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Tuesday Night Opinions - 11:05 PM CDT - 2/27/2024


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON 



Frank26   Back in 2005 Dr Shabibi said 'We aspire to bring the IQD back to the glory days of the 80's and 90's' Article: "The dinar and its three zeros - is it time to symak the dinar and return to the dinar 1980?" Dr. Shabibi, it's done..!


Militia Man  Article quote: "...Because accession represents and urgent priority the government seeks to meet its requirements.." Urgent priority...Whether they do it this week or not is going to be determined but I tell you what, it sure is looking like they have come a long way. This is a big set of [WTO] meetings.


Walkingstick  The market will definitely tell you a change is coming to the exchange rate. These are the reasons why it was so important to know what to look for next.  The market can carry a dual rate. It should not but it does.  It carries both rates at one time. One that is official and the one that is not. This dual pricing in the market for them to collect even more 3 zero notes.  But they surpassed this goal. There is no need for a dual pricing in the market because they got a whole lot of dinars to return back...


Clare  Article: "The Minister of Commerce discusses in Abu Dhabi with the World Trade Organization the completion of procedures for Iraq to join the organization” Quote:The organization is looking forward to and following the steps for Iraq’s accession carefully, given that Iraq is one of the important and powerful economies that is still outside the organization, and that Iraq’s presence within the organization’s membership will be a great added value to the organization and to the global economy.


Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Talked to bank friend.  He said ever since July 2023 Alaq has said the deletion project is still in effect. He said there's a lot going on with this process and the joining of the WTO this week could see some type of announcement.  My bank friend thinks the dinar will be stronger than it was in the 1980's. The article made it very clear that it will be.  We are still stuck at 1310...we'll take $1.30. FRANK: I know it's been since last year this project to delete the zeros has been going on but the beauty of it is that it's been going on!  It's real. It does exist. It's not fictitious. Your currency is very very close to having value added to your Iraqi dinar. [Post 1 of 2]

2-27-2024   Intel Guru Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report continued] FRANK:  You citizens need this because they took the dollar away and all other foreign currency away from you...And they took almost 97% to 98% of your three zero notes off the street already.  They created this giant void in your monetary structure so they could fill it in and present to you the lower notes with the new exchange rate that would match it...Your bank friend knows something is happening...IMO that is quite an improvement in the landscape of your economic and monetary reform.  [Post 2 of 2]


MarkZ  The World Trade Organization and the IMF and World Bank are there working with Iraq for the last week or two. The WTO and Iraq are still talking about Iraq’s ascension to the WTO. Iraq has met all the markers and goals…so we are waiting on that news.


Sandy Ingram  Iraq and Turkey have an agreement where people and cargo can begin travel...up through Iraq...into Turkey and...into the Mediterranean Sea, which will allow...faster access to Europe. This project is expected to increase Iraq's GDP, provide thousands and thousands of more jobs and kickstart Iraq's economy foundation outside of the oil industry. 


Samson  Article 1: "The Minister of Commerce discusses with the Director of the International Trade Center the formula for joint action and support for Iraq to obtain membership in the WTO" Article 2: "For the first time in 20 years...Iraq participates in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization"


Militia Man  Article quote: "Deleting the zeros...does not conflict with its value but needs educational campaigns to proceed it and a traditional period for trading the currency with zeros and the new currency to know the two currencies are equal in value."   If they are going to be equal in value...a dinar is a dinar is a dinar. A dollar is a dollar. When it comes to an international stage a dinar is not a dollar, nor is a dollar a British pound or a Japanese yen.  There's a difference in value.  Are they one of each Of course they are...But are they valued the same? Absolutely not...


Mnt Goat ...Iraq is finally breaking the news all about the Project to Delete the Zeros. This is fantastic news but just news for now. The actual execution part is coming and I was told by my weekly call to my CBI contact in Iraq on Saturday, that it will be VERY SOON!


Frank26  Article: "Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? An economist explains" THE CBI IS SENDING TRUSTED ECONOMISTS TO EXPLAIN THE MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION OF DELETING THE ZEROS FROM THE EXCHANGE RATE!  IMO they're about to give the citizens a new exchange rate with new lower notes to match...They already told them that process will then take that exchange rate, which will be at least 1 to 1 but I think is going to be higher, to float in the basket internationally




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Frank26   Back in 2005 Dr Shabibi said 'We aspire to bring the IQD back to the glory days of the 80's and 90's' Article: "The dinar and its three zeros - is it time to symak the dinar and return to the dinar 1980?" Dr. Shabibi, it's done..!


I think that Dr Shabibi did aspire to get the dinar back to it's Glory Days, but I don't think it will be close to that.  I do wish it would, but I want to be a realist about it.   If it came out at a little over the dollar, we will be extremely lucky, and very happy!   Dr Shibibi was a very good guy, and he really wanted the best for Iraq.   I just don't believe we will get where he wanted to go.    :shrug:

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Frank26  Article: "Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? An economist explains" THE CBI IS SENDING TRUSTED ECONOMISTS TO EXPLAIN THE MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION OF DELETING THE ZEROS FROM THE EXCHANGE RATE!  :tiphat:




Agree.   Yes F26...The three zeros are coming off the ER & not off the currency face value.

The high & the new lower denoms will exist together for a while & spend equally in value.

Hang in there, Folks...It's coming.   Go RV.

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