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CBI Currency Auction 1/10/2011


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Thanks Doc. I am new to DV and truly enjoy reading your posts. They are informative and insightful. As a newbie, I understand that the 'monster volume' is significant, but I am not clear on what the impact or implication of this volume is. Can you share what the little 'bells and whistles' mean to you?

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Hi Doc! Thank you so much for all the work you do to get this information out to all of us.........I have really enjoyed your posts. My husband and I have had many discussions after reading your info. I do have a question though. I am under the assumption that Iraq is trying to bring in the "000's". and the info that you give us each day, is (if I'm assuming correctly) that the CBI is using USD's to buy back IQD's and not sell the IQD anymore. Can you varify that assumption to me? If that is true then, I can see why CBI is stalling with the RV. If I were Iraq, I would want as much of my undervalued currency brought back into the country before I pulled the trigger to increase its value. Am I looking at this in the correct way? Am I understanding your posts on the Auctions the correct way? So if this is true, then it seems like there can't be too much more out there for the CBI to try and pull back in as the countries holding the IQD's won't be selling them back and same for the 2% investors like us (as we are waiting for the RV)........TRUE????????

Thanks in advance for the clarification.

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Oil running up this morning about $.60 to $89.50 on the site that I posted the chart from.

However ... averaging the Bloomberg numbers (NYMEX Crude $89.38, Dated Brent $95.04, and WTI Cushing spot $89.01) which is what I use to always post (you would see the ~$ where I did) it is $91.14

I don't want to change up in the middle of the ride ... just wanted you to know where the numbers come from.



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Thanks Doc31,

Being a "newbie", I've learned to really appreciate your posts. I'm sure you've covered this question a trillion times, so when you, or other readers get a chance,

please direct me to previous explantations on "Zero" days. I'm sure I'll get blasted here for not understanding, but I don't get the

"so I'm calling it a near zero day" comment.


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I just wonder why they pop their heads up for such a large "gulp" at this time the last few years. I mean it really sticks out when you look at all of the volumes.

At a guess on this one Doc I would go back to the archives on the Dinar forums

Look for the oh my god is going to RV tomorrow sort of post or its going to be $3+ on the 15th of January, or perhaps buy as much IQD as you possibly can this is going to pop real soon.

Over the last 3 years its been exactly the same, RV RI Imminent, all the pumpers come out in droves, all the suckers buy in floods & the currency traders rally around like headless chickens buying what ever they can, hence the big gulps of air every year at the same time.

Nothing new it’s just like following a pattern.

Give it until the end of the month it will all calm down & again the RV conspiracy theory starts again

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

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