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Everything posted by Jim1cor13

  1. If one researches the origins of these matters and ancient beliefs, they predate all forms of organized religion. The belief in a man "god" has its roots in much ancient mythology going back to Horus, Mithra, etc. The pattern has been followed throughout religious history, with much borrowed from ancient "gods and goddesses" in which there were literally thousands over many thousands of years. Ancients viewed the planets as "gods" and named them as such, the main "god" being the sun or "Son".
  2. Follow the money is the best place to start any asking the question "Who Benefits"? Good thing is many more folks are thinking critically and reluctant to accept official narratives and the spin placed upon these events.
  3. Interesting, thanks bigwave. One does not mess with the profits of modern drug cartels...and the US is their largest customer.
  4. Some interesting history/details about this subject called "hell"... and how it has affected its adherents. if one were to go back and study ancient myths, they would see how "hell" came about long before christianity reintroduced it. All cultures have had some form of this myth as well as many different religions/beliefs. The actual word in hebrew that was used is "sheol", and in greek it is "hades", or "gehenna", or "tartaros", coming from Greek mythology. The word used by translators is often derived from their own bias, a place called "hell" which was borrowed from the Norse goddess name of "Hel". Interestingly, The word tartaros (The verb tartaroo, from the noun tartaros, means "cast into tartaros.") comes from Greek Mythology and was a deep abyss and a place of torment where the Greek gods banished their enemies. The use of this word in the New Testament is a clear case of a Greek influence on the New Testament text. This mythology has been used for thousands of years to instill fear and dread into the hearts of various religious followers, to this day. The idea is completely contrary to true justice, which always seeks correction and restoration rather than the myth of a place of fire and endless torment adopted by some very twisted minds. If one is not fearful of researching origins of various religious myths, there are some excellent resources that go back to all the familiar gods and goddesses through history, and detail how religions have borrowed from them, such as Horus, Buddha, Mithra, etc., and how various cultures reacted to these stories as well as added to them according to the traditions of their families and cultures. They included ideas such as "gods" being born on December 25, similar events such as we can read in the bible, etc. There is nothing new under the sun... Very similar stories, phrases, subjects to the point that it can not be ignored. Everyone chooses their beliefs, usually based upon tradition, culture, etc. if we were born in a different culture and religion, that is what most would follow without question, it is just how it works. ALL believe their religion is the "only true" way and many have been killed or harmed by those various beliefs and forcing them upon the unwilling, with the old threat of "convert or die". History is ripe with this sad state of affairs. I have known some folks who were ruined because of the fear they were taught about these myths, "hell" being one that has been at the root of many religious related suicides and ritual abuse and murder such as the justification to kill another based upon their refusal to convert, or based upon the fear that a person was a 'devil' and needed to be burned, etc. Each year, many harm themselves by cutting their own flesh in an attempt to gain favor of their god and avoid judgment/punishment, etc. It is often cited as the main reason for some to express the reason as to why they follow a certain religion or god, because they were terrified of this teaching. Often their choice was not based upon a loving creator figure, but rather a loving creator figure that threatened them with endless torture if they did not submit and "do what he said". This is not "love", it is bondage. This is not how a loving father or mother would ever treat their child, but it IS how mythology would because there are literally thousands of gods and goddesses and the competition between them demanded some manner of struggle and place of torture when one would defeat the other. Classic mind control but such a very fragile subject, that most dare not look too deep into it due to their own learned religious superstitions. This is one of the most volatile and divisive religious subjects with some defending it and using it as a tool to get "conversions" or just to threaten anyone who does not submit to its teachings. Books such as "Dante's inferno" told about many of these myths, some believing the book to be "true" while others understood it for what it was. You can read more about the various versions of cultures here:
  5. Oh those pics...mhmm...I mean articles were very interesting
  6. It is a bizarre world Shabs, did you read some of the comments after that article? Hilarious!
  7. He always seemed to have a smile on his face , can't imagine why Thanks Umberto
  8. I recall reading some time ago some documentation about the "flat earth" theory and how it got fueled in its promotion. Very much like a psyop, it was an interesting read with several intel agencies using it as a test, etc. Try going to a flat earth related forum, and dare to question its validity. Why do some folks have to get so angry and defensive when someone questions this theory? The moment I saw how those who questioned it were treated, it was obvious how it is promoted Tactics are always: Belittle the questioner, tell everyone who does not believe it they are "sheeple", and tell those who do not believe it they are obviously "trolls for NASA". Apparently if it is a psyop, it has worked well. You know if the internet says it, then it must be true I am all for thinking outside the box, outside the typical narratives of how we should think and feel and believe, etc., it is how we can learn many interesting things, but there are some things that just are not worth the effort. Just my two cents.
  9. It would appear Mr. Moore thinks quite a lot of himself. To me, whenever someone uses the idea that everything they do is "god", as if that somehow underscores whatever they do, and should not be questioned. That is a very old trick, often used by both politics and religion to make the person appear as a chosen one in their particular position. I think folks need to be aware of how certain tricks are played and how those who play them believe it gives them an advantage. The only advantage it gives is they know their claim will appeal to enough people that are their target supporters. the veracity of their claim is always suspect. Just my thoughts...thanks B/A
  10. Hey Shabs Personally speaking, I know you to be a good man, decent person due to the fact of how you express your opinions without attempting to shove them down anyone's throat, and overall how you actually treat others with your words. It gets tired when some will accept no other outcome than to force their beliefs upon others, to the point where they imply if you do not believe like them, you will be accused and some manner of "punishment" will be doled out by their angry god. Just know when you read this kind of post, you are being played. I know how this works, saw it too many years. Also watched too many folks take a bad turn, always feeling somehow that their god was angry with them, always guilty, until it ruined them, literally. They began to take everything in their bible as "literal", and that was the start of much pain. It happens too often and is often encouraged by some of their "teachers". There was a time in my own life many years ago where that almost happened, until thankfully, I woke up one day and realized the mind rape of it all. It takes a toll on too many folks and has ruined more than a few lives. Just speaking for myself and from experience over the years. Great to "see" you Shabs, and I am very glad things worked out for you on your recent health concerns my friend. Have a good day @LGD Hi Scott, a few things to consider, and I am not trying to offend you, only to stop and think. You say you do not want to debate these matters, which to me shuts down the subject before it starts. That implies the only ideas or thoughts that will be allowed is your own with no counter voice. Perhaps you fear a counter voice will cause you to question what you have convinced yourself of because you say or imply god told you these things. Do you consider how dangerous this thought has been throughout history? Because you "believe" something, that belief in itself never makes the object of that belief "truth". You may be convinced of something, for various reasons, but it is still your belief, not necessarily a fact. If you ask someone to "take it to the lord in prayer and he will show you", you are basically implying from the start you are "right" and all one has to do is believe what you say. If one questions your belief, it is taken with offense and you feel the need to either accuse or imply some manner of threat to the person who does not see these things your way. I am genuinely concerned about your state of mind. You are free to believe whatever you want, just know that in itself, that does not prove a thing. Belief is required where there is little to no evidence, hence in matters of a religious nature, one is taught to simply "believe". Some teach you must believe or be punished, which is self defeating, and is a forced belief under the threat of this punishment in some sadistic place that never ends. No wonder some try so hard to sell their ideas, because they fear they will be slaughtered and burned if they do not comply. Is this a picture of love and compassion to you? Do as I say not as I do? Either accept me or I will destroy you? Really? It is little more than forced conversion into something the person has no choice BUT to believe or else. Add to this the idea that one has convinced themselves that their god holds over them a constant threat if they do not do such and such, and you can see how a religion that can teach you to believe in absurdities, can also teach you to commit atrocities. Here is a question for you about how one perceives something as literal when it is allegory/parable/metaphor/figurative, etc. If your eye offends you, do you literally perform the action of plucking out your eye? If your hand offends you, do you believe you should cut it off? That is exactly what is stated right? If you wanted to take it out of context, you could make it say what you wanted. You could perhaps begin to teach this and demand those who have sinned and offended themselves, to literally rip out their eye that looked at something it should not have...or tell others to cut off their hand because it did something offensive. See how dangerous of a "belief" this could be? it is hazardous to ones health, yet it is implied if taken literal. What about ones perception about say Revelation? It can be made to say whatever ones wants, especially if one perceives it is only about some form of "end times" ideas and is often yet another tool used to try and control others beliefs and incite fear. Yet, many hold as true whatever the most popular belief and idea is about this book, rarely looking beyond the wild thoughts about it which in many ways could be viewed as sadistic. More than a few have been pushed over the proverbial edge by some of the teachings of this book, that is fact. Al I am saying to you is please be careful of these things. If I did not care I would not bother to address it. I have seen far too many go over the edge and end up being harmed by their very own beliefs, and religion does have a history of promoting this, to the point of justifying atrocities in the name of a god. Be a little more thoughtful and less accusing with your beliefs...after all, they are YOUR beliefs and not something to be forced upon another just because you feel so strongly something is "true". Sometimes we can be so convinced of something that we shut down the ability to think critically, and that can also be dangerous to ones mental health when it comes to religious subjects. It can give way to justifying some things that should never happen such as violence or taking anothers life based upon a belief. Personally I do not care at all whether the earth is flat, round, square, etc. I only care about how well we take care of it and those things that live here and had no choice in the matter, which is all of us. We have a responsibility to treat all of it with respect, and we have the universal law that tells us to treat others as we desire to be treated and in so doing, we fulfill the "entire law". It is always about how we treat others, it is never about whether or not they believe the same as we do. That only opens the door to division and manipulation, usually resulting in one thinking they have the right or authority to accuse and condemn another because of how they believe or think. Not everyone is going to believe just like you do, in the same things as you do. That will never happen due to the fact not everyone sees these things the same way you do. Do not take offense when you are questioned...take the time to THINK about why you are questioned. Respect others beliefs without feeling the need to convince them of yours. it is ok, I am certain your god will not condemn you for it. All the best to you Scott, and I mean no offense in what I have stated to you my friend. Don't place yourself under this manner of burden, because ultimately it can harm a person no matter how well meaning they are. Sometimes we want something to be "true" so much that we see no other option but to believe it. That does not make it true.
  11. The banksters will do what they want to do and get away with it, just as they have since 1913 in this country. Just as they did under Bush jr. in 2007 and 2008, then all through Obama term from 2009 - 2016. They were bailed out when things crashed, just as they assume will happen again. The pattern is obvious...they make the rules...we play the game.
  12. Hi Jax I agree. Although i support anyones right to peaceful gathering to protest, it seems to me during a game is not the proper venue as I have stated in another thread. The fans are there and are paying these athletes salaries to see a game, not watch them take a knee during the anthem or protest during a game. On their OWN time, they should gather and make their case public, outside of the arena. They are on their employer dime, and what they are doing is wrong just with that in my opinion. If it were my team that I owned, I would have made it clear that is not going to happen, but I would have also told them I support their protest on their own time, once I knew what it was AND if it was respectable and a good cause, not just political whining. Some say it is because of "police brutality". Ok, fine, but why during the anthem? Just my thoughts, but the fans are going to have to let their voices be heard about these issues. i really think we have much more to be concerned about than what a group of athletes are pissed about. Thanks Jax
  13. I am not so sure anyone cares any longer, but...we need to wake up. It is a real mess, and the same tricks played with the "bill" as with the ACA before it was passed, no one really knew what was in it, it had to be passed to see the full bill. Remember when so many were near berserk because the dems did that? Not so many comments when the repubs do it though. Kind of gives clues as to how the idea that the parties are "different" is really not accurate. Where is the outcry against these tactics? Is it ok as long as the majority do it? No wonder todays politics are destroying this country, too much blindness and loyalty to a "party" instead of our country...again...just my opinion so I do not upset anyone. I found this article below interesting, in President Trump's own words. Apparently his party didn't like this either. my opinion, ANY "health care bill" passed must require those who pass it to enroll first. Then ALL must enroll before the public to show good faith in their OWN legislation. Anything less than that to me is unacceptable and not good for the people. We all know that would never happen...right? They get their top shelf "care" while the people get the crumbs which to me is hilarious, because WE THE PEOPLE PAY FOR THEM TO HAVE IT! No more parasites in Washington...can we agree on that??? As long as hospital care and drug costs in the US remain the highest level they have ever been, most far above any other country, I do not see how any fair bill could be passed that would benefit the people rather than just pharma and insurance. Pharma and insurance lobbyists will make sure those costs remain at obscene levels. I advise going back to the early 1970's and research the laws on the books about health care BEFORE insurance companies were allowed by Nixon to start their pursuit of the countries health care. Keep in mind, much of the same rhetoric has been bloviated about for the last 45 years, and we are STILL talking about it. You can read a bit about it here:—-and-what-can-be-done Here is the president from back in Jan. 16, 2017. He wants to "cover" everyone, and the government will pay. He wanted to make deals with the hospitals, etc. When insurance companies, etc., are not the major beneficiary, then there may be a decent bill passed, but really, it is not gov's job to even be involved in this, but if they insist, do it for all as Trump said, OR stop toying with people. Right now, all of them seem to love the "tax" that the ACA deceptively placed upon anyone who did not buy from the "health exchange". It is a real circus, and the people always seem to be the ones to get the shaft. Health Insurance “For Everybody” and the “Government Will Pay” Says “Republican” Donald Trump. AGAIN. Quotes: Scott Pelley: Universal health care? Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now. Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of how? Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably– Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it? Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it. Read more here: Have a good day/night to all
  14. If they choose to do it on the job, the team owners have every right to remove them from the team. Fans who pay the tab should also be free to state their opinion and dislike or support. Perhaps those athletes who choose to make a statement should consider a venue that is not their work place.
  15. " Keep politics and SJWs out of is not the proper venue and place for protest, no matter the cause. " Agreed. The politicization of everything is destroying us in many ways. I may not agree with ones reason for peaceful protest, but that right should be supported or it will come back to bite us in the ass.
  16. I think it is an error to believe that everyone who takes a knee is disrespecting their country and should not be labeled as such.
  17. Perhaps some perspective...
  18. Glad you were able to make your statement and you didn't feel the need to accuse anyone or threaten them with the slaughter of a god. Thanks skeet
  19. Mental torment is a huge factor. i spoke with a Vietnam vet last week. To me, he was quite lucid in his recall and yet what he saw was still too much to talk about. He was still unable to digest it all after all these years. He loved his country and what he was willing to discuss, it was obvious he was an honorable fellow. War often has a pay load for some folks, and it might hit many years after the deployment, but it does hit and sometimes it is too much for some fellows to try and digest it all. The drugs many are put on do not take away the pain of their experience, and the loss they still feel. Many feel the only thing to give them rest is to let go of life. When I looked into this fellows eyes, i could not imagine what he was keeping to himself and didn't want to. I just wanted him to know that I cared and we had a great talk. I thought it good to just listen. He seemed to enjoy the time and we had some good laughs also. Perhaps he left the scene in a little better mood, but the mental scars were obvious. He told me he did not like being around people...but he appeared comfortable in talking with me, and I appreciated that.
  20. Here is another link showing the same pic, with yet a different name associated with it: " In a rare moment of justice, Hoboken’s disgraced yuppie-******* thug-wannabe child-mayor Peter Cammarano resigned in shame on Friday, a week after being arrested in the massive federal corruption investigation. Despite couldn’t-be-more-damning transcripts of his transgressions, Petey had denied any wrongdoing and vowed to stay in office. That is, until additional indiscretions came to light. In a Salt in Wound exclusive, I can now reveal those improprieties." So who is the pic really of? Why is it being used in so many different stories? Both stories are from 2009. See how easy it is to be fooled by today's media? It has happened to all of us. We must research before assuming what we read or see is fact. This is Daniel Van Pelt: This is Peter Cammarano: So the guy in the pic in the story posted is actually this Peter Cammarano, he once ran for Hoboken, NJ mayor race in 2009: It was no secret that this past spring's Hoboken mayor's race attracted state-wide interest, particularly for Peter Cammarano, who resigned last month in the wake of corruption charges. He has nothing to do with being involved in "isis". We are being fooled so many ways.
  21. The pictures being used are from old cases, nothing to do with this supposed headline. The link below shows the pic: You can scroll through the cases shown in the link above and find this same picture being re-used for this story. The picture is from July 23, 2009 and this is the guy in the pic: State Assemblyman Daniel M. Van Pelt, R-Ocean, Burlington, Atlantic, was among those arrested. He was accused of accepting $10,000 from an FBI witness posing as a real estate developer who asked for help getting permits for a project in Ocean Township, Ocean County. Daniel Van Pelt is an American Republican politician, who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from January 8, 2008, until July 31, 2009, when he resigned after being arrested in connection with Operation Bid Rig on federal corruption charges for allegedly accepting a $10,000 bribe. He was later convicted and sentenced to 41 months in prison. In the Assembly, he represented the 9th legislative district. It appears this story is more fake news from an alt. media site.
  22. Thanks Umbert Very interesting with all the family connections. Also very similar to the US and other countries. They all have their problems for sure, it's part of being human I guess Some "rulers" can be down right animals in how they treat others, also too common. Have a good night and hope you are well.
  23. Thanks for the info Pitcher. It is a tragedy and it is times like this that nothing else matters other than folks getting the help they need. Humanity reaching out to each other, without all the noise. Good to hear of the assistance coming in. I am grateful there were so few fatalities, and also wonderful to see so many on the ground helping to get people to safety. This is going to be a very long restoration process. Everyone can do their part. Not just throwing money at the problem, but those close by are pitching in and making an effort. Wonderful to see. Thanks again
  24. What should happen is those around him that tried to topple him, should themselves be questioned as to their own skeletons hiding in their closets and for their motive in accusing him and attempting to oust him. it is always about the money...always.
  25. His spokesman is missing the point as usual. Project the blame upon those who dare question his leader, and call them names. Joel is doing what many charlatans like him do...they protect their empire and their revenue streams first, but they forget who provides that revenue in the process, it is the people who follow him. The reaction of his "spokesman" speaks volumes as to how they feel about those on the outside of their empire. People should take note...
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