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"I Can't Breathe": America is Suffocating in a Cesspool of Immorality
I want to say right up front that I do not think that the cops are always right. In fact, my involvement in on-the-street pro-life ministry has proven to me that the average cop does not even know the law. They simply follow orders as directed by their superiors.

I appreciate good cops. We need more of them. But merely wearing a badge does not give anyone the right to ignore or make-up the law. We are a nation of laws. When those who enforce the laws are exempt from following the laws, then we are on our way to tyranny.Race had nothing to do with either of the recent major national stories. It is sad that the real issue of our militarized police has been wrapped in the blanket of race. Both "victims" were responsible for what happened to them. In many cities the cops are above the law and if you haven't figured that out yet, then you are in for some serious trouble. Sadly, neither Michael Brown nor Eric Garner had done the math.



Here is my advice for anyone who has a confrontation with the cops…comply and record. Do what the cops ask you to do, and be sure and record the encounter. You don't have to get killed in order to show that your rights were violated.

Eric Garner was not strangled. In fact, the coroner did not list suffocation as the cause of death. I spent some time as a high school wrestling coach and I have heard many wrestlers scream "I can't breathe" when they find themselves in a hold that constricts the neck area. The fact that a young man screams "I can't breathe" on the wrestling mat proves that he can. You cannot scream when you cannot breathe.

So on Monday night, LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers showed up for pre-game warm-ups against Brooklyn wearing a shirt that read I CAN'T BREATHE!!

I took one look at the shirt and began to chuckle. It shows the power of the media to create a narrative. There are so many other things going on in this nation that take my breath away that I don't even know where to begin. I feel sorry for Eric Garner, but can I tell you a few things that make me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

Every time I contemplate the magnitude of 60 million unborn babies being slaughtered in their mommies' wombs, I run out of air. If we could imagine what a mountain of 60 million little skulls would look like, it should make us scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

I feel the air go out of my lungs when I look at the government-held student debt that the average college student graduates with. The average mortgage takes 30 years to pay off, and today students graduate from college with the equivalent of a mortgage before they get their first paycheck. The enslavement of our children by the education-cabal makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

Whenever I try to picture in my mind what 20 million illegal immigrants looks like, I start gasping for air. Please understand that most of them do not comprehend the American way of life, can't speak the language, and maintain loyalty to another country. The balkanization of this nation makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

One trillion one-dollar bills laid end to end would stretch to the moon and back 200 times. If you spent 1 million dollars a day since the birth of Christ, you would not have spent a trillion dollars yet. A trillion is one million million. A trillion is nearly 32,000 years counted in seconds. Watch this. We all should scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

The IRS is not a government agency. It is the collection arm of the Federal Reserve Bank. The American Dollar is not backed by anything except the "full faith and credit" of the United States Government. The Post Office alone is $100 billion in debt. I'm sorry, but I CAN'T BREATHE!!

More than 50% of Americans don't work, even though we are told that the unemployment rate is only 7%. Our government lies to us about everything. There is no transparency and there is no accountability. Even though Congress has an approval rating of 8%, the reelection rate is nearly 90%. Our corrupt, dysfunctional government makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!Nearly 20 million Evangelical Christians did not vote in the last Presidential election. Another 20 million aren't even registered. Everywhere you look, Christian values are under attack. The average pastor will no longer speak against sin, so sin has become acceptable in America. The failure of the "Church" to engage the culture makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!




We live under a lawless government. The Constitution is no longer treated as the law of the land, the Bible is no longer taught as the Word of God, and many who swear upon the Bible to uphold the Constitution are derelict in their duty. "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29:2) The immorality in America makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

As racial tensions continue to escalate, fueled by the actions of our first black President and first black Attorney General, race-baiting Al Sharpton, who owes $4.5 million in back taxes, is invited to the White House to offer advice and "dialogue" on racial harmony. The fact that he is permitted anywhere near the seat of power makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

Marriage has always been the building block of the uniquely-American society. Today, more than half of all marriages end in divorce. 70% of black babies are born without a father in the home. Male on male and female on female sex is taught in our schools as normal, and 25% of American teenagers have a sexually transmitted disease. The wallowing in the sexual-pigpen makes me want to scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

In America, 90% of high school dropouts are on welfare. 85% of juvenile offenders are functionally illiterate. Over 75% of America's prison inmates cannot read above 4th grade level. Low literacy rates cost $70 million per year in healthcare costs. Washington DC, which spends nearly $25,000 per student in their schools, has the worst performing schools in America. The fact that millions of Americans cannot read Lebron James' t-shirt makes me scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!

Jesus accused the Pharisees of "straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel." He chastised them for ignoring the "weightier matters of the law." The fact that America's problems are moral and not racial is evident for anyone who is open-minded enough to look. When will God-fearing Americans stand up and demand that Biblical morality be restored as the standard of living for all of America's citizens?

With all due respect to Eric Garner, America is suffocating in a cesspool of immorality. That is what should make us all scream I CAN'T BREATHE!!


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Djorgie, thanks for posting Mr. Daubenmire's article.  He is expressing the feelings of many on DV and in the country.  It is sad that we have allowed evil to thrive and create pools of evil in our country.  Failure is a bitter pill to swallow, but Christians are missing the opportunity to speak out against the evils of our day.  Even when we do, the minority of the offended cry "fowl" till they "can't breathe" 

But this is the progressive nature of evil.  "But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." The strength of a child of God is to know Christ, study His word, and do righteousness.   It may mean that we will need to speak against evil everywhere, to challenged by everyone, and be told that we know nothing.  But be faithful unto death and you will receive the crown of life.

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I can't breath when I see immoral people like Al Sharpton and Jesse jackson give their blessing to a bunch of immoral do nothings to burn down the business's of hard working people steal them blind and destroy their way of making an honest living!  And not because they give a damn about Brown or Garner it just gives them an excuse to act like animals.  Where are the advocates for all the white children who have been killed by blacks just for the doing of it . So sick of all of this.  Al sharpton has been vomiting out you are all victims for long enough. Shut the hell up and get a real job!  :butt-kicking:  :butt-kicking:

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SMH at some of these comments... This is almost 2015 and race continues to be a topic; even here, where I thought was a safe forum for us all.

Enough is enough. Please lets wake up from the bs all around us that is picking us apart while the real people in charge (and I guarantee you they are NOT any of our Presidents --ask JFK). 



Lets drop the "Libs" "Conservatives" "Dems" "GOP" labels because at the end of the day, labels is yet another way to keep us all divided and people are going to be people. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Some seem to have forgotten about human decency. About the fact that all lives matter, no matter their ethnicity. We are ALL human beings. The only race is the HUMAN race. We all bleed the same red. 


I realize what I am about to say will not be viewed as popular with some of you here in this forum and that is OKAY. "I can't breathe" when I am reminded that the workings of the true thugs; the KKK are still alive and very much among us, whether we choose to believe it or not.


Is it really that hard to believe? They are our every day people



Some people just believe what they want to believe and turn a blind eye because it is convenient for them to do so. 



If people want to read from the same script and regurgitate the line, "Al Sharpton is a race baiter" ...Maybe he is... So then lets mention all of the Kings of Race baiters. The ones who have somehow fallen under the radar as though they no longer exist. The pure fuel behind what's keeping this messed up country divided. Lets not just call out the ones who's skin color you don't approve us. Lets call them ALL out. The ones under the KKK's pay-role that troll the underground media to keep hate alive; such as: 


•Rush Limbaugh


"•Al Sharpton"


•Hannity Colmes


•Michael Savage 


•Glenn Beck



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We live under a lawless government. The Constitution is no longer treated as the law of the land, the Bible is no longer taught as the Word of God, and many who swear upon the Bible to uphold the Constitution are derelict in their duty. "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29:2)



The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. (1John 5:19)


When you are saying; the bible is no longer taught as the word of God, why then petition the governments of this world hopping to find correction to a problem? Wouldn’t this be like a shepherd who’s grown tired of watching over his sheep, so he petitions a wolf to watch over the flock because he wants to enjoy a vacation?         


The Bible pictures world governments as “beasts” and says that they get their authority from the Dragon, Satan the Devil. God has permitted them to remain and has limited their scope and duration of rule, in harmony with his purpose. (Rev 13:1-18; 17:1-18) (2Co 4:3, 4)


Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12)


Jesus made it clear to Pilate (Caesar governments) Rev 18:36― Jesus answered: “My Kingdom is no part of this world. If my Kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.”


There is something that can be done about this, start by taking in a deep… breath, exhale… with our lives we can learn to follow in the example Jesus set “and this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Mat 24:14)

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Seriously? under the KKK payroll?


•Rush Limbaugh


"•Al Sharpton"


•Hannity Colmes


•Michael Savage 


•Glenn Beck


You are really reaching. Just because those conservatives you mention don't agree with Obama's socialistic agenda now their a part of the kkk?

If that wasn't so sad a statement i would laugh.

Read more:

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Djorgie, thanks for posting Mr. Daubenmire's article.  He is expressing the feelings of many on DV and in the country.  It is sad that we have allowed evil to thrive and create pools of evil in our country.  Failure is a bitter pill to swallow, but Christians are missing the opportunity to speak out against the evils of our day.  Even when we do, the minority of the offended cry "fowl" till they "can't breathe" 

But this is the progressive nature of evil.  "But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." The strength of a child of God is to know Christ, study His word, and do righteousness.   It may mean that we will need to speak against evil everywhere, to challenged by everyone, and be told that we know nothing.  But be faithful unto death and you will receive the crown of life.

Amen and thank you Nelg. Blessed are you when people 'negative you' for righteousness' sake. An insignificant price to pay for the honor of being entrusted with the Truth

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The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. (1John 5:19)


When you are saying; the bible is no longer taught as the word of God, why then petition the governments of this world hopping to find correction to a problem? Wouldn’t this be like a shepherd who’s grown tired of watching over his sheep, so he petitions a wolf to watch over the flock because he wants to enjoy a vacation?         


The Bible pictures world governments as “beasts” and says that they get their authority from the Dragon, Satan the Devil. God has permitted them to remain and has limited their scope and duration of rule, in harmony with his purpose. (Rev 13:1-18; 17:1-18) (2Co 4:3, 4)


Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12)


Jesus made it clear to Pilate (Caesar governments) Rev 18:36― Jesus answered: “My Kingdom is no part of this world. If my Kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.”


There is something that can be done about this, start by taking in a deep… breath, exhale… with our lives we can learn to follow in the example Jesus set “and this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Mat 24:14)


Amen, Fly.

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The only race is the HUMAN race. We all bleed the same red. 

End Quote

 Agreed. Grazie

Not true of me.

Acts 20:24

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me--the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.

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The people wearing these robes walk among us and fuel far more than we realize. "For God For Country; For Race; For Klan" is their favorite quote... And they really believe that no one is watching. Well, we are beginning to catch on. And all of us Believers (including all ethnicities) are beginning to unite. 




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Seriously? under the KKK payroll?

•Rush Limbaugh

"•Al Sharpton"

•Hannity Colmes

•Michael Savage

•Glenn Beck

You are really reaching. Just because those conservatives you mention don't agree with Obama's socialistic agenda now their a part of the kkk?

If that wasn't so sad a statement i would laugh.

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I actually guffawed fwiw :lmao:

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Amen and thank you Nelg. Blessed are you when people 'negative you' for righteousness' sake. An insignificant price to pay for the honor of being entrusted with the Truth

Thanks Deborah.  It seems that I have been getting a number of the "negs" lately.  Interesting.  I think there is someone out there that just doesn't like anything I write.  That's o.k.  They can voice their opinion.  I just wish they would comment so I could "give an answer."  

By the way, keep speaking your mind as well. 

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For the record, I identify with no political party because it's all a bs smokescreen. And that really is lol, considering that I literally got my arse handed to me by several individuals for defending your cause, here on your very own forum just a few weeks ago. Still, I come to you in peace. And I regret nothing, for I didn't defend you for you. I did so because I believe in you and what your site stands for. 


It remains a doggie-dog world, out here, it seems. 


Happy Holidays, everyone. 


Happy Holidays indeed, and also Merry Christmas. FYI - I say "Merry Christmas" to EVERYONE I see at this time of year... I certainly hope people don't get offended, but if they do, I'm not too concerned with it. When someone tells me "Happy Hanukkah" I don't punch them! I say "Thanks and same to you"... so why should anyone care if I don't entertain the whole bullshhh "Happy Holidays" theme? 


Yep, I said it! "Happy Holidays" is a pile of Shhhhh, and it should be treated as such.


I say "MERRY CHRISTMAS", and I always will.

P.S. Regarding the political portion of your post - I also will not align myself with any one "party". You're 1000% correct on one thing - all they do is present a smokescreen. We all have to be vigilant in our efforts to protect ourselves and those we love, and attaching ourselves to any one political party is NEVER the right answer! In some cases, dems are right, and in some cases the reps are right... but they are NEVER 100% right 100% of the time so we must always be vigilant!

Thanks Deborah.  It seems that I have been getting a number of the "negs" lately. 


Negs mean nothing to me FWIW.


You're a peach in my book. :twothumbs:

Edited by Adam Montana
decided to not be profane. :)
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Seriously? under the KKK payroll?


•Rush Limbaugh


"•Al Sharpton"


•Hannity Colmes


•Michael Savage 


•Glenn Beck


You are really reaching. Just because those conservatives you mention don't agree with Obama's socialistic agenda now their a part of the kkk?

If that wasn't so sad a statement i would laugh.

Read more:

You'll have to excuse me, I tend to throw them in the same batch when shooting the breeze in informal forums. So to clarify and get technical, the KKK is actually the bottom of the totem pole of their network...


The American Nationalists Network... Ever heard of them? Still sound too far-fetched and impossible that the invisible empire could fund the other race baiters (or race haters) that fly under the radar? 

Edited by Shestarr
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Glad this topic can be talked about.  I just remember Maggies ridiculous claims that I wore a white sheet while she defended the piece of dung named Trayvon Martin a year ago still come to mind. 

Libs are evil.  

They will destroy New York much like they did Detroit until people wake up against them.


Evil is evil.  Sometimes evil comes in the form of Libs, Cons, or just plain idiots.  Bringing Maggie into this due to a heated debate of a year ago serves only one purpose.....refueling the hatred fire.  Then you reference Trayvon Martin as a "piece of dung".  The Martin case was a tragic accident, or a perfect storm, so to speak.  The law has spoken in that case and Zimmerman has been aquitted, end of story.  Nonetheless.....Trayvon is dead.  His family and friends grieve and fine upstanding citizens such as yourself are blessed with the constitutional right to verbally kick the dead teen.  Salute. 


GO RV, and NO BV

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Evil is evil.  Sometimes evil comes in the form of Libs, Cons, or just plain idiots.  Bringing Maggie into this due to a heated debate of a year ago serves only one purpose.....refueling the hatred fire.  Then you reference Trayvon Martin as a "piece of dung".  The Martin case was a tragic accident, or a perfect storm, so to speak.  The law has spoken in that case and Zimmerman has been aquitted, end of story.  Nonetheless.....Trayvon is dead.  His family and friends grieve and fine upstanding citizens such as yourself are blessed with the constitutional right to verbally kick the dead teen.  Salute. 


GO RV, and NO BV

Grazie. Brotherly hug from Italy to you and yours. Merry Christmas

Edited by umbertino
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