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ARTICLES FOR 08-19-2014


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I do agree Tbomb with your analogy, but truthfully I feel the CBI is complying now with UNSC sanctions on ISIS.  These sanctions are huge, and the CBI must now comply not to trade with this terrorist group.  There have been a few article state that stated the robberies of Iraqi banks, from ISIS did not result in the money that was reported, in Iraqi news. .  ISIS, lives trades and has to have access  to currency, within Iraq.  ISIS is making approximately 4 Million dollars a day, from Iraq's oil reserves.  Oil is bought and sold in the Dollar.  I would think, they would have to have access to banks to make the cash conversion to IQD.  They would have to have banks to carry on their daily monetary tasks.  I do believe the CBI knows this, and that's why they are shutting  down the banks. It's all  about getting rid of corruption and Transparency.  The CBI and and the private banks are culpable under these new UNSC sanctions.   Now this is JMO, but it makes sense.  Here's one of the articles describing the CBI announcement:


powers the central bank approved the closure of branches in hot spots


Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -17 ugust / August: authorized the Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, private banks and private approved the validity of the closure of branches in hot spots.


The statement said the central bank received / Iraq Press / copy of it, today, it is "based on the central bank's decision Almno.1513 on the thirteenth of July, the private banks and private operating in Iraq are obliged to inform the Bank on all the circumstances surrounding the work of the branches in the provinces and hot spots."


He added that "the Bank authorizes the departments of banks the authority to close all branches of whether or not to ask if it, in light of the estimated security risk."


The statement continued that "the decision will no longer be sealed until the final approval by the Central Bank" .anthy.v.



Does anyone else have an opinion om this?

Edited by Butifldrm, Today, 07:28 PM.

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Posted Today, 08:21 PM

Buti, you know I have little more than intuition to work from when it comes to the financial aspect of this investment - so I very much agree with you and I hope you're right.  I'd love for someone else who has a good grasp on the economics of this situation, to comment.


Thank you and I truly hope they do have a handle on this. You're so devoted to us and I thank you for your tireless research..LOVE YA

Edited by TBomb, Today, 08:22 PM.

#31 icon_share.pngTBomb

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Posted Today, 08:39 PM



Project will lead to reducing the rate of the national currency in circulation from four billion to one billion notes

Posted by Iraq News Journal on Aug 18, 2014 | Leave a Comment

A member of the Finance Committee MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Dler capable, that the relative improvement of the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar during the current period, making some states want to deal with it. He is capable of: that the Iraqi dinar is improving day after day, thanks to the new monetary policy pursued by the central bank, prompting some countries such as India and neighboring countries wishing to deal in the business processes. He pointed out that the increase in the confidence of the world in Iraqi dinar will make it difficult international currency, likely that the coming weeks will see an improvement over the value of the dinar against the dollar, and this will enhance the confidence of the world with it. India has approached the Iraqi government the adoption of dealing in local currencies in the process of commercial exchanges of the two countries instead of the dollar and currencies in order to support the Indian and Iraqi forces. The Finance Committee has confirmed that 2014 will see the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, are described: The deleted will be in coordination with the Central Bank. The committee member said Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri in a press statement: The process of deletion of zeros from the national currency will begin during 2014, through an agreement with the central bank, noting: This project will lead to reducing the rate of the national currency in circulation from four billion to one billion. Added: The value will be reduced to the size of the quarter, and this will enhance the value and easy to transport, pointing out that fraud or manipulation of currency cash, it will be very difficult. The CBI identified earlier in the beginning of this year will see the implementation of the project to delete the three zeroes from the national currency, but the Iraqi government has demanded the bank to wait to apply the project, fearing the emergence of counterfeit currency during the switching process.


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Posted Today, 08:21 PM

Buti, you know I have little more than intuition to work from when it comes to the financial aspect of this investment - so I very much agree with you and I hope you're right.  I'd love for someone else who has a good grasp on the economics of this situation, to comment.


Thank you and I truly hope they do have a handle on this. You're so devoted to us and I thank you for your tireless research..LOVE YA

Edited by TBomb, Today, 08:22 PM.


#31 icon_share.pngTBomb

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Posted Today, 08:39 PM



Project will lead to reducing the rate of the national currency in circulation from four billion to one billion notes

Posted by Iraq News Journal on Aug 18, 2014 | Leave a Comment

A member of the Finance Committee MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Dler capable, that the relative improvement of the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar during the current period, making some states want to deal with it. He is capable of: that the Iraqi dinar is improving day after day, thanks to the new monetary policy pursued by the central bank, prompting some countries such as India and neighboring countries wishing to deal in the business processes. He pointed out that the increase in the confidence of the world in Iraqi dinar will make it difficult international currency, likely that the coming weeks will see an improvement over the value of the dinar against the dollar, and this will enhance the confidence of the world with it. India has approached the Iraqi government the adoption of dealing in local currencies in the process of commercial exchanges of the two countries instead of the dollar and currencies in order to support the Indian and Iraqi forces. The Finance Committee has confirmed that 2014 will see the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, are described: The deleted will be in coordination with the Central Bank. The committee member said Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri in a press statement: The process of deletion of zeros from the national currency will begin during 2014, through an agreement with the central bank, noting: This project will lead to reducing the rate of the national currency in circulation from four billion to one billion. Added: The value will be reduced to the size of the quarter, and this will enhance the value and easy to transport, pointing out that fraud or manipulation of currency cash, it will be very difficult. The CBI identified earlier in the beginning of this year will see the implementation of the project to delete the three zeroes from the national currency, but the Iraqi government has demanded the bank to wait to apply the project, fearing the emergence of counterfeit currency during the switching process.


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GM Tbomb and DV.  I do believe this is an older article.  One of many which describe reducing the number of notes in circulation within Iraq, thereby increasing the value of the Dinar against the dollar.  In this article he describes reducing the money supply by 3/4 's,  going from 4B notes in circulation to 1B.  I will say, I am so excited Iraq has a new government now and we may see some monetary change, but I do believe there are still a few laws that have to passed prior to any significant change in value of the Dinar.  I'm not getting into the deletion of the zero's analogy here.  There are a gazillion threads here addressing this subject.




Jubouri heads the Legal Committee meeting to discuss the legal Federal Court and the Federation Council


Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: Parliamentary Legal Committee held under the chairmanship of the interim Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Tuesday, a meeting to discuss a legal Federal Court and the Federation Council.



A reporter / Iraq Press / "The meeting was held at the Constitutional Hall of the House of Representatives and was devoted to the study and discussion of the draft law of the Federal Supreme Court and the proposed law on the Federation Council, and to make recommendations to parliament for final completion of the course of the legislative procedure."




The correspondent / Iraq Press / deputies as saying that "there are arguments, delete and add in some paragraphs of the law of the Federal Court, and that the main objections to the law focused on the privileges granted to the members of the court, and legal issues, the other including the right of veto to the clergy."



The House of Representatives resumes its sessions today, and the agenda includes the second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court, and the discussion of draft laws of Akhary.anthy.v.〈=ar



House of Representatives held its seventh meeting, the second reading of a draft Federal Court


Bgad Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: The Board of Representatives, on Tuesday, the seventh of its third parliamentary session, to discuss a number of laws, notably the bill of the Federal Court, who conducted the first reading to him during the previous session.


 He said the reporter / Iraq Press / that "the agenda of today's meeting includes the completion of the second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court and discuss a number of laws."


He added by saying  that "the agenda included reading a statement on the occasion of World Youth Day, and the second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court, and discuss measures taken by the Ministry of Displacement and Migration, Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education on the problems experienced by the displaced people and displaced" .anthy.v.



Parliament discusses the siege of Amerli and endangering the lives of hundreds of children, the

Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: Discuss the House of Representatives, in its meeting, on Tuesday, the siege of hand Amerli east of Tikrit by armed groups, and the tragic circumstances experienced by hundreds of families and especially children.


A reporter / Iraq Press /  "The Council discussed the siege Amerli and listened to all the conditions of the data.

It also followed the Second Vice-President of the Council Aram Sheikh Mohammed issued a statement about the sacrifice made by the pilot, Major General (Majid Abdul Salam Salem al-Tamimi) through aid displaced Sinjar in Nineveh. "


The officials questioned  the   ability of the Iraqi army at the Battle of Amerli resolved in his favor without assigning Joey American   direct .mhirin that "  resolving the battle Amerli within days  as possible in the event of aviation support American  troops  by the Iraqi   move towards the Great Hamrin Mountains.



The former MP for the Turkmen bloc, Mohammed Mahdi al-Bayati, on Tuesday, about running out of food in hand to spend Amerli of Tuz in Salah al-Din, as appealed to the Iraqi government and the international community to intervene to rescue the people.


Systems and House members, journalists and protest in parliament, today, in solidarity with the people of the area and Amerli Ienoh difficult humanitarian conditions due to lack of food and water supplies and daily living.


The House of Representatives held its seventh meeting in the new parliamentary session, on Tuesday, to hold the second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court, and the Federation Council, and to discuss other projects. Anthy.v. (1)〈=ar



House of Representatives voted to discuss the issue of base Spyker adds Ministers of Health and Education


Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August:  the voice of Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Tuesday, the inclusion of the issue of the hijackers Base Speicher in Tikrit, the center of the province of Salahuddin, the agenda of the next meeting, as he held the House of Representatives read for the second session of the Federal Court, and decided to host the Ministers of Health and Education .



He said the reporter / Iraq Press / "The House of Representatives voted on the issue of the inclusion of the hijackers Base Speicher within his agenda, today."


 "The Council decided to host the ministers of health and education for the situation of displaced persons after the adjournment of the meeting for an hour."




He stressed that "the House of Representatives ended during its regular, which was held today, chaired by his boss Saleem al-Jubouri and the presence of 217 deputies, the second reading of the law of the Federal Court, the Presidency decided to adjourn the meeting one hour, until the presence of the Ministers of Health and Education for the situation of the displaced."





He discussed the House of Representatives, in its meeting, on Tuesday, the siege of hand Amerli east of Tikrit by armed groups, and the tragic circumstances experienced by hundreds of families and especially children.



A reporter / Iraq Press /  "The Council discussed the siege Amerli and reading data with him,  as the statement was read on the occasion of World Youth Day. "


Systems and House members, journalists and protest in parliament, today, in solidarity with the people of the area and Amerli Ienoh difficult humanitarian conditions due to lack of food and water supplies and daily living.


The Council of Representatives of Iraq, on Tuesday, its regular part of the first legislative term chaired by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 217 deputies, and came after holding a meeting with the Speaker of the House of Representatives lawyers to discuss the law of the Federal Court and the Council of Alathad.anthy.v. (1)〈=ar

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New CBI announcment 08-19-2014



I do believe today's announcment has to do with:

Central Bank issued Khoznah remittances worth 500 billion dinars



Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: CBI issued Tuesday, a decision to open Bmzaidh Khoznah remittances worth 500 billion Iraqi dinars.


The Iraqi central bank said in a statement received / Iraq Presse /, today,  that the "hawala Alkhoznip issued for 364 days, and a value of 500 billion dinars," noting that "it was selling the full amount of Asdaria and the highest price for cutting Almzadi and 8%."


The Bank noted that "the average Aidip reached 6.37% of the participants in the process, has been docked on the bank transfer Alkhoznip my family, and to the public pension" .anthy.v〈=ar

I re-translated this article in Bing and it's a little easier to understand.



The Central Bank issued money orders greater value of 500 billion dinars



Baghdad-Iraq press-19 August: the Central Bank of Iraq, issued Tuesday, a decision to open bidding for greater transfers of 500 billion dinars.


The CBI said in a statement/press/Iraq, today, that "hawala store issued for 364 days, and the value of 500 billion dinars", stating that "the full amount of the offering was sold and the highest rate of almasudi and 8%".


The Bank noted that "average total assets whose ownership by 6.37% of participants in the process, has anchored the wire store on my Bank, and to the General retirement." end quote. p.〈=ar

Turkish Energy Minister announces export Arbil 6.5 million barrels of oil




Follow-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August announced Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz, said on Tuesday that 6.5 million barrels of crude oil from Iraq's Kurdistan shipped to world markets through the Turkish port of Ceyhan since the start of the export. He pointed out that pumping crude through a pipeline Kirkuk - Ceyhan stopped due to maintenance work.


The Turkish minister said in a statement handed down the Turkish media  that "supplies began to cross the line amounting to a capacity of 120 thousand barrels per day, the end of 2013, but load the first shipment did not begin until May. It was also reported the purchase of «M or L» Hungarian oil 80 thousand tons of crude oil from the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq. "


The gas company announced the South Korean "Kogas" in the notice to the Stock Exchange that it "will invest 4.99 trillion won (4.9 billion dollars) in Iraqi Zubair oil project." According to Reuters.


The company added that the state-run "facilities in respect of the investment project, and Zubair oil fields in Iraq and the key is located south of the country."


The price of oil fell more than a dollar to trade below $ 103 a barrel, with the decline in investors' concern regarding the conflict in Ukraine, Iraq and increase crude production in Libya amid plentiful supply already.


Oil had jumped Friday, after the government announced that the Ukrainian artillery partially destroyed a convoy of Russian armored vehicles, and while fighting continued between Ukrainian troops and pro-Moscow separatists, fears of further escalation may have faded.


Crude fell "Brent" $ 1.31 to 102.22 dollars a barrel, after rising $ 1.52, on Friday, and American crude fell $ 1.06 to 96.29 dollars a barrel, after increased $ 1.77 in the session Alsabakh.anthy.v.〈=ar

Information about the entry of armed groups from Iraq behind security alert in Kuwait


Kuwait-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: newspaper revealed the witness Kuwaiti independent, on Tuesday, that the Kuwaiti Interior Ministry mobilized security against the backdrop of the receipt of confidential information from inside Iraq, stating there is a plan to enter the elements of the armed organizations to Kuwait and through the offside on the one hand the northern border .


Sources told the newspaper, "The Ministry of Interior formed teams of security men of the state security and management control of security in border security and rescue and public security and detective for the establishment of checkpoints around the clock on my way Mutlaa and Abdali and other roads and hitchhiking suspect, was also strengthened security measures on the northern border to monitor any fixed or moving targets through radar and intensify border patrols. "


She stressed that "the Ministry of Interior has the technical capacity and human resources trained to thwart any attempt to enter the armed elements, according to the security plan the strategy developed since the occurrence of the events in Iraq."


On the other hand, warned the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior of the anonymous messages received by the citizens via email and urging them to engage in armed organizations, and spotted the Interior Ministry a number of e-mails, which calls for young people to engage in jihad in Iraq and Syria, and called for the reporting of these messages to deal with promoters .


The sources revealed "the existence of a media campaign and propaganda unprecedented incite young people to engage in anonymous groups based in a number of Arab countries, where calls these messages responders have to visit these headquarters and travel to them."


The sources pointed out that "the team was from the Department of Electronic Crimes of the General Department of Criminal Investigation to follow up and monitor those e-mails and the research and investigation of the source" .anthy.v. (1)〈=ar

Source: al-Shahristani, the front-runner to take over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finance would go to the Kurds


Author: ah Editor: hl reporter: ms
Number of readings: 306
08/19/2014 13:55


Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad: source confirmed early Tuesday that the head of the independent Hussain al-Shahristani, the front-runner to take over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while the Ministry of Finance will go to the Kurdistan Alliance.
The source told "tomorrow's Press," said that "Hussein al-Shahristani, favorite to take over as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the acceptability of all political parties, especially after the positive role played by the latter in the selection of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi."
The source, who requested anonymity, that "the next government is serious in finding effective solutions with the region, including the bag and go to the Ministry of Finance of the Kurdistan Alliance to ensure the Kurds get their share of the budget."
He was President Fuad Masum had commissioned, in August for 11 of the current, the National Alliance candidate for prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi form the next government. They had been assigned Abadi welcomed locally and internationally while counting President Barack Obama promising step and pledged to support the new Iraqi government, meanwhile, announced a representative leader Ali Shamkhani, said his country supports the legal path of ongoing regarding the election of the new Iraqi prime minister also welcomed Saudi Arabia and several other countries in this commissioning .

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Al-Maliki honored a number of his followers and OS to support Al-Abbadi


A source in the Office of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that the generosity of many of his followers who swelled to 400 people.


The source said ((the eighth day)), Al-Maliki met with his followers who were praising him on television including DG and Hanan Fatlawi, Yassin Majeed and Karim Hamadi, Tariq Harb, Mariam Al-rayes, a large number of journalists, politicians, lawyers and has honored in recognition of their efforts before and after the elections.


The source added that Al-Maliki did not call MP Adnan Al when asked why Al-Maliki replied that call OS supported the candidacy of Prime Minister Al-Abbadi.

Morning Ladies, and thanks for your efforts. But I seriously am going to have to see

that last one before I believe it.


GM, LGD   :D 

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The proposal led the oil and electricity ministries a Ministry of one called "energy"

Baghdad ((8)).


Former MP branded block virtue Susan Saad Tuesday pm discusses Government idea, positive, with proposed merging the ministries of oil and electricity in one Ministry called Ministry "energy" as in much of the developed world.


Al-Saad said in a statement received Agency ((day)) a copy, the "overlap of work between the ministries of oil, electricity and lack of recent law regulating work being previously a body subordinate to the Ministry of industry and minerals, to be merged with the Ministry of oil.


She added that "there are many ongoing problems between the oil and electricity ministries regarding the quality and quantity of oil tanker electric plants, and other issues that are difficult to treat unless there is a merging of the two ministries in order to overcome obstacles and standardization of work and management mechanisms.


She described "the idea of Al/Iraq's Government positive, if applied in earnest through the reduction of ministries that strained the State budget without providing a service to the citizen or little economic benefit, taking into account the powers granted local government ministries, in particular the service for the purpose of improving the service and reduce the burden on citizens. Finished 6-7

The Parliament introduces Abadi next week

Baghdad ((8))

An informed source revealed on Tuesday that Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi will present his Government to Parliament next week.


The source said: "the Al-Abbadi will his booth Cabinet to Parliament on Monday, 25 August, after progress in political negotiations to form a Government."


He was designated Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi, announced Sunday that it would reject any candidate from the political blocs to occupy ministerial posts, unless an efficient, fair and good expertise, as well as the program that will administer the Ministry. " Finished o. d

Aajl..musdr: Abadi, will present his cabinet to parliament next Monday
Tuesday, 19 August / August 2014 15:29





Source revealed on Tuesday that Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi will present his government to the House of Representatives next week.


The source told all of Iraq [where] that "Abadi will present his booth cabinet to parliament on Monday, Aug. 25, after the progress in political negotiations to form a government."


He was President Fuad Masum has stressed days ago on the need to form the next government, according to its specific constitutional ceiling.


The political blocs began Hawwartha after naming committees negotiating to form a government. "


The prime minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, announced last Sunday, he would reject any candidate of the political blocs for ministerial positions, unless a competent, integrity and good experience, as well as a program that will manage him and his ministry. "

According to political sources, the intention was to reducing its government and make it home to about 20 ministers instead of 30 in the current government.


Referred to the Supreme religious authority has called for, the political blocs in the House of Representatives to be at the level of their historical responsibilities in this difficult circumstance, and cooperate with the prime minister-designate, for the formation of a strong government and efficient has a clear program to address past mistakes, and realize the rights of all the people of all communities and components.


The Move to San representative in Karbala, Ahmed Safi in his Friday sermon, "The fight against financial and administrative corruption must be a priority for the new government, and the sheer size of the rampant corruption in the government, hampering any progress in the files of the security services and other" Ended

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Cabinet of Ministers held its absence Kurds and the weights that the meeting will be his last

Tuesday, 19 August / August 2014 15:10





The Council of Ministers, its regular Tuesday, Minister in the absence of the Kurds.


According to a source familiar with told all of Iraq [where] that "the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and discussed the absence of the Minister of the Kurds laws of each investment."


Sources suggest that the Council of Ministers meeting on Tuesday is his last in the current government ended its mandate in while continuing intensive dialogues conducted by the political forces to form the next government in charge of Haider formed Alebadi.anthy

I have found nothing on the COM site yet posted about this Council Of Ministers meeting.  We need to watch for this news Tbomb.

Federal Court invalidated a law suit related to the House of Representatives election


Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: Federal Court ruled on Tuesday to invalidate a lawsuit filed on one of her articles in the election law of the Iraqi parliament.



According to a statement issued by the judicial authority's Word / Iraq Press / that "the Federal Supreme Court held its session on Tuesday, chaired by judge, Medhat al-Mahmoud, and the presence of all its members considered a number of cases brought before it."


The statement quoted the spokesman for the federal judiciary judge, Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar, saying that "the court ruled to cancel the decision of the Board of Maysan province No. (76) dated 7 \ 10 \ 2012 judge, regardless the amount of $ (25,000,000) twenty five million dinars annually to the club Martyr (Saad Khalaf Suef) sports and imports from the border port of gray hair. "




The reason for the cancellation to oppose the decision of the Board of Maysan province with the budget law. The court overturned the federal lawsuit concerning the unconstitutionality of Article (11 / I - II / B) of the Law on Elections of the Iraqi Parliament No. (45) for the year 2003. "




Bayraktar and said that "the court's decision not to attend came to the prosecutor to plead despite notification according to legal contexts."


Article (11) of the Law on the Council of Representatives of Iraq I. consists of the House of Representatives (328) three hundred and twenty-eight seats are distributed (320) three hundred and twenty seats to the provinces according to the borders of administrative and according   to the schedule attached law shall be eight (8) seats of which share (Kota ) components.


Second granted the following components share (quota) is calculated from the seats allocated to that it does not affect the percentage in the case of their participation in the national lists, as follows: -


A Christian component (5) five seats are distributed to the provinces (Baghdad, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Dohuk and Erbil).


B component Yezidi (1) one seat in Nineveh province.


© component Sabian Mandaean (1) one seat in the province of Baghdad.


(D) networking component (1) one seat in Nineveh province.


III be a quota of seats allocated to Christians and Sabean Mandaean within the constituency and Ahdh.anthy.v.〈=ar

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Financial positions of the Kurdistan denies the Iraqi government to pay the salaries of its employees for the months of July and August

Tue Aug 19 2014 17:10 | (Voice of Iraq) - Twilight News denied the Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan Regional Government, on Tuesday, for approval by the Council of Ministers in the Iraqi government to pay the salaries of July and August to the staff of government institutions in the province. said director of media relations in the ministry Dler Tariq, for "Twilight News", that request was submitted by a representative of the ministry in Baghdad, adding that it was waiting until now a decision of the Iraqi government in this regard. explained that the Iraqi government has not met so far to decide whether disbursed salaries Monthly July and August or not, pointing out that his ministry was currently awaiting the result of their request mentioned. were some of the news published on Tuesday that the Iraqi government will conduct the salaries of July and last WAP current staff of the province. mentions that the Iraqi government dismissed the salaries of the month of January with half the salaries of the month of February and did not the disposal of the salaries of six months remain to staff the provincial government against the backdrop of differences between the parties on the budget bill, the Iraqi public and the oil exporting region.

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Najaf council agrees to replace the directors of departments after four years of service

Tue Aug 19 2014 4:57 p.m. | (Voice of Iraq) - Sumerian News / Najaf Council voted Najaf province, on Tuesday, a majority on the proposal to replace the managers of workers and their assistants and directors of departments and heads of security agencies who spent four years in a row in their jobs. said Chairman of the Legal Hussein Issawi said in a statement received "Alsumaria News" copy of it, "Najaf provincial council voice majority on the proposal submitted by the President of the Legal Committee of Hussein al-Issawi and included the replacement of managers workers and their assistants and directors of departments and heads of security agencies who spent four years in a row in their jobs that the Legal Committee Council to prepare a mechanism extensively for this purpose. " confirmed Issawi he was "entitled to the director ended his tenure circle after four years to run again within three candidates for this position," explaining that "Council may choose one of them." Issawi said that "this decision was to promote the reality of administrative and service in the province. " It is noteworthy that the Iraqi laws do not specify the duration of the general managers and senior officials in the ministries, it's ever prepared by some observers as a cause of failure in some circles.

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Parliament lifted its seventh to Thursday

Tue Aug 19 2014 5:07 p.m. | (Voice of Iraq) - the long-Presse / Baghdad decided Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq, on Tuesday, raising the seventh session of the third session of the Parliament to next Thursday. parliamentary source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), The "House Speaker Salem al-Jubouri, the adjournment of Parliament seventh of the first legislative term within the third parliamentary session to next Thursday after reading the statements about World Youth Day and the siege of hand Amerli." added the source, who requested anonymity, that "the meeting also saw postponement second reading of the law of the Federal Court, because of differences between the political blocs on some articles of the law, "noting that" the presidency of the parliament and directed to form a committee to resolve differences between the blocks on this law. " the source noted that "the meeting also saw the hosting of Ministers of Education, Health and Immigration to discuss measures taken by these ministries to resolve the problems faced by the displaced, "he said, adding that" the Council has given the ministries of the three during the next few days to write a final report to the parliament to write recommendations on the problem of the displaced. " the source continued that "the Parliament to vote on the law to prevent all acts real estate in areas that controlled by terrorist organizations. " and the Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Tuesday, its seventh of the third parliamentary session chaired by Salim al-Jubouri, the presence of 217 deputies, with parliamentary source that the agenda of the meeting includes a discussion of the second reading of the law of the Federal Court and discuss the measures taken with regard to addressing the problems of the displaced .

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Cabinet decides to complete the system of surveillance cameras, dams and pay the salaries of the staff of the hot spots

Tuesday, 19 August / August 2014 16:51





Cabinet decided to exchange advance funding to complete the project system of surveillance cameras on dams and rivers Sedat, in a move to enhance security after the takeover Daash terrorist gangs on the Mosul Dam, which was liberated by the security forces two days ago with the help of American planes.


It is noteworthy that the meeting of the Council of Ministers today attended by the Kurds, who resigned a few weeks ago on charges of Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki to Arbil, "it became the headquarters of the Daash and the Baathists."


According to a statement of the Council received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "the Council of Ministers held its regular in Baghdad on Tuesday, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, issued by the Council and the following decisions:


1 Council of Ministers decided that the ministries to pay the salaries of staff and open offices in the vicinity of the hot spots in the absence of any subsidiary department of the Ministry in the areas referred to and find the necessary mechanisms to deliver salaries to those who deserve it who is not engaged and cooperating with terrorist groups.


2 by the Ministry of Construction and Housing commissioned its competent public will fix bridges affected by the military operations [Astnthae of the Implementing Regulations of government contracts and the Implementing Regulations of the budget] in coordination with the General Command of the Armed Forces and the allocations of maintenance of the General Authority for Roads and Bridges allocated to the province concerned.


3-amend paragraph [2] of the Council of Ministers resolution No. 240 for the year 2013 becomes as follows: The Ministries of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Education set or reset covered by what is stated in paragraph [1] of the decision of those who work in universities or scientific institutions and foreign granted title Alami, who got it after the ratification of the promoted scientific re-display his research on the Scientific Promotion Committee in the Iraqi university in which it works, and when you do not approve of the Committee for the upgrade charged as his Degree [scientific title] it deserves, according to legal and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Education and instructions promotions scientific window ".


4 agree to the following:



/ extend the duration of granting licenses to private schools up to the date 08/30/2014 for this year only, provided that a required amendment to the text of Article 7 of the education system of the domestic and foreign No. 5, 2013 and published in the Official Gazette, in order to address the issue over the search and take the appropriate action is a fundamentalist.



/ extend the period of the civil air conditions of the schools open earlier than 90 days to one year, according to the provisions of Article 34 of the education system and foreign Ahli No. 5 for the year 2013.



Approval by the Ministry of Finance secured an amount of one million dollars, in the form of an advance to the Ministry of Education in order to meet the demand of the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science [ALECSO] for the purpose of completing Bnayatha and furnishing, from the allocations of reserves of emergency for the financial year / 2014, and is settled amount of the advance fundamentalist When you pass a law the federal budget for the financial year / 2014.



to approve the Mayati:



/ Amendment No. 1 on the franchise agreement refinery dated 15/06/2014 relating to the development and build, own and operate an oil refinery with a capacity of a private 150 000 barrels per day in the province of Maysan / agreements between Iraq and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil Refinery Company and Missan International.



/ authorize the National Investment Commission authority to grant the license investment project investment contract refinery Maysan after it is complete the requirements for granting the license investment contained the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 as amended and Regulation No. 2 of 2009 during a maximum period of one month from the date of issuance of this decision.



Approval by the Ministry of Finance secured the amount of $ 4,622,398,879 dinars, only four billion, six hundred and twenty-two million three hundred and ninety-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine dinars to the Foreign Ministry in the form of an advance in order to be affixed to the amount of compensation deposited with the United Nations Fund for the Government of the Republic of Iraq to allow the distribution of funds on Iraqi farmers who deserve compensation totaling 70 farmers under the final decision of the Sub-Committee formed under it Diwani No. 23 for the year 2013, the budget of the year 2015. "



to approve the amendment to the Council of Ministers No. 339 for the year 2014 becomes as follows: The Ministry of Finance / Accounting Department secured the amount of $ 40 billion dinars in the form of an advance to the Ministry of Water Resources in order to complete the system of processing, installation and operation of surveillance cameras, dams and Sadat [Mosul Dam, bridging the modern, and the helm of Samarra, and ascend Indian] and to protect the rest of the dams and Sadat side Hamrin, and ascend gray, and the helm of Fallujah, and the helm of Kut, and the helm of architecture, and the helm of Kufa, Abbasseya] systems of control similar, and funding will be at the availability of cash flow for the year / 2014. And the inclusion of the project in the budget in 2014 or 2015.



approval of the Rental Property No. [1/143 Attiyfah] return to the Ministry of Finance / Department Real Estate State to the institution of dialogue humanitarian allowance appropriate [Ramzi] for the purpose of caring for the elderly and orphans, and the exclusion of the lease over the search of the procedures stipulated in the law on the sale and lease of state property No. 21, 2013, so as to check the status [necessary] set forth in Article 40 of the above law, "Ended

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House of Representatives to end the second reading of the law of the Federal Court examines the problems of the displaced with government

  19 August 0.2014

Discuss the House of Representatives' decisions seventh of legislative separated first and enacted by the legislature's first session of the third electoral held today Tuesday, 08/19/2014, headed by Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri, head of the Council and in the presence of 217 deputies actions taken on the problems experienced by the displaced host gentlemen and ministers of health, education, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Displacement and Migration Add to end the second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court. 


At the outset of the session led by Mr. Imad al-Zurfi sworn substitute for MP resigned Adnan Zurfi. 


followed Mr. President of the Council issued a terse statement on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the twenty-day World Youth which he called to offer greetings and appreciation for Iraqi youth. 


then followed Mr. Aram Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President of the Council statement on the heroic stand that his Martyr Brigade pilot Majid Ahmed al-Tamimi during a rescue citizens Yazidis trapped in Jebel Sinjar, who accompanied the MP Vian intruder and for its great courage and hard work in order to aid the displaced. 


also followed MP Niazi Ihsanoglu a statement on the crisis in terms of Amerli and subjected to terrorist attacks by al Daash the terrorist siege for more than two months and the worsening humanitarian situation in which the death of dozens of women by the tragic conditions that Aashnha and the scarcity of medicines and health care, demanding the central government and in cooperation with the Peshmerga forces to intervene rapidly launched an emergency military operation to lift the siege and save the people from the oppression of the terrorists. 


ended Council second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court. 
demanded Mr. President of the Council of parliamentary blocs to provide the names to fill the functions of the Standing Committees, adding that Thursday would be the maximum deadline for submission. 


On another matter, discussed the Council of Representatives the measures taken by the Ministries of Displacement and Migration, health and education about the problems experienced by the displaced in the presence of the Ministers of Health and Education and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Displacement and Migration and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health. 


part, between Mr. Majeed Hamad Amin, Minister of Health the big challenges faced by his ministry as a result of the mass exodus to unsafe areas hygienically which constitutes health hazard to them, which called on the ministry to carry insurance campaigns vaccines safe for the displaced in cooperation with international organizations and develop a plan for follow-up of patients with chronic diseases through their contact and distribution of drugs on them and sending medical supplies and grains, water disinfection. 


"It was the delivery of hundreds of tons of medicines and medical supplies for displaced people in governorates of Erbil, Dohuk, Karbala, Najaf and Baghdad by air and land, as well as the distribution of salaries on the part of the displaced employees in health. " 


For his part, Mr. Mohammed Tamim, the Minister of Education that the conduct of examinations coincided with the deterioration of events in a number of provinces, indicating complete the ministry for exams in some hot areas, especially in Anbar and Kirkuk by sending questions and notebooks exam through the air. 


detection and Minister of Education for open centers Examination in the Kurdistan region in coordination with the provincial government to open the halls and create places needed to perform the examinations, as well as providing alternative places the fact that most of the schools have been filled displaced. 



Mr. Minister to work with high flexibility in the disbursement of salaries of employees by assuming always in districts that Nzohawwa God and completion of all formalities for the disbursement of their salaries. 

turn, said Mr. Ali Asghar Undersecretary of the Ministry of Displacement and Migration in the report, followed by the displacement latter has had a significant impact the reality in Iraq was characterized Btdaayate difficult and its sheer size, indicating that the number of displaced families across the country registered with the Department of Immigration amounted to 114 409 thousand families, pointing to the inclusion of 74 000 family grant one million dinars was delivered 44 000 displaced families, including Grant, demanding the allocation of 500 billion extra to meet supplies in the next phase. 


At interventions Ladies and Gentlemen, the House of Representatives, MP Riad Ghali, upon the recommendation of medical staff in hospitals that were completed, in addition to the postponement of the school year for a month or two months, and find alternatives for displaced people in the schools that they occupy. 


praised MP Saleh al-Hasnawi on the efforts of the Ministry of Health in distribution of materials and medical supplies to the displaced families, asking to host the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs and officials of the Commission for the displaced. 


deputy proposed a pilot Isaac formation of medical committees to visit displaced and coordination with the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region, as well as increase the number of examination centers in areas of displacement . 


also appealed to MP Riad Ghraib and the Department of Immigration to build residential complexes for the displaced in the provinces and build private hospitals in the province of Karbala. 


and surprised MP Qassem al-Fahdawi of the lack of concrete action to contain the crisis, which is centered in the improvement of the security situation, calling for the formation of parliamentary committees to visit the provinces and preparing reports on the conditions of displaced. 


part, called MP pride Mahdi to build a camp central area of Badra and Jassan to house displaced people and facilitate the conduct of transactions with the martyrs. 


noted MP Nawal F to the services provided to the displaced is not the level of ambition, especially as many families do not receive financial grants, proposed to provide a monthly grant for all displaced families. 


said MP Kawa Hamid that some areas have been edited but suffers from a lack of services, required to take the necessary measures for the return of the displaced to their areas liberated. 


inquired MP Arshad Salhi about the possibility of providing hospitals with civil medical material and the amount of aid provided by the regional countries to Iraq . 


part, the proposed MP Najiba Najib allocation of a special budget for the province of Dohuk because of the preparation of the displaced them and the formation of sub-committees to follow up on the conditions of the displaced. 
As MP Abbas al-Bayati, the Ministry of Education as the school year to this year year not to fail because of the security situation. 


accused MP Zainab al-Tai and the Ministry of Displacement and Migration dereliction of their obligation towards the displaced according to a report submitted by Mr. Undersecretary. 


stressed MP Fares Yousef on the need to put the ministries concerned central plan to address the problems of displaced people, the most important theme of the housing with the involvement of civil society organizations in the decisions taken by the High Commissions problem in the provinces. 


She drew an MP to meet with pink to be the psychological aspect is important for the displaced and the Ministry of Health to address the psychological effects of displaced people, calling for the allocation of medical teams roving in areas where displaced her citizens. 


turn, MP Kanna forming a higher national commission for the displaced headed by the Minister of Displacement and Migration and the membership of the concerned ministries, the task of communicating with the displaced families. 


called MP Nada Sudanese to host the President of the Supreme Committee to help the displaced to find out the details of the functioning of the Commission and the default made ​​in the course of their work. 


while the proposed MP sunrise Abaiji the formation of a national committee comprising the executive bodies concerned and parliamentary committees and international and local organizations and coordination with everyone to address the failures that occurred. 


In their response to the interventions of the MPs, said the guests involved in the crisis of displaced persons to their great efforts for the advancement of their duties assigned to them under the difficult circumstances facing the work of the ministries in addition to lack of financial allocations, Ltd., and argued that their ministries seeking to intensify efforts in stage next to encircle the plight of the displaced. 


For his part, Mr. President of the Council thanked the pillow ministers and agents for their observations, demanding submission of written reports are clear about the conditions of the displaced to the House of Representatives during the period of a week for them, pointing out that on Wednesday will witness a meeting heads of blocs to form committees Standing Council.

It was to adjourn the meeting to next Thursday 08.21.2014


The information department of 
the Council of Representatives of Iraq 

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Discuss the development of national industries

19/08/2014 14:18 

Department held a follow-up and coordination of government in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers meeting chaired by Deputy Director General of the Department contrary goldsmith to discuss the reality of the Iraqi industry and the prospects of its development. 

During the meeting, they discussed various topics in the field mentioned the most important activation of laws for the protection of the consumer and the product and the mechanics and controls to prevent cheating industrial and prevent the entry of goods quality is shoddy.

It was decided during the meeting to form a committee of the relevant ministries to activate mechanisms for joint action to activate the industrial reality of Iraq in coordination with the industrial strategy approved by the cabinet earlier. 

This meeting was attended by President of the Iraqi Federation of Industries and the Director General of the Department of Industrial Development at the Ministry of Industry and director of economic security.

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الثلاثاء 19 أغسطس 2014 | 07:13 مساء

Number of readings: 21

Baghdad decided to pay the salaries of the staff of the hot spots


BAGHDAD / ... decided to General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, on Tuesday, paying salaries to state employees in areas controlled by armed groups.

According to a statement of the Secretariat seen by the "eye of Iraq News," "The Cabinet held its weekly meeting chaired by Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki," noting that "the Council agreed to resume the payment of salaries of employees of the ministries in the tense areas and open offices in the vicinity of the hot ".

He added that "the necessary mechanisms for the delivery of salaries to eligible applicants include non-cooperating with terrorist groups."

The control Daash on the Mosul Dam has sparked fear in Iraq that a bombed and dumping vast expanses of water, including the cities of Mosul, Tikrit and Baghdad, but the security forces regained control of

   the dam.Finished / 10

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Cabinet of Ministers held its absence Kurds and the weights that the meeting will be his last

Tuesday, 19 August / August 2014 15:10





The Council of Ministers, its regular Tuesday, Minister in the absence of the Kurds.


According to a source familiar with told all of Iraq [where] that "the meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and discussed the absence of the Minister of the Kurds laws of each investment."


Sources suggest that the Council of Ministers meeting on Tuesday is his last in the current government ended its mandate in while continuing intensive dialogues conducted by the political forces to form the next government in charge of Haider formed Alebadi.anthy

I have found nothing on the COM site yet posted about this Council Of Ministers meeting.  We need to watch for this news Tbomb.

Federal Court invalidated a law suit related to the House of Representatives election


Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -19 August / August: Federal Court ruled on Tuesday to invalidate a lawsuit filed on one of her articles in the election law of the Iraqi parliament.



According to a statement issued by the judicial authority's Word / Iraq Press / that "the Federal Supreme Court held its session on Tuesday, chaired by judge, Medhat al-Mahmoud, and the presence of all its members considered a number of cases brought before it."


The statement quoted the spokesman for the federal judiciary judge, Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar, saying that "the court ruled to cancel the decision of the Board of Maysan province No. (76) dated 7 \ 10 \ 2012 judge, regardless the amount of $ (25,000,000) twenty five million dinars annually to the club Martyr (Saad Khalaf Suef) sports and imports from the border port of gray hair. "




The reason for the cancellation to oppose the decision of the Board of Maysan province with the budget law. The court overturned the federal lawsuit concerning the unconstitutionality of Article (11 / I - II / B) of the Law on Elections of the Iraqi Parliament No. (45) for the year 2003. "




Bayraktar and said that "the court's decision not to attend came to the prosecutor to plead despite notification according to legal contexts."


Article (11) of the Law on the Council of Representatives of Iraq I. consists of the House of Representatives (328) three hundred and twenty-eight seats are distributed (320) three hundred and twenty seats to the provinces according to the borders of administrative and according   to the schedule attached law shall be eight (8) seats of which share (Kota ) components.


Second granted the following components share (quota) is calculated from the seats allocated to that it does not affect the percentage in the case of their participation in the national lists, as follows: -


A Christian component (5) five seats are distributed to the provinces (Baghdad, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Dohuk and Erbil).


B component Yezidi (1) one seat in Nineveh province.


© component Sabian Mandaean (1) one seat in the province of Baghdad.


(D) networking component (1) one seat in Nineveh province.


III be a quota of seats allocated to Christians and Sabean Mandaean within the constituency and Ahdh.anthy.v.〈=

Council of Ministers issued a decree proactive Maliki to withdraw a draft law the Federal Supreme Court at the request of Mahmoud
Published August 19, 2014 | By Justice News

Cabinet held its regular XXXI in Baghdad (Tuesday, August 12, 2014) under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, issued by the Council and the following decisions:



1 to approve the request the Federal Supreme Court to withdraw a draft law of the Federal Court of the House of Representatives, which is now under discussion in the Council mentioned, so as to oppose many of its provisions with the provisions of the Constitution and the legal system in force and interception Supreme Judicial Council, it has provided the Supreme Judicial Council a new draft law will be presented to the Council of Ministers at a subsequent meeting to consider the approval and submission to the House of Representatives.



2 to approve the Mayati:



1 / the Ministry of Finance financing the current account balance to the Ministry of Education opened at the Rafidain Bank / Branch Victory Square (108) in the amount of $ (12,000,000,000) dinars, only twelve billion dinars within the amount appropriated in the Ministry's budget for the current year / 2014, for the purpose of paying dues examinations of wages examiners and observers, auditors, according to the list prepared for this purpose.



2 / the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education Btzlev the amount of 48 billion dinars are settled after approving the budget of the material to redeploy school nutrition and sports activities for the purpose of providing all the requirements of the examination process for the first two floors and the first supplementary and second round for the academic year 2013-2014.



3 to approve the bill the second amendment to the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 the auditor by the State Consultative Council, and forwarded to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles (61 / item first) and (80 / item II) of the Constitution, with the deletion of Article Legal private investment fund.



4 issued Regulation No. () for the year 2014 System of the First Amendment to the investment system (2) for the year 2009, according to the provisions of Article (8 / second item) of the Constitution and the item (First) of Article (31) of the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 with the deletion of material relating to the establishment circles, as well as investment fund.



5 Approval to authorize the Minister of Education the power to disbursement of funds allocated towards the subjects (fuel costs) and (rent and transport) allocated within the budget of the year / 2014 exception of the exchange rate (1/12), in order to direct the transfer of books, stationery, books and all the requirements of the educational process to school before the start of the new academic year.



6 to approve the Mayati:



1 / draft law on ratification of a loan agreement between the Government of the Republic of Istisnaa Iraq and the Islamic Development Bank.



2 / draft law on ratification Istisnaa agency agreement between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Development Bank Site them in Jordan dated 03/24/2014, and refer them to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles ** (61 / item first) and (80 / item II) of Constitution.



7 to approve the capital increase Rasheed Bank of the amount (50,000,000,000) dinars, only fifty billion dinars to the amount of (250,000,000,000) dinars, only two hundred and fifty billion dinars, according to the provisions of Article (10) of the Companies Law No. (22) for the year 1997, as amended


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The Federal Supreme Court held its considering a number of suits

A + | restore | A-

The Federal Supreme Court held its Tuesday 19 \ 8 \ 2014 headed by Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud, and the presence of all its members considered a number of cases brought before it.

The judge said Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar official spokesman for the federal judiciary that "the court ruled to cancel the decision of the Board of Maysan province No. (76) dated 7 \ 10 \ 2012 judge, regardless the amount of $ (25,000,000) twenty five million dinars annually to the club Martyr (Saad Khalaf Suef) sports and imports from the border port of gray hair. "

He Birqadr that "the reason for the cancellation was to oppose the decision of the Board of Maysan province with the budget law."

He continued that "the Federal Court overturned the suit related to the constitutionality of Article (11 / I - II / B) of the Law on Elections of the Iraqi Parliament No. (45) for the year 2003," noting that "the court's decision came not to attend the prosecutor to plead despite notification according to legal contexts. "

The Spokesman outlined that "the court postponed the rest of the cases brought before it to 19 \ 10 \ 2014 at the request of the parties to a lawsuit."

Despite the Mlaib Mahmood and his cronies in the House of Representatives to move the second reading of the draft law of the Federal Court

Published August 19, 2014 | By Justice News
Source: House of Representatives

Speaker of the House presides over a meeting of the committee tasked to discuss the draft law of the Federal Court

19 August 0.2014

Chaired by Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri, head of the House of Representatives held a meeting of the Legal Committee of temporary and charged with studying the draft law of the Federal Court on Tuesday, 08/19/2014 at the Constitutional Hall of the Council. The meeting was devoted to seeking the views of the members of the Committee introduced a draft law for the second reading in the House of Representatives session for the day.

He noted Mr. President of the Council at the beginning of the meeting that the bill faces many Problems of some parliamentary blocs which Tthvd on some of its articles, stressing the need for consensus among all the blocks in and passed it to give him the recipe acceptability among all the members of the Council.

And between sovereignty and a desire of some parliamentary parties to postpone the second reading of the bill and voting on it.

The conferees agree with the majority after a vote within the Commission to proceed with the second reading of the draft law with the postponement of discussions about it while preparing for the special report on the law, and another meeting of the committee on Wednesday.

The information department

House of Representatives


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National Alliance: negotiations to form a government focused on the program and limbering and the division of ministries and establish a decentralized state

Tue 19 Aug 2014 11:52 p.m. | (Voice of Iraq) - the long-Presse / Baghdad denied the leaders in blocks umbrella of the National Alliance, on Tuesday, the political powers that be have made ​​their candidates for the new government, and argued that the negotiations in this regard is currently focused on the nature of the composition of the government and its program and the possibility of Trchigah split ministries, Ksiadeh and non-sovereign, and the consolidation of the decentralized approach of the state through the transfer of powers to the provinces. said the head of the Liberals, Zia al-Asadi, said in an interview to the newspaper (range), "The negotiating committees have not yet decided the nomination of candidates to take over the ministerial portfolios in the new government , "pointing out that" among the political blocs perceptions of primary and set points to negotiate on the basis of without being asked how the distribution of ministries on the political blocs and components. " added al-Asadi, that "the nomination of candidates for the new ministries will be in the final moments," noting that "the Liberal bloc did not longer after the list of candidates for the ministries of new Like the rest of the political blocs. " said the head of the Liberals, the Sadrist movement, that "the debate between the political blocs focus on the classification of the sovereign ministries and non-sovereign, and the share of each component of which, what are the ministries that will be integrated and deportation powers to local governments , and whether the cab government comprising twenty Ministry or less or more, as well as the nature of the government program. " explained Asadi, that "the political blocs have not yet reached satisfactory answers to these questions, or the formulation of a final thereon," pointing out that "the share of the National Alliance of ministries will depend on the number and classification in the new government. " and continued leadership of the rib, that "most of the political blocs willing to activate the Law No. 21 of the provincial councils, which was amended by the year 2013 the past, promised then a revolution administrative, would transfer powers of the seven ministries to local governments," Msttrda that there is a "difference on the feminine ministries, because some of the blocks, including the Union of National Forces, believes that this may affect the electoral maturity, without having to be rigid in its position." For his part, MP for mass citizen, Hashim al-Moussawi, said in an interview to the newspaper ( range), that "the process of forming a new government headed by Haidar al-Abadi, going on according to what has been planned by the National Alliance." Moussawi said, "The National Alliance formed a negotiating committee of nine members representing the components of the whole to discuss with other political blocs on forming a government At the Constitutional specified ", noting that" the Commission will receive comments and opinions of the political blocs to merge the proposals which will be issued from the National Alliance, and included the curriculum ministerial. " said the leader of the bloc of the Islamic Supreme Council, headed by Ammar al-Hakim, that the "vision of the National Alliance is moving to form a government of national partnership In order to bear all responsibility in building the state, "returned that" the most important factor in this is to build mutual trust between the political parties all. " confirmed al-Moussawi, that "the National Alliance held a number of meetings and meetings with other political blocs to unite the vision and ideas," he continued that those " Negotiations are going in two ways: first, includes preparation Platform ministerial accommodate the demands of the political partners, and the second deals with the issue of forming a government based on the principle of limbering ministerial. " and saw the MP for the mass of the citizens, that there are "masses outside the National Alliance rejects the process of reducing its next government on the grounds that it would be a coalition of Everyone, it requires a lot of ministries to accommodate them, "pointing out that" the ideas put forward by the National Alliance and the political blocs on reducing its government and curriculum Ministerial, is still under discussion, hoping resolved during the next few days. " Meanwhile, the MP said the coalition of state law , on the Keywords, in an interview to the newspaper (range), "The consultations continue between the National Alliance and other blocs to accelerate the formation of the next government," adding that "the first of those meetings was with the Union of National Forces, to discuss the curriculum of government and how to form a ministerial cab seriousness." was State of Law coalition, which is led by Nuri al-Maliki, confirmed on Monday, (the 18th of August 2014 Current), that the list of candidates for the ministries that some are trying to promote it "incorrect", especially as it included people they corrupted files or court rulings, while between the taxpayer Thus Haider al-Abadi, a personal technocratic rely precise criteria in their options and can not be accepted including them any blemish, especially since the arena filled with talent, it was revealed not to start the selection of candidates for the new government so far. noteworthy that the Iraqi political forces are busy currently preparing work programs for the next stage, and their delegations negotiating to begin discussions to form a new government, with the charge that Haider Abadi. was the President of the Republic, Fuad Masum, formally charged in (the 11th of August 2014 Current) leader of the Islamic Dawa Party, Haider al-Abadi, the formation of the new government, replacing Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, During the month, according to the Constitution, while the latter declared, in, (the 14th of August now), to withdraw his candidacy and support the candidate of the National Alliance, Abadi, to form a new government.

Read more:

08/19/2014 23:12
Iraqi judiciary issued arrest warrants against senior officials in the Ministry of Finance on the pending issues of financial and administrative corruption




BAGHDAD / Obelisk: A source in the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, on Tuesday, that the arrest warrants were issued against a number of senior officials in the Ministry of Finance on the pending issues of financial and administrative corruption, revealed the existence of great pressures on the Integrity Commission and the Supreme Judicial Council to close the file.

The source said in an interview for "obelisk", "The Iraqi judiciary issued an arrest warrant against the Deputy Minister of Finance Fadel Prophet and general manager of the legal department at the former Ministry of Finance Jabbar single pending issues of administrative and financial corruption."

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, that "the elimination of suspended Director General of Budget in the Ministry of Finance cute Sami pending corruption cases related to the financial budget."

He continued that "there are great pressures are currently underway on the Integrity Commission and the Supreme Judicial Council to close the file".

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About the role of private banks in moving economic activities

Wed Aug 20 2014 one forty-six | (Voice of Iraq) - Accepts citizen doors on ways government and private banks for the purpose of obtaining a loan of money to help him implement the business venture or a service or a residential or agricultural and industrial etc. .., and take measures to get the loan long series the accuracy of the information and financial guarantees and legal as well as the terms of repayment periods and interest rate differential according to the end use of the loan and the conclusion that we came out of our meetings with professionals in the banking and financial sector, legal, that there is centralized in the implementation of the instructions and procedures supervised by the Central Bank of Iraq and its role with all private banks and government. This prompted a lot of the Iraqi capital for Migration and the search for investment opportunities and secure wider markets and more with legal and administrative facilities. The economists contend that the turnout on the loans is a movement of economic activity in all sectors .. How the case in a country undergoing heart attacks, security, political and economic? .. This is an attempt to clarify the points of challenge and stagnation in most of the activities of our economy.written, filmed, Faris Al-Shammari measures the central bank is a development * noticeable The private banks do not encourage the granting long-term loans Vmahi reasons for this, and what is the impact of the policy adopted by the central bank in all sectors? .. * it illustrates the president of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen Professor Reza Ragheb Blibl saying: - the general direction of domestic banks depends granting short-term loans in commercial activity or contracting .. It Machdja the state .. and is determined to grant the loan for oils from the bank, according to the movement of his money and his property and the quality of his business .. For this private banks to Atagamr dealing with loans industrial projects as a long-term need for a working session and Ataud only after years ..! The Central Bank instructed on the mechanism of granting bank loans for short periods with follow-up and accountability .. and see that the policy of the Central Bank is a development towards the revitalization of the economy, but directed towards reducing economic activity, and this in our opinion, wrong policy and justifies it by controlling inflation, which is a tough line ..! * We asked the President of the Union on the feasibility of industrial initiative announced by the government and the required financial obligations and facilities .. Fajaibna saying: - * see that projects industrial production can not benefit with an interest rate high with the existence of the phenomenon of dumping of the product foreigner in our markets and it has to be the provision of loans without Benefits for long periods and real protection from foreign competition in front of the product ..! So after the issuance of the decision to activate the initiative of industrial, waiting facilities and procedures to enhance this productive activity similar to what has received the initiative of agricultural support and favorable conditions to prevent the loans and that have achieved part of its goals to provide the vegetables in our markets .. Phase requires that activates the Iraqi economic, not only commercially but also for projects productivity and the state must resort to address the rigidity of productive economic activity and the allocation of funds to finance private sector projects, especially industrial productive pending enterprises can return recover and produce what the people of goods and products and provide jobs for the unemployed .. * Asked about the means of localization of the Iraqi capital .. explained Blibl saying : Required of government development policy to move all the activities of community economic activity including agriculture and labor absorption without it for Aastaqrar We call for the organization and the development of agricultural projects and the introduction of advanced technologies to them rather than to be individual projects, for example, the production of dunum currently 450 kg, while in countries neighboring produces more than 1,500 kg. . encourage a Projects business incubators * for pushing graduates in the labor market and who there are no have job opportunities could be to encourage them and provide grants and funding business incubators from various disciplines and the establishment of a project depends modern technology and the method adopted by Germany, which represented 95% of the projects had to feed the major projects and companies contribute giant supporting these incubators .. being provided with the materials to the terms of reference convergent intervention in the production of goods what projects ..! blurry banking laws * Laws legislative base for the activities of economic sectors, including the banking and financial sector in moving the wheel of public and private projects, but the emergence of materials in those laws do not conform and developments in the global banking industry and the need for the Iraqi market to stimulate the private sector .. * To clarify things Technology (HTC) secretary-general of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Legal Counsel Abdul Hussein blessed where Ajabna saying: Previously, our union calls for amendment of the Banking Act, which was promulgated in haste by the central bank at the time, and his lack of legal materials, especially Almaderh (14), which states "to be the capital of National Bank of 10 billion dinars, or Maigrrh central bank, while supposedly determines the allowance to be blurred and transparent manner ..! And Adav..alan central bank raised the capital to 250 billion dinars instead of ten billion, which led to confusion departments of private banks for amounts either internal or external shareholders to cover the capital forced Almassar P civil to search for other ways even corresponds to illegal to get the resources to cover the expenses and capital .. * sees blessed cable law that private banks not to allow her to enter into commercial activities and limited only to the deposit and withdrawal services and business credit, unlike banks in neighboring countries and the world ..! The law's current Aeetmashy and developments in the world and this has led to limited cooperation between our banks with international banks Alapshkl simple .. Banks Foreign need for banks effective and accurate in their work and the quality of its services, but the dominance of the bank on all the actions of private banks is contrary to the threads that aspire to it Dam..lzlk section of our banks forced to have a commercial activity that establishes commercial companies or contracting and many examples remind them Bank of Economic and has 13 companies active import and operating ..! need the private sector for loans * Commenting on this side of Legal Counsel said .. with all countries of the world businessman to Aastgl capitalizing but actuation loans from banks, but what he made ​​the central bank in 2006, an increase of the interest rate and delivery to 25% led to the killing of the Iraqi private sector and capital flight abroad, there is no project in the world winning 25% until the payment of benefits for banks, this has embraced foreign banks out of capital such as Union Bank Alardna..alve became lends Iraqis interest rate of 7% and give him a permit in the first year in the case of the establishment of an industrial project, and noted the comparison interest rate which is reasonable .. which led to encourage most of the capital to settle in neighboring countries and thus proved their worth .. and remember the example of attendance The reputation of our products where (Nabil food), which occupies a niche in most Arab markets and the Iraqi .. It originally Industry Iraqi! * then pointed general secretary of the Union claim pass a law that the Iraqi private sector organize its work and its role in the economic sectors, but our demand has not been heeded by authorities government ..?! here believe that changing the mentality of the managers of the central bank and get away from the advice and conditions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and its interference in monetary policy for Iraq ..! services for the granting of loans from private banks * vary the effectiveness and services loans between private banks but confined to the financing of small and medium projects and amounts ranging from (5-250) thousand dollars and all sectors of commerce and industry of agricultural, construction and services, health, tourism and considers these loans with the goals of social humanitarian .. and Ttazavi most private banks in the two companies, project finance and Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees .. granted loans Under favorable conditions and a repayment period of one year and monthly installments at an interest rate of 10%, while there are business loans Medium They guarantee 75% of the loan in case of delays repayment and an interest rate of 12% there are banks granted a loan to buy a car of $ (10-50) million payable over ( 36-60 months) and an annual interest rate of 7.25% housing loan either for the purposes of restoration or building a new house and the amount (25-50) million and a repayment period of 7 years and an interest rate of 7.25% also granted short-term commercial loans for a period of one year at an interest rate 13.5% and medium-term duration (1-5 years) and 14.5% interest, and most of these loans are subject to the safeguards of the property, including mortgage or car Orhen Akaflae..hma what Atalna him with Gulf Commercial Bank as a model for other services of private banks .. * More Details The nature of the services and objectives of the granting of loans from these banks and their relationship to the laws of the banks Technology (HTC) Chancellor and banking expert Professor Samir Nasraoui as explained inter alia by saying: - * fall most private banks in light of the companies mentioned in the granting of loans to many small and medium enterprises and their goals of social and economic initiative launched by the Most private banks since 2006 and began expanding its services in 2009 and amounted to what has been granted from the sums (25) thousand loan during the previous period .. Under the Banking Act No. 94 of 2004 does not allow banks to civil pursuant to Article (28) to participate in investment projects because he called an investment real estate of any We can not build a residential complex, but it is possible to finance such projects within the controls and specific conditions .. They constitute our big obstacle ..! added Alnasiri..padr the central bank to hold a workshop to discuss the amendments to the banking laws, money laundering and the Central Bank of the end of 2013 and issued recommendations for changes to legal materials which bring investment and determine the movement of the banks to contribute to the economic development, and still the recommendations need to be activated by the central bank and the relevant authorities, also requires it to reconsider the investment law No. 13 of 2006 of the need to reconsider some of its articles in order to contribute to the banking sector in the development Economic effectively * Asked about the challenges of the security situation and political processes on the granting of loans? He told us Alnasiri: inevitably the security situation and the economic Amrabh our country is directly reflected on the overall banking activity and financial trends that define some of their activities to considerations of subjective and objective .. I mean the owners and the relationship of the bank customers and other parties .. Add to that delay in approving the state budget for 2014 has not been approved by the Despite the passage of eight months .. and our expectations that it will be delayed for the coming months and this significantly affected the activity of banks and customers, who are dependent on the completion of their projects and their movement on fiscal policy within the country ..! Union

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Council of Ministers issued a decree proactive Maliki to withdraw a draft law the Federal Supreme Court at the request of Mahmoud
Published August 19, 2014 | By Justice News

Cabinet held its regular XXXI in Baghdad (Tuesday, August 12, 2014) under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, issued by the Council and the following decisions:



1 to approve the request the Federal Supreme Court to withdraw a draft law of the Federal Court of the House of Representatives, which is now under discussion in the Council mentioned, so as to oppose many of its provisions with the provisions of the Constitution and the legal system in force and interception Supreme Judicial Council, it has provided the Supreme Judicial Council a new draft law will be presented to the Council of Ministers at a subsequent meeting to consider the approval and submission to the House of Representatives.



2 to approve the Mayati:



1 / the Ministry of Finance financing the current account balance to the Ministry of Education opened at the Rafidain Bank / Branch Victory Square (108) in the amount of $ (12,000,000,000) dinars, only twelve billion dinars within the amount appropriated in the Ministry's budget for the current year / 2014, for the purpose of paying dues examinations of wages examiners and observers, auditors, according to the list prepared for this purpose.



2 / the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education Btzlev the amount of 48 billion dinars are settled after approving the budget of the material to redeploy school nutrition and sports activities for the purpose of providing all the requirements of the examination process for the first two floors and the first supplementary and second round for the academic year 2013-2014.



3 to approve the bill the second amendment to the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 the auditor by the State Consultative Council, and forwarded to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles (61 / item first) and (80 / item II) of the Constitution, with the deletion of Article Legal private investment fund.



4 issued Regulation No. () for the year 2014 System of the First Amendment to the investment system (2) for the year 2009, according to the provisions of Article (8 / second item) of the Constitution and the item (First) of Article (31) of the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 with the deletion of material relating to the establishment circles, as well as investment fund.



5 Approval to authorize the Minister of Education the power to disbursement of funds allocated towards the subjects (fuel costs) and (rent and transport) allocated within the budget of the year / 2014 exception of the exchange rate (1/12), in order to direct the transfer of books, stationery, books and all the requirements of the educational process to school before the start of the new academic year.



6 to approve the Mayati:



1 / draft law on ratification of a loan agreement between the Government of the Republic of Istisnaa Iraq and the Islamic Development Bank.



2 / draft law on ratification Istisnaa agency agreement between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Development Bank Site them in Jordan dated 03/24/2014, and refer them to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles ** (61 / item first) and (80 / item II) of Constitution.



7 to approve the capital increase Rasheed Bank of the amount (50,000,000,000) dinars, only fifty billion dinars to the amount of (250,000,000,000) dinars, only two hundred and fifty billion dinars, according to the provisions of Article (10) of the Companies Law No. (22) for the year 1997, as amended



added Alnasiri..padr the central bank to hold a workshop to discuss the amendments to the banking laws, money laundering and the Central Bank of the end of 2013 and issued recommendations for changes to legal materials which bring investment and determine the movement of the banks to contribute to the economic development, and still the recommendations need to be activated by the central bank and the relevant authorities, also requires it to reconsider the investment law No. 13 of 2006 of the need to reconsider some of its articles in order to contribute to the banking sector in the development Economic effectively 


So we see the COM wanting to amend the investment law from 2006,  and this article states this law as a priority for economic advancements.  Parliament, will still have to read and vote for this ammendment.  Maliki has been trying to get this law amended since 2011.  



Maliki Intends to Submit the Second Amendment to the Investment Law to the House of Representatives November 25, 2011 Filled under Other News


Baghdad, The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after his return from Japan to the Second Amendment to the investment law to Parliament for discussion and approval.


The Adviser to the Prime Minister Mary Rayes told the Kurdish news agency (Rn), “will host the House of Representatives of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after his return from Japan to explain the results of the visit, which was content to strengthen economic ties between Iraq and Japan and to increase investment and provide facilities for Japanese investors.”


She pointed out that “the prime minister will be presented to the Council the second amendment to the Investment Law,” indicating that “the amendments include the provision of facilities for the wider foreign investors.”


Iraq acknowledged in 2006, Law No. 13 of the investment to encourage foreign companies to enter the country and contribute to government efforts to rebuild the infrastructure dilapidated by war and siege.


And the First Amendment, conducted by Iraq to the law in 2009 allowed the foreign investor the right to own land and property belonging to the State allowance determined in accordance with special regulations, also has the right to own land and property belonging to the mixed and private sectors for the purpose of the establishment of housing project

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