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Everything posted by AirForce17

  1. Adam, You are highly appreciated and respected. You can please all the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but never all the people all the time. Blessings to you. :twothumbs:
  2. I'm proud to be an Okie from mus-Smokie :shakehead: :lol:
  3. The only speech I have seen is when Shabibi spoke to the US Chamber of Commerce. That was an April speech that is in 4 parts that you can view by going to You Tube and type in Shabibi Speech to US Chamber of Commerce. Some good indications of what will take place and he uses the term soon.
  4. If you can't get Scooter, you can always get OKIE :lol: :mad: :eek: :woot:
  5. I for one am not getting up until 7am whether it RV's or not. Then I may do the Okie Poke :woot: Wait a minute!!!!!! Tomorrow is APRIL FOOLS DAY again :eyebrows: :eyebrows:
  6. So, you are invested in the Dinar yet question the VIP.... Unless you have the knowledge to make all the decisions without outside help, consider the VIP as part of your investment. Most likely if there had been another $49.99 charge added on to be able to purchase the Dinar, you would not have hesitated. Try it for 3 months and then make your final decision. If it RV's in those 3 months, you will be thrilled that you joined, just for the savings in the spread when you cash in. All in all, it is your decision. :rolleyes:
  7. Sure refreshing to read something written by someone with common sense relating to the issues. :rolleyes:
  8. Me thinks someone is playing Possum :eyebrows: :bow: :ph34r:
  9. I have a 2 mile bridge over a 1 foot creek for sale in Tennessee. That should be large enough to reach across some of your lakefront property in AZ or IN.. Let me know when they buy your water front so I can pitch my bridge sale. :P :lol:
  10. I only know that if the RV happens, I will gladly use the blessing to help others and in doing so, will encourage the building of God's Kingdom. For those that don't think God cares, get into the word and see how much He cares about the Jewish people (His chosen people). Many can't understand why He would care so much about them. Simply, they were the only ones that recognized Him as the One true God, while all others worshiped everything you can imagine. Since the Gentiles were grafted in, He also cares just as much about them, loves everyone, just not what many represent. WE JUST SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING......GOD SEES WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON.
  11. Maybe you should dig a little deeper in the study of the things of God. Many times God used the wealth of the unbelievers to enrich the righteous. If you really study, you will find that in the last days, God's promise is to transfer the wealth of the unbelievers to the righteous to build His Kingdom. If you need chapter and verse, let me know. I see the RV as a major transfer to be used by those that choose to better their life and the betterment of the Kingdom of God. Will everyone use their money for that reason? The answer is absolutely not... Another scripture says it will rain on the just and unjust alike. Blessings :) :
  12. Just another April Fool's Day Joke... :P :lol:
  13. I sure wish some of you would get a dictionary. :P :lol:
  14. If my name was Okie, I would change it to Jokie and just have a good laugh at my own expense :P :lol: :lol:
  15. Where is Okie when you need him. It is now Tuesday evening and I want to cash in my dinar that RV'd yesterday..... oh Okie... wherefore art thou Okie :angry: :P
  16. Here is a good scripture for you :lol: !!!!! Laughter doeth good like a medicine... Boy have I had a lot of that medicine lately
  17. Just what time today (USA time) can we expect this knowledge?
  18. Oh my Gosh!!!! It is April Fools Day again :lol: :lol:
  19. Adam, I saw on one post something regarding higher denominations having to be cashed in within 30, 60 or 90 days. I spoke with someone at Tampa Dinar and she said they were not aware of it and that we would have 2 years although she had heard some other people speaking of the same thing. If that were so, and the RV was very small, it would be a problem for those of us expecting to hold on until the RV rises. What are your thoughts and intel regarding this?
  20. I agree that this was posted yesterday, so how is it now posted as happening as of now? Just another hoopla :P
  21. Do what is legal to minimize or defer but in the words of Jesus Christ Himself, (Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's) What we owe, we need to pay. It will pay off well in the long run. Bless some needy people, charities, etc which will either be a blessing financially or in the case of needs you see around you that are not tax deductible, the rewards are more than you can imagine. :) :)
  22. I'm glad it's not going to happen on by BD. Sure don't want to have to wait till January. :P :P
  23. Here we go again. APRIL FOOLS DAY :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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