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Everything posted by desimo

  1. In many ways I do not care if he is a Jehovah Witness. He has lied to the American people and has failed in keeping his oath of office. He needs to be impeached, imprisoned, and ran out of office.
  2. When people echo Clinton with 'what does it matter' should infuriate Americans. It is easier to ask 'what does the Constitution matter'. It is easier to ask 'what does the nation matter'. Does America matter any more?
  3. How would I be able to get an SKR and exchange my IQD to receive some money and deposit?
  4. I just read that the WTO has offered a full invitation to Iraq for membership. Can this be confirmed by other sources and if so, what does this mean for our investment?
  5. He forgets some basic things. As each American arms themself there is not draw on American economy. If anything there would be fuel IN the economy as people buy precious metals such as lead, copper and brass. He thinks Americans are simply going to depend upon the government for protection. Guess what, dirtbag, the average American will NOT marandize your butt and will not apologize after we shoot you or beat the stuffings out of you and your idiot minions. DO NOT PERCEIVE AMERICAN MEEKNESS AS WEAKNESS!
  6. Miss Alligator may have a weight issue but I do not think it is proper to make it a matter of the news. She might be working very hard to correct the matter.
  7. I want to see the paperwork with signatures. Then I want to see those papers shoved up his butt. If it is true this traitor has been funneling money off to the Muslim brotherhood, using our service persons to secretly support his brother's terrorist organization, and proves that his goal has been to destroy America then I hope the gate open wide and all .....breaks loose on him.
  8. I can live with 1.16 I would just like to know when it is supposed to happen.
  9. 9/11 was the Pearl harbor of our generation. We must NEVER forget. I am really sick and tired of hearing people pi$$ and moan about how the religion of islam is not trusted. If they are so offended where are the protests in the streets against the radicals of islam. Where are the protests in the streets against the honor killings where innocent young girls are murdered by radical family members simply because they wanted to not be under the oppression of ancient ideas? Where are the protests in the streets against the radicals who murder their children simply because they want to date a non-muslim? Where are the protests in the streets against the faction of islam that support the bombing in Boston? Where are the protests in the streets against the murderer of Benghazi who are carrying the name muslim into pools of blood. I had someone who I referred to as a friend who was a 'muslim' in Turkey. I know there are some who are simply born into the religion of islam who are called muslim who are not bombing radicals and who are appalled by the radicals. But the ones who seem to speak out the loudest are not in our country. If the muslims in our country do not want to be painted with the same brush it is up to them to speak out to be different. It is not up to society to see them different simply because they are not carrying a bomb on their back. It is up to them to speak out and be different. We do not know who the enemy is today. Our government has given the victories to the enemy. It is our government who makes it almost impossible to fly without feeling like you have been sexually violated while those who are part of the very group that have made these new regulations seemingly necessary. It is our government who is also fueling the divide as they give in to the loud-mouthed radicals who demands that they are allowed driver license photo wearing a full burka. It is our government who gives in to the loud-mouth idiots who have a fuss because there might be a Christmas tree at the airport while providing funds to promote islam. I am tired of people expect me to change my perspective of them while they seem to do nothing to change their own image.
  10. I think it is beyond bloody time for there to be discrimination law suits. I would like to see just how easy a Christian group could get a permit in DC. The Muslims seemed to get one rather easily. If the muslims can get federal money for the mosques and promoting their religion I would like to see Christians taking people to court. Enough is enough.
  11. Obutt is wanting a false flag so bad I fear he will find another reason.
  12. I am sick and tired of what might be 1% of the general population being able to legally bully the remaining 99. I do not tell them how to live and I am tired of them cramming their non-religion down my throat. If you do not like my Christmas tree then shut the poop up....IT'S A TREE FOR PITTY SAKES. It has been around a lot longer than they have. If you do not like my pledge of allegiance shut the poop up....IT'S BEEN AROUND FOR CENTURIES. If you do not like nativity scenes shut the poop up....IT'S A DEPICTION. Leave me and what I believe alone. The cross has been on more graves since the beginning of time and if you do not like it shut the poop up....IT'S MARKING A DEAD PERSON AND THEY ARE NOT BOTHERING YOU. Atheists are the most insane people I know because they spend so much time and money to disprove what they do not believe exists. It would be like if I did not believe in Nessie for me to start a multi-million dollar event to prove that Nessie does not exist. If it does not exist why worry about what is not there? And for those who want to believe in Nessie it is not hurting anything. They are afraid that there might just be a God and they are not going to be able to determine their own future without answering to anyone that they have to cram God out of existence.
  13. He needs to leave the country while he can because he is now a target and they will not rest until he is in prison for something even if it is made up charges.
  14. Obutt says that the evidence of chemical attack is 'indisputable'. If it is so indisputable why do the Russians say they have evidence it is false. Why does a nun who was living over there say it is false. I want to know the connect Obutt has to his brother who is a leader in the muslim brotherhood and the muslim brotherhood connection to Syria. Are we going to help the muslim brotherhood? Why are we helping the muslim brotherhood when many are asking it to be labeled a terrorist organization? Why has Obutt been supporting the muslim brotherhood in the past? DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN!!!
  15. desimo


    Personally I do not think anyone really knows the actual factual regarding taxes on this thing because the IRS is all over the board regarding that this is. Some say it is capital gain, others say it is income tax, others say it is a currency exchange. I do not think we will really know what taxes will be until it a actually happens.
  16. If my national anthem offends them too bad. Their rapkrap offends ME!
  17. Even terrorist would not be so stupid as to nuke South Carolina. Tick off a bunch of good ole boys who would clean their clock by noon and then have enough time to get a bunch of crawdads for supper.
  18. I do not care what the court says, I plan to keep saying the pledge the way I have always done all my nation UNDER GOD.
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