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The War in Israel * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 10/10/2023 - Must Read


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October 10, 2023


The War in Israel


Before I comment on the situation in Israel, I first want to share just a few thoughts from Dave Kubal from Intercessors For America regarding the Speaker of the House situation. As tragic and significant as the situation in Israel is, we must also remain focused on America, difficult though that may be.


Supernatural Divide in D.C. (by Dave Kubal)


“The battle we are watching in Washington, D.C., is a visual representation of what is happening in the supernatural. At this moment, there are forces attempting to retain control, and forces attempting to gain control.


“Let me describe what’s happening in the natural. The nation was given an opportunity with this session of Congress to fight against the government’s woke agenda, its weaponization against private citizens, and bankrupt spending. The January fight for speaker was the obvious outworking of the political establishment. Congressman Kevin McCarthy was recognized as part of the establishment but wielded power because of his ability to raise and distribute $100 million. His popularity pushed him to the front. He made very specific promises to fight the woke agenda and pass a responsible budget.


“Rep. McCarthy did not do what he promised.


“He lost the support of many in his party. Most no longer trust him. This week there was a vote to vacate his position. It prevailed with nine Republican votes. Many more Republicans no longer wanted McCarthy to remain speaker, but they did not believe that this was the time to remove him.


“When we deal with the spiritual realm, the natural will work out. This is an opportunity — a critical moment in our nation’s history.


“Will we continue to allow our government to express and legislate values contrary to kingdom values? Will we allow our government to limit our freedoms? Will we empower a government with no control on spending — political spirits of control, spirits of excess loosing immorality, manipulative spirits using printed money — to dominate our lives?


“Next week [this week], we will see our options to lead Congress from here. The candidates will represent the spiritual battle at hand. Likely candidates include:


Congressman Steve Scalise: a huge ally to Speaker McCarthy, and one entrenched in the political establishment.


“Congressman Jim Jordan: a relentless defender of our freedom.


“Others may surface, and we must look for what agenda drives these representatives and for who is behind them.


“Most of all, we must pray. The battle on Capitol Hill in D.C. is the outworking of the spiritual battle in our nation. When we take care of the spiritual realm, the natural realm will work out.”(1)




There is no need to recap the horrific details of what is occurring in Israel; most of us have seen information regarding little else for the past few days. It has been heartbreaking to see the animalistic cruelty of demonized terrorists as they rape, torture, and mutilate women and children. I speak not of Palestinians and Muslims in general, but of the Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian terrorists responsible for this inhuman barbarism. They are savage butchers. I want to focus, not on their actions, but on the bigger picture: how we got here, what it means regarding the future, how we should pray, etc.


How We Got Here


Elections, as they say, have consequences. I would add that naively, ignorantly, and foolishly electing antichrist, anti-Bible, globalist, woke, lying, leftist, and Marxist leaders, bent on transforming America into the same, has disastrous but predictable consequences. (Though the term “electing” is probably not completely accurate in this case.) One can only hope that pious, undiscerning Christians - who simply could not tolerate mean tweets and an immoral past, preferring instead, abortionists and leftists - are having second thoughts.


What we have seen over the past three years was predictable. Why would a Biden administration, run by Obama and other globalist America haters, want a revived and strong America? Reversing most, if not all, of Trump’s sound policies on their first day in office, they picked up where they had left off, and even increased the pace of transforming America from being the greatest nation on earth into a weak and disrespected mess. A nation, by the way, which now needs a miracle to be restored.


The Attack on Israel


Tragically, the violence and bloodshed in Israel will continue. They have no choice but to eliminate once and for all the terrorist threats of Hamas, Hezbollah to the North, and perhaps Iran’s ability to fund and facilitate them. Iran and the terrorist leaders knew their provocation would demand this war. To Iran, the Palestinians, in general, are expendable pawns - always have been; they couldn’t care less about them. They want to force Israel to fight, hoping to destroy them, or at the very least, cause more of the world to turn against them. And unfortunately, multitudes of Palestinians, many of whom do not even support Hamas (some of them Christians!), will be sacrificed.


What This Means in America


Satan and those he controls hate not only Israel, but America. Thousands of terrorists are no doubt here now, due to Biden and the Dems’ open borders, waiting for the command to attack. They would be fools not to have come in, and we would be fools to think they’re not here. And those I listen to believe that they are, indeed, here. Many are especially concerned about cities with large numbers of those who have entered our country illegally, especially single young men. Terrorism could very well be the shaking we have been warned of, as could our involvement in a regional or world war.


Yes, we have obeyed the Lord’s instructions for preserving our nation, and we will be preserved. But the words from the Lord did not say there would not be attacks or suffering. We were warned of a great shaking, but that our prayers would ensure America’s survival, salvation, and reset. Be convinced of this - I am. And do not yield to fear! Continue to pray for protection over your home and family daily; claim Psalm 91 for you and yours. Be vigilant.


Beyond prayer for protection, stay focused on God’s plan to use this evil to prepare people and nations for harvest. He is always far ahead of satan and his plans. Continue to call forth the exposing of evil and the reaping of harvest. Do not allow your heart to become hardened to Muslim people in general, or Iranians and Palestinians in particular. Millions of them do not want these wars and the terrorism. Pray that they find out the truth of what is occurring - they hear only propaganda - and that they become more open to Christ and the gospel. I believe millions of them will be saved. Don’t forget that Paul, in his deception, martyred Stephen, but he later became one of the greatest followers of Christ in all of history. Pray for a great harvest in the Muslim world!


And finally, pray for Israel! Pray that this evil attack be overcome quickly and supernaturally, that there will be a minimal loss of life, and that the plans of darkness backfire. Pray that their eyes will be opened to Yeshua. They, too, will experience a great, great revival.


Pray with me:


Father, we come to You today with hearts that hurt, just as Yours no doubt does. The horrible grief and suffering taking place in Israel is heartbreaking. We ask You to help Israel overthrow these evil terrorists, and bring the suffering of all to a quick end.


We also ask for the veil of deception to be broken off of millions of people in that part of the world, freeing them from spiritual darkness. Open their eyes to the light of the gospel of Yeshua. Let a powerful revival sweep through the Middle East. Continue to give dreams and visions to those in the Muslim world, showing them that Jesus is, indeed, the Son of God and their Savior. Show the Jews that He is their Messiah.

And Lord, we pray for our nation. Thank You for so clearly warning us that we needed to pray prayers of covering, protection, and anchoring. We continue to ask for Your protection and declare that Psalm 91 will be our portion. We pray also for our government, that You would remove those who need to be removed in order for us to be safe and restored. Give us the leader we need in the House, but may Your changes go much deeper and broader. Give us once again a righteous government. We pray these things in Christ’s holy name, Jesus. Amen.

Our decree:


We decree that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound and is being released throughout the earth.


Click on the link below to watch the full video.









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A very interesting post. And the only one I've ever read from this guy. 

I'm liking most of what he's putting out. However I feel compelled to wake up ALL Christians, Protestant and Catholics alike, to the situation we are in today. 

Islam is, and always has been a Satanic Religion. Anyone who doesn't believe that probably hasn't read the Koran. A Satanic book calling for the Slaughter of EVERYONE who doesn't practice Islam. 

Whether you participate in the slaughter of innocence or not is irrelevant. GUILTY by association. 

It was revealed just today that in just one village attacked by Islamic TERRORISTS was found the headless bodies of 40 babies slaughtered in front of their parents. And then the parents were killed. 

So tell me Dutch how do you work with that?


Have you ever read about the, "Pale Rider", in the book of Revelation? 



This fourth, pale horse, was the personification of Death, with Hades following him, jaws open and receiving the victims slain by Death. Death's commission was to kill upon the Roman Earth with all of the four judgements of God—with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.


And what, Dutch, exactly is the color of the pale rider?


And I looked, and there was a pale green horse. Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following after him. They were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by the sword, by famine, by plague, and by the wild animals of the earth.


So I ask you, what is the main color of Islam?

Green in Islam is a sacred color and is associated with the Prophet of Islam and Khidr. It is stated in Orad al-Ahbab that "Anas ibn Malik says that the Messenger of God preferred green among the colors and the clothes of the heavenly people are green" (Bakhzari, 1966, 37).




So the,"Pale Rider', is according to the Greek translation a sickly green. Islam's color is Green. And the Koran is the Islamic book. The Gaza strip is filled with over 2 million Muslims and they just made an unprovoked attack against Israel where the Satanists have once again shown their level of hatred towards God's people and the enthusiasm they have of the heinous slaughter of women and children. 


AGAIN I ask you Doug, how do you work with that? 


This question shows the biggest problem with the people of God. 

By not researching into the depths of scripture Christians ALWAYS come to the wrong conclusions. 

In this post I've shown that Islam is,"The Pale Rider", of the Apocalypse. 

And I seriously doubt that you think you could, or even want to, make a deal with the Devil. 


As a Devoted Catholic I have immediately started praying for the complete annihilation of all the enemies of israel. 

But make no mistake about it, if I was the Prime Minister of Israel 🇮🇱 the second I got a report that children were beheaded in front of their parents. 

I would eliminate ALL Muslims in the Gaza strip with the only thing that Muslims understand. Extreme prejudice.

If anyone would be willing to leave Islam and live their lives in peace, I would consider that. 

It's past time that the world gives the Satanic leaders what they want most, to die a martyr. 


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18 minutes ago, Shedagal said:

@MyLadiesDaddy, what are your thoughts on the current Pope?

Lord I truly wish I had an answer for you. Clearly he's not acting as our Lord says he should. But I understand that God places ALL people of authority where they are. Thus "we get the leadership we deserve ". The Holy Catholic Church has allowed itself to be led astray by infiltration and the average Catholic stays silent. Possibly because the rules that were changed made it easier to be Catholic. Whatever the reason is most Catholics (The Pope included) will answer to God for their slothfulness. (Can you say laodicea)

But as I've explained before,  When Jesus breathed upon the Apostles and said,"receive ye the Holy Ghost. And whomsoever sins you forgive they shall be forgiven, but whomsoever sins you retain they shall not be forgiven. 

What Jesus did was to give the Priesthood the Authority of God. (Who else but God can forgive sins?)And that Authority has been passed down for over 2000 years. Thus it matters not what his sins are, when a Priest officiates in the Sacraments,  it's not the Priest we're dealing with but the Authority of God. 

in simple terms, the sins of the Priest are overcome by the Glory of God. 

I understand totally how that sounds, especially to a Protestant. I was one for the better part of my life. But the Mercy of God revealed to me that without this Mercy the Church of God wouldn't have made it past the 2nd century. Because NO PERSON can be worthy of God's Mercy. 

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23 minutes ago, MyLadiesDaddy said:

Lord I truly wish I had an answer for you. Clearly he's not acting as our Lord says he should. But I understand that God places ALL people of authority where they are. Thus "we get the leadership we deserve ". The Holy Catholic Church has allowed itself to be led astray by infiltration and the average Catholic stays silent. Possibly because the rules that were changed made it easier to be Catholic. Whatever the reason is most Catholics (The Pope included) will answer to God for their slothfulness. (Can you say laodicea)

But as I've explained before,  When Jesus breathed upon the Apostles and said,"receive ye the Holy Ghost. And whomsoever sins you forgive they shall be forgiven, but whomsoever sins you retain they shall not be forgiven. 

What Jesus did was to give the Priesthood the Authority of God. (Who else but God can forgive sins?)And that Authority has been passed down for over 2000 years. Thus it matters not what his sins are, when a Priest officiates in the Sacraments,  it's not the Priest we're dealing with but the Authority of God. 

in simple terms, the sins of the Priest are overcome by the Glory of God. 

I understand totally how that sounds, especially to a Protestant. I was one for the better part of my life. But the Mercy of God revealed to me that without this Mercy the Church of God wouldn't have made it past the 2nd century. Because NO PERSON can be worthy of God's Mercy. 

I appreciate your honesty.  You "work" within a system whose leader espouses things you abhor.  The killing of the babies was horrible, but your Pope is pro-abortion.  Are you not aligned with that?

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On 10/10/2023 at 3:05 PM, Shedagal said:

I appreciate your honesty.  You "work" within a system whose leader espouses things you abhor.  The killing of the babies was horrible, but your Pope is pro-abortion.  Are you not aligned with that?

Honestly in no way do I align myself with anything liberal. You already know my stance on the slaughter of babies in the womb. 

Nevertheless, as I've repeatedly said here, when a Catholic Priest is officiating in the Sacraments it's not a Priest you're dealing with, it's our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The only way that his Church could survive is because Jesus gave us this great mercy. God himself intervenes in the Church otherwise there would be no Church. 


Another way of putting this, I'm aligned with Jesus and thus it's not our job to condemn anyone. God will save whomsoever he wishes. 


If Hitler gave a sincere desire for forgiveness God would have granted him salvation. As Christians,  both Protestant and Catholics alike, we know this to be true. 

Yes the Pope is guilty of sin, but I ask you, my sister in Christ, are you willing to throw the first stone? Are you going to be Judge in his case? That's just not our way. Both you and I are sinners and the most valuable lesson Jesus taught me this year was,  "I will forgive you your sins as you forgive others ". 


Therefore, I will forgive all the more considering how sinful I myself am. 


I follow Jesus, not a man.....

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As a former Catholic I realized a long time ago that I did not need a man to interceed for me to get to God. 

On the cross Jesus said "It is finished ". That meant He had done everything needed for my salvation. All I had to do was: Declare that Jesus was my Lord and Saviour, get baptized, repent, and change my ways. 

Going to God directly cut out the middleman. 

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