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Everything posted by Dinarrock

  1. You have been around long enough to know that this is 100% false!! The CBI DOES NOT have to cover anything outside of Iraq, they are only responsible to cover what is actually circulating inside of iraq period that’s how this process works!! There will be NO sucker rate of say .84 cents and then $3.00 later that is guru talk that will never happen!! All of our dinars here in America will go to the US Treasury and be counted in our foreign currency reserves! What they do with them after has nothing to do with us investors. The dinars inside of Iraq also do not get a sucker rate as a dinar is a dinar is a dinar inside Iraq what they get is much greater purchasing power period that’s all!! So the theory of why the CBI has dropped the rate to 1450 is to get as much of the dinar off the streets before they say would RV the currency! Kazemi has promised the citizens currency reform and this is also in the white papers so tell me how currency reform is by dropping the value by 22%??? How is that currency reform it isn’t of course so this must be a very short term process like say two weeks is my guess but we shall see!! IMO
  2. So if I am on the same page as you then the CBI could say or actually just RV the currency at the good ole glory days of $3.22 easy as pie and make ALL of us dinar investors happy happy happy??
  3. That theory is pretty much guru talk and will never happen IMO. But if you want to wait and hope nothing else happens like a war or something that could effect value that’s the gamble you take. However I can tell you this the reason why that is guru talk is because they don’t know how the process works! All of our dinar outside of Iraq will never go back to Iraq they go to our federal reserves and we hold them as a reserve currency so Iraq never has to pay for all the dinars outside of Iraq! Iraq Only has to cover the dinar that is circulating Inside of Iraq!! That’s why this is a big move to devalue the currency to get the citizens to bring their dinar into the banks and get as Much dinar off the streets as possible right before they RV!!! So no I absolutely do not think we will ever see a sucker rate period and then a higher rate 90 days later because that is not how the process works since Iraq never has to cover what’s outside of Iraq. Inside Iraq a dinar is a dinar they don’t exchange for anything it just increases their purchasing power.
  4. Great stuff Artitech thanks for posting sure hope so!!
  5. Thanks so much huffy I sure hope we see everything very soon!!
  6. Yes I guess in a way that’s a correct statement but I view the exchange is only being able to go into a bank an exchange which takes an international traded currency which I guess I shouldn’t have assumed the “intent” of the original poster! Only inside of Iraq can anyone truly exchange the dinar for the dollar you cannot do that here in America or anywhere else. No matter what the exchange rate is 1190 or now 1460 anyone outside of Iraq has always had the same options which is Only to Sell their currency either on eBay or back to a dealer or privately. The exchange also assumes by definition of exchanging in at the current rate of 1460 which only can be done inside of Iraq you cannot exchange anywhere outside of Iraq because it’s not internationally traded that was my point!
  7. Thanks for the post synopsis this is a great news channel and one I watch regularly. can you please do me a favor though and only post your links from Rumble instead of youtube? craptube, fakebook and twittle dee sites do NOT need anymore traffic!! All of us true American Patriots need to fight back these COMMUNIST companies and ban them from being used!! Thanks Brother much appreciated!!!
  8. It’s almost laughable from the original poster that asked this. Let me explain it, NO One can exchange anywhere other then inside Iraq period since Iraq is not internationally traded not sure why this question was even asked but it shows the lack of understanding of this investment by so many!! The only way to sell any dinar that you have is either to advertise here on DV, sell it on EBay or have a dinar dealer buy it back from you that’s it all of which will be higher then the 1460 current exchange rate.
  9. The CBI site has in fact updated the dinar exchange rate today from 1190 to 1460!! So we should be well on our way to an RV very very soon IMO. The PM Kazemi promised the citizens in the white paper Currency Reform which does not mean lowering your exchange rate by 22% making it even worse for the citizens. I wish someone had actual intel also on how long the lines were at the banks for the past few days!! I honestly believe they will not leave the rate at 1460 for very long. Their inflation will go up and the citizens will gather and riot and protest count on it this is NOT what they were promised!! I still say they RV by Jan 6th is my thoughts. Now if they delete the zeros and RV from that new 1460 rate gives us this math. 1/1460 = .00068493 so .69 cents of you round up!!
  10. Yes like you said LGD, we need the EO activated and Martial Law and all these corrupt criminals arrested for treason and sent off to GITMO ASAP!!
  11. Awesome video DD but you should have posted it from Rumble not YouTube as the presenter suggests!! We need to stop using ALL the MSM and Big tech platforms and hit them where it hurts!! More and more people are awaking in America. My friend sent me this video on Rumble this morning it’s one of the BEST videos I have seen to date, everyone please watch and share this video with all your family and friends let’s make it viral but please share the video on Rumble not YouTube! Here it is please watch it here.
  12. Great video Yota but at the end I hope Trump does Not take the vaccine that would be pure stupidity he has already had COVID he has the antibodies still in his system taking the vaccine would most likely be very harmful to him but I am sure he and his doctors are aware of this!!
  13. Wow is this guy happened to Iraq wanting to be the leader like their old glory days and be proud of their currency!! Nope this guy is clueless Iraq will RV their currency I bet very soon!!
  14. Wow what a novel idea right!! I say this is a 100% correct and all this is done by Jan 6th!! That’s the date I am calling for the RV on or before!!! We all want a high rate but the rate will be what the rate will be that is predetermined that very few people have privy too IMO. I still think the rate will be $1.17 or higher and Iraq will set the RV rate what they have agreed too but hey if they do the 1450 and delete the zeros and RV we only get .69 cents I will take it all day long!!
  15. The math is for US dollar 1/1450 = .00068966 so basically .69 cents after dropping the zeros its worse if they get pegged to the Euro which I really would be surprised if they did! .82/1450 = .00056552 so .57 cents after dropping the zeros!
  16. Why are you not happy with it?? You should be ecstatic with the news especially if you have read the many posts and threads on this today! HUGE HUGE HUGE NEWS!!! Again the only reason possible for them to do this is to bring in as much dinar mattress money as they can right before the RV!! The CBI has never been able to get the citizens to do this before no matter what they have done. This move is meant to absolutely scare the citizens into exchanging their dinar for dollars before they do this, I bet the banks have been packed their the past couple of days!! You should also know that by dropping the rate by 22% will lead to increased inflation which will make it even worse for all the citizens that have been protesting and rioting! So do you think they will keep this rate very long?? The answer is No, they may only keep this rate for a few days up until I say On or before Jan 6th but preferably on Jan 1st! Everyone knows at 1190 that is grossly undervalued period for the wealth of this country so now they are going to make it even worse I say no way this is a play to get as much dinar off the streets right before they RV!!
  17. It will be January IMO, the reason being is Inflation will climb extremely quickly at this rate and will get worse and worse by the day!! Just watch for the articles to come out about rising inflation over the next two weeks if they even make it this far at the 1450 rate!
  18. Awesome post and I have posted this CNN video before for all our Demorat friends to see Dominion machine ACTUAL VOTER FRAUD LIVE ON CNN!! Where are the 3 or 4 lefties here what do you say regarding watching live vote switch from Trump to Biden?? Truly amazing how blind people are but no worries you are going to get exactly what you deserve and you are going see all your corrupt Demorat criminals going to jail very very soon! It’s hilarious for anyone to think Biden will be President he won’t count on it he cheated and he knew the whole time what was being done so GITMO probably already had his name on a nice private cell just for him!!
  19. Well well guess they have something to HIDE NOW don’t they! There is absolutely zero reason not to turn them over unless they are hiding something like say election fraud! To me if they had 100% confidence that there was no fraud and nothing wrong with the dominion machines then they would be the first in line to say here they are look for yourself our election was fair right! All these people are going to jail count on it corrupt demorats good luck!
  20. I think that is absolutely correct CL. Just not sure if Trump waits to enact his EO before January 6th or not is my question. Does he wait to see if Congress get this right on January 6th and if not then show all the proof and evidence and enact the EO and issue military law! Either way definitely going to be interesting but again NO you corrupt demorats are NOT going to steal this election and YES if the sheep get out of line and want to riot and loot and steal we promise you this we WILL be ready and willing to do whatever to defend ourselves and the Constitution of America count on it!!
  21. Let’s hope so I like $1.44 better then .69 cents!! Lol Thats a difference for me of say a nice 35 foot boat to a 55-60 foot Yacht!!!
  22. Excellent posts my dinar friends all of this is Not a coincidence!! I am getting the butterflies in my stomach today seriously lol!!! Come on RV let’s getRdone!!
  23. Sorry but hate to burst your bubble they won’t RV at .84, that would only be possible if they dropped the three zeros from the 1190 rate, if they change the rate to 1450 and then drop the zeros you will only get about .69 cents so take it or leave the end however I still think they can RV at whatever rate they want to so I am hoping for $1.17 or higher! Either way I think we will see a true RV by Jan 6th IMO!!
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