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Everything posted by Hamels

  1. if true, are we now waiting for April 2012??? ....if so, we wait
  2. if and when it revalues, it will be an international currency, just like the Euro, British Pound will be currency....people are taking this way too far...I have never bought from a dinar dealer,got the dinar thru different sources, some from relatives who were in Iraq, E Bay and TD Bank...TD Bank told me before they stopped selling, to bring in all of my dinar and they would exchange it . Now people are talking about serial numbers, notorized papers.....IMO, when it becomes a reconized currency, it will be exchanged just like any other currency
  3. purple helmet, huh........that is funnier than his prediction of the rate
  4. You actually belive he has people in Iraq, go on his site and ask him a few will be FIRED........ when I post something worthwhile, I back it up with a valid MRdinarman said....your funny...and i will not belive anything he says, meaning Stevel , and most anyone else here at DV would agree, without a a poll here, and see how many would rather have links, and not INTEL BULLS***
  5. why is it that Steve and his ghost in Iraq read articles in newspapers that Bondlady or Lakehouse or theIQD team can never seem to find, don;t dare to ask him or you be banished forever from his private sheeples club I totally agree, he never has links Stevel is a dope...I demand proof also,,,he says they are telling ALL THE PEOPLE, AND WANT IT DONE NOW,but no on can find any links....just his one newspaper article that no one can find.....DUH
  6. seen him at the Tower theatre in Philly, back in 1981...great show
  7. If it is true, it is way to late to close your account
  8. People better check out the goverment of Belize, before they wind up living there to avoid taxes
  9. same here, mine went thru COMMERZE Bank, I think that was the name, they are actually a middle man for Warka
  10. Well, now that is 2 down, him and Newt...who is next??
  11. Yep, he was actually trying to sing In The Garden Of Evil, but he was so FUC*** Up at the recording studio, that is how they actually recorded the album
  12. Re-Instate their old currency value
  13. Amazing that Clinton had all of these EO's and neither one of the Bush's in their 12 years did not implement any...I find that completely amazing, or was it just left out because of one mans view
  14. I am also happy about this rumor...but does anyone remember last year , at this time, Joe Biden said they were released from Chapter 7, and they just finished up with the Paris Club...Everyone thought it was going to happen on Jan 1st, and...still waiting........just my 2 fils here
  15. and some people here will come to his defence...but as we see, he doesn't like people pulling his chats from his site, but he does it himself, sounds a bit hypocritical to me
  16. didn't people believe he was talking about the RV a few months ago...and it wound up being something far from it,,,,take off your RV glasses
  17. my ears are bleeding, or should I say my eyes...Ole hot dog eater says he has 3 links, but never provides them....says another document from UN says there will not RV until its up to 1USD, but ...alas no link
  18. Thank You, had to vent a lil.....All other Gurus are bashed but when comes to Stevel, some people have a problem with that...IMO, he is just like the rest but you don't get to speak your mind over there...if this thing ever RVs, he is going to take those sheeple to the cleaners, the way they follow him...It is almost like a cult
  19. Have you ever had the pleasure to chat with Steve on his site???...and I am laughing when I say that, I think you need a dose of reality if you think bashing stevel will chase away productive people...take a walk in the peoples shoes who have been booted off his site, just for speaking up, and you will see sir, that I am not immature in what I am saying...The man has a split personalilty..........okie has been bashed for over a year now, and can u tell me how many people have been lost on this site because of that????
  20. Brightling has been beating this drum for a few months now...I got my Warka account, so there will be no spread when and if it RVs, and then right into the ISX for me....Tele-communications and concrete companies are what I will be getting into, will wait for the IPO's...If everyone believes in Iraq, this is the way to go....most people are just going to go right thru their money so fast, their heads will be spinning....I am thinking long term for me and my family and my childrens children
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