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Everything posted by R2D2

  1. I would expect this kind of mentality from the cesspool of Texas. For those that are homeless, Wit out a contact number and a resume' indicating a ivy league education a male in Texas has very little chance at meaningful employment. It s a sad affair to say the least. I point the finger directly at society. With total lack of empathy for those that are down on their luck. I can say none of those people that find themselves homeless want to be there.
  2. As much as I hate to admit it. "YOU" are right this time/\. It is called socialism hidden in the agenda 21 bill that the last Marxist signed.
  3. A reality check. If there is another election they might vote for some one that has a birth certificate.
  4. Well the big scare is. Before to long all us non-communist will be there and be reeducated. Get it? Do you under stand the AGENDA?
  5. Yea they have been taken over by the cesspool insiders. That is just more fuel for the tea party people. Conservatism is not dead yet!
  6. Pay no attention to TP. He is just another one of those that live with his head between his knees. Just my impression of his posts. Nuff Said!
  7. In my life time each one of the presidents has had some not so desirable moment. If you look at categories. Carter did the most damage internationally. with Barry 2 nd. Constitutionally this president hands down, # 43 second. I would note that each one has fed off the last. We the people just sit there and watched these presidents send our country into the socialist quagmire we are seeing today. Barry has been the most threatening president in my life time. I am of the opinion the sooner this president is impeached the better off we the people will be. Yes we will feel the pain for a long time to come. Again just my humble opinion.
  8. Yep that is what we the people would fond. I am sure that to stop this madness is better than proceeding at the same rate will end up compounding the issue. Paul would serve we the people better if he would spend his effort's to impeachment of this marxistkenyansodomitesissy president. Kick the can down the road. In my humble opinion, To do so is just poisoning the inevitable, the freakin dollar is just toast already. If the printing presses were turned off today. You would see a world wide depression start before the sun set. Putting your head in the sand will only allow the hole to be dug a little deeper. Impeach this Kenyan while we still possess a Constitution.
  9. Sir Let me see if I can help you understand that statement made above. First of all, yes I am aware that the former democrat party has been hijacked by Marxist. Yes I am aware that our country has been on the wrong track since the Nixon era. Now lets look at he statement. Just impeach the marxistkenyansodomitesissy president. I would ask you to think, "What happens to the rest of the snake when you cut off his head". That is pretty simple yes, no, kinda?
  10. Thank you Sir. My humbe opinion, TNT Tony Dude is just not funny any more. Sorry You effort is appreciated your content. Just not humours at my house. Thanks again for your effort.
  11. Yep, no surprises here. Hypocrites!
  12. There is a simple solution here. Impeach this marxistkenyansodomitesissy president. That would solve the whole dam issue.
  13. Hmm Let me see. Goberment mandate. Rates increase as much as 10 fold. Is there any surprises here?
  14. Hell this bunch of marxistkenyansodomitegoons can't even run this country. How the hell does he think can protect people 1/2 way around the planet. Geeez what a dumb move. Let them protect themselves. Like I do.
  15. That's his plan. Question, are you ready???????????????????
  16. Yep that is the plan. When the riots(planned) break out. next you will see martial law. Planned! Next you will see the Constitution of the United States be completely floshed and then you will see the likes of marxistkenyansodomitepresident declare himself as United States Dictator. Just my humble opinion.
  17. He will just disappear if the USA is implicated. That would be SOP for the goons in the cesspool.
  18. I feel the truth falling on the house of card lies these demo/socialist have been telling the low info voters. I smell freedom!
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