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Everything posted by Alf

  1. You want facts in the rumor section?????? This thread made my day. I needed the laugh. Happy New Year all from Iraq.
  2. Wasted topic. Wasted time. Thanks.
  3. Sorry all, I agree with UNCS. Has nothing to do with hating, I simply see the Iraqi way everyday. I have been checking on this site for some time now and pretty much see the same stuff usually running full circle. However, the best posts that I do enjoy are the news posts. Anyways: anybody yacking about done deal is living in a dream. We will know when an rv is complete without a doubt when it happens for real. Until then keep it real.
  4. Hang in there Blindside50, While you be checking the BIAP Bank, I will check the Embassy Bank when I can get the chance. If there are lower denoms I will post it here in the rumor section without proof.....then wait to be bashed.....then post proof so everybody will say they are sorry....MUHAHAHAHA! Seriously, I can check on my end at a different bank.
  5. I'm in Baghdad and happen to have the fortuanate position to see diplo's and bigwigs come and go on a regular basis. I believe that the journalist from the "major newspaper" more than likely doesn't have a clue. Discussing an RV here (in my experience) is taken as rude or frowned upon conversation. Iraqi's simply don't know or don't want to discuss it. Most if not all parliementary members are concerned with their respective tribes, clans, families, neighborhoods living conditions, daily bombings, fresh water, electricity, sewage, groceries etc. Very few of the locals that I have had the chance to speak with know anything about the future of the IQD, nor did it seem as though they cared. More pressing daily issues to worry about here. Sure they need money to purchase necessities, which they have. It may not be worth much to us but they are spending thier own currency on a daily basis. I would be suprised if any media anywhere in this country or abroad had inside intel on the local currency. I guess my point is this: even the people who should know about the IQD and an RV, simply don't know, there are too many factors in play on a daily basis and too much instability, to many unknowns. Just my humble thoughts.
  6. We do indeed travel through the terminals, baggage checks, scanning machines, and on a few occansions full carry-on searches on the tarmac. Anything that they deem a violation is siezed on the spot and not much you can do about it. Signs are posted in reference to travel restriction on currency's. Its no fun so for those who are able to travel mil-air are very lucky and should count their lucky stars.
  7. Not sure how they would even implement dinar use on the bases. I am here and am paid in U.S.D, have no intention of ever accepting pay in dinars (other than rv , In order to shop with dinars, "IF" we were forced to use dinar, there would have to be some type of value and right now they are worth less than nothing. An rv would almost have to be instant upon requireing only dinar use on base. However, if there were an rv AND americans were forced to use the IQD then it wouldn't really matter......just about every person who has dinar here would split from this dust bowl and go home to spend their investment money. Sorry about the grammar, my grade can be in the form of + or -, have a good day.
  8. There have been two occasions where I could not make deposits into my Warka account. Both times the computer systems were down. Usually the next day was back up and back into business.
  9. I don't buy it. There is no way possible that the IQD is undervalued. There is construction all over this country, new cars everywhere, signs of progress unlike anything I have ever seen. If anything this is pressure for Iraq to re-value, if for nothing else to save face. IMO.
  10. I'm in Iraq, and have my ear to the ground, I haven't heard this, not even a mention of a possibility of this.
  11. Alf

    Just wondering

    A little homework will get you an answer.
  12. Why on earth would I want to get my count up? hahaha Does it mean I get access to the super duper VIP section?
  13. Then I would recommend that you don't post trash jokes thinking that your humor in any way is appreciated. Pelosi is a joke. However, you would be surprised at the type and number of people that we, over here in Iraq, have to babysit when they come poking their nose into foriegn politics. I read your first post and didn't find any humor in it. Then I read the quoted post and you disgust me.
  14. Iraq has a history of mis-informing on just about everything before they do the opposite. Interested to see what happens from here.
  15. I will be giving to my family first. After that, a portion to the church. Then local charities. I will not however donate a nickel to international charities when our own country has definate needs.
  16. This post made me laugh, LOL, still laughing.......This is a rumor thread, this is where these types of posts go.
  17. Do you think there might really be a tooth fairy? I have been hoping but too afraid to ask.
  18. Anyone who finds their dreams crushed and cannot go on anymore please let me know, I am buying dinars.
  19. I actually feel that these posts are a waste of good blog space.
  20. I have always felt that the sooner this happens the sooner we see an rv and a return on our investment. Let the good times roll.
  21. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Tis a good thing and the sooner the phase out starts the better.
  22. It will happen. Common sense. However, I see it happening over time. No need to panic.
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