understanding, rapprochement, and settling problems between Iran and the United States, which is a contributing factor to the stability of the region, and we are trying to distance our relations from any conflicts in the region.”


He concluded by saying: "Iraq will not be an arena for settling disputes and conflicts. We are a sovereign state and we maintain our relations in the region according to the principles of common interests and non-interference in internal affairs."

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Al-Sudani meets with the American Chamber of Commerce and reveals a set of visions and plans

Al-Sudani meets with the American Chamber of Commerce and reveals a set of visions and plans
2023-09-22 03:13

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani held, on Thursday evening (Baghdad time), a meeting with members of the American Chamber of Commerce, in the presence of a number of businessmen, investors, and representatives of major American companies.


Al-Sudani stated that Iraq is a fertile land for investment in many important sectors, and there are natural resources that have not been invested yet, and the time has come to invest them in a way that achieves prosperity for the Iraqi people and contributes to strengthening the strategic relationship with the United States.


The Prime Minister delivered a speech during the meeting, the highlights of which are the following:


🔷 Our government invests revenues correctly to activate important economic sectors other than oil, as it is not possible to continue to rely on oil to strengthen the budget and cover obligations, as was the case throughout the previous stage.


🔷 The wrong path in wasting burned gas will stop within 2-3 years, after the completion of the gas projects that began with Total and the Emirati and Chinese companies in the fifth round.


🔷 We announced 11 fields and exploration blocks in the governorates; Anbar, Nineveh, and Najaf, which include natural gas that will be invested for the first time in Iraq’s history.


🔷 Economic reform is a priority, and it cannot be implemented without the presence of an effective and capable private sector that is a partner with the government.


🔷 We focused on providing a favorable business environment for foreign companies in general, and American companies in particular, by virtue of the capabilities they possess, and also within the path of the vision for the partnership between Iraq and the United States.


🔷 The relationship between Iraq and the United States cannot remain limited to the security aspect.


🔷 The business environment in Iraq requires a great effort to reduce bureaucracy, and we have the decision and will to stop corruption through legal measures, and companies cannot be made vulnerable to blackmail or red tape.


🔷 Every project and file related to a company will be personally sponsored and followed up by us, and we will work to overcome all obstacles you face.


🔷 We are working to reform the tax system and the customs system, and we are currently preparing a draft economic reform law that addresses loopholes in several laws.


🔷 We have a draft system to regulate e-commerce, and the government is committed to protecting intellectual property, and we approved a draft law that was sent to the House of Representatives for a vote.


🔷 We are working diligently on the draft electronic payment law, and we have made great strides in financial and banking reform, through our relationship with the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury.


🔷 Today we have clear and transparent trade subject to global compliance standards in money transfers.


🔷 The Ministry of Commerce, through the Commercial Attaché in Washington and with the US Trade Representative Office, is working to hold meetings of the third session of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, in the first quarter of 2024.


🔷 The function of this agreement is to identify the challenges facing trade and investment relations between Iraq and the United States.


🔷 We call on all American companies to present the challenges they face in their presence and work in Iraq. To develop solutions for it.


🔷 We supported the private sector in the budget law, through the Iraq Fund for Development, which has a capital of $750 million during 2023, and in 2024 we will add an additional amount.


🔷 We are currently conducting understandings with Arab and international investment funds, specifically with the Saudi Investment Bank, where we have a partnership in this aspect.


🔷 The government will provide sovereign guarantees in the budget law to establish industrial and agricultural projects in Iraq.


🔷 We have understandings with the German Hermes Foundation and the Italian Sochet Foundation, and they are prepared to provide production lines to important laboratories and factories in the industrial sector in exchange for 15% from Iraqi businessmen and 85% provided by the government as a sovereign guarantee.


🔷 A delegation of Iraqi businessmen toured Germany and Italy and identified factories, and is currently in the process of reaching understandings to implement these projects that were chosen according to market requirements.


🔷 We want to achieve a real shift in health services, and we have a health insurance law, and we have a new philosophy that represents a transitional stage for implementing this law, through joint operation with companies specialized in providing health services.


🔷 We offered 6 hospitals and we hope that there will be American companies specialized in providing medical and therapeutic services in operating these hospitals.


🔷 The size of the pharmaceutical market in Iraq is approximately $3 billion annually, with national production representing only 10%, and the rest is imported.


🔷 The Council of Ministers issued a package of decisions to support pharmaceutical producers, and today there are more than 245 requests to establish production lines for the pharmaceutical industry.


🔷 We are strongly moving towards using modern irrigation techniques to confront water scarcity. There are arable areas and an attractive environment, but they need specialized technologies and companies to develop this sector.


🔷 We concluded contracts with Emirati, Chinese, and Iraqi companies to establish solar power stations, and we concluded a contract with Total to generate 1,000 megawatts of solar energy.

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Al-Sudani: Iraq's relationship with America must develop beyond security issues

Al-Sudani: Iraq's relationship with America must develop beyond security issues
2023-09-22 07:05

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, on Friday, the importance of developing relations between Iraq and America in various fields and not being limited to the security aspect only.


This came in an interview with Al-Sudani conducted by the American channel CNN, which touched on the security issue, where the Iraqi Prime Minister said that his country’s relationship with the United States must develop beyond security issues.


Regarding the invitation extended to him by US President Joe Biden, Al-Sudani mentioned, “With regard to the invitation of the US President, Mr. Biden, the US and Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs are arranging a date this year,” noting that “one of the most important topics that must be discussed is the strategic framework agreement.”


He added that the agreement “needs to be activated between the two countries, especially since there is a serious desire to develop this relationship. Our relationship between the United States and Iraq should not be limited to the security aspect, despite its importance,” adding, “But there is a need to activate other files and fields, which are important today.” Iraq is a country that has great economic resources and is an influential country in the energy market. There are many opportunities that could be areas for American companies to work in various economic, service and urban sectors in Iraq.”


Regarding the security aspect and the American intervention in the country, the Iraqi Prime Minister said, "What concerns us is the security situation and our relationship with the international coalition in Iraq."


Al-Sudani added: “Today, Iraq does not need combat forces, whether from the United States or from the rest of the international coalition countries. Today, the Iraqi security forces have reached an advanced stage of readiness, capability, and ability to maintain security stability and track down ISIS cells, which represent groups chasing in the deserts.” Mountains and caves have no place and do not threaten the entity of the state,” he said.

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The Prime Ministers of Iraq and Kuwait meet in New York... and important statements are made about bilateral relations

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani meets in New York with Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

Riyadh - Mubasher: The Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, met with the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, on the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister affirmed Iraq's commitment to the relevant Security Council resolutions, the principles of international law, common understandings and good neighbourliness, and the sovereignty and integrity of the territory of the sister State of Kuwait, according to a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Media Office.

Al-Sudani also expressed the desire of the Republic of Iraq to continue holding joint committee meetings and exchanging visits between officials and experts in the two countries, in all fields. In order to enhance levels of cooperation and partnership, build confidence, advance bilateral relations, and overcome all obstacles.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court ruled, earlier this month, that the law ratifying the agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of the State of Kuwait regarding the regulation of maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah No. (42) of 2013 was unconstitutional .

On September 15 , the Kuwaiti Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab World Affairs, Ahmed Al-Bakr, handed over to the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the State of Kuwait, Al-Manhal Al-Safi, a memorandum of protest against what was mentioned in the merits of the ruling issued by the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq regarding the agreement concluded between the government of the State of Kuwait and the government. Republic of Iraq .



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