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Everything posted by Deltori

  1. Yep I hope we change this president and a whole slew of other politicians out
  2. Obummer needs to be investigated for all kinds of stuff. We should support anyone that puts themselves in the crosshairs to do so.
  3. I'm so sick of this guy and politicians in general ...all are liars, thieves and whores
  4. AMEN very well said and I agree with you 100%. Yes exactly I'm glad to see people are getting it. The politicians have created this "you owe me" because you're succesfull mentallity because it takes the heat off of themselves and their big government agenda. If we're fighting ourselves we're too busy to fight them. It's called class warfare folks. Don;t get sucked into it. Work hard, take risks and possibly- after enough blood sweat and tears you may have a chance to be wealthy and by golly you deserve it. So lets stop thinking that big business is evil, they provide investors with potential profits and yes they must stay solvent to do that. We all are investors, they also provide jobs and incvome for the workers they employ. The bigger the company the more people they directly employ and lets not forget the people and businesses that they indirectly employ. There's a whole host of people being hired to service that business and build the buildings they need and those support businesses employ people and in fact have other businesses that support their activities and it goes on and on. Why do libs have such a hard time with this concept? Is government that void of greed and scandal that they want them to be in charge of everything really????
  5. It's weird how this very basic common sense approach has been lost in "Political Correctness" and the only benefactors of "PC" seem to be the politicians as they continue to destroy our ruggid individualism, our sense of personal responisiboity, our individual drive to be the best (at anything) and so on and so on. KUDOS to this 21 year old girl..may we all stand up for common sense and get back to being a great nation "By the People for The People"
  6. I mean just a little logic and common sense should tell you about one or two sentences in that this is just impossible and therefore junk...sorry about that
  7. Umm really? did you watch or just reply- theres strange un-identified DNA in there my friend besides the obvious shape of the skull..
  8. I'm sure you're just reflecting on some of the rhetoric politicians have used to justify their attacks on a genuinely useful organic remedy with little to no side effects. Not once has one of those comments been verified or supported by statistical data. Be careful what you believe. Besides that why not run a campaign against all of the other perscription drugs MDs are perscribing (bad side effects and all) since adults are selling those to kids and thats documented (oxycodone for example) Gotta keep logic in the loop here folks, we're being mislead by the powers that be on a regular basis.
  9. Umm wow that's got to be the least informed rant about Ron Paul I've ever read. The reasons to support Ron Paul extend far beyond his drug policies which by the way are designed to actually have a positive impact on fighting drug use/abuse while reducing the extravegant expense of the drug war which is failing miserably with billions spent we see the trend of drug use/abuse increasing exponentially, he is simply saying hey lets try a different approach which has been proven in other countries to have a positive impact rather than the negative wasteful process we've embarked on decades ago. Perhaps logic is foreign to you mr. jonjon? Look a bit deeper if you want to understand Ron Paul's allure, it's liberty loving Americans tired of a rediculous government ninnying and taxing them to death over make believe or strawman causes. Back to the basics, get government out of our daily lives ... period.
  10. THere is definitely some interesting stuff going on behind the scenes...powerful stuff and it does seem like it's about to come out into the open
  11. YES this is all starting to come out to be public knoweledge. Not too long ago became aware through come friends high up. They have already begun unraveling the damage being done to people like us. This is becoming public knoweledge faster than you would think. I was emntioning it to someone the other day and he already was clued into it so I think we are on the verge of something big and I think it will be really good for all of us and that's in addition to the RV. Good stuff...share the info
  12. Sick of these sneaky politicians. Their time is coming to an end.
  13. As a Chico State Alumni I gotta say it was great to see my old campus in the background. Just a fantastic school and town. I'm super happy to see such a turn out there in Chico and in UCLA as well. What we need is nothing short of a revolution in Amercia rightnow. If nothing else I'm happy to see that the message is beginning to get through.
  14. It's about time logic and reason are heard. Hey FEDS pull your head out...just sayin
  15. yea I guess someone on dinar recaps said that but they say a lot of things over there..
  16. haha actually I'd believe a producer over a politician any day of the week ;0)
  17. Oh contrare mofrare. The global warming issue is drummed up by a whole host of special interests leading right back to the pockets of politicians and industry types. An excuse to tax everything we do, an excuse to create whole sub-economies that are "supposedly" green when they are not and in fact do nothing to help the supposed issue. It's become some sort of religion for weenies. A faith based belief rather than fact based. All sorts of data ,anipulation has been uncovered in the greenies supposed research and that means they need to manufacture a problem and that they certainly have a stake in the game (usually financial or simpley control) The truth is that our air today is 99.9% cleaner than it has been for decades so it's not a pollution issue at all my friend. Again follow the money. Look at the stupid carbon offset programs and you'll find fat cat millionaires manufacturing a reason for you to spend more money. Blindly you follow because likely you are a good person and want to do what is right. But geeze look behind the curtain friends, be smart and don't let these people hijack your good intentions for their own greedy gains. For example the special flourescent lightbulbs that supposedly last longer (they don't),they cost 5 times as much, they create a horrible light that no one wants and they're full of poisenous mercury that goes right back into our soil via landfills. Case an point, don't cut off your nose in spite of your face. Everyone wants a clean earth and air believe me.Yes do good, recycle when possible etc. but don't buy the entire green agenda hook line and sinker cause you'll find all sorts of fraud (including the idea that CO2 is evil). CO2 is a very important part of our ecosystem so hey it's o.k. to breathe folks. Lets not replace one evil with another an think we're doing something great for the world (at an increased personal cost), that's just ignorance. Oh and Go RV
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