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Everything posted by FlintNPebbles

  1. Thats true. They have it written so that no matter what other part of the government needs to be shut down, they will continue to get their paychecks. It would literally take an act of congress to have their checks revoked or delayed.
  2. Yes! I like the idea of Kurd as least his faction knows how to get things done. I don't believe it's the Kurdish differences that have been the hold up...perhaps Maliki? The Kurds just want what is best for Iraq and they know how to achieve what's best for their people....let them achieve whats best for all of Iraq.
  3. Yup...round and round every year. However, before they were released from Chapt vii, I didn't get to excited but now it starts to get to me....guess I will need to take a vacation from watching and waiting. This time of year it is always so much more intense.
  4. Rough start but so very glad everything turned out okay And congrats on the new grandson
  5. Maybe a float? Sound good to me and the start of the rise of the value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar gradually after the decision of the Security Council and Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII. Read more: .
  6. Not asking you particularly Indy...your comment just works for my statement Why should we step into any other countries wars? Is it really our place to decide who should be the leader and who is right for every single country (or even just the countries that have something that benefits us)? I think Obama was right for not supporting the revolution...however, I feel he is VERY wrong for even trying to get military action in Syria now. Let the Arab Nation sort it out. We don't need to be there. We don't need to support an overthrow of a government. We don't need to support a government against rebels.
  7. Wouldn't they still have the same amount in their accounts but have less purchaing power. What used to cost 1 dinar now costs 1160 dinars. So their bank accounts would not have been affected but the amount they could purchase would have. The same thing will apply when it rv's...they will simply have more purchasing power, not go from 1000 dinars to 10000 or whatever the revalue is.
  8. Well true....didn't mean it that way...but they don't have manufactured exports or crop exports or any other tangible exports. Oil is a very big export but mostly their only one. I guess they do only have to have one .... or two....don't have to be diversified And we just bought a new bed...our old one is just fine but my hubby has a bad back so we went with the sleep number bed....and sold our old bed. Not everyone can afford a brand new bed and ours was still in great condition...why toss it to the curb?
  9. Thanks for the information. He stated that China keeps the value of their money low due to the amount of exports and very little imports. That Iraq could do the same due to the oil. However, that is pretty much all they export and they do import quite a lot until they get their infrastructure back up to support the citizens. Not that the oil export couldn't keep the value of their currency low, the have lots of exports. That being said....Iraq has stated they want to have a strong currency in the region.
  10. Change the currency? Please least until the current value is raised, then bring on new currency to compliment the ones we are carrying.
  11. Definitely stay out of it. Let the Arab Nation deal with it. It is a terrible humanitarian issue. I do not believe it is a military issue. Aasaad need to be taken down so that he knows there will be consequences, however, I don't think the US should be involved. I was listening to the news yesterday and was about infuriated with the interviews both in the refugee camps and here in the US with Syrian nationals. All of them said, we are doomed if Obama doesn't send the military. WHY? Can no other nation assist them? What about Saudi Arabia and the other countries that are denouncing Syria's regime? I also do NOT think it's a good thing for Aasaad to be taken out of power....I think the alternative is even worse. For the US and for Syrian citizens. After listening to many interviews and analyzing much of what is happening over I believe the intelligence that shows the military used the chemical bombs? Not particularly. I lean towards believing the rebels were responsible and have made it look like the military. They are the ones with the most to gain. They have been losing ground in their fight. Why would the military need to use the chemical weapons to gain more control? They were regaining lost ground already. And Yes, Obama shows his weakness in this matter. You don't put out a line and say "cross this and find out what happens"....well, I guess nothing! I do think the rebels used that to their advantage...or to what they hoped was their advantage.But with no US military coming to their rescue, they are now very angry that their own died (even at their own hand for their cause) for nothing.
  12. We have a friend who uses an "attic fan" or "whole house fan" to cool his entire home here in IL. He has a 3200 square foot 2 story home. He does have an AC unit but uses it about 3 times a year when the humidity gets to be to much. But otherwise he turns on the attic fan and that pulls the heat from the home and into the attic. His house is always about 75 degrees in the summer. We have a junky Goodman furnace (builder installed) but a Carrier AC unit. Works really good and it's 9 years old. Never any repair work done. We have been tossing around the idea of getting an attic fan and see if we can cut down on the cost of cooling the house in the summer. We do plan on getting a new furnace before the winter and are leaning towards American Standard...but that may change depending on more research and cost.
  13. This the correct one Kenshin7? Finance Committee: CBI to apply mechanism to raise value of IQD prior to June 2014; The reliance on CBI monetary policy open Posted: August 20, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Central bank, exchange rate, Iraq, iraqi, Iraqi dinar, Monetary policy, United States dollar, United States Senate Committee on Finance | on 8/20/2013 Confirmed the parliamentary Finance Committee that “the first cause the dollar to rise against the Iraqi dinar lies in the political set by the Central Bank as the monetary policy pursued by the central bank with the companies and banks that deal with the bank.” A member of the Committee Faleh applicable to the newspaper “integrity electronic” that “the central bank told the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives will be followed by a new mechanism in place will contribute significantly raise the value of the Iraqi dinar ahead of next June will be the mechanism capable of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar.” The force added that “the central bank to reduce the size of the companies that deal with it and put the money in the auction, which will lead to a reduction in the value of the dollar and reliance on monetary policy open without complicated procedures and controls and open a wider field of hopes the government banks.” It is noteworthy that the banknotes market witnessed a clear variation in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the Iraqi dinar. Alternate translation: Financial: reliance on Central Bank monetary policy open | On 2013-08-20 The parliamentary Finance Committee stressed that “the primary cause of high dollar to Iraqi dinar lies in the political set by the Central Bank since the monetary policy pursued by the Central Bank with businesses and banks that deal with the Bank”. The Committee Member said Faleh Sari for daily “Alalam” that “the Central Bank told the House Finance Committee will follow the new theme mechanism will make a significant contribution in raising the value of Iraqi dinars before next June and will be the mechanism to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar.” He said in effect that “on the Central Bank to reduce the size of the companies that deal with money raised in the auction, which will lead to the reduction of the value of the dollar and rely on open monetary policy without complicated procedures and controls and opening wider the hopes of State banks. The banknote market has seen obvious variation in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
  14. WONDERFUL news Quietlearner. I think of you often and miss your posts. So very happy for you. Will keep you in my prayers still for continued health.
  15. Awww thanks....I missed the England to fast
  16. I was just talking about this subject with my daughter the other day. Exactly where does separation of church and state come in?? The government should not be able to force a tax exempt entity to perform a ceremony that goes against it's doctrine. Religious freedom...isn't that the way of our constitution? I have friends who are not hetrosexual and although I love them as friends, I would not agree in any manner to them trying to force a church into marrying them. There are plenty of other venues and other churches which do accept homosexuals into their congregation and would preform the ceremony. I am really really tired of the few dictating to the many. And throwing temper tantrums because they are not getting their way.
  17. That was my concern as well. It seems like they are talking about 250 dinars becoming 50 fils or less....however, I do know that the translation software does not do a good job. And it does talk about coins within the same sentence....all so very very confusing
  18. I would like to see the book itself and not just an excerpt. My daughter had a Prentice Hall World History textbook last year and it did have some Islam but it also had some Christianity, some Hindu and others. I agree desimo...if there is not any Christianity then there should not be any Islam nor any other religion.
  19. Safe travels and welcome home
  20. Same ol' same ol' in Washington. Democrats blame Republicans and Republicans blame Democrats. Of course each is correct, just ask them, but never mind the little people out here in America. We seriously need to start over in Washington. But in order to get elected you need to be a narcissist and only worry about "what will benefit me the best". If you have any inkling of helping America you get chewed up and spit out by the big guys. We send Senators and Representatives to Washington thinking they can make a difference, and they end up pushed aside and trampled on if they don't conform to politics as usual. In the meantime out country is going to h*** in a handbasket, as my mom was fond of saying.
  21. Hmmm don't know why they have to announce that they don't have a date to discuss anything....when they do have a date all they do is discuss with no action. Although to be fair, they do seem to be getting some things done.....just not what we would like them to hurry up and get done.
  22. Thank you Yota for all the great articles. I am beginning to believe that you never sleep
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