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Everything posted by pragerbabe

  1. I only know my husband has purchased more guns and ammo this year than the 12years we have been together....what would Obamas ecomomy look like if all of us Rednecks weren't buyin' all this ammo?
  2. Please give some links to the "skinny on Mitt", I have looked into his govenorship, a lot of fees added instead of raising taxes, the healthcare bill (but Mass wanted it didn't they) I haven't found anything that bad. I haven't looked into the Bain business because his sole reason was to buy out weak companies, he may have made cuts that were needed. As far as the "offshore" accounts, didn't the IRS just pass a law a couple years back that foreign banks had to declare US money (except Swiss). The Dems haven't found something before now that will stick, or are they waiting until the last moment so that he can't make a comeback? I won't change my mind about Romney, the truth about Obama is far worse in my opinion, but I would like to know what to look for if he does win. I do remember Pelosi stating something about having the goods on Mitt-but what? Divemaster, I will pray for your full conversion! Thank you Slb, have this in my file but forgot about it, the media will be in full force to tear him down because they are scared he brings too many votes in. Just today I was at the Dr Office and picked up Dec 2011 Newsweek, some headline articles written as presented in the mag: "Nicely Naughty Newt: Tho political establishment gives us Saint Obama and Straight Mitt-that's why Sinner Newt is the one to beat." "Bizarro Books the GOP Reads" "Among the Clowns: Meet Rick 'Crotch' Perry, Newt 'the Vulgarian' Gingrich, and the rest of the GOP contenders..." and finally "Joe Biden, Out Loud" more picture than words. And they wonder why we call them the LIBERAL media!
  3. Thanks DM, not well versed at sending everything yet.
  4. Having lived in Ft Hood area and knowing many people from the base, as well as the wife of Dr. Michael G Cahill, the Doctors w/o Borders who was shot and killed that day, I can say that I feel Obama committed Treason by calling this "workplace violence" instead of the Terrorist Attack it clearly was. May the victims rest in peace, may their families be able to move on, and may this never happen on American soil again.
  5. I have been stating we all need to watch the politicians after Nov 7, no matter who is elected. I think we have some help.
  6. My husband put this up as our screen saver, I'll be glad when I can take it down.
  7. I missed this last election, Dems got mad about it going around but here She is: A Beautiful Angel
  8. Woman for personal responsibility here. I stopped watching Oprah back in the early 90's when I realized what she was doing to men. What upset me most about all the speeches, the women would introduce themselves as proud mothers and grandmothers but end the speech about how proud of abortion they are. I couldn't listen to Fluke. Ledbetter and Pelosi are not very captivating. Unfortunately Warren sounded smart, but said some dumb things that went over the audiences head. They don't have any smart, young men in the party, guess they are going female from here on out. What will the Democrat women do about Sharia Law and the killing of innocent girls in China?
  9. I tried to debunk this but couldn't, part of Affordable Health care. My only response to this would be, Here in Texas we are damned if we take assistance from the Fed for Wildfires, but isn't that some of our tax money? Romney is called a tax cheat for taking all the deductions he could, but didn't GE and Warren Buffet do that too? Ryan voted for some items I am not happy about, but I am thinking he knows what lies ahead, he is in the spotlight now and everyone is watching. About this grant, maybe it was the same thing, Ryan figured, you know what , we are paying for this, let me get as much for my state as possible. They are just politicians after all. Come Nov 7, 2012 we will hold them all accountable.
  10. Brandyclark, I have to ask, the last couple of articles, did you write yourself or bring them over? I have to repond to this one but give you kudos for the last one. I have always been taught if you don't vote, you don't have any right to complain. Our voting system is somewhat broken and needs to be fixed. Iraq's may have it right with their purple thumb but who's to say the vote tally isn't manipulated. That is one of our most precious rights, we as Americans get to have a say in who governs us. You complain it ends up being only two, but look at the number of Repubs that started out the Primary. Do you see that in any other country? Okay, we are all just puppets and someone else holds the strings...(with Barack I believe you) but did the puppetmasters really plan on Reagan? They really got a charismatic speaker like Clinton and Obama and stuck Bush in the middle? Some of this is left up to the people to vote. I know Bush has stated that it doesn't matter who is Pres, basically same decisions will be made, Obama has found that out the hard way (Gitmo and Afganistan) but I am not going to give into the thinking that all is lost and it can't be changed. Not voting just makes you look like someone who watches Jersey Shore or Kardasians all day, I know that is not you. Please vote, vote Ron Paul if you have to, but vote. Then November 7, is the day we all come together and say, You know what, we want change. Not hope and ambiquious change, but change back to the people voting for people who will vote the way we elect. My husband showed me a tape of RAND Paul from June that I will have to get over here. He is standing before the Senate stating no wonder we have a 10% approval rating, I was just given a bill I am supposed to vote on today and it is 600 pages long. He goes on to say he is presenting a bill that will stop this kind of behavior. That is the politician I want and will vote for in the future, but we have to get past this election first. You have great ideas and can bring them out so much better than I can, please take this election seriously. I will stand with you on Nov 7, be it whomever gets elected and take our county back.
  11. My prayers are with you and your family. I routinely give blood and I would hope everyone makes an effort to do as often as they can.
  12. Dive, I agree with you, Clinton wanted things he didn't get, Republicans held him in check and he worked with them to make his Presidency positive. He did have good job growth, can anyone say DotCom Boom?!? He would have been in debt if he had gotten HealthCare and didn't use the SS money in the General Fund. Oh, I forgot, he left a Recession for G W Bush (and took all the W's off the keyboards). As to all the jobs created during the 48 years, my thoughts, the Repubs give a lot of credit to Governors for job creation, they are the ones who entice industry with tax breaks to their states. The RNC Convention seemed to play to a lot of Governors, so hopefully they will let States Rights expand. The Dems take credit for jobs that may have been created due to Republican policies, even Clinton said it takes a couple of years for some policies to take affect. I will have to check the facts on that one and see when the jobs actually came in. My last thought. States and Cities with Republican Governors and Mayors seem to do better than Democrats, so why does the Presidency seem to favor Dems? Could it be that Congress/House of Reps have something to do with that. I still claim Bush put us into debt, but he also had a major Terrorist attack to make up for, the last two years of his term, Dems ran the Senate and made most of the cost expenditures. Now, my make sure Romney/Ryan can make the Republicans look good again and make sure someone like Obama never is considered for a President again. I will hold them to their job if elected. If it happens to be Obama, I will just hold on tight as all the blocks come crashing down in the make believe world he has built for the people who vote for him. Rocketman, yes it was a good speach. It gave me a renewed determination to hold the Republicans accountable to what they preach.
  13. I am not afraid to die as they attempt to take my gun away, dinar_stud, but what is to stop Obama from an executive order due to the fact Congress won't allow him to pass something he believes. He has done it already: Dream Act
  14. Brandyclark, you bring several good articles to the table, I salute you for that. Now, what are your plans? To just bring the articles to the open, which yes, needs to be done, or to act on them? Are you in a spot that says we are on a course and it can't change? I see you are from Texas. I am always claiming how good it is here because we "seem" to be more free. But we have to fight just like everyone else. Examples: Trans Texas Corridor (Gov Perrys baby) was defeated because it was not popular with the mass of land owners it would have effected. He and his cronies lost. Illegals recieving college tuition at Texas taxpayers expense. We lost, this one resinated with me personally due to the fact I graduated high school across the Louisiana border and started college in Texas. I had to pay a higher tuition, yet illegals from other countries get the credit for being here; illegally? Our government does take us for granted, and consider us as a means to their endgame. But the current populus has woken up due to the mass of information on the internet. I now take the time to act instead of research. (I spent a lot of time researching and it just became depressing) I meet with like minded people and we have made small changes. I wasn't for Ted Cruz at first but as soon as it was him vs Dewhurst I took a stand, no more career politicians. The Tea Party got Cruz elected in the primary. Cruz was a speaker at the convention as well as Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. They all say they support the idea of smaller government. And guess what, if they start voting against that, we will vote them out. Of course we have to have people step up to the plate and run for office, and that is costly and if you have any bones in the closet you have it even harder. (unless you are Obama and the media likes you) As I stated, you bring a lot of good articles, and waking people up is part of the fight. This is still a fight. The US was created against the worst of odds. Strong minded, caring, moral driven people created something from nothing. Yeah, we took land from the natives but who would have been the ones to do it if we hadn't. Would they have been treated differently by the next invader? The NWO has been coming for a long time, the UN tries everyday. But the American people fight it everyday too. Please don't give up hope that this is the way it is and all is lost. There are more people fighting today than politicians sitting in Washington, I do not fear them but I do fear the voters who do not see it coming. Finally, I am voting Romney/Ryan, not because I think they have all the answers. I have read Gov Romneys bio as gov of Mass, not great by all means but he is not for expanding government when we are broke. If he does expand government, I will do all I can for the next candiate who says they are for less, but we are under a specific election process here. Third parties have been trying for several decades. The general election is not the time to make your stand when this much is at stake. Start Nov 7, get support for the candidate of your choice or change the electorial process or broaden a specific third party but this election, please review Obama and Romney on what they stand for as govenors of citizens and know that this election is between these two and these two only. May God continue to Bless the USA and the people who continue to strive for a free society. I'm sorry, I had to step away from post to take care of something, came back and finished and sent then reread and caught my spelling! On the college line no doubt: receiving.
  15. Thank you Delta, this will go to my inbox to pass along.
  16. I have often wondered that myself. All of the "fact checking" that tells various stories but not the actual truth. I listen to PBS/NRP just to stay up with what is being reported and it is amazing the spin they come up with. Just today a guest stated that the Republicans were lying in their ads more than the Democrats. The two examples he gave was Ryans' 'plant closing story' and how it could be interpeted as somewhat untruthful and then "the ad that linked Bain to an out of work story". He didn't even go into the fact that the Dems' was a complete lie and Ryans was proven to be factual. Why do the Republicans not fight harder to get the REAL truth out there. Why did they come up with Fox News and then try to make it more entertainment than fact? I will still do my job and try and learn the truth, but it is hard to fight the media with only talk radio, and they even have to make that more entertainment driven. I listen to Dennis Prager and learn what the Liberal/Leftist are about without much fanfair but with truth that cannot be disputed. Thanks for the article, I will pass it along.
  17. Thank you TG for bringing this to everyone who didn't watch. I actually watched the segment (don't watch Tonight Show any more but sometimes see who is on). For me, watching the whole thing together did it, He did not state he would not run, he said "no, not much" and between him filling the audience with RP supporters (I guess they follow him around like puppy dogs without jobs?) and some of the other comments he made, he was clearly "feeling out" what might happen if he did run. He will not endorse another candidate for his followers to check out, be it Libertarian, Independent, Republican or Democrat. He wants to stay in and get the write in vote for his own ego. (IMHO) I have heard Rand in person and I know it is a fight to keep strong values when the RNC constantly is at your office wanting money raised, paybacks and more government, but I will pray for him and the other new comers and Mike Lee to stay true to their constituents. By the way, I think you are a top notch moderator!
  18. Thank you Texas Granny, you have always impressed me here. Some of us just state our opinions, but you seem to always bring some fact to the discussion and that makes it hard to argue against you. Don't know why anyone would ever criticize you for that. I wish a great life for your grandchildren, it helps if they are here in Texas as well.
  19. I watched him on Tonight Show just to see what he would say. I haven't been a supporter, but I always thought he really wanted what is best for America. After tonight I know it is all about him. He couldn't even give Rand, his son, credit for speaking at the Convention. It was the RNC wanting to appease the Ron Paul supporters. He claims they didn't ask him to speak because he won't endorse Romney, he won't even drop out of the race, let alone endorse someone else. Vote for who you want, but don't put him on a pedestal like they did Obama.
  20. Detroit, I watched on PBS and I have to say she sounded nice. I do not hate her because she is a Democrat or Black but I want to point out a couple of things. She stated she thought it was important that Barack was a father to his two girls, she stated she was encouraged by her father sacrificing in order to give to his family. Both of these things go against their own platform. It's all about women not needing men isn't it? Same sex marriage, abortions, government aid to get you what you want. That is why I do not support the Democratic ticket. If Obamas college info ever becomes available, I bet we will find out he was given a full scholarship and did not have student loans. I also noticed she used the same ploy Ann Romney used, they started off with nothing.....If they started off with nothing, why didn't he go out and get a job? The San Antonio mayor, Castro, used the same line Rubio did, well changed it a little. Dems are just pushing out words that they think might work. I wish them well as a family, but I don't want him running my life from the White House.
  21. Thank you Divemaster, I don't do any social media things, and I still have a flip phone! (how do I survive?) I just stay out of the loop of all my friends and family doing mundane stuff. My husband has been looking into an I-Phone or equivalent but I will pass this on to him.
  22. IMHO Obama believes what he said, HE didn't get to where he is by building anything on his own. He spoke well and attended some college courses that got him noticed by the "right" Leftists. He had his college paid for, he got his community organizer job by "knowing someone" and he got into politics by being sponsored by Leftists. Everything he has done has been bought and paid for by someone else. How would he know anything different? Everyone focuses on the third line, reread the first line. It says it all. And the government didn't build the internet so that business people could make money, they would have inserted taxes from the start, like they have been trying to do ever since they realized they are losing out.
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