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Everything posted by NotAChance

  1. Of course they have. That's not the point. People have lost many times more that they have ever won in those things. As a general rule, it's very good advice to tell people NOT to "invest" in them. Chances are, you would be much further ahead NEVER investing in those things than by investing in them. I think the dinar is worse than most of them. At least when you play the lottery, you know your odds of winning and you have a bona fide opportunity, regardless of how slim it is, to win. I doubt very few people here understood anything about the dinar or the chances of a revaluation BEFORE they bought. Most people only found it was a long shot (or no shot) AFTER they sent their US dollars away. The dinar was a perfect storm of internet, ignorance and desperation. It's too bad people didn't know as much about it as they do about the lottery before they buy a ticket. Willard is giving sound, prudent advice.
  2. You strongly suggested that an RV in October PROVES that God is real. Conversely, that implies that no RV in October PROVES God is not real. You can't imply one without implying the other. That is wrong. That is a flawed premise. To imply God does not exist if no RV occurs in October is to bear false witness. Dream or no dream, an RV in October (or no RV in October) neither proves nor disproves the existence of God.
  3. So when it doesn't come to pass, does that mean God isn't real? This is just foolishness. It makes a mockery out of belief in God. People's belief in God is NOT contigent upon a revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. To suggest so is bearing false witness.
  4. So what are we to conclude when this dream doesn't come true? Should our faith in God be diminished? Or should we just consider you another false profit that is smiting God and bearing false witness?
  5. These guys are liars, clowns and idiots. Take your pick.
  6. That settles it. I'm a scoffer. Since the world is in it's last days, the RV won't do anybody any good now.
  7. No, you'll be the guy that looks like the fool when it doesn't happen. We'll put you alongside George Robinson and that other religous zealout from a few months ago that swore the Earth was about to end. Every generation has it's share of chicken littles. That's nothing new. Some people have been predicting the end of the world and the end of mankind since mankind existed. Yet life goes on. Better than ever. Each generation continues to live a better and longer life than the previous generation. This is no different. Comet Elinin is a fabricated hoax. The comet really exists but it will come no closer than 22 million miles from Earth. It is only 3 miles wide. To say it will have (or has had) any effect on Earth is a gross overstatement. It will have none. The only good thing that will come out of this is that virtually everybody will realize that this dinar hype involves a lot of unstable and delusional people. Maybe, just maybe, they'll start to apply some common sense and realize much of it is a charade. Perhaps the legitimacy and credibility of this "investment" will finally start to be questioned more than it is now. We can only hope.
  8. The exchange rate has nothing to do with whether a currency is internationally recognized (or strong or weak). The Korean won has about the same exchange rate with the US dollar as the dinar. Yet South Korea is the 12th largest economy in the world. People have got to get over this idea that an exchange rate determines if a currency is strong or weak. It doesn't. The Euro trades above parity (1:1) with the US dollar yet it's one of the weakest currencies in the world right now. And it takes 78 Japan yen to trade for one US dollar but the yen is one of the strongest currencies in the world right now. The exchange rate is nothing but a relative measure. It's one of the big myths people use to convince you the dinar has to revalue.
  9. If this translation is correct and Saleh is telling the truth (both are big assumptions) then clearly he is talking about a redenomination. No country has ever gone through a revaluation like they're talking about with the dinar. Ever. Not once. However, hundreds of countries have redenominated their currencies through the years. It's seems obvious that a redenomination is in the cards. That certainly makes the most sense.
  10. Eventually Iraq will be released from chapter 7 (whatever that means). Then they'll be a whole new set of reasons why the dinar hasn't revalued. It's always something.
  11. "Lined up"...."optimistic"...."tomorrow"....."realized any minute"...."adament". "However, I'm not calling it and will not spread false hope." What a pathetic loser! Follow those buffoons over at OOM for a few days and you could easily conclude that the whole idea of a dinar RV is nothing but a fabricated charade.
  12. Nothing "underpins" the dinar. It is a fiat currency. It's value is declared by gov't decree. It is no different than any other currency out there, including the US dollar. You are correct that the exchange rate is artificial because it is set daily by the CBI and not by the currency market. But it is wrong to assume that it will go up in value if it is allowed to float. That's a grand assumption. Many things determine the rate at which people are willing to exchange dinar for other currencies. The amount of oil is only a very, very small part of it. Political stability, economic diversification and growth, and inflation (monetary expansion) are much more important. History is littered with failed currencies from resource rich countries.
  13. Unfortunately, the RV has absolutely nothing to do with what we want or need. If it makes sense for Iraq, the dinar will be revalued. If it doesn't, it won't. And, in my opinion, it makes no sense for Iraq to RV.
  14. You have? Then they aren't truthful representations or translations because HE HASN'T SAID THAT! I can't tell you how many times people have claimed that Shabbibi said something related to the dinar. Yet there isn't a single link or video you can access yourself to confirm it. You've got to learn to believe nothing when it comes to the dinar! It's nothing but a mania. People have dinar-on-the-brain and it clouds their perception or interpretation of EVERYTHING related to the dinar.
  15. Oh, I get it now. This has been the hold up the whole time! We've waited years for this RV until Obama finally proposed raising taxes on our investment. Now it's sure to happen (eye roll). Give me a break! This proposal hasn't a thing to do with the dinar. It won't see the light of day with republicans in the house anyhow. Even if it somehow miraculously passed, there would be no RV. And before you know it, someone would start tying it to the NEXT big political issue. Remember the debt ceiling discussion from a few weeks ago? There were several posters here that were claiming their Congressman told them personally the dinar RV was tied to the debt ceiling. As soon as the debt ceiling was lifted, the RV would happen. It was all poppycock (as most reasonable minded people here knew). Just another group of idiots taking advantage of the gullibility and desperation of other people. If (and that's a big IF) there is an RV, it will only be because it makes sense for Iraq. That's the only reason. All the speculation and prognostication about the IMF or the US or Obama or China signing off on the RV is bunk. It's about Iraq. If it makes sense (and I don't think it does) they will RV. If it doesn't, they won't.
  16. I'm not sure why you feel so threatened by my posts. Obviously, you're very confident in your decision. It certainly shouldn't affect you if I own no dinar or if other people choose not to stay involved with the dinar. In fact, it should make you happy. Think of all the people you'll be able to ridicule and make fun of for getting out (if it actually RVs).
  17. I was duped like many others but I have since sold. I sold the remainder of my dinar in July. But I've also said repeatedly that I hoped I was wrong. I know how many people could benefit from an RV. Unfortunately, that does not make the RV any more likely or probable. Our desperation does not affect the liklihood of an RV. I will post as long as the site managers find me tolerable. I post primarily because I think people deserve to know there is another side to the story. I didn't hear that story BEFORE I bought my dinar and it's very hard to find it on these sites (understandably). But it's a compelling story and far more likely outcome. Before people consider spending any (more) money on the dinar I hope to help them thoroughly understand both sides of the argument. If they choose to get or stay involved with the dinar after that, that's OK. At least they made a well informed decision (even if it's wrong).
  18. Not only is it possible, it is the probable outcome. If there ever was a window to RV, as many claim, it closed several years ago, long before most of us ever got involved. There are way too many dinar printed. There is no advantage to the GOI to revalue. Talk to a bona fide currency trader if you want an explanation. There's a reason that you won't find a single one that thinks the dinar is going to suddenly and massively revalue. The game the last several years has simply been to get you to continue to hold your dinar for as long as possible while other people get use of your money. I suspect the game will continue to be played as long as there is a widespread refusal to sell back dinar. As soon as enough people become aware that the dinar is nothing but a mania, they will sell and the market for dinar will crash and the jig will be up. The sellers and web sites and blogs will quietly stop operating. The gurus will suddenly stop posting and vanish into the ether. And we'll all look back at our folly and laugh at our foolishness. Those of us that refuse to sell even at the bitter end can only hope that in 50 years there may be some collector's value to our notes and our grandchildren can reap some benefit selling them to a pawn shop. But, based on the comments of many posters on this web site, it could be a lot longer before people realize it's nothing but hype.
  19. Wrong! It's backed by nothing. It's a fiat currency. It has value only by decree of the Central Bank of Iraq. It is not convertible to gold or any other precious metal. You cannot take your dinar to the CBI and exchange them for gold or oil. There isn't a single currency in the world that is backed by gold. Every single one has value only by fiat of the issuing gov't. Do your homework before you spout off about something of which you know nothing. Or, conversely, provide a link that supports your assertion that the dinar is backed by something.
  20. Typical rubbish. There are no "facts" in his post. It's strictly an opinion piece. And it sounds pretty defensive to me. Maybe he figures if he says it strongly enough if will be more believable. The guy is a liar. Has been from the time he started posting. It does nothing but stroke his own ego.
  21. What a bogus list. There isn't a single "fact" in it. It's all opinion, supposition, and assumption. If this is what passes as intel in the world of dinar, it's no wonder people call this "investment" a scam. You can't state opinion as fact and expect to have any credibility. Every passing day leads me to believe there is absolutely no validity to this mania.
  22. Let's hope the that the whole crew at OOMC is committed to going dark and keeping their mouth's shut. Somehow I doubt that will happen. I'm sure their egos will get the best of them and they'll be back telling lies in no time.
  23. Why wouldn't you sell? If you believe that (and, by the way, I don't think it will revalue at all) it's silly to lose the purchasing power for that period. I sold the last of my dinar in July and purchased silver. It has gone up about 8% so far. I have not recovered my original investment but I have increased the total value of my investment since I've sold. If you think an RV is at least 2-3 years away you can always purchase them again in 2 or 3 years. If you have bought dinar and NEVER intend to sell, you have just agreed to accept a 100% potential loss on your investment. That seems foolish to me.
  24. This nation of 25 million people is filthy rich in natural resources. They have billions of barrels of untapped oil and trillions of cubic feet of untapped natural gas. They have nearly doubled their production is the last 4 years and nearly tripled their reserves. Their currency has already strengthened 15% in the last several years. They are at peace with their neighbors. They have a well educated middle class. They have a diverse and active political class and have shown a clear committment to the democratic process. It looks to me like Canada has all the ingredients for a sudden, overnight, massive revaluation of their currency (at least according to the pumpers and gurus). So why hasn't it happened?
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