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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

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Thx for saying that.... it needed to be said. My brother who is invested significantly added this thought...

If the a MM dinar costs 1180 USD and the sellers will repurchase at 960 USD, then you actual RISK is the 220USD difference. Furthermore, doesn't the fact that the companies that sell the dinar will also repurchase them just about end the whole "scam" discussion?

Given the actual risk, 220USD/MM, and the potential return... a life changing event... what do I have to complain about??? $ 220 more or less is not going to affect my life, the return will. People, get some perspective. Don't bet the farm, don't invest the car note $$, don't get overwrought with all the intel. JUST WAIT. I would rather lose a couple of thousand dollars and own some totally worthless iraqi currency than to say (and know) that "yeah, I knew about that, but I was too smart for it!" If this event comes about... and I don't see how it could possibly be avoided... then I would not want to sit it out for the lack of some chump change.

I like the gurus... I like reading about their "intel" eventhough their record on their predictions is abysmal. Forget the predictions, know why you invested... truthfully, the information these guys have passed along... hcl, Erbil agreement, tax strategies, Chapter 7, etc... have bolstered my confidence.

I'm not a pumper because I don't need to pump. It is just as simple as this post put it... minimal investment + time= reward. OR NOT!!! But know what you invested, what the upside is and CHILL!

Go RVing!

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Thank you and I agree, I would also like to add a few things to this that I am sick of seeing.

If you feel this is a bad investment and we are getting robbed, GET OUT. Like what was stated above, this is your choice, bounce while you can still get your money back and quit posting it on every post that comes out.

And when info comes out, we don't need 57 out of 60 replies that say, Link Please, if you are on this site, you have a computer, USE it, find the info yourself so that you can confirm whether this is a real post that someone found or if it is someone blowing smoke.

Unfortunately we can not believe everything that is going on right now about anything let alone this investment, people are way to uptight about this and I feel bad because I know alot of people are praying that this happens just so they can pay their bills. Don't buy because of someone else's thoughts or predictions or intel. Get your own intel and buy when and if you can.

And last but not least, even I believe that the "Gurus" are not always honest and I believe that some are trying to feed an ego that doesn't need anymore food. I feel there is no way that all of there intel is wrong. Things change all the time, Maybe something they found out was going to happen and then for one reason or another, it didn't. This is Iraq we are talking and they have a lot of work to do to get caught up with the rest of the world in a lot of areas. I to do not believe that their government cares for them, but if they don't get it together soon, it is very possible that they will have a revolt on their hands, just like what is going on in the rest of the Middle East.

Sit back, and enjoy the ride, don't take it to seriously or you are going to have hospital bills to cover after your heart attack for all this mess


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Thx for saying that.... it needed to be said. My brother who is invested significantly added this thought...

If the a MM dinar costs 1180 USD and the sellers will repurchase at 960 USD, then you actual RISK is the 220USD difference. Furthermore, doesn't the fact that the companies that sell the dinar will also repurchase them just about end the whole "scam" discussion?

Given the actual risk, 220USD/MM, and the potential return... a life changing event... what do I have to complain about??? $ 220 more or less is not going to affect my life, the return will. People, get some perspective. Don't bet the farm, don't invest the car note $$, don't get overwrought with all the intel. JUST WAIT. I would rather lose a couple of thousand dollars and own some totally worthless iraqi currency than to say (and know) that "yeah, I knew about that, but I was too smart for it!" If this event comes about... and I don't see how it could possibly be avoided... then I would not want to sit it out for the lack of some chump change.

I like the gurus... I like reading about their "intel" eventhough their record on their predictions is abysmal. Forget the predictions, know why you invested... truthfully, the information these guys have passed along... hcl, Erbil agreement, tax strategies, Chapter 7, etc... have bolstered my confidence.

I'm not a pumper because I don't need to pump. It is just as simple as this post put it... minimal investment + time= reward. OR NOT!!! But know what you invested, what the upside is and CHILL!

Go RVing!

THAT $220US risk is only IF the dealers buy back. Many people are scared that the dealers might have sold worthless paper or the paper in fact does become worthless and not resellable to anybody. I am hopefull for a RV and that this is a real deal.

Thx for saying that.... it needed to be said. My brother who is invested significantly added this thought...

If the a MM dinar costs 1180 USD and the sellers will repurchase at 960 USD, then you actual RISK is the 220USD difference. Furthermore, doesn't the fact that the companies that sell the dinar will also repurchase them just about end the whole "scam" discussion?

Given the actual risk, 220USD/MM, and the potential return... a life changing event... what do I have to complain about??? $ 220 more or less is not going to affect my life, the return will. People, get some perspective. Don't bet the farm, don't invest the car note $$, don't get overwrought with all the intel. JUST WAIT. I would rather lose a couple of thousand dollars and own some totally worthless iraqi currency than to say (and know) that "yeah, I knew about that, but I was too smart for it!" If this event comes about... and I don't see how it could possibly be avoided... then I would not want to sit it out for the lack of some chump change.

I like the gurus... I like reading about their "intel" eventhough their record on their predictions is abysmal. Forget the predictions, know why you invested... truthfully, the information these guys have passed along... hcl, Erbil agreement, tax strategies, Chapter 7, etc... have bolstered my confidence.

I'm not a pumper because I don't need to pump. It is just as simple as this post put it... minimal investment + time= reward. OR NOT!!! But know what you invested, what the upside is and CHILL!

Go RVing!

THAT $220US risk is only IF the dealers buy back. Many people are scared that the dealers might have sold worthless paper or the paper in fact does become worthless and not resellable to anybody. I am hopefull for a RV and that this is a real deal.

Thx for saying that.... it needed to be said. My brother who is invested significantly added this thought...

If the a MM dinar costs 1180 USD and the sellers will repurchase at 960 USD, then you actual RISK is the 220USD difference. Furthermore, doesn't the fact that the companies that sell the dinar will also repurchase them just about end the whole "scam" discussion?

Given the actual risk, 220USD/MM, and the potential return... a life changing event... what do I have to complain about??? $ 220 more or less is not going to affect my life, the return will. People, get some perspective. Don't bet the farm, don't invest the car note $$, don't get overwrought with all the intel. JUST WAIT. I would rather lose a couple of thousand dollars and own some totally worthless iraqi currency than to say (and know) that "yeah, I knew about that, but I was too smart for it!" If this event comes about... and I don't see how it could possibly be avoided... then I would not want to sit it out for the lack of some chump change.

I like the gurus... I like reading about their "intel" eventhough their record on their predictions is abysmal. Forget the predictions, know why you invested... truthfully, the information these guys have passed along... hcl, Erbil agreement, tax strategies, Chapter 7, etc... have bolstered my confidence.

I'm not a pumper because I don't need to pump. It is just as simple as this post put it... minimal investment + time= reward. OR NOT!!! But know what you invested, what the upside is and CHILL!

Go RVing!

THAT $220US risk is only IF the dealers buy back. Many people are scared that the dealers might have sold worthless paper or the paper in fact does become worthless and not resellable to anybody. I am hopefull for a RV and that this is a real deal.

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didn't mean to start a p-ing contest but do have a few questions for you. 1) i've been invested in a small way since 05- recently improved my position b/c i think it's close to time... how do you define 'newbie' 2) if it's by the number of posts- i've only recently joined this site and only have 2 posts, however you only have a bit over 100. There's people here who have 1000 or more so if that makes me a 'newbie', what does it make you- a 'pain in the azz' 3) how can you disagree with any one point of my original post: make economically sound decisions, take responsibility for those decisions, don't blame others for your actions, and don't defame other's character or motivations when things don't happen.

just asking?

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