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2015 Budget - Going to be difficult


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Look, i own a few million of the dinars, but will someone please prove the following statements to be false, so that i can put my mind at ease?


1)  it’s not in Iraq’s interest to allow the dinar’s value to rise – even through a small appreciation – since it would make it harder for the country to pay off debts,
more expensive for foreign companies to do business and limit Iraq’s post-war growth.
2) “Why would Iraq want to do to their currency what no other country wants to do?” “It would be like standing on your economic brakes with both feet.
 No one does it because it makes no sense.”
3) “Historically, a revaluation where your currency suddenly becomes worth many times what it used to be in the foreign exchange, that’s never happened. Ever,” 
Someone out there, PLEASE explain to me again, exactly what i was thinking when i purchased those dinars!
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Look, i own a few million of the dinars, but will someone please prove the following statements to be false, so that i can put my mind at ease?


1)  it’s not in Iraq’s interest to allow the dinar’s value to rise – even through a small appreciation – since it would make it harder for the country to pay off debts,

more expensive for foreign companies to do business and limit Iraq’s post-war growth.

Well this one I think it's in iraq interest to use a higher valued currency since most of Iraqs merchandise is imported and that gives them more buying power and won't make oil more expensive since oil is sold in dollars

Iraq has always used a high exchange rate for that reason


2) “Why would Iraq want to do to their currency what no other country wants to do?” “It would be like standing on your economic brakes with both feet.

 No one does it because it makes no sense.”

Because it's a local currency and isn't used to import , dollars are

The dinar has never been an international currency , only a local currency


3) “Historically, a revaluation where your currency suddenly becomes worth many times what it used to be in the foreign exchange, that’s never happened. Ever,” 

The iraq dinar has never been on the foriegn exchange , Ever

So maybe before it does , if it does , they would want to apply a respectable rate for international trade

But i don't think they will be doing that until they accept imf article 8


Someone out there, PLEASE explain to me again, exactly what i was thinking when i purchased those dinars!

I'm gonna be rich!!!

Compulsive buying

This is where all the bs came in

Where it was going to rv on Monday morning type of bs

You better hurry up and buy before it's to late bs

There was a ton of reasearch to do and there's no way to do it in a day or two

So you saw everyone else doing it so you did too

After researching for a few weeks ya start to ask questions and then they start to bash you as the unbeliever

Your a troll kinda crap

You know why you bought the dinar and what you were thinkng so why ask?


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Wow!  That was some donny brooke upstairs in Nadita's bank story.  I knew it was a scam right from the start when she said people were cashing out.  Dead give away.  It should be a wake up call to all dinarians.  You can't throw your blind trust behind anyone just because you like them.  Listen to what they say and then compare it to the reality meter.  Her story was simply  impossible to be true, and yet tons of people threw their complete loyalty behind her.  Right DB?  The web is full of scam artists using the Hegelian Principle to snag unwary dinarians.  I'm glad a few of you had the cahones to call Nadita out.  Good for you.  

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Ewingm the problem is that you're going to need a lot more dinar if it RV's at 10 cents or less. I believe that you just can't have enough dinar, my theory is that you need at least 10 million dinar just to be a millionaire and 20 million is even better !   The fact is it is the best time to buy dinar, it's not been this cheap in a long time. 

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Well Tex.  I'm sorry to hear you spouting about buying more dinar.  Makes me wonder if you aren't a pumper yourself!  Nobody needs to be throwing anymore of their money down the dinar rabbithole in my opinion.  If you have extra dollars, put it in solid investments that aren't third world in nature.  By now, after the Warka fiasco, and six long years stuck at 1166 to 1, I would think people would learn, but that just doesn't seem to be the case.  Once you have been painted with the hegelian principle, the mind won't allow logical contemplation to return.  The Nadita fiasco was a crystal clear example of what I mean.  So many dinarians were chasing after her siren song that this site was losing customers.  She had to go, and out she went.  Of course she took a crp load of believers with her. 

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Well Ewingm I can afford it , and I am still a believer, If you can't afford it and your not a believer then I agree. And That's the first time that I've ever been called pumper, I guess that's a generic term that everyone here seems to use when you don't agree with someones views. Also I guess that you believe in the hegelian principle which means that you probably don't believe in JESUS either. Thanks 

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NOPE1But hey DB ,did your bank ever get the E-mail to allow them to sell you more dinar??/  Better get more before the price changes!

I always buy dinar - mainly through ebay these days

Wow!  That was some donny brooke upstairs in Nadita's bank story.  I knew it was a scam right from the start when she said people were cashing out.  Dead give away.  It should be a wake up call to all dinarians.  You can't throw your blind trust behind anyone just because you like them.  Listen to what they say and then compare it to the reality meter.  Her story was simply  impossible to be true, and yet tons of people threw their complete loyalty behind her.  Right DB?  The web is full of scam artists using the Hegelian Principle to snag unwary dinarians.  I'm glad a few of you had the cahones to call Nadita out.  Good for you.

just so you know yes I support Nadita however I am aware that she has not cashed out yet but is due to soon, I do know when she will but I am not her messenger so I won't share that. Until she lets me know and i have proof as well as her permission and the permission of this site I won't share nowt. So keep your comments about me to yourself until I know the outcome and then if it has failed then call ,e every name ect under the sun
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It's almost guarenteed to be a money maker if ya buy silver now

When our economy fails again not if but when

Silver will run up in the mid thirties to the mid 40s easily

So if ya got money laying around

It's not a short term investment but it won't be as long as we waited for the dinar

It will fail with in the next 6 to 10 years

Boom and bust cycles are historical facts so don't always look to make money off good times

There's ways to make money " when " the bust cycle runs its course

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Tex, the hegelian principle does apply to Jesus, just not in the way you were presenting.  This is the way it works:,  1.  The Problem,   There is a God, and His creative Hand is seen everywhere around us.  And because He does exist, His commandments concerning our behaviors also exist.  2. Misrepresent the truth by chipping away morals through a liberal progressive ideology that calls evil good.  3.  Once you have the population doubting the existence of God, you also have the population doubting the laws of God, and therefore you can begin killing babies, misdefining marriage, and calling all cops(authority figures) racially prejudiced.  

There you have it.  The hegelian principle promoting atheism over God.  And winning.  

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If the budget is passed and its retro active January 1st and the rv is in the budget does that mean the dinar is secretly rvd already on the first of January

No wonder these gurus are going crazy

Cause I remember them saying it will rv before the first and we're getting on people's case who questioned them because they swore they knew better and more than those with an opposing view

Now these people who were getting on people for not believing them , are they going to pretend some other thing now ?

Edited by dontlop
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Come Wednesday PM and there is no budget there will be a lot to talk about. Iraq is not like the USA 2 party congress. To get a majority they have to work coalitions. That's not easy in real time. Expect more "readings " Before passage.

As far as the budget effecting the exchange rate, remember this . By the CBI law the dinar it controls is only a LOCAL currency ! For any one outside the country to benefit from any CBI change the parliament MUST make that change , it will not happen SOON. 

I Think the missing article was a PAY CUT!!!  The  COM could not agree so it was pulled!!! But would have solved at least half the problem.

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If they pass the budget with this big a deficit and no firm plans for loans it only means they will run out of money before the end of the year..

Their lack of accountability and the corruption under Malaki left them with little to build an accurate budget with.

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Looks like they plan to cover the deficit by borrowing dollars and dinar!

Possibly could force the local banks to buy dinar bonds but will have to go to international market to sell dollar bonds.

Debt service will put strain on subsequent budgets.

Best they cut salaries and expenses. 

Political time-bomb.

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The domestic debts are easily restructured into the soveriegn payment system

How much debt will they end up with.

Trillions of dinars worth ?

I dont know what a Sovereign Payment System Is ?

They owe $100B to WB. Expect to borrow $10M more. Not sure they will get it

Have been  rolling over 300B dinar in Tbills.

Probably end the year with $200B Total debt. Dollar equivalent.

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