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The Ugly Truth Behind Cannabis


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Peace, young kids got the edible and over dosed on it because they ate too much. Also a student ate "brownies" (plural) and OD and jumped out a window and killed himself. It's the edibles that caused the problems. Not put away so kids could not get it and packaging makes it look like across the counter candy, cookies, brownies etc. That and amount of thc not consistent in quantity or quality in edibles.

I don't think it's the "evil" weed, Colorado still has bugs to iron out and I've seen them first hand. Like anything, common sense and responsibility are a big part.

Edited by Sage449
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colorado being a "circus" is prob just a label given to them by people still stuck in a "marijuana is evil" mindset


hahahhahahah    No its a circus  dude.   Really its not a mind set.

There`s pot heads laying on every corner of denver . Not wanting to work just laying there and smoking pot all day



Thats reality 

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Peace, young kids got the edible and over dosed on it because they ate too much. Also a student ate "brownies" (plural) and OD and jumped out a window and killed himself. It's the edibles that caused the problems. Not put away so kids could not get it and packaging makes it look like across the counter candy, cookies, brownies etc. That and amount of thc not consistent in quantity or quality in edibles.


that is crazy to me, i have tried to overdose on cannabis, and i just can't do it. if that really happened then i gotta ask more questions like was this kid on other drugs like adderol or rhitalin cuz i find that counterintuitive and counter to my own experience.


but im not saying that i know every science behind it but makes me wonder what else the kids were suffering from or what else was in the edibles, now regulating food is important i agree cuz you never know what people are putting into things...


that is crazy news to me kids dying! flying out the window??!! i want to question the manufacturerer of that edible...seriously

hahahhahahah    No its a circus  dude.   Really its not a mind set.

There`s pot heads laying on every corner of denver . Not wanting to work just laying there and smoking pot all day



Thats reality 


this countries rat race is to much, you got poor people on every corner you sure its not just the sign of the times cuz why does it have to be a "pothead" can't it just be a guy having a hard time, and frankly it would be that guy that i give cannabis too. ;)

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Great conversation here, and then this just pops up on the news



the pharmcy companies are trying to clone the cannabis in the plant,

But not using the wholesome concept, 

they are trying to make it in a lab


1 just died

6 others they fear will go brain dead


90 total they tried this on


nice    not

and not smart either



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Great conversation here, and then this just pops up on the news



the pharmcy companies are trying to clone the cannabis in the plant,

But not using the wholesome concept, 

they are trying to make it in a lab


1 just died

6 others they fear will go brain dead


90 total they tried this on


nice    not

and not smart either




what the frick, trying to synthesize a plant that already does a nice job on its own!! why...?!! i know why.... they are animals. filthy greedy animals, trying to make money and damaging people in the process off of something that doesn't need to be changed. that is sad. oh how i hope the world gets  out from under the spell...

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So, I log on this morning, see the incredibly diverse cross section of  demographics represented in the comments of this thread, and one singular commonality becomes glaringly obvious.

Each individual, irregardless of perceived social status, is without doubt an intellectual.

What that means is every human respondent is in possession of sufficient facilities to perform their OWN critical thought.

My personal opinion is lack of genuine individual critical thought by all humanity is in fact the root cause of all evils perpetrated upon mankind.

Rather than dwell on this topic crashing subject, my intent was to make a simple point.


I am honored to share this discussion with you.

Ran out of my entire day's supply of pluses just after starting the 2nd page, they are in woefully short supply.




thats great, i am a per say volunteer fire man here


Problem is i am trained and full papers if i want full time, advanced medical also etc etc.

I know exactly what u are saying about the higher up monkeys that try to controll all of us.

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story - Full Length DVD HQ


This may wake many up,

cures alot of things including cancers.

He is Canadian


Rick Simpson is a hero.

He stood tall in the face of extreme adversity, exposed the fakes of the medical community, the deceptions of governments, and the truth about the pharmaceutical industry.


His work was influential to my process, however, he produces only decarbozylated oils and tinctures.

My intent was to create something that will not alter or affect body electrical communication or brain processing activity, with the exception of interrupting pain receptors.


I haven't personally made or used his formula, but I do know several people in my "network" that have a spouse who was either close to death, or so severely disabled they were no able to perform daily bodily functions.


And Thank You for Your service, you are one of the thousands of unsung domestic hero's, every bit as important and valuable as our solders, donating your personal time to protecting your neighbors.

Without volunteer programs across the globe, cities and counties would not be able to sponsor their own Fire Protection Districts.

Because you give your time, the money can then be spent on quality equipment and training.

There is no substitute for attack with a charged MSA, and no chance for rescue wearing substandard protection.

It is because of the efforts of domestic volunteers keeping America safe that our solders can focus on their task at hand.


divemaster, how does the creme work given it does not test? I could use it due to arthritis but concerned due to job and it's stance on drugs and drug testing. So I stay away.


I was careful to make a disclaimer, but even then missed an important fact.

I don't remember the brand, but it had an expired use by date.

Can't say if that was a factor.

Please DO NOT risk your income based on my experience.

There's no telling which manufacture, version, number of panels, or even the cut-off sensitivity of the panel test.

You would need to find out the exact parameters of the tests your employer uses and have a friend test it on themselves first.

I'm in a unique situation, I know the boss very well, he couldn't fire me if he wanted to.



I am not against it but I am also not for it.Why like everything else it will be abused.

Used in moderation (like almost everything) I see its benefits. 

But I have lived long enough to also see its ugly side. Just turn on the tv and watch the freak show coming

out of Colorado.

But as far as the de-crimilazation of it.

A big hell yes.  They are wasting precious space in prisons over pot dealers when armed hooligans could fill the space.


It is very disheartening to have to sit by and watch people throw away their lives.

That said, if you look at the countries that have decriminalized, you will see an amazing fact, after the initial surge, overall usage of the previously controlled substance dropped.

Haven't checked in a long time, but Portugal decriminalized everything.

From heroin to pot.

I don't know if they have junkie stores, crack dens, or meth centers, but the users are not thrown in jail, and instead are sent to rehab.

All crime related to drug use dropped by 70% or more.

The per-capita use dropped from over 30% to low single digits.

The hysteria over legalization, or at least decriminalization, has been intentionally deceptive.

America has multiple agencies dedicated to the "war'.

The coast guard has entire divisions dedicated to drugs.

Billions of dollars are spent on equipment, hundreds of thousands of people are employed, and the survival of an entire and very lucrative industry is dependent on drugs.


We wouldn't have to build new prisons, families wouldn't be torn apart and destroyed, and worst of all, there would suddenly be room for the feds to lock up all those gang banging, drug smuggling, drunk driving, and random murdering illegals, whoever would the democrats rally around to prove their  "kumbayaness" ?


I would say, that's where the real drug addicts are, everyone else can be cured...



i have never heard of anyone dying, it must have been laced or something, in highschool we smoked something called "wet" at the time i thought is was weed cuz it smelled like weed, well it left me and three others in suspended animation for 4 hrs, it felt like one second, i didn't even blink, when we "came to" i looked at the clock and freaked cuz it was 730 and we smoked it at 330, and i would find out later that "wet" meant formaldahyde so yea we inhaled embalming fluid, another reason im against vaccines cuz i know what that does...but if it were legal people would be able to grow their own or go to a store and buy so you wouldn't have to worrry about lacing.

if vaccines are  authorized and coca cola and mcdonalds then by all means cannabis should be


I remember in early 80's there was some high schoolers hospitalized after smoking chemical treated joints.

Was already out of the Army and past my check out stage.

There's always going to be an abundance of jackals willing to exploit human misery for their own gain, just look at our government.


Besides big pharma, the only reason pot is illegal was so Hurst could sell newspapers made from his trees instead of hemp paper.


I do drink, cant imagine not having my cider when out with friends.

Pot is no worse, maybe even better, and it's definitely time to end the hypocritical  social stigma.


I have stand up community pillar business associates that have started commercial grows, I know because my company wired them.

Can't say their names though, promised I wouldn't, it could negatively affect some of their other substantial business interests.


Which is total BS.



agreed responsible level


 love them,


i blame the parents for not being parents





Well said.

The greatest is love.

Walk into any prison, talk to the worst of the worst, a guy that has to be shackled even when among criminals, who has committed crimes we can't even imagine, and they may actually cry when they talk about their mom.

Even if that "mom" is the 2nd most despicable person in the world.


it's all about loving your kids enough to be there when they need you, loving them enough to punish them when they need you to, and after that, loving them enough to hold them close and cry with them because you did.



what the frick, trying to synthesize a plant that already does a nice job on its own!! why...?!! i know why.... they are animals. filthy greedy animals, trying to make money and damaging people in the process off of something that doesn't need to be changed. that is sad. oh how i hope the world gets  out from under the spell...



For now, they can't patent nature.

A friend is a research scientist. Currently under private grant with a team working on a cancer cure, his part is some serum delivery.

Dude holds four PhD's, taught micro organics and organic chemistry at one of the major Washington state universities for 40 years and retired.

When I asked him about the pot issue during a conversation once he just laughed.

He then told me almost every single research lab in almost every single pharma corp and most universities, are at this moment trying to synthetically recreate nature into something they can patent and sell.


That is simply "how it is". It is what funds scientists. They usually have two life goals.

To make and publish a scientific breakthrough that will be confirmed and accepted through peer review, and it will be instrumental in either unlocking one of natures secrets, maybe even be so helpful to mankind something is named after them.

The other acceptable goal is to make something they can patent that will not only help, but earn unimaginable fortunes.

I knew the scientist that led the team that developed the drug renamed to Cialis.

When he sold the rights, he got a $100,000,000 check from Merc, plus lifetime royalties. That's 100 million.

First few months after he was still a decent guy, but then turned into someone I haven't bothered with since.



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Raymond Schwab, an honorably discharged veteran, moved to Colorado last year to get treated for post-traumatic stress and chronic pain with medical marijuana.

He didn't expect Kansas would take his children in return.

"They're basically using my kids as a pawn to take away freedoms I fought for," he said. "It's a horrible position to put me in."

He and his wife, Amelia, say Kansas took the five youngest of their six children into custody last April, and they've only seen them three times since.

"I don't think what we're doing is illegal, immoral or wrong," Amelia said.

The Schwabs' case highlights how differences in marijuana laws can make a legal user in one state an unfit parent across the border.

Veteran Raymond Schwab and his wife Amelia are pictured on January 13, 2016 in Denver, Colorado. Raymond, who suffers PTSD, came to Colorado to use medical marijuana to help treat his PTSD. Because of this the state of Kansas, where he lived, took away his kids. He is fighting to get them back. (Helen H. Richardson, The Denver Post)

They're not the only Kansas parents at risk of losing their children over cannabis use. In Garden City, medical marijuana advocate Shona Banda was arrested on child-endangerment and felony drug charges after her 11-year-old son talked about his mother's drug use at school.

Kansas has rejected legislative efforts to permit medical marijuana use. Colorado legalized medical marijuana, then passed a referendum that allows recreational use as well.

Child welfare officials in Kansas did not return phone calls Wednesday concerning the Schwabs.

Raymond Schwab is a 40-year-old Gulf War veteran. He served from 1994 to 1996 in the Navy and later qualified for a 50 percent disability rating.

He lived in Colorado when the state legalized medical marijuana and obtained his own card.

He also tried to treat his symptoms with an assortment of medicines prescribed by the Department of Veterans Affairs — pain medicines, muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety drugs — but "they were making me crazy, they made me worse," he said.

Finally he developed a heroin addiction, but said he overcame that years ago with cannabis therapy.

The turning point in his family life began with a VA job offer in 2013. He went to Topeka to work as a benefits agent for fellow veterans.

"I loved it. I loved my job," he said tearfully.

But two years later, he decided to transfer to a VA job in Denver, where medical cannabis is legal. That's when a family squabble led to the loss of five children aged 5 to 16.

Raymond and Amelia say that as they were packing to leave, her mother took the kids to a police station in another county and reported them abandoned, an action her mother now regrets.

Nine months later, they say, child-protection workers and a Kansas judge are demanding that they give up cannabis if they want their kids back.

One condition, they say, is four months of drug-free urinalysis tests, including a drug legal in Colorado for therapeutic uses.

Raymond remains skeptical and worried. "What if I didn't make it through four months?" he asked. He fears his condition might worsen without cannabis.

He and his wife question why Kansas child-protection workers are holding onto children who should not have entered their system in the first place.

Among the documents Raymond carries in a battered briefcase is the one-page result of a Kansas child-abuse investigation.

It shows that in April 2015, the state began investigating allegations that Raymond and Amelia emotionally abused all five children. Three months later, those allegations were dismissed as unsubstantiated.

So, "why do you still have my children?" he asked.

David Olinger: 303-954-1498, or @dolingerdp

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Peace, a couple of articles on kids getting into edibles and the guy jumping to his death. So you know not making this stuff up.


Sage i didnt think you were making it up, its just so hard to believe that that was a result of pot, but after reading the story about the kid who jumped over the balcony it makes me pause to consider maybe if you are a first time user, just like with anything you should probably look into it deeper or have someone experienced with you...i can see if you are new to smoking ( in this case eating) you might have some kind of paranoid reaction, but had he been versed on that and what it means or understood what he was taking then i believe that could have been alleviated... i def agree kids need to be educated on the negative side affect like paranoia which would increase anxiety, and even have somebody there to talk them through it, i believe that could have been avoided with proper care, also he had an edible who knows what the heck is in those...


the other article with the highschool kids i just think thats business as usual, 1/5 of my senior class lit up before and after class and we had no problems like these they're not smoking they are eating it, it makes me wonder what is in the edibles that make kids feel they have to go to the ER. i just remember the side effect of laughter at that age. i have had a few paranoid moments but that was my consciousness trying to teach me something about my reality... it is terrible about the kid flipping out assuming its not controlled propaganda, evidently there does need to be education on it but it shouldn't be demonized, it is by far better than alcohol use and chem use...


...and this is coming from someone who use to be an alcoholic and when i was younger i dabbled in all kinds of drugs, and of all of them Cannabis is the only one that did not hinder me in any way, all others ruined me in some form or another, but cannabis i have benefited from. (now if you are smoking indica you may not want to drive but then again i personally don't know anyone who smokes indica and gets in a car and drives, i would like to think that people would learn what strains are good for them) i guess that is the education part.


It makes you present. Or for me anyway...


just like all things we put in our body we need to educate ourselves on it, alcohol, vaccines, gmo and pharmaceuticals, these are all Legal and all have been linked to deaths and neurodegenerative disorders and cancers... not pot, not if done right (meaning not laced with something else)... 

Edited by Peace
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I don't think it's the "evil" weed, Colorado still has bugs to iron out and I've seen them first hand. Like anything, common sense and responsibility are a big part.

hahahhahahah    No its a circus  dude.   Really its not a mind set.

There`s pot heads laying on every corner of denver . Not wanting to work just laying there and smoking pot all day

Thats reality 


Until today I thought all the noise about stoners in Denver were exaggerated.

Started looking it up and was blown away.

Washington legalized either before or at same time.

There's some obvious abuses, but nothing like CO.


Actually, there is a "new" trend out here, people looking for pot with lower potency, because the new stuff is just too powerful.

Back in the 70's, smoking a dube was as much a social activity as anything else.

You couldn't get high on one or two hits, it took several.


I'm glad we don't have the problems Denver does, but it really is only down to responsibility.

Before they were allowed to smoke their dope in the open, I'm betting most of those folks were a bunch of losers smoking their dope in abandoned houses.

Blaming pot on the reason for lack of self-respect is absurd.


Peace, a couple of articles on kids getting into edibles and the guy jumping to his death. So you know not making this stuff up.


No doubt people have managed to hurt themselves after consuming weed.

More people are killed by electrocution from 110 volts/ 60 hertz power than any other voltage in the world.

As much as 10x more deaths from that one type of electricity.

Does that mean we need to outlaw 110V/60HZ?

That would mean turning off power to 12 of the most industrialized nations on earth, including the USA.

Why is it the "most deadly"?

Because more people have access to it, and so more people can do stupid things when close to it.


Maybe if we just got rid of stupid people.....




I've noticed Kansas going over to the dark side more and more lately.

I really wish I could post some email communications I have had with my care providers at the Seattle VA.

I was very upfront, extremely articulate, and included facts, when I told them of my cream, and asked for their blessings.

Their message was basically that since they are federally funded they cannot endorse anything about cannabis.

They also indicated that my care agreement includes a paragraph about me agreeing to not use any other types of medications, and could cause me to lose my veteran benefits.

That was last year.

I was selected for a random drug test along with about 9 other vials of blood they took a couple months ago for other stuff going on.

So far, I haven't gotten the eject letter denying medical.

But it is definitely a worry.

This micro control of our lives is part of what drives my political agenda.


That said, that guys mom is a freaking moron.

She probably watches MSNBC.

I realize she was just trying to keep her grand-kids close, but her selfish stupidity may eventually result in her son never trusting her alone with those kids ever again, I wouldn't blame him either.

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They also indicated that my care agreement includes a paragraph about me agreeing to not use any other types of medications, and could cause me to lose my veteran benefits.

Read more:


That sucks! I actually thought the VA allowed you to get medical cannabis...


I wonder since it says, "agreeing to not use any other types of medications", if you could just stop using that specific med say xanax for anxiety and then just started using the medical cannabis in its place, if that would be a loophole... 


ya know what i mean?   use the semantics against them, just drop that prescription and pickup the doesn't mean that your anxiety stops, so your condition would still exist, its just that you decided to say, "ok no more xanax," that way you get out of that wording of , "as long as you are on any other type of meds", just drop the med and pickup the med cannabis


im not saying you are suffering anxiety and taking xanax but do you know what i mean?...

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dive i thought of something else,


if you got a private doctor to prescribe the medical cannabis, that would leave the va doctor from getting into federal issues, 


and decline the meds the va wants to give you and say "im trying alternative therapy", the condition would still are just seeking treatment elsewhere...


but they would probably want those records too, thats a lot of hoakum... dang what a mess the system is...mmm mmm mmm

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Found This:



VHA Directive 2011-004


Access to Clinical Programs for Veterans Participating Instate-Approved Marijuana Programs  


In the following link:



Maybe of interest 


Basically don't walk into a va building with pot on you cuz you are then in their jurisdiction, but as far as it being seen in a drug test...looks like most docs don't care...supposedly doesn't end your benefits, you may get a slap on the hand from your doc, but for the most part just would refrain from saying anything about it...


maybe your dr is just being a fearmongering punk :) 

Found one more:



And statement is coming from the Department of Veterans Affairs so i wouldnt sweat it to much... :shrug:  :salute:

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"With marijuana federally classified as a Schedule I controlled substance (like heroin and LSD), VA physicians “will not provide for use,” said Gina Jackson, a VA public affairs officer. At the same time, veterans who participate in legal, medical-marijuana programs “will not be denied access to care for VA clinical programs but should be assessed for misuse, adverse effects, and withdrawal.”"


yea this one is out of seattle , you should be good :)

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Things aint looking so great in the oil field these days. A buddy of mine is going back to Oregon to grow it legally. He'll make a lot more $$ than he would sticking around these parts. I've got half a notion to take him up on his offer to partner up with him. 


If the other half of that notion agrees anytime soon, I'll be heading on to the Oregon trail. I've had a belly full of the oil patch.

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here is a veteran forum where someone asked that question, i have yet to come across anything where a veteran has actually been denied... :) this is important to me to cuz i get vet benefits as well and one day when texas legalizes the dang thing i hope to be everyones health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things aint looking so great in the oil field these days. A buddy of mine is going back to Oregon to grow it legally. He'll make a lot more $$ than he would sticking around these parts. I've got half a notion to take him up on his offer to partner up with him. 


If the other half of that notion agrees anytime soon, I'll be heading on to the Oregon trail. I've had a belly full of the oil patch.


Do it! From the pictures Oregon is far more beautiful than an oil patch ;)

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dive i thought of something else,


if you got a private doctor to prescribe the medical cannabis, that would leave the va doctor from getting into federal issues, 


and decline the meds the va wants to give you and say "im trying alternative therapy", the condition would still are just seeking treatment elsewhere...


but they would probably want those records too, thats a lot of hoakum... dang what a mess the system is...mmm mmm mmm


I don't usually see a doctor until more dead than anything, and I don't usually let doctors advice get in the way.

Been ignoring their advice since starting, figure they would get used to it.

Had rotator cuff surgery and went back to work in three weeks, then tore it all up.

They had to do lots of repair and it took 1 1/2 years to heal.

Then had surgery on a knee, and went to work after I woke up instead of waiting six weeks.

Told them I had a ride, called a friend, but then got out at the end of the parking lot and got in my truck.

That's what finally pissed 'em off.

Had to promise to slow down until released for duty, she threatened to commit me for psych observation, but I'm thinking that was just a threat.

Truth is, I think she likes me.



Things aint looking so great in the oil field these days. A buddy of mine is going back to Oregon to grow it legally. He'll make a lot more $$ than he would sticking around these parts. I've got half a notion to take him up on his offer to partner up with him. 


If the other half of that notion agrees anytime soon, I'll be heading on to the Oregon trail. I've had a belly full of the oil patch.


Hey, if you do, I designed an automated environmental control system to keep your ladies happy and save you lots of money on AC.

After you install it just set the temps and forget it.

Let me know if you need.

I just write the software and upload to an Arduino controller, is up to you to get all your equipment.

Schematics and blueprints with confidentiality agreement.

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I don't usually see a doctor until more dead than anything, and I don't usually let doctors advice get in the way.

Been ignoring their advice since starting, figure they would get used to it.

Had rotator cuff surgery and went back to work in three weeks, then tore it all up.

They had to do lots of repair and it took 1 1/2 years to heal.

Then had surgery on a knee, and went to work after I woke up instead of waiting six weeks.

Told them I had a ride, called a friend, but then got out at the end of the parking lot and got in my truck.

That's what finally pissed 'em off.

Had to promise to slow down until released for duty, she threatened to commit me for psych observation, but I'm thinking that was just a threat.

Truth is, I think she likes me.




Hey, if you do, I designed an automated environmental control system to keep your ladies happy and save you lots of money on AC.

After you install it just set the temps and forget it.

Let me know if you need.

I just write the software and upload to an Arduino controller, is up to you to get all your equipment.

Schematics and blueprints with confidentiality agreement.

Even if I don't do it - I'll tell my buddy about your system. . . I'll be in touch- Thanks Divemaster :twothumbs:


here is a veteran forum where someone asked that question, i have yet to come across anything where a veteran has actually been denied... :) this is important to me to cuz i get vet benefits as well and one day when texas legalizes the dang thing i hope to be everyones health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do it! From the pictures Oregon is far more beautiful than an oil patch ;)

Pretty much done with the Prairie - areas out here so flat you can watch your dog run away from you for 3 Days ! :D 

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