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So if Israel actually launches an attack on Iran.....

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Do you feel that this investment will pretty much be kaput?

From my research into the New world Order;it's always been said that they hope to start WW3 by first having Israel launch a strike on Iran.And now here is such a scenario staring us right in the face.All the other middle eastern countries will surely be the first ones pulled into such a war.

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If ww3 started I woulnt worry about your investment. I think other things would take priority.

Like living and food...ect.

Dosen't bare thinking about.... :(

I'm not trying to be insensitive,sorry if it came out that way.

It's just that we're living day by day here and if it happened just prior to ww3 it would be a God sens as I would use it to help pay off peoples debts and buy up supplies.I want to help as many people as I can.

Rest assured I harbor no delusions on living high off the RV *** for years after it pops ;)

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Well as I can see other Middle East countries are trying to survive the chaos that's engulfed their streets, who actually think that Egypt or Syria has any fight in them when they are fighting within and look at Yemen it too has its woes so who's left to help them? GREECE!!!!!!!

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Actually, if Israel hits Iran, it could be a good thing for our investment. Good and bad for us. For one thing it's going to screw up oil distribution from Iran and the demand is definitely not going to slow up, especially when the wheels of war start to roll. Who do you think will be picking up the slack in oil production? If you guessed Iraq as one of the countries give yourself a +1. If this were the case it means more money coming into Iraq, higher oil prices, more money coming into Iraq = higher dinar value. Bad news for us is we will be paying higher oil prices and we will also unfortunately get drug into this war, count on it this spring coming to a news station near you. (This part sucks, whether they are deaths of our own, Israel's or even Iran's this is a bad thing.) I agree that something needs to be done with Iran because if they can get a nuke they will use it IMO, but the innocent civilians that will suffer because of their stupidity is what really sucks. Because of the controlled media in most of the ME these people hate us, why? Because that is what the propaganda machines have been pumping to them since birth, they will suffer because of lousy decisions made by their leaders of which they have no control. Kinda sounds like our country doesn't it? As far as Russia is concerned they are not what they used to be, will talk tough, and in the end send us a letter saying they are unhappy with us so they can save face. When it comes to China, however, they are talking a mean game but it would be economic suicide for them to go up against us. Why? Because we buy all their crap that's why. They are not that stupid, China is doing it's best to take us over, but it's not going to happen thru war, it doesn't need to, if they continue what they are doing and we keep on the same path O has us on they will own us anyway, they know exactly what they are doing.

I hope and pray we don't go down this road, but like I said earlier you can pretty much bank on it that before the end of April we will be in it with Iran. :( Short and to the point but war none the less. As usual the nutjobs responsible will get away with it and the innocent civilians will be the ones who suffer. I get a kick out of the peeps that say nuke em into a sheet of glass, yeah it sounds good. But anyone who has ever seen actual combat, will be the first to tell you there is nothing glamorous about taking another person's life, even if it is Iranian. When it's an enemy you take out it's one thing but the collateral damage will haunt you forever.

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Do you feel that this investment will pretty much be kaput?

From my research into the New world Order;it's always been said that they hope to start WW3 by first having Israel launch a strike on Iran.And now here is such a scenario staring us right in the face.All the other middle eastern countries will surely be the first ones pulled into such a war.

Unfortunately, Israel doesn't have much choice. If they listen to the appeasers, Iran gets a nuke and wipes Israel off the they have promised. What would you nice to the Iranians and hope they have a kumbayah moment?

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On a lighter note I just thought of a Danny Devito quote I think from the War of the Roses but not sure just remember what he said:

"Lawyers are like nuclear weapons, they have theirs we have ours, if either of us uses them it screws up everything."

I point this out to one of my lawyer buddies all the time. :P

Actually it was so cold up here last week I drove by a law firm and the lawyers actually had their hands in their own pockets, then when I went past the high school the kids actually had their pants pulled up where they are supposed to be!!! Now that's cold! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Ha ha, you people are sheep. Neg me more for saying to take out Isreal's nukes and let give anybody defending Isreal a pass. Keep listening to Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck and kissing the zionist @ss.

Such hatred. You can't even spell Israel right, so I'll just chalk you up as another Israel-hating whacko.

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Unfortunately, Israel doesn't have much choice. If they listen to the appeasers, Iran gets a nuke and wipes Israel off the they have promised. What would you nice to the Iranians and hope they have a kumbayah moment?

Sounds like you're falling for the fear mongering propaganda again man.

Like I said,this has been the globalists plan to start ww3 and bring about a one world government for a long time.All the supposed 'dangers' that are being claimed as coming from Iran are in fact merely here-say from the elite controlled media and government sources.They can tell the masses almost anything and get them to believe and support it if they pay off the right people/sources.After being blatantly lied to in this way for years I can't believe so many people still trust these snakes for their news.

Does this mean I hate Israel? Absolutely not!

On the contrary the Jews/Israelites and Arabs/Muslims are both unaware pawns that are being played against each other like chess pieces by the elites.I sincerely wish people will wake up to the truth and not support this new unjust war the globalists are trying to start.Because if it goes through this could truly be the start of ww3 and the beginning of the end.

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Actually, if Israel hits Iran, it could be a good thing for our investment. Good and bad for us. For one thing it's going to screw up oil distribution from Iran and the demand is definitely not going to slow up, especially when the wheels of war start to roll. Who do you think will be picking up the slack in oil production? If you guessed Iraq as one of the countries give yourself a +1. If this were the case it means more money coming into Iraq, higher oil prices, more money coming into Iraq = higher dinar value. Bad news for us is we will be paying higher oil prices and we will also unfortunately get drug into this war, count on it this spring coming to a news station near you. (This part sucks, whether they are deaths of our own, Israel's or even Iran's this is a bad thing.) I agree that something needs to be done with Iran because if they can get a nuke they will use it IMO, but the innocent civilians that will suffer because of their stupidity is what really sucks. Because of the controlled media in most of the ME these people hate us, why? Because that is what the propaganda machines have been pumping to them since birth, they will suffer because of lousy decisions made by their leaders of which they have no control. Kinda sounds like our country doesn't it? As far as Russia is concerned they are not what they used to be, will talk tough, and in the end send us a letter saying they are unhappy with us so they can save face. When it comes to China, however, they are talking a mean game but it would be economic suicide for them to go up against us. Why? Because we buy all their crap that's why. They are not that stupid, China is doing it's best to take us over, but it's not going to happen thru war, it doesn't need to, if they continue what they are doing and we keep on the same path O has us on they will own us anyway, they know exactly what they are doing.

I hope and pray we don't go down this road, but like I said earlier you can pretty much bank on it that before the end of April we will be in it with Iran. :( Short and to the point but war none the less. As usual the nutjobs responsible will get away with it and the innocent civilians will be the ones who suffer. I get a kick out of the peeps that say nuke em into a sheet of glass, yeah it sounds good. But anyone who has ever seen actual combat, will be the first to tell you there is nothing glamorous about taking another person's life, even if it is Iranian. When it's an enemy you take out it's one thing but the collateral damage will haunt you forever.


Gave you a +1 I agree with your assessment. Very well written :o)

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You do realize that there's an enormous difference between the typical Israeli citizen,and the small amount of Rich Khazar Zionist Jews that control the world right?

Your average Jew is just as in the dark as the sheeple here in America and around the world.They control almost all world governments,so nuking Israel would accomplish nothing more than killing a ton of innocent civilians.Such a suggestion is just as stupid as the lemmings that actually think killing all arab Muslims will bring peace to the world.Two equally silly delusions.

I said taking out their nukes, not killing innocent civilians. People are so brainwashed any words written that is not in support of Isreal puts people into hysterics. Typical knee jerk reaction by sheeple. If I would have said to turn Iran into a parking lot I probably would have gotten plus 10.

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Right now as for my understanding from someone in Israel...

They wont be the ones bombing IRAN. It isnt in their interest to do so right now. What I was told is that the USA would probably be the one's to do it.

It will not be done with out a lot of backing of other world nations. Is it possible I am wrong... YES, but think about the news and everything that is going on in that region.

The moves now are much more carefully planned out. We are tightening the noose around IRAN. Slowly that country is imploding. So consider if it isnt ISRAEL.

Just a thought and we shall see.


As for the ZIONIST comments... They are so truely unfounded and are based on theory. It is easier to blame a people than to dig deeper for facts beyond the words of few.

The rest is TREULY conspiracy theory. I believe few are in position to control much of the currencies and powers of the world. I do not believe these are ZIONISTS nor jews alone. Yet if there is a few jews, everyone will blame them as they have for thousands of years. Blame the jews! Find another group already... This is a worn out, used up and old hate... When I see that I just shake my head and realize how immature and prejudice it is.


I said taking out their nukes, not killing innocent civilians. People are so brainwashed any words written that is not in support of Isreal puts people into hysterics. Typical knee jerk reaction by sheeple. If I would have said to turn Iran into a parking lot I probably would have gotten plus 10.

WHY TAKE OUT THE ONE TRUE ALLIE TO THE USA? You seem a bit more the SHEEP... Get educated please... Or say a few more things which show a hate... We will see where it gets you here.

Edited by imgesing
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Can't believe people are falling for the same crap all over again. Isreal does not want to fight their own wars so they are trying to get the U.S. to do it for them like Iraq. Bush's zionists were pushing for Iraq ever since 911. Even Gen. Wesley Clark mentioned it in a conversation with Wolfowitz. If Isreal wants this so bad they should go at it alone. Just hope they don't pull off another false flag to fool everybody this time.

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Can't believe people are falling for the same crap all over again. Isreal does not want to fight their own wars so they are trying to get the U.S. to do it for them like Iraq. Bush's zionists were pushing for Iraq ever since 911. Even Gen. Wesley Clark mentioned it in a conversation with Wolfowitz. If Isreal wants this so bad they should go at it alone. Just hope they don't pull off another false flag to fool everybody this time.

You might change your name on this site but your message is the same...

Might want to back up your THEORIES of a "Zionist" group with some facts. Problem is I could cut holes in all of it because the sources are bad most of the time. I am not saying there are not ROTHCHILD etc. But they are not ZIONISTS. You hang your hat on a group which doesnt exist in order to propogate a prejudistic view. The chance that few rule isnt far fetched to believe in or maybe even prove. They are not called ZIONISTS. ISRAEL is powerful in of itself but not as a world order. That is truely insane... ALL IMHO. The difference is I say it is just MHO. I leave room for the chance I am wrong where as most who use these foolish notions dont.

Peace and good luck to you in your view of the world.


Edited by imgesing
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You guys are taking very lightly what could very well turn into WW3....God bless us all and be with us....

Amen Bama Girl. If Israel attacks Iran, then chances are that Russia and China are going to come to Iran's aid. Then by treaty, that would then draw the U.S. and Brittain into it. It is an extremely terrifying thought of WW 3. The worse part is the very real possibilty of nukes being used. Imagine someone launching nukes and those nukes hitting the U.S. mainland. Imagine even a more terrifying thought of an army invading the U.S. mainland. God bless us all.

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I said taking out their nukes, not killing innocent civilians. People are so brainwashed any words written that is not in support of Isreal puts people into hysterics. Typical knee jerk reaction by sheeple. If I would have said to turn Iran into a parking lot I probably would have gotten plus 10.

Well like I said before buddy,Israel is controlled by the same people that rule over the USA,Iran,the UK,etc etc you name it.

If you're gonna take away Israels nukes you might as well take away everyone else's too.Regardless of what you do the globalists will still find a way to start ww3 in they fashion they desire.

Quit singling out Israel,This is a global operation.Which is why no one short of God will ever be able to stop it.

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