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Everything posted by BJinMontreal

  1. Ahem ... well hello there Pokerplayer !!!
  2. WHY anyone would give you negatives for obvious humour is beyond me. I tried to even it up - BUT unfortunately there are still those that don't recognize humour when it hits them in the face !!! Thanks for lightening up my day anyway - I appreciated the effort
  3. WtF ?!? These gurus have been telling us for months that the rate was in the system and being pinged and tested ...IF they weren't right before - WHY should they be right this time??
  4. Thanks for the post .... someday soon - hopefully !!
  5. Yes .. it's deja vu all over again !
  6. HuffingtonPost story: Austan Goolsbee, one of President Barack Obama's longest serving policy advisers and the chairman of his Council of Economic Advisers, leaves his post pretty much as he inherited it: with the economy moribund, no clear path to vigor in sight and the unemployment rate stubbornly elevated. More than ever, the atmosphere in Washington seems so laced with toxicity that policymakers have largely given up merely debating how to spur the economy, cognizant that any approach will be deemed politically impossible. This, suggest policy-watchers, appears to have played at least some role in prompting Goolsbee to finally throw it in and head back to the University of Chicago to resume his academic career. He felt frustrated and tired of seeing what he viewed as necessary policies sacrificed to the imperatives of political positioning and... MORE
  7. What an amazing series ... Well done Scooter - I've enjoyed the learning experience !!!
  8. I'm sorry - did I read that right? !! Are we talking about the same Okie ?!? Pammy, you must be new to the zany antics of dear ole Okie, for I have yet to see a post where he has been CORRECT !! According to Okie the dinar has RV'd every weekend since last summer. How does that make him correct unless you are referring to syntax or the grammatical presentation of his thoughts ... and even there I doubt you would find many cases where he is correct, despite his cumma sum laude standing.
  9. huh ... as opposed to a ... hi-tone ???
  10. THEY ?!? ... being the voices in his head ??? Saturday, Sunday OR Monday ... Says nothing really, unless you really care about Okie's weekends What about ALL those other times he said it happened?? Wasn't his 20 minute radar working on ALL those other occasions when he announced the RV was done?
  11. Don't you mean water? .... Yeah .. that's it - stay out of the water.
  12. Where have all the gurus gone? Long time guessing Where have all the gurus gone? Long time ago Where have all the gurus gone? RV has missed them every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where has that darned RV gone? Long time guessing Where has that darned RV gone? Long time ago Where has that darned RV gone? False intel from every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where has all the intel gone? Long time guessing Where has all the intel gone? Long time ago Where has all the intel gone? The sellers dried up every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the sellers gone? Long time guessing Where have all the sellers gone? Long time ago Where have all the sellers gone? Gone to be gurus every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?
  13. Don't you mean The United States? As far as I know - there is NO free world, let alone a leader of the free world As long as we continue to be slaves to the banking cartel, we are NOT free.
  14. News Flash there Okie ... YOU have been confused since the day you started posting your intel !! and furthermore you have confused us with your shoe phones and ships at sea and every other metaphor you have tried to think up to make yourself seem smarter than a 5th grader
  15. Nope - you said he only made 1% between $10 and 499.99 so you need to subtract $0.60 off your total. 10-cents for each month.
  16. $64.39 if it's not a progressive percentage ...$39.79 if it is! Do I win ?!?!
  17. Fair enough ... welcome to the board. Look forward to any future posts you may put on here.
  18. Good one ... but better still might be: Why do the banks feel the need to chain the pens to the table? Surely they can afford to buy a few boxes of pens based on the huge fees they charge to keep our money in their bank
  19. So Okie's gonna take a reservation ?? BUT the real question should be ... can he HOLD the reservation ???
  20. Ah beleaves a Texican wood call it a Bar-Bee Cue .. .l'il ma'am. And oh NO you did NOT ... bring out the GBL-001 !!!!
  21. Ah ... NO !!! 30k x $7 is ONLY $210,000 - must have had one too many Guinness there Irish
  22. ha ha ha ... yes that's me ... a real space cadet !!! You read these rumour pages for any length of time ... and you can't help yourself !!
  23. Yes ... BUT I was thinking of Alpha Centauri AB at about 15,000 AU !!!
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