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By Rev. Michael Bresciani.

The day after the general elections, the New Orleans Times Picayune ran the headline, “Obama Triumphs – ‘The Best is yet to Come.’” The sinking feeling in this writer’s heart had no place to go; it was already at rock bottom, but the headline managed to create a nauseating pain in my stomach and a deepening sense of foreboding for the nation I love so much.

The etymology of the Creole-derived ‘lagniappe’ (something added) so often used in the New Orleans area is strained by the idea of the ‘best’ being yet to come, as suggested in the Picayune’s headline. About half of the nation is now firmly convinced that Barack Obama’s worst is about to come. It is a case of one man’s hope and naiveté being another man’s perversion.

We may expect the preachers, prophets, and messengers of the nation to read the outcome of the election as a disastrous final sign of doom for the nation. In fact, it is not a final sign, but merely a step in an ever-changing world that is indeed headed toward the prophesied ‘Battle of Armageddon.’ Prophecy is not speculation if it is based on scripture and a reasonable interpretation of eschatology’s more obvious declarations. What it is and always will be to the very last day is pre-written history.

Eight years of publishing articles, like so many seeds, which warn that America will not solve its problems through politics have landed on some good ground; but as the Bible warns, the scattered seed falls mostly on the bad ground, and the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches choke it out. (Mt 13: 1-9) Yet, even this is part of prophetic utterance.

The bible speaks of same sex marriage, homosexual pursuits, and abortion as perversities that bring nations into direct conflict (judgment) with God, but it doesn’t stop there. Perverse thinking is an outcome of reprobation, which is also predicted as a serious mind-warping scourge in the last days. (Ro 1: 28)

Need examples? On 9/11, Muslims struck at the financial center of American commerce and brought down the Twin Towers. A short time after 9/11, we elect to our highest office a man with a Muslim background. This is not good judgment gone askew; it is obviously perverse. We ignore his connections to liberals and Marxist ideologues whose ideas are a clear threat to America’s founding principles and every revered document in our archives – this too is perversity. We have witnessed his amateurish fiscal policies create immense debt and joblessness, but we give him carte blanche to go ahead with his failures for another four years; what else could this be called but pure unmitigated and wholesale perversity?

Finally, after introducing several unwanted changes to the very moral fabric of the nation and implementing executive orders that defy Congress, the Constitution, and the Bible, we give him another four years to continue to rock the nation. This too is not just poor judgment; it is high perversity.

The evangelicals and Protestants in general slept through this election, and the Catholics are said to have gone 50 percent for Obama. We don’t want to disturb those who are busy with their own little apostasy; but this too is yet another kind of perversion. It is clear that from this moment that it will not be about Republicans and Democrats; it is now about ‘sowing and reaping.’ (Gal 6: 7)

We may call on the Bible’s predicted worldwide encroachment of moral decline, which leads to the rule of the world’s last and worst dictator known as ‘the antichrist’; but every decline has its doorways. They are the point at which a subtle shift in perception is introduced almost clandestinely, under cover of ‘progress’ and much needed change. It is here that one of the most dreaded mistakes in our national thinking has emerged. Let’s examine.

We have rightly decided that the ‘office of the president’ comes with certain dignities and respect. What we have failed to understand is that the respect is not automatically transmuted or conveyed to the office holder; he or she must already have respectability and dignity, or at least the barest modicum of it, before they come to the office. The presidency does not make men noble any more than putting them in a strawberry patch makes them a strawberry. It is because this is true that we are forced to say that in Barack Obama, we have gotten what he is –not what we want him to be.

But this is not a time to be weary; if we love our country, we must be ever vigilant and fight for it until we expire. We could resign to the inevitability conveyed in Solomon’s sage declaration, to wit: “The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.” (Pr 16: 4)

A far better admonishment comes from both the scriptures and the remarkable courage that has been our heritage in America since we were first a nation. To wit:

"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed…Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. (Psalm 37: 1, 2, 3, and 7)

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Here you go for your reading pleasure.

Karl Rove Loses Election After Being Checkmated By Cyber Sleuths?

By CD - Posted on 15 November 2012

Crossposted from Occupy For Accountability

Last month, we offered a million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who rigged a federal election on November 6th. We urged computer experts to contact us with information about any election manipulation of the tabulation results.

We Received A Letter

On November 12th, we received a letter from “The Protectors,” apparently a group of white hat cyber sleuths, mentioning our reward and stating that two months ago, they began monitoring the “digital traffic of one Karl Rove, a disrespecter of the Rule of Law, knowing that he claimed to be Kingmaker while grifting vast wealth from barons who gladly handed him gold to anoint another King while looking the other way.”

“The Protectors” said that they had identified the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.”

The letter indicated that “ORCA Killer” was launched at 10am EST and “The Great Oz” at 8pm EST on November 6th. “The Protectors” watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. They watched as Rove’s computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate “The Great Oz” using different means and passwords.

Finally, they issued the following warning to Mr. Rove: don’t do it again or they would turn over the evidence to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

We are not in a position to vouch for the contents of this letter any more than we can vouch for the video by Anonymous warning Karl Rove not to rig the election. However, we can analyze that content under the prism of Mr. Rove’s history and facts over the past few weeks. We do so in the hope that this will lead to an investigation of Mr. Rove’s entire operation ala General David Petraeus. In that spirit, we provided this information to the FBI prior to publication, and followed up after publication. For years, we have campaigned for a complete investigation of Mr. Rove, and we have provided extensive legal memos and evidence to the FBI to support such an investigation. (See e.g.,

We urge others who have information to about election tampering or other criminal violations by Mr. Rove, including violations of campaign finance laws, to provide that evidence to the FBI. We also urge people who gave money to Mr. Rove and his organizations to contact the FBI if they were misled, promised things that did not happen, or were otherwise defrauded.

Rove’s Background And Election Night Meltdown

Karl Rove has a history of rigging elections going back several decades, including in 2004 when he orchestrated a man-in-the-middle attack to change the votes from Ohio. See e.g.,

In 2012, Mr. Rove’s SuperPacs raised and spent hundreds of millions on behalf of GOP candidates. He courted billionaires and promised them that his candidates would win.

Days before the 2012 election, Mr. Rove predicted a strong Romney win. His spinners lionized him in articles that portrayed him as invincible.

On election night, Mr. Rove worked the three states that held the key to the election – Ohio, Florida and Virginia. But when he tried to access the Ohio election website, he kept getting error messages.

Finally, immediately after Ohio was called for President Obama around 11:30 EST, Mr. Rove appeared on FOX News to dispute the call, saying the election there is far from settled and the call was “premature.”

Fox News’s Chris Wallace said the Romney campaign does "not believe Ohio is in the Obama camp,” noting that he got an email from a top Romney aide who said the campaign disagrees with the network’s call. He then asked Rove if he believed Ohio has been settled.

“No, I don’t,” Rove said.

“I think this is premature,” he added. “We’ve got a quarter of the vote. Now remember, here is the thing about Ohio. A third of the vote or more is cast early and is won overwhelmingly by the Democrats. It’s counted first and then you count the election day and the question is, by the time you finish counting the election day does it overcome that early advantage that Democrats have built up in early voting, particularly in Cuyahoga County.”

Rove said the network needs to be “careful about calling things when we have like 991 votes separating the two candidates and a quarter of the vote yet to count. Even if they have made it on the basis of select precincts, I’d be very cautious about intruding in this process.

The Failure Of ORCA On Election Day

The Rove/Romney coalition created Project Orca, which was supposed to enable poll watchers to record voter names on their smart phones, by listening for names as voters checked in. This would give the campaign real-time turnout data, so they could redirect GOTV resources throughout the day where it was most needed. They recruited 37,000 swing state volunteers for this.

According to various sources, however, ORCA totally failed on Election Day: PIN numbers and passwords did not work, reset tools failed, customer support was ineffective and unavailable, Comcast shut down access for fear of a DDOS attack, and the system crashed and had trouble re-booting. “At one point during Election Day, the system had malfunctioned so badly that desperate volunteers wondered if the program had been hacked.” Id.

Anonymous Warned Rove Prior To The Election

Two weeks prior to the November 6th election, the hactivist group Anonymous posted a video warning Karl Rove not to rig the election.

They told Mr. Rove that he was being watched and that if he attempted to rig the election, he would be stopped. That video went viral in just days.

The Letter From “The Protectors”

The letter we received just days after the election ties together all the information set forth above about the digital difficulties faced by Karl Rove and the GOP on November 6th.

· Karl Rove’s digital architecture surrounding the election was identified and compromised by cyber sleuths in a way that denied him the ability to manipulate election results;

· Project Orca was not secure and had numerous flaws that were exploited to ensure failure;

· Karl Rove was focused on three states—Ohio, Virginia and Florida;

· “Orca Killer” was launched early in the day resulting in failures starting in the morning;

· “The Great Oz” was launched at 8pm, just as polls closed on the East Coast;

· The Ohio Secretary of State results were inaccessible to Mr. Rove after 8pm;

· Mr. Rove disputed the call for Ohio, and told FOX News that it was “premature” as he kept trying to access the results;

· Mr. Rove, Mitt Romney, the GOP, its billionaires, and its talking heads were all “convinced” up to the last minute that Mr. Romney would win, some even saying “by a landslide;”

· Prior to the election, Anonymous warned Mr. Rove that it had identified his digital structure and was watching for any manipulations;

· Mr. Romney and the GOP leadership were “shell shocked” when President Obama won the election.

The Upshot Of All This

Apparently, “The Protectors” were able to completely thwart Karl Rove’s attempts to manipulate this election by employing a firewall to stop man-in-the-middle tabulation attacks and improper transfers of tabulation data. Moreover, apparently, they were able to pinpoint and exploit flaws and structural weaknesses in Project Orca that caused a cascading of problems and subsequent catastrophic failure. Apparently, there was some connection between Mr. Rove and Project Orca, and they were probably both plugged into the same voter database.

Lessons Learned And Our Position

At VR, we have spent the past decade exposing flaws in the election process, especially the use of electronic voting, secret software and cyber attacks on tabulation systems. Princeton computer scientists, Argonne Laboratories experts, GOP insiders, and even the CIA have shown that electronic election manipulation is both possible and occurring.

Based on our experience and the supporting evidence, we take the letter from “The Protectors” at face value. Karl Rove had the means, motive, experience and opportunity to do whatever it took to win the election for his clients. If he, in fact, intended to use improper and illegal means to digitally manipulate the election, and white hat cyber sleuths who stopped it discovered that, then that is a good thing. We hope that those cyber sleuths will provide that evidence to the FBI, post it publicly or send it to us to do so.

One thing that is not clear from the letter is the relationship between the cyber manipulation and Project Orca. Were they both part of Karl Rove’s scheme? Were they using the overlapping servers or databases? Did “The Great Oz” automatically cause problems for Project Orca? Did Mr. Rove plan to use the data from “Project Orca” to help the cyber manipulation scheme succeed? We would like to know the answers to these questions so we can more fully understand the legal and moral implications of “Orca Killer.”

As far as lessons learned, we are hopeful that those who have been skeptical and opposed to greater security in elections will now get on board in a bipartisan manner to, as President Obama said, “fix” the broken election system. We are hopeful that billionaires, SuperPacs and politicians will see, as governments in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere have seen, that a few dedicated cyber sleuths can protect democracy from corrupt power brokers by thwarting electoral crimes. We are hopeful that everyone will see Karl Rove for what he is – a scammer who can’t win without cheating and manipulating election results.

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Obama must have been out of toilet paper At least he only needs half of it.

Its not like our constitution means anything anymore.They can arrest you for anything

it stands for so use it wisely.When I bought my copy in Washington at the bottom of the constitution

It said Made in China.I like Lostenso's picture better showing the BIG WIN for O-Slammed-Ya

I dont blame the dead for voting for him they went to heaven and saw the godly choice!

Simply O as in O-ya! Good article lostenso I liked it.Obama Triumphs!

I like the pic of Obama Hitler he will whip or country in shape for domination over all other countries.

at least he is standing behind us and our country.Obama Triumphs!

Thats Right "Rock the Nation" song by Ronnie Montrose perfect for Obama.He is our Rock of Salvation.

Who knows I could have hacked and voted a hundred thousand times for him to make sure he won.

Ya never know but the peoples voice was heard and his loyal lambs went to the polls and voted.

He picked the wizrad of Oz because he had some poppies.And then wonders why he voted wrong.

Lets see the topic says OBAMA TRIUMPHS awesome topic title.I should'nt get negged for his support

then.Clunks boots together and sticks arm straight out for our new countries salute!

Its a win win situation.Zeig Hile Obama.Its good to be the Sheeple!

This post is just like south park it should'nt be viewed by anyone! but "winners".

Obama Triumphs I like the sound of that for some reason.

I cant believe they let this Topic Fly without a lockup.They must be coming around now.

Obama Thanks You for your support! JMHO is all and that aint much right?

Im so funny. ;) go easy on me I am tired of being right.

Bless our country and lord watch over Obama so he does right by us.Amen

And I guess God Bless the folks on this forum even tho they hammer me.

I am down so low on pluses I need some more folks for this awesome Obama Triumphs post! :)

He is our Commander and Chief and deserves respect.Isnt that right Simple. ;)

Why would mitt supporters view this topic? :o thats what I thought!

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"He is our Commander and Chief and deserves respect."

"We have rightly decided that the ‘office of the president’ comes with certain dignities and respect. What we have failed to understand is that the respect is not automatically transmuted or conveyed to the office holder; he or she must already have respectability and dignity, or at least the barest modicum of it, before they come to the office. The presidency does not make men noble any more than putting them in a strawberry patch makes them a strawberry."

I can't respect this President because he hates the Constitution. He does what be can to get around it. I certainly don't understand how anyone that fought for this country and swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution can admire this guy.

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"We have rightly decided that the ‘office of the president’ comes with certain dignities and respect. What we have failed to understand is that the respect is not automatically transmuted or conveyed to the office holder; he or she must already have respectability and dignity, or at least the barest modicum of it, before they come to the office. The presidency does not make men noble any more than putting them in a strawberry patch makes them a strawberry."

I can't respect this President because he hates the Constitution. He does what be can to get around it. I certainly don't understand how anyone that fought for this country and swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution can admire this guy.

Well I fought for this country and HERE I IZ and I admire him .He is my leader and

ULTIMATE commnader and chief for the next 4 terms.

By the way our constitution has'nt been worth a crap for many years now.Democrat or Republican has always

found a loop hole in it to use at there own discretion.Thats why there is a million laws And thats OUR faults for letting anyone abuse it.As soon as someone didnt go by our constitution they should have been thrown out period!....

Lots of folks like to cry over it but no one does anything about it.

So kiss that worthless piece of paper good bye WE deserve it because WE let it happen.

This is what happens when Insurance companies and ATTORNEYS run this world because they are the only

ones smart enough and rich enough to buy the Judges of the constitution thereof.Rich lobby money can punch

holes through it and rewrite whatever law needs to be done to constitute the laws that need be in concourency to

our constitution or to mesh with the constitution so it becomes as one.

To me each law and crime should be shown and the date you WILL serve jail time for said crime.

No attorneys needed there so no judge payoff for a guilty crime with witness.Or no sway money to

offset the crime in money.So where does the constitution come into play?Its full of holes and doesnt

hold sand anymore.They want to uphold it but downplay it as the rights of the common people.So if your poor

your gonna get a jail sentence. And if your rich we might possibly works things out with no jail time.Real Justice

there.Freedoms and rights "yeah right" for who the rich?That picture of Obama tearing up the Constitution wasnt

done by Obama it was done by the person who posted it or created it.And its funny right? No defense now? :(

And you will say Obama is taking our rights one by one not at all WE did it.Keep hating it gets worst.

PG's post should only be viewed as entertainment only and not to be taken seriously. :(

Its not my problem let someone else fix it and THEY ARE.any questions?

Obama triumphs has a good ring to it.He Thanks You for your support.Alot of people voted for him so I guess

he has earned there respect I mean he won.And he ate a Starwberry.

Slam dunks the hornets nest and wins the game.

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