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Iraq is to delete the zeros of the Danarh and raise its value against the dollar

الأحد, 25 مارس 2012 Sunday, March 25, 2012

بغداد - نصير الحسون BAGHDAD - Naseer Goldfinch

أكدت مصادر رسمية في المصرف المركزي العراقي أن مشروع حذف الأصفار الثلاثة من الدينار العراقي بدأ فعلياً، وأن العملية ستكلف الموازنة 172 بليون دينار (150 مليون دولار). Official sources in the Iraqi Central Bank to the project to delete three zeros from the Iraqi dinar actually began, and that the process will cost the budget 172 billion dinars (150 million dollars). وأوضحت أن موازنة العام المقبل ستكون بالدينار الجديد الذي سيعمل المركزي على رفع قيمته تدريجاً أمام الدولار وصولاً إلى سعر متساو، أي دينار لكل دولار. She explained that the budget next year will be the new dinar, which will serve the Central Bank to gradually raise its value against the dollar and equal access to price, any dinars per dollar.

وأظهرت وثائق رسمية خاصة باستبدال الدينار حصلت عليها «الحياة» أن الطبعة الجديدة ستصدر بثلاث لغات، العربية والكردية والانكليزية، فيما ستكلف عملية الطباعة التي ستحال إلى واحدة من أربع شركات عالمية متخصصة، 150 مليون دولار تشمل الطبع والنقل والتأمين والعمل خارج أوقات الدوام الرسمي لإتلاف العملة القديمة داخل «المركزي». Showed official documents private replace the dinar obtained by the «life» that the new edition will be issued in three languages, Arabic, Kurdish and English, as will cost the printing process, which will be forwarded to one of four international companies specialized $ 150 million, including printing, transportation, insurance, and work outside of office hours for the destruction of the currency old within the «central».

وكان الأخير اشرف على تنفيذ قرار صدر عن الحاكم المدني الأميركي السابق بول بريمر قضى باستبدال العملة الصادرة إبان نظام الرئيس السابق صدام حسين بأخرى جديدة، واستغرقت العملية ثلاثة أشهر لاستبدال العملة الجديدة وسحب القديمة من السوق. The latter oversaw the implementation of the decision issued by the former U.S. civil administrator Paul Bremer spent a replacement currency issued during the regime of former President Saddam Hussein with new ones, and the process took three months for the new currency to replace the old and the withdrawal from the market.

وأكد نائب محافظ «المركزي» مظهر محمد صالح أن دراسة لطبع سلسلة جديدة من العملات بدأت منذ العام 2005، حين بدأت مراسلات مع لجنة الشؤون الاقتصادية في الحكومة عام 2007 حول فكرة حذف الأصفار الثلاثة من العملة. The Deputy Governor of the «central» the appearance of Mohammed Saleh to study for the printing of a new series of coins started since 2005, when he began correspondence with the Committee on Economic Affairs in the government in 2007 around the idea of ​​deleting three zeros from the currency. وأشار إلى أن البنك باشر طباعة عملة جديدة تتصف بأنها ستكون وفق أفضل المواصفات الأمنية عالمياً وستضمّن خصائص جمالية وفنية ومعالم وطنية. He pointed out that the bank began printing new currency that it will be characterized according to the best standards worldwide and will ensure the security properties of aesthetic, artistic and national benchmarks.

وشدّد على أن إحدى أهم الايجابيات ستتمثل في خفض الحجم من 30 تريليون دينار الى 30 بليوناً، كما ستكون العملة غير قابلة للتزوير وتعزّز ثقة المتعاملين بها وترفع قيمتها تجاه العملات الأخرى، إضافة إلى خفض القيمة الرقمية للمعاملات المالية والمحاسبية. He stressed that one of the most pros would be to reduce the size of 30 trillion dinars to 30 billion, the currency will also be tamper-proof and enhance the confidence of their customers and increase its value against other currencies, in addition to lowering the numerical value of financial transactions and accounting. وأشار إلى أن عملية الاستبدال لن تكون سريعة كما في عام 2003، بل ستتم تدريجاً لمنع أي تذبذب في قيمة العملة، ويمكن أن تستمر سنتين وتبقى العملة القديمة مقبولة خلال هذه الفترة والجديدة أيضاً إلى حين سحب القديمة عبر البنوك. He pointed out that the replacement process will not be as quick as in 2003, but will be gradually to prevent any fluctuation in the value of the currency, and can last two years and keep the old currency accepted during this period and also new to the old while pulling through banks.

وأكدت عضو اللجنة الاقتصادية البرلمانية نورة البجاري أن استبدال العملة يتطلب موافقة البرلمان، وهذا المشروع لا يخلو من مشكلات لكنها ستكون اقل من التي رافقت عملية الاستبدال عام 2003، كما أن مدة الاستبدال ستكون طويلة وتسمح بفحص القديم قبل إتلافه. And confirmed member of the parliamentary economic committee that Nora Albjara currency exchange requires the approval of Parliament, and this project is not without its problems but it will be less than that accompanied the replacement process in 2003, and the replacement will be long term and allow for examination before the old destroyed.

وبيّنت أن بعض أعضاء البرلمان اقترح أن تكون الرسوم على العملة الجديدة ذات طابع إسلامي، لكن ذلك قوبل باعتراضات على اعتبار أن العراق متعدّد الأديان والقوميات والطوائف. It showed that some members of Parliament suggested that the fees on the new currency with an Islamic character, but that was met with objections on the grounds that Iraq's multi-religious and ethnic groups and sects. أما المشكلة الأخرى فتتمثل في مرحلة ما قبل الاستبدال، اي بموازنة الدولة وأسعار الأسهم، ما يستلزم إصدار عملات من الفئة الصغيرة لتلافي المشاكل. The other problem is represented in the pre-substitution, ie, the state budget and stock prices, which requires the issuance of coins of small group to avoid problems.

وأصدر العراق أول عملة وطنية منتصف عام 1921 في عهد فيصل ابن الشريف حسين وسُميّت الفلس، وأبصر أول دينار عراقي النور عام 1932 وحمل صورة الملك فيصل الأول، وعام 1947 تم تأسيس المصرف الوطني العراقي ليتبنى موضوع طبع العملة. Iraq and issued the first national currency mid-1921 in Prince Faisal Ibn Al Hussein and called the penny, and first saw the light of Iraqi dinars in 1932 and carried a picture of King Faisal I, was established in 1947, the National Bank of Iraq to adopt the subject of printing the currency. ولم يتغير شكل العملة حتى قيام الجمهورية العراقية عام 1958، ليُغيّر لاحقاً بعد تولي حزب البعث السلطة عام 1968. Did not change the form of currency until the establishment of the Republic of Iraq in 1958, to change later, after the Baath Party took power in 1968. واختفت العملة الأصلية بعد عام 1990 وظهرت عملة تُطبع محلياً في مطابع الصحف وكانت هزيلة وفاقدة للضوابط المعمول بها عالمياً، وبعد الحصار استمر تراجع سعر صرف الدينار أمام الدولار حتى وصل عام 1995 إلى 3000 دينار للدولار، ما أنتج أطناناً من العملة المطبوعة محلياً. And disappeared original currency after 1990 and appeared currency printed locally in the presses of newspapers and the poor and devoid of controls in place globally, after the siege continued decline in the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar until he arrived in 1995 to 3000 dinars to the dollar, which has produced tons of currency printed locally.

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Sounds like a lop to me. This article says new to old? :blink:

After every good artcile that comes out, which ever lop guru that is on duty claims it to be a lop to put out misinformation. Then they like to start a long debate. Don't believe the lop hype.

GO RV!!!

Edited by Sector
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these lop guys are getting old. deleting the zeros is new notes.. which they need for a rv. its pretty clear

There has been too much irrefutable, good news lately. The lopsters are restless, they needed to come out and start slamming something! :lol:

Edited by Rogue Knight
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Its called value neutral. 25000 dinar = 25 dinar.

Yes regarding the local currency this is a neutral event. As for those of us with foreign holdings, hmmm my guess is as good as yours, no one knows for sure what the foreign exchange rate will be and everyone here speculates, and SOME on DV always think their opinion is the right one. Stay objective and remember there are no guarantees, we all took a risk. But looking for a positive outcome is not a mistake, it is a state of mind.

There has been too much irrefutable, good news lately. The lopsters are restless, they needed to come out and start slamming something! :lol:

Yes of course they do, they need us to dump. Just in case we are not aware the money changers make money on the dump and the pump. (Even the amateurs, operating their e-bay sites). So to continue the cycle they need to come on here and discourage a few more people and then they make money for a week, then next week and new bunch gets on the forums and pumps it up. And then there are the folks who have nothing better to do than jump in here to irritate folks because the are just plain hateful, lets bless the hateful people, it's not their fault they have such bad attitudes. So next week it will be a rainbows and lollipops week. There are a few folks here who are long-time members who have lopster theories and they work hard at stating their perspective, some are respected members, while others are just camel dung. Education is your friend.

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Great thoughts Dana. Really I have come to the point when it comes to these delete zero's that it is too much effort to argue with the lopsters. Actually I just move on, Iraq is gonna do what they are gonna do. But folks like you and Stryker keep those good feeling kind of thoughts moving out to the universe. ;)

BTW on the one Arab Currency they have sought out the IMF and was given approval back in 2009, but it stalled. Probably needed to take a second look with the Euro collapse. However last fall or so I read they are still very serious about it. Obviously they are. I have been very curious about that, one of my theories, it may be Iraq has suggested they want to be a reserve currency, could it be the Arab Currency would peg to it. Keep it all in house wouldn't it? However if Iraq wants to also join the Arab nations on one question is why bother with a new currency?

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Great thoughts Dana. Really I have come to the point when it comes to these delete zero's that it is too much effort to argue with the lopsters. Actually I just move on, Iraq is gonna do what they are gonna do. But folks like you and Stryker keep those good feeling kind of thoughts moving out to the universe. ;)

BTW on the one Arab Currency they have sought out the IMF and was given approval back in 2009, but it stalled. Probably needed to take a second look with the Euro collapse. However last fall or so I read they are still very serious about it. Obviously they are. I have been very curious about that, one of my theories, it may be Iraq has suggested they want to be a reserve currency, could it be the Arab Currency would peg to it. Keep it all in house wouldn't it? However if Iraq wants to also join the Arab nations on one question is why bother with a new currency?

Zig it has become imperative at this moment for Iraq to see this as a benefit to their economy. Look at what is going on at the moment, two countries are sucking the Iraqi local economy dry. Now if they they have a local currency amongst the neighbors they will not have to charge tariffs (pelase correct me here I may stepping a not so familiar area) therefore the prices will stay relatively low in comparison to imports from the states or china. I don't think this is such a bad idea. Hey the middle east needs to make the same mistakes as the western civilization. Besides I was always against globalization - NAFTA was a bad move for the USA. Since this time we have lost our country in more ways than one.

Yes there are the lopsters, the one's we have come to know and respect, but then there are the drive-bys, who have an ax to grind. We can just not repsond or respectfully respond, but to argue is not worth the energy.

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There has been too much irrefutable, good news lately. The lopsters are restless, they needed to come out and start slamming something! :lol:

They are restless... and don't forget... them lopsters are crabby too rolleyes.gif... best stay away from those pinchers.. unsure.gif ...they hurt! ohmy.gifwink.gif

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She explained that the budget next year will be the new dinar, which will serve the Central Bank to gradually raise its value against the dollar

He stressed that one of the most pros would be to reduce the size of 30 trillion dinars to 30 billion,

He pointed out that the replacement process will not be as quick as in 2003, but will be gradually to prevent any fluctuation in the value of the currency

Ok, I know I'm cherry picking here and feel free to correct me if I'm missing something because I don't see this as a straight up RV article. I read this as a redenomination, with the new currency slowly increasing over time. My question is and I hope that when they do this, the new currency will be introduced with an rv'd value, and then just continue to creep up. But that is still a LOP, so what am I missing? What is it that I don't understand?

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She explained that the budget next year will be the new dinar, which will serve the Central Bank to gradually raise its value against the dollar

He stressed that one of the most pros would be to reduce the size of 30 trillion dinars to 30 billion,

He pointed out that the replacement process will not be as quick as in 2003, but will be gradually to prevent any fluctuation in the value of the currency

Ok, I know I'm cherry picking here and feel free to correct me if I'm missing something because I don't see this as a straight up RV article. I read this as a redenomination, with the new currency slowly increasing over time. My question is and I hope that when they do this, the new currency will be introduced with an rv'd value, and then just continue to creep up. But that is still a LOP, so what am I missing? What is it that I don't understand?

No this is what this says, correct, however, they are not stating what the foreign exchange rate will be. This may or may not affect foreign holders of the currency and I don't see enough information out there to make a clear conclusion myself even though there are several folks here who are quite sure they have the absolute answer. Just stay objective for now. How they educate their own is not the right information for us, it just gives us indications. Read the information Adam has provided on the site, he states it clearly and I can't imagine him spending all this time setting up a business around the post RV if he clearly did not know he is doing the right thing, because he certainly is not making money on this web site to invest in a future. JMO

Adam has said in the past Iraq is going to want to pull all the three zero notes back into the country, now they stand a chance to make further mone on this exchange as well. So let's stay calm and see what unfolds. Dont' listen to the dream crushers, but be sure to have a plan A, B and C.

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You know what will really piss the lopsters off? By me stating that my faith in this investment flows through GOD.

I get the feeling that the same people that believe this can't or won't happen, that continuously troll these forums trying to save us from ourselves, would have the same mindset that many atheists have as well.

God is great and he'll bless me and many others soon. It's a fated and destined event in my life and I've known it for many years. To GOD be the glory.

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You know what will really piss the lopsters off? By me stating that my faith in this investment flows through GOD.

I get the feeling that the same people that believe this can't or won't happen, that continuously troll these forums trying to save us from ourselves, would have the same mindset that many atheists have as well.

God is great and he'll bless me and many others soon. It's a fated and destined event in my life and I've known it for many years. To GOD be the glory.

What is the mindset of an atheist as it relates to a Lopster? I would like to know what you mean by that. While I don't fall totally into any one camp on here, I do lean more towards the lopside. I am trying to be a good steward of the money God has blessed me with so I am going to ask questions from both sides and I try to put myself in their position so I can really understand their response. I'm sure you didn't mean anything insulting by that remark.

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WorkerBee....I think the poster was just referring to a lack of faith, I don't think it was meant as an insult....sometimes when you try to type out what you're feeling is doesn't always come across the way it was meant.....have a great day!!!!

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so how much usd per dinar, .86= $1.17? and if its a lower rate like 10 cents the smart thing to do is hold out until it reaches 1=1? so your 1 million dinars when rv would still be 1=1 depending on the rate. i'm asking cuz i keep reading the deletion of the zeros

(i asked this question in another thred)

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