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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!


The Original Spike

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It just hit me, the unemployment rate nationwide should go down if this hits, cause I don't know anyone who is invested in this that plans on keeping their job afterwards. Lotsa openings coming when the RV happens. The higher the rate, the more jobs!!! Obama should push this forward!!!! He needs all the help he can getbiggrin.gif

I plan on keeping my job :) Why not work a few more years. the only thing that would change is I would be the character Peter in Office space. oh your gonna fire me really? oh well.

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Smee2... it must have been a preminission, it's only been listed on the board of the Forex for around a week. Also, a lot of peoples personal experiences start sounding redundant after a while. That happened to be my experience for my day... It's not a conspiracy, or dates or rates, just what I took to be good signs worth sharing... It was only meant to add a positive note. Instead of trying to debunk, why not call one of your broker friends and ask what they think about the dinar being listed for the first time ever on the open market and what they think it means in reference to the future of the dinar being traded... Sheeesh...

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All I was saying that people need to keep their mouths shut, and if you are a preacher you have a little problem with people giving opinions. I also never said I would not help my family friends and charity. I just am not announcing to the town for me and my children. I do not want them to be know as the kids with money. Chill, everyone has an opinion.

You guys have a good point and now I remember why I don't go to church anymore, thanks for the reminder! <_<

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Great post !! Here's to a quick and lucrative RV !!

I plan on paying off all my debts an then I plan on giving away 20% to charity

Investing 50% in low priced homes and renting them out for permanent income

and then investing the remaining 30% in as diverse a portfolio as can be devised.

( I will also donate 20% of any of my returns on any post RV investments )

There's plenty of Dinar to go around and no need to keep it secret. Just tell your family and close friends about the opportunity, let them make up their own mind, and then when it happens, be glad you were one of those who invested. If they didn't jump on the investment train, they can't blame you..

Good luck everybody, and God Bless !!

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Well the problem I have is the ones like myself has been invested for 7 years and have been just waiting for the payday, and still nothing. I may sound selfish but the ones that have been in for years I bet feel the same way. Way too many people tell everyone about Dinars and a year ago no one knew the word. It has given too many people opportunity to buy in and if everyone is going to be a millionaire then then what?? Social ruin!! Just saying, my family does not even know I have them or yet any one in my town. And when it does RV no one will still know. Because I don't go to the grocery tell everyone in line about Dinars, because it is no ones business.

You my friend must be an only child, never married, have no family, and live as a hermit. You must not have anyone to love. I feel sorry for you.


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