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Everything posted by iRaQi_VeT_716

  1. Exactly my point! The news hasn't mentioned him being killed at all. And that's "US" News!
  2. Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Mon Jun 09 2014 07:29 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add a comment - Baghdad (Iraq) / Ahmed Yassin Economist ruled out the existence of a relationship between the Iraqi government's actions and the high exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar, and expected recovery in the dollar to its previous status within days. The economist said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the "future" on Sunday (June 8, 2014) that the Central Bank of Iraq is responsible for the policies of the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies, the only one who has the authority and the mechanisms for the stability of the exchange rate of the dinar in Iraq. He noted that the decline in the dollar exchange rate is normal because of the policy currently in auction Central Bank of Iraq and the mechanics of the entry money transfer companies to auction the central bank without the mediation of banks, where the drop in the price of buying and selling the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies is a positive thing for the policy of national exchange, trade and good phenomenon the fact that the policy of auction sales CBI is still going on despite the fact that government spending is restricted during the current period due to the failure to approve the budget, especially since the central bank sales and big spending approach to liquidity being loud. The benefit of "no income for the current security conditions in Iraq, down the exchange rate of the dollar during the current two days the fact that terrorism and the security situation been going on for years and became a Muslim from the money market in Iraq." The economic expert: There are no stated policy on the relationship of the government and the central bank to increase the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, as the central bank attribution to enter the money transfer companies to its daily auction without the mediation of banks, adding that the financial market has sufficient amounts of foreign currency and does not affect the exchange rate depreciates for the market and the rate of movement of the sale and purchase of foreign currency in Iraq. Read more:
  3. No problem at all. But let's say I was just a primary Joe, and had a power of attorney to handle my legal business. And a RV happen. Doesn't that new law not allow that person to cash in for me? Or was the law just made so if I went to cash in, I wouldn't be allowed to cash in let's say my brothers dinar. I wouldn't be able to, as a result in that new law?
  4. I've been invested since 04 since my tour in Iraq. And I may currently going to Afghanistan in two months on a mission. And I realize that there was a law passed last yr not allowing third party cash in's. But how in the world would I be able to cash in for a RV, RI, or any fluctuation of a new rate on the IQD? I would have a power of attorney that will handle all my business, (personal, financial, etc.) But with that law being passed last yr, would my situation as a soldier still fall under that law? Can a Mod fix the topic to "*Third Part Cash In?" Please
  5. Like I've said before, we should have just killed him back in 03/04 when he was fighting against us! Sorry we didn't finish him off in OIF II Sadr that is...
  6. I actually knew those facts, from studying the bible and my service in Iraq. It's just sad how ppl don't know, nor could even fathom such truth...
  7. Man its been a long 7yr ride for me. I wish I would have just bought that million for 1G back in 04 at base! Pffff, it was such a steal back then. But yea a army sayin is " hurry up and wait!" So I'll hold on to my dinar a lil while longer
  8. Shum on already!!! Daddy needs new shoes! Great post as well....
  9. Does anybody know any information about M&T bank by chance? Or HSBC?
  10. Lmfbo! Wow, well I'm def not a fan of the NWO, but I am a fan of Xbox 360. But does anybody realize what xbox 360 really means? X- the unknown, standing for something unidentified, Box- an entrapment, now way out! Also could be a circle, in which "360 falls into"- a continuous cycle. So these gaming systems, are ment to keep us occupied, out of the loop of the real world, not intouch with ourselves, families, or outside world. I can contest when a new COD game, it Madden come out. That's all the typical gamer cares about. But at least I understand the bigger picture, and don't let myself get trapped in the constant cycle of losing myself.. IMHO
  11. Ok so my file is too big to load my pic. Can somebody help me pls? Please VIP and Dinar- ify me! Thank you in advance
  12. I totally disagree with this statement.... Like I wrote in my bio, I have been invested since 04 when I was deployed with 1st CAV Div. And I probably found out about this site 2 1/2 yrs ago. I only joined because I hate how ppl disrespect someone based off of their member date on DV! How in the world does that make me a newbie? Lol And I just don't always choose to write in posts. I like to check on what's current, and/or relevant! And that's what I did for my first yr or more before joining... Lol its so sad, and just hilarious how ppl get empowered by the net, or thinking their in a "it crowd!" And I'm not referring to you Mr. DCT.. Just how this has and clearly will always be a issue. At least until we all get paid! Ps. I hope I don't have any typos, I would hate to be bashed on my "lack of grammar and education!" Not! Lol j/k
  13. Hmmmm, well the problem is everyone is entitled to their on vantage points for any discussion, gripeand debate on any topic if situation. Where my girlfriend is a peace buff, and would due anything to push peace in the world. Like yourself Ayahuasca, "I'm assuming!" I myself am a soldier, and more spiritual/religious than ny girlfriend. But I totally believe in brotherly love for all humankind! I may def come from the vantage point of easy! But I get it! Meaning both of your views....Where as at the end of the day I want exactly what you want which is world peace (I think) you can only give and take so much from the radical thinking of "some" of the middle eastern citizens. It's bigger than religion to me! I have family who are Muslim, as for I am Christian. But when u mix religion, with the way of life in the middle east. That's when u get a radical Muslim. In which only GOD can judge them... My heart and prayers go out for the family on their lost. And I will also pray for those weak minded "Radicals" for they know not what they do! Peace & Love! And I hope I didn't start ranting, I'm on my phone typing. May have lost my train of thought a couple of times...
  14. I just also got a phone call from a friend that's invested with me as well. He was in the gym, and seen a ticker that President Obama will be making a statement on the middle east next wk... Now we all have also all this that just happened with all the countries Rv-ing. I was wondering how I was gonna get to a bank to cash out??? Either I was gonna call off or quit. Buy its ironic I'm on vacation for the next 2wks It's gametime fellow vets!!!!
  15. Well I've personally fought against the mahadi army back in 04. And all Sadr is doing is selling WOOF tickets! He knows Damn well what we did to them back then. And it will def be worse in 2012! I actually seen how the Iraqi's live on a day to day basis. And I highly doubt, they want us out as bad as he does... God bless our friends, family, and even this chump enemy! ~04-04-04~ R.I.P.1st Cav soldiers! Always remembered, and never forgotten! :-(
  16. Well I will say that us as soldiers no better to put this type of Intel out due to opsec issues... I would hope airman understand this simple concept as well. So for me to see this type of info on what his job is, actual number, and unit names. Sounds like bs as well to me.... Any other service members feel my vantage point?
  17. Damn I wish I would have had a 5/3 bank here in Buffalo! This bank def sounds like they had the best deal... Luckily I've been invested for 7yrs. Otherwise i would feel like I missed my chance....~ Let's Go RV~
  18. As I also purchased a fourth of my dinar in Iraq in 2004 from a concession stand operator on base. And it is real as well, how do we justify our purchase??? I have been told Cappie, that our DD 2-14 should suffice as to how we acquired the dinars... But if anybody has another answer as to how a soldier who had boots on ground. Comes up with a receipt, especially at a time where there were a lot if under the table transactions being done... I guess I was 3mins late. Thanks Jim.....
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