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No Compensation For Any Lost or STOLEN Currency by Order of CBI Law Article 34


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Ignorant ewingm plain ignorant

Look at the rest of the worlds central bank laws too and twist the meanings around too ewingm and pretend they did it to give everyone the shaft

Who wrote the cbi law in 2004 ?

Saddam hussien ?

The baathe party ?


I believe you've gone mad ewingm

In 2010 everything was changed when the cbi was to be supervised by the govt of iraq

And shabs didn't like that

And shabs was soon replaced

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How about doing something constructive for a change.  You have a talent for research.  The topic today is :  Is there verifiable proof that the export of uncirculated, fresh printed dinar, outside the borders of iraq is completely legal.  Go to work.  By the end of the day someone should have found some clear unambiguous answers to that question. 

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The question of the day is , "has ewingm gone mad?"

Is any currency legal?

I haven't found one thing in 10 years that says the dinar is illegal anywhere

10 and 1/2 years ago one article said such a thing and a million people have searched and found nothing to substantiate the claims made by the news week magazine article in February 2004

I know you have found nothing either since this is your basis for asking the question

Iraq knows about the dinar being sold openly and advertised openly forsale around the world and have not told anyone its illegal to own dinar outside of iraq

So you pretend it is all you want ewingm and they should be around " soon" wearing the white coats offering you one with the sleeves that are tied in a knot behind your back

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha

Your gonna be doing the Thorazine shuffle soon ewingm

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha

Rock heads gonna be your supervisor

Go ahead start a new topic ewingm

I'll be looking for it

You still haven't learned about this topic you started your argueing against it

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Markinsa,  Your interpretation of Article 34 Number 3, is simply different from how  I interpret the statute.  When it states currency that has been "stolen", I'm not sure how else it can be interpreted when it comes to the huge theft of dinars from the banks in Mosul by ISIS.  As I don't trust the CBI from engaging in nefarious methods in order to remove overseas speculators, of which my family members are part.  There has been much discussion over the years, of the legality of owning dinar, or the legality of dinar leaving iraq.  It is a grey area.  If the CBI chooses to remove overseas dinar holders from either an RV or RD, they could use language such as this to make their point.  I simply don't trust the CBI.  The comment you are asking for can be found at:   http://another site/money-bet-your-bottom-dinar

The Deputy Goveronor


Could of been stolen be Maliki

Maybe that is why he has not been arrested..they are still putting together the evidence

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I previewed the sterling currency group video where the COE/owner explicitly says they obtained and transported the dinar they sell LEGALLY...!!!!! But the fine print says they are not responsible if the dinar loses value.??? I guess that could mean zero!

Now thinking about that , If they obtain it from other than Iraq the purchase would be legal technically . How they legally go thru customs??????? 


The probably use the Fincen 105



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Markinsa is correct on the Import form.  It was what got Cooper arrested and prosecuted by the Feds.  Anything over $10,000 must be reported prior to ingress of the country by using Fincen 105.  Cooper was importing 500,000 worth of iraqi dinar through the country of Jordan, and didn't file.   

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all I saw was a blank form ?????? 


Yeah, they probably fill it out with all their pertinent information.   :lol: To legally transport more than $10,000 worth of currency inside/outside of the United States you have to report it.  The Government can't keep you from importing/exporting it, you just have to report it, otherwise they confiscate it. :twothumbs:



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