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why has the CBI kept the exchange rate at 1166 to 1


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THe lobster pot is not restricted to one topic, ie  the lop.  Who made you the gatekeeper?  I believe that Bumper will rein me in if I have crosse any topic lines. So go put your regulator badge away.  My question is the ONLY fundementally important question to every dinarian.  When will the big RV occur?  Well, it won't occur, obviously, but I'm trying to get the koolaide krew to weigh in on events necessary to  allow the CBI to RV the dinar.  So give me some events.  What areyou hiding for?  AHHHH, You think its a miracle thing, don't you?

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THe lobster pot is not restricted to one topic, ie  the lop.  Who made you the gatekeeper?  I believe that Bumper will rein me in if I have crosse any topic lines. So go put your regulator badge away.  My question is the ONLY fundementally important question to every dinarian.  When will the big RV occur?  Well, it won't occur, obviously, but I'm trying to get the koolaide krew to weigh in on events necessary to  allow the CBI to RV the dinar.  So give me some events.  What areyou hiding for?  AHHHH, You think its a miracle thing, don't you?


It's called speculation.....only the Shadow knows.   :nooo: 

GO RV, and NO BV

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Like I thought.  You people are all standing around waiting to be told when the RV has occurred so you can haul your dinars down to your local bank and turn them into millions of dollars, right?  How naive that is!  Seven years from now you will still be standing around waitimg for someone to tell you the RV occurred.  News Flash:  You are waiting on a non-event.  A myth promoted by people who make their money off the gullible. A SCAM.  Here is the only plausible scenario for the iraq dinar.  1.  IF the region calms down and iraq's sovereign borders are not infringed upon, 2. the CBI with FO approval, slowly revalues the exchange rate until a 1000 to 1 ratio,  3.  the CBI gets permission for a new ISO code to Redenominate their currency lopping the tjree zeros,  4.  the CBI announces the time frame to exchange the old for new currency, usually 1-2 years,  5.  The CBI may require this exchange to occur only in Iraq, as they did in 2003,  6.  After exchange period ends, the 2003 dinar series will be demonitized.  7.  The M2 of iraq is now reduced to 80 Billion dinars.    8.  the speculators of the dinar currency will be left flapping in the breeze, as I have been warning you about for months.

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Eight steps that are in total agreement with how the world handles currency adjustments.  There is no other way.  There are no "miracles" out there concerning this speculation.  This is how its done in the real world.  And I have absolutely nothing against the founder of this website.  He at least allows a fair and balanced debate platform.  If dinarians don't want to hear my opinions, they don't have to troll the pot.  They have plenty of forums upstairs where they will feel right at home.  Very comfortable.  

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I can't believe some of the things I read in the forums upstairs.  There is actually a belief by some that the RV will be revenue neutral where the iraqi people will experience a lop scenario ie 25000 dinar note will buy 1 dinar worth of bread after the Rv.  That's a LOP, people.  The individual then went on to say that that same effect wouldn't influence the dinars value outside the country ie. your 25,000 dinar note would be cashed out at 25,000 dollars.  Unbelievable.  No wonder so ,any of you bought into the scam.  You have no earthly idea how currency values work.  My suggestion:  Do some homework before spouting out jibberish that is ridiculous on its face value.  Better yet, don't comment on things you know nothing about.

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All the sudden ewingm is an authority on currency

He shows up whining about how he just needs for anyone to explain the dinar to him because his elderly relatives over invested in dinar and he's worried about them

Now it seems he has no questions at all , he's just a liar as we predicted

His counter part spears and disappears when he needs hi to defend himself from his lies

Ya ewingm is new here and knows nothing

He's a liar that I will give him

Funny ewingm

Real funny

Mr, question

Asks questions then tells everyone that answers his questions their wrong and they are idiots

Ok this lopster tank should be renamed to the liars tank

Lots of people don't believe the dinar will rv , but it takes a certain kind of person to lie about it to get their point across

Yep dr robins he's a liar

Proved it himself

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All the sudden ewingm is an authority on currency

He shows up whining about how he just needs for anyone to explain the dinar to him because his elderly relatives over invested in dinar and he's worried about them

Now it seems he has no questions at all , he's just a liar as we predicted

His counter part spears and disappears when he needs hi to defend himself from his lies

Ya ewingm is new here and knows nothing

He's a liar that I will give him

Funny ewingm

Real funny

Mr, question

Asks questions then tells everyone that answers his questions their wrong and they are idiots

Ok this lopster tank should be renamed to the liars tank

Lots of people don't believe the dinar will rv , but it takes a certain kind of person to lie about it to get their point across

Yep dr robins he's a liar

Proved it himself

A liar calling someone a liar lol....that's cute....

Hey so why are you still here since you sold out?

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There he is

I knew you would come running if I just mentioned ewingms counterpart

You two with the same MO

Just like that

Imagine that

It's amazing how the two different screen names happen to be liars like that

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Because ole dontlop DIDN'T sell out.  He's a koolaide kid through and through.  HIs mattress is stuffed to capacity with iraqi toilet paper.  Remember Keeps, dontlop has multiple screen personalities.  He has the good ole boy personality, the E E Cummings personality, and when upstairs, he has a very articulate "educated" personality.  That's why he cannot be trusted. 

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Awwww, DB.  Why are you picking on ole Keeps?  He saw the light on the dinar being a scam, and he wised up.  That doesn't make him a bad guy, it makes him smart.  I hope you join the ranks of the rehabilitated and get your money back also.  Just like with heroin, the dinar scam is addictive.  Just like with cocaine, the return to reality is difficult and painful.  De-programming a brainwashed dinarian is very difficult because they are addicted to guru hype and the dream of becoming rich. But therapy by ewingm and Keeps is available to all who seek healing from the delusion of the RV.  Bring us your down-trodden, your weak of mind, and poor in pocket, and the lobster therapy team will set you free.

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Because ole dontlop DIDN'T sell out. He's a koolaide kid through and through. HIs mattress is stuffed to capacity with iraqi toilet paper. Remember Keeps, dontlop has multiple screen personalities. He has the good ole boy personality, the E E Cummings personality, and when upstairs, he has a very articulate "educated" personality. That's why he cannot be trusted.

So you mean to tell me that he lied about selling out? No way! Not dontlop!! He is the truth police! Hahaba

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Well, its time to say goodnight in dinarland.  As you lay your heads down on pillows stuffed with monopoly money, may your dreams be pleasantly filled with thoughts of Belize.   Who knows.  Maybe when you awake in the morning you will be a millionaire!  That is, after all, what this whole scam is about isn't it?  Becoming fabulously rich off the poor beggars in the sandbox. But guru ewingm has one more prediction to make before I retire.  I predict that tomorrow when you wake up, the iraqi dinar will have RVed to 1166 to 1. So GOOOOORVVVVVVVVV!! and sweet dreams lemmings.

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A couple fruitcakes cryin about dontlop again

Ewangm and keepm

Ewangm walkin funny first then keepm walkin funny too

You to should just get married , I know you only got a couple states that allow that walkin funny crap slurpin peanut butter lovin

But once your married you can raise gerbals and walk funny forever in the slopter tanks

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I was just reading the forums upstairs, and there was a thread which was complaining about the new excuse not to RV is ISIS.  People, wake up. Quit looking for excuses not to RV and just realize your dream of becoming rich was and still is a SCAM.  The CBI doesn't need an excuse because its never intended to RV the dinar.  The CBI has stated repeatedly that their intention isto REDENOMINATE the currency, lopping the zeros.  You dinarians just refuse to accept the facts.  You're so caught up in the hype, even seven years down the road, that your eyes and ears are blinded to the truth of REALITY.  Quit drinking each other's koolaide.  You don't need Guru's anymore, because you have each other to keep pumping the lie.  By the way, I noticed Caz was up there bad mouthing the lobsters and it wasn't even a lobster thread.  What happened Caz, you get beaten down sufficiently enough in the pot to run and hide to mommy?

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If ya just try to look for information on the Iraq dinar revaluation on the internet look what you get

You can find out that the Kurds are fighting Isis robbed the bank

The polititions can't figure out how to seat the new govt after an election takes place

Media wars just like all country's jets bombing tanks and military conflict

Neighboring country's sending in arms oil is being smuggled out unemployment is very high

Wages are very low

And it's all malikis fault for not pushing the big red button

Land grabs backed by military forces of regional govts

Harboring of terrorists

And its hotter than hell and right in the middle of it all the celebrate Ramadan and bomb religious mosques and churches be head people execute people in mass graves

And then the "WORLD" is going to accept the fact that they should all become millionares thru this revaluation of the dinar because they are a proud people

Yee doggie !

Where's the mustard ?

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You made my point, dontlop.  You dinarians just scurry from one excuse to another to justifly why the iraqi dinar hasn't RVed and made them all rich.  The sad truth is that it will NEVER do that RV.  Never.  Even if the CBI were to call it, the world wouldn't recognize it.  And if the world doesn't recognize it, you don't get paid. PERIOD.  I have been totally convinced for some time now, that your average dinarian has absolutely no understanding of currency values and how the process works internationally.  They just drank the koolaide from the cup passed to them by their friends.  Like your first drink of alcohol.  Somebody passed you the cup.  And you drank.  

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I really don't care what they want to believe about the dinar I hope they are happy

People dream happy endings in all they do

They get married dreaming of a wonderful life together then end up fighting like cats and dogs

Do ya go to weddings and ridicule them for trying ?

They dream of buying a home and end up losing it

They apply for jobs they don't get

Who cares

I'm gonna gits me a junk yard and raise hippos

I'm gonna GIT me a gallon of milk and a giant cheese cake and eat till I can't move

Go cry about the fact that there's a couple hundred people on dinar vets that bought dinars and are hoping for a rv

Cry me a river

Who cares

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