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Everything posted by HisHands

  1. Amen Francie! It is time we take America back!
  2. Good Morning Yota and DV members! Wow lots of news articles today! Cannot wait to here everyone's opinions on them. Thanks for all the news Yota!
  3. I am going to run out of +'s today because you are getting so many today Carello! Thanks for all your hard work!
  4. We have Braxton home and he is doing well. The smaller one, Brantley is still struggling. Cannot tell you how many miracles we have seen with these two little boys! Thanks for the congrats! Glad to see both of your boys are on the mend with their broken bones. Boy when it rains it pours!
  5. No problem Bama. I missed a lot due to my daughter having her twins. They were born at 28 weeks and only weighed 1lb 11 oz and 2 lbs 4 oz. We have fought for them to survive for almost 4 months. God has been good. This investment kind of got put on the back burner. You are gracious and classy as always.
  6. Bama and Maggie-I had no idea what transpired between Stryker and anyone on his site or this site. I simply do not follow other sites, nor do I follow others when they leave here. I am sorry that some of you got hurt, because words spoken or written can never be taken back. I did not intend to inflame those wounds. I took some time off from this site for personal reasons, but also because there is so much spoken in anger at times, that it is not something I want to be a part of. Let me first say that I love Carello and all she brings to this site. However, I do not share her political views in any way. This does not prevent me from enjoying and appreciating her posts and opinions on this investment. I also do not take it upon myself to offend her for her political stance. Frankly, it quite baffles me why this thread about the currency has ended up being a political bashing. I come to Dinar Vets to learn about the Dinar. I purposely do not read the political posts because I do not enjoy them, nor do I come to this forum for that purpose. What other people want to debate about is fine, it just is not something I am interested in. You are both wonderful people, and I enjoy both of your perspectives on issues. I was just very surprised at what I saw posted. There have been times in my past when I wished that I could have taken back something I said that hurt a friend. However, it cannot be done. I respect the fact that you both have a right to voice your opinions, but I was shocked at the anger in the posts. I rarely post anymore, because it does seem that there are those who make you feel that if you do not post often, you should not have a right to post when something comes up that you feel strongly enough about to make your opinion known. I think there are a lot of people who do not post because of this. JMHO Blessings to both of you.
  7. Thank for the article Carrello! I would plus you but my plusser is still broken!
  8. Maggie123-I am amazed that you would talk to Yota the way you did, with spiteful remarks, yet chastise him for making a remark you did not like. If you do not want other members to say things that may not be the kindest, then you should follow the same principal that you are expecting of them. The old verbage two wrongs don't make a right I think applies here. Maybe you do not appreciate all the news that is brought here by ALL of the forum members, but I sure do. I quit posting several months ago just because of the mean spirit of some members. People will always have differing opinions, that is what makes life interesting. However when we make personal attacks, then it makes this site a sad place to say the least. Do I follow some people who bring the news to us? You betcha! I don't have the time or knowledge to dig up the articles like they do, so yes, when they post, I read. It does not mean that I worship the ground they walk on, but I give them the respect due them for taking the time to bring over the news. I also appreciate anyone who can break down articles for us. I am NOT saying I agree totally with everything they say, but that is why God gave me a brain, so I can read what is posted, and separate it from what I think it means. I was just wondering if you had any news articles for us this morning...... I see there have been none posted from Yota.
  9. It may be time to get those party hats out after all KK! Thanks for all your work!
  10. sportfisher-I am proud to be "bizarre" with you. As far as I am concerned, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one. The Trinity. I worship the Father, I am saved by the Son, and guided each day by His Holy Sprit.
  11. I think CaptainWingnut gives us pretty good examples of how this works over in the thread referring to Steve Enorrstes. He makes some very good points, and it is easy to understand, too.
  12. Thanks CaptainWingnut! I love your break down! Please keep sharing your knowledge with us! I can actually understand your analysis instead of wondering what on earth I just read!
  13. Frankly, a lot of our good people decided to move on because they were tired of arguing with people who did nothing but try to spin negative on everything that was posted on DV. They are still out there, and still believe very much in this investment. They just got tired of arguing with people who think they know everything, and want to try to start a bashing session, no matter how good the article. There are still a lot of extremely knowledgable people on DV, they just choose not to waste their time in this section. I rarely come here just because of the kind of comments you just made. No reason for positive people to waste time here.
  14. Thanks TexasGranny! Cannot go into detail, but I really needed this story today. If it was not posted for anyone else, it was posted for me and my family! God Bless!
  15. Thanks friend! Every little bit of info helps!
  16. Sad to say RandallN-that seems to be more than what our friends in Iraq have accomplished in the past week! LOL! Now can you show them how to have an RV? Maybe that can be on your "to do: list for tomorrow! God Bless!
  17. Good to see you RandallN! Do you have any kind of update on anything for us? I read the news, but frankly sometimes all it does is confuse me because of so many contradictorng articles. Would love to hear what your take is on all that is happening.
  18. I will lift up Ryan and your family to our Heavenly Father! He is the Master of the Wind-he can heal all wounds. God Bless all of your family!
  19. You must have ready my mind this morning Jerry! I was just thinking the same thing! You have to laugh at these guys. I just cannot imagine people believing them over and over and over! Like you, I await the excuses that come out of their mouths this morning as to why it did not happen. And Mr. Okie Dokie was pretty ticked yesterday because people were questioning him. Seems to me he owes some people an apology, but we all know the he will never do that!
  20. Patty- and all who contributed. I had to get up early this morning to start cooking Easter lunch for guests coming, and it was such a blessing just to sit my computer on my kitchen counter and start scrolling down through the thread and listening to each song. Made my morning tasks just fly by with all the praise and worship songs. Thanks for starting this wonderful thread. Don't let anything get you down Patty-you are very much appreciated and loved here at DV! I prayed for each poster as I scrolled down through the songs, too. Hopefully, ALL of them will feel God's hands on their life!
  21. Happy Easter Smee! He is Risen! Thank you for sharing!
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