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Lindsey Graham on criticism of Trump: 'I don't remember John McCain having to go through this crap'

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44 minutes ago, Shabibilicious said:


Liking to agitate and being proficient in such are two different things entirely.  As always, just my opinion. 

Curiously....would you call the following quote hate or truth? 


"It does to the Snowflake, Buttercup loony lefties." 


Can hate come from the Right also or must it be ignored as a solitary weak moment?  Who among us has the guts to stand with me and proclaim hate lives among us all, Left and Right, equally?


GO RV, then BV 

This conversation took a turn that I wasn't willing to follow. But as always you never fail to try and drag me in. Saying you're a snowflake Buttercup Looney Tune leftist is no more hate then saying that you're a Caucasian male. Furthermore, I use it as a term of endearment. A method to make someone be more introspective. Only someone who has thin skin would take it as hate  and be offended by it.



31 minutes ago, nstoolman1 said:

I would agree with you hate can come from all people if allowed to fester. 


Based he'd on what I have observed of some people and their reactions to some political events I would say that your Snowflake comment is true. It describes a reaction, it is a label. It is like describing a child throwing a fit. Calling them a baby does not mean you hate them. 

Thank You, 

herein is the difference between the left and the right. The ability to understand English language without being offended by adjectives.

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3 minutes ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said:

This conversation took a turn that I wasn't willing to follow. But as always you never fail to try and drag me in. Saying you're a snowflake Buttercup Looney Tune leftist is no more hate then saying that you're a Caucasian male. Furthermore, I use it as a term of endearment. A method to make someone be more introspective. Only someone who has thin skin would take it as hate  and be offended by it.



Thank You, 

herein is the difference between the left and the right. The ability to understand English language without being offended by adjectives.


You actually think there's a difference.....perhaps therein lies the problem i.e. log.  Take it to prayer, brother.  :peace:


GO RV, then BV

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2 hours ago, Shabibilicious said:

Can hate come from the Right also or must it be ignored as a solitary weak moment?  Who among us has the guts to stand with me and proclaim hate lives among us all, Left and Right, equally?


Hate can come from both sides.  What you have in America is a group of politicians who are using race to agitate and incite a response that preys on people’s insecurities to obtain their vote.  They are using race to divide the nation and basically telling people MAKE A CHOICE.  It’s unnecessary and it will only lead to more hate, and innocent people will get hurt.  


We had this discussion at our family dinners all the time.  It would get very heated and usually ends in someone storming off in a huff.  The last dinner at my house I made an announcement that went like this,


At my home you will not discuss politics because in the past you all ended up screaming at each other.  If you fill your heart with hate you will receive more hate in return.  This home is a Christian home and we will not tolerate any more family members yelling at each other.  If you need to do that go elsewhere.  My suggestion is to fill your heart with love and TRY to be loving to one another.  


Short, blunt, and to the point.  No one left and no one got angry and stormed out.  We had a great family gathering. 


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19 minutes ago, nstoolman1 said:


I think he is referencing the bible passage about removing the log in your eye before removing the splinter in your neighbors eye. 

If I am wrong I apologize in advance. 

That makes sense, Thanks. 

As for taking things to God in prayer I've a well documented history here of my personality growth as evidence. I believe that true growth can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit. 


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10 minutes ago, Pitcher said:


Hate can come from both sides.  What you have in America is a group of politicians who are using race to agitate and incite a response that preys on people’s insecurities to obtain their vote.  They are using race to divide the nation and basically telling people MAKE A CHOICE.  It’s unnecessary and it will only lead to more hate, and innocent people will get hurt.  


We had this discussion at our family dinners all the time.  It would get very heated and usually ends in someone storming off in a huff.  The last dinner at my house I made an announcement that went like this,


At my home you will not discuss politics because in the past you all ended up screaming at each other.  If you fill your heart with hate you will receive more hate in return.  This home is a Christian home and we will not tolerate any more family members yelling at each other.  If you need to do that go elsewhere.  My suggestion is to fill your heart with love and TRY to be loving to one another.  


Short, blunt, and to the point.  No one left and no one got angry and stormed out.  We had a great family gathering. 



Well said.  I believe family gatherings are the very essence of the divide this country is experiencing.....My family has done exactly what you yourself has done.  It's nice to see my aged uncles communicating as brothers again rather than raging political lunatics.  According to sources....they save the political lunatic part for facebook.  


GO RV, then BV

Edited by Shabibilicious
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Can hate come from the Right also or must it be ignored as a solitary weak moment?  Who among us has the guts to stand with me and proclaim hate lives among us all, Left and Right, equally?

End Quote


Exactly.......But some will prefer to  go through torture rather than acknowledging  that.......Others instead may have the attributes and just admit it

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1 hour ago, umbertino said:

Exactly.......But some will prefer to  go through torture rather than acknowledging  that.......Others instead may have the attributes and just admit it


"Admit nothing and double down".....Donald has lived his life by that mantra, and he expects his loyal minions (term of endearment, causing introspection) to fall in lock step and do the same.....they are not disappointing him.  ;)


GO RV, then BV

Edited by Shabibilicious
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4 hours ago, Shabibilicious said:


"Admit nothing and double down".....Donald has lived his life by that mantra, and he expects his loyal minions (term of endearment, causing introspection) to fall in lock step and do the same.....they are not disappointing him.  ;)


GO RV, then BV



Well....That's the mantra of the cheating husband / wife....Deny....Deny always....Deny evidence even.......Deny, deny, deny.....In the end they're going to believe you.......

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