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Everything posted by tandy

  1. Texas1..funny that you said that cause I started to name myself Timex cause I always considerd myself I think it will be Rolex.. seems everybody has an opinion about him but I don't..I have heard him along with many conclusion...even after due diligence, reading hundreds of articles, listening to umteen conference calls, etc...I still have heard no concrete evidence about when, how much, if, etc and I am in the know why...cause it has not been announced or verified by anybody that knows anything...kinda makes you wonder if the people that really are in control have made any concrete plans yet...I think when it does pop this is the best place for the correct information..anyway we hope, dream, wait and fish...have fun folks!!!
  2. wpsmit..Happy Anniversary..we should have a big blowout party...but let's wait til a little later after some good news...then we can have a big Vegas, Paris or Podunk...Maybe you won't have to celebrate 2 years...cheers
  3. yota...interesting posts..thanks..seems to boil down to this, "If you don't stand for something-you will fall for anything"..people that have followed recent religious or political leaders without question have usually ended up in troubled waters...blind obedience without questioning motive is very dangerous...Jim Jones, Heavens Gate, Waco (Davidians), Khomeini, Hitler, etc....Iran's leadership (if it can be called that) is self serving with little regard to the desires and needs of most of their citizens..rule by fear, torture and oppression never suceeds in the long run...seems like greed, corruption and deception is the name of the game in many so called governments these days...jmo cheers
  4. this point nothing is irrevelant...the biggy here is we all just hope it is legit...I think most folks on here have momemts of uncertainy...the question would be who would be behind it and where would they hide??? Talk about a Jihad!!....stay positive regardless...keeps hypertension down...cheers
  5. Adam...tell Eve Howdy...appreciate the upbeat positive attitude and chat...when I graduated from high school I had nothing...years later I still have most of it...a few more days will be a cake walk... well we can hope anway..cheers
  6. when my wife and I had first married I actually saw 7 flying saucers at one I ducked them I vowed never to say the wrong thing again while she was washing those doggone things people are usually skeptical about UFOs but more than 50% now believe they could exist...why not? It's a big uncharted universe and to think we are alone parallels the world is still I have observed unexplainable objects on three differenr occasions with other people...what? Who knows? The manuvers, speed and shinanigans didn't look like anything a Nash Rambler would be capable of! We can only guess.
  7. here is their plan...lie, cheat, steal, confuse, murder, divide, plot, whine, fart, delay ...then start all over!!!!
  8. rs...thx 4 the post....Maliki n eeds to get off the pot!!!
  9. Bernie Madoff has a longer sentence....
  10. I like the info...maybe someday soon we will have something to really smile about
  11. had a slow day no post +1 ..I liked the ending...bring it on!!! May we all survive
  12. tandy

    Pets heart goes out to you my friend...and the rest of you that suffer with your pets...I lost my little buddy before my wife and it was tough. The great memories will forever be in my heart. He was the family she and I never had together...somehow I have to think they are sharing each others love together again...two wonderful spirits I was so blessed with...the keys are getting to all of you pet lovers!!
  13. You are correct Granny...some of the younger folks think we are over the hill...My birthday of yesterday (May 12) put me at 69 and I am in better shape than most of the under 30 crowd...walk 6 miles each am, 100-200 pushups, pump a little iron, dance 2-3 nights a week, play golf, take no pharma junk, fish...can't wait til I'm 70 ...going to write my 1st non-fiction..."Life Begins at 70" lol...why not...cheers my friend
  14. thanks umbertino...consider it done!!
  15. thanks Nelg...too many of our "tolerant minded" people are totally ignorant of facts pertaining to Islamic law...perhaps they need to study the case of the Islamic father in Texas that killed both of his daughters for dating a couple of young Hispanic men or the stoning of a young lady in Iran recently for adultery??? she was in fact raped!! and thousands of other atrocities that took place by the "big men" of that great religion........tolerance???? where are these idiots coming from??? If people haven't read the Koran or studied Sharia law they should perhaps do awakening will begin! '
  16. No way to keep from loving you Guys and Gals...My Mother will be 93 this year, getting a little forgetful, a little feeble but still a wonderful Mom...and to all of you who I is a YOUNG 69...I actually feel like I'm 25, act like I'm 10 and look like I'm...oh never mind...cheers my friends...and once more Happy Moms Day!!!
  17. I'm beginning to think we are both beyond help!!
  18. thx skybear...dang! just when I thought I could trust em!...(lol)
  19. Texas1...what in thunder is wrong with ain't never posted with such few werds (words either) the family is doing good...blessings to you & them...oh yeah...the folks at WF were holding early prayer that I would make my last years house pmt and that they wouldn't have to repo my 53 DeSoto...oh well
  20. just remember to save a few as eventually we may see something of value...blessings and cheers my friends
  21. thanks neighbor!!!
  22. Granny..only said it cause it's rock girl!!!
  23. thx Granny you do good work and are a real asset to this site...that's why we love you...Happy Mothers Day!!!!
  24. every cent I have is common...both of far as common sense, since when is that a prerequisite for anything...there are a lot of people running around that are educated beyond their intelligence...hang in there...I'm in like a hair in a bisquit and I aim to hang in til the bitter end or the great payoff..
  25. Adam is never far from this site and if you think his VIP deal is a scam then you probably think this site is bogus so the best advise...Adios!!! Bon Voyage!!! Good By!!! or whatever floats your boat...
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