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Everything posted by jon29

  1. Women should go to Big Lots and get the cheapest purse they can buy and rig it to blow up when opened.
  2. I still say chicken of the sea doesn't taste a bit like chicken, smells bad too, how can they get away with selling spoiled canned chicken??
  3. split the rumor section? it's the same butt-worthy bit of info. either way.
  4. I just spotted this Saudi Arabia dude in a you tube video!
  5. Bumper, I would just ignore this fool. And wtf is with the 1st amendment rights and wanting to hear from Adam Montana? Too funny. Hey Kevin, this is a website owned by A.M., moderated and run at his discretion, not a courthouse. Do you honestly think the owner would waste his time with this nonsense. I think people are way to stressed these days.
  6. This is unreal, I cannot believe an event like this is actually planned to take place. Things are getting bad in the ol' U.S. of A. and no doubt war on our own soil is on the way sometime in the future.
  7. You deserve one huge, magnanimous and bodacious +1 for that accomplishment, so I'll add something extra----> +1 and
  8. +1 to you my friend, I say PLUS ONE, AND AGAIN-------> +1!
  9. You caught that too, that's what I was thinking. He was probably thinking of Ben&Gerry's ice cream, that stuff is great.
  10. I just gave you a +1 that you can use when you need to. I give you a +1 for no real reason, but that was funny. +1 because I used to read Mad comics all the time. +1 because that's an awesome avatar you have with your sn.
  11. I just gave you two +1's (for each of your posts, because you're a cool dude). So that's 2 pluses to increase your DV standing.
  12. Luigi had -15 and -16 in two of his links today, so I gave him a +1 in each one to ease the blow from other people, however I'm giving you a -1 for making a topic out of this.
  13. Don't count your chickens before they're packed.
  14. Man Luigi, you have -15 on THIS thread! I gave you a +1 to ease your misfortune and ALSO because RIGHT NOW in Iraq, 8:40pm, Intel reports a cow has just jumped over the moon! Something good must be going on! Imshi, Imshi!
  15. Man Luigi, 16 neg's! I gave you a +1 to ease your misery. I understand where the DV'ers are coming from though, this hype from the gu-wrongs gets tiresome, I guess we should just view it as entertainment. Dude, I'm sure Adam stays busy and has better things to do than to monitor this stuff. Expect any kind of rumor and b.s. from the 'rum(hiccup)or' mill.
  16. I don't know who neg'd you Maggie, but I evened it out with a +1. Good points. Yes, like I said, people just don't seem to want to get involved either from the political/legal aspect, risk to their own wellbeing, fear, or just flat out don't care about the person. I can't help seeing this as a piece in a bigger puzzle. An example that comes to mind regarding this sense of callousness or indifference is hurricane Katrina. None of us can forget that one right? People were running out of resources, things became primitive. I vividly remember a photo on the front page of USA Today that showed an old woman who died and was hunched over in her wheelchair. Nobody attending her, people were in the background milling around within their groups. All this in broad daylight. The concern I have from a sociological perspective is our country is sliding into a Darwinian Cosmo's---'Survival of the Fittest'; physically, financially, socially. If you get weak, you don't fight, you fall behind with no support, you're toast...2nd mortgages...job loss...bankruptcy...illness...abandonment and solitude...gang victim...sorry, I know this isn't pleasant. This kid beating seems to illustrate something greater going on in our country that needs to be addressed. Anyway, That's it, no more posting from me on this!
  17. btw, I'll try to make this my last post, I've made too many comments in this thread.
  18. That's horrible Maggie. It's a sad thing, but America is slowly becoming a society where people don't want to get involved anymore. Political and legal fallout is a threat either way. This guy probably thought he would drive his route, collect his check, pay his bills, then there was THIS. He'll probably be fired, fined, who knows. I am NOT defending the driver, but there is a BIGGER problem-----> The 'System' is against us. These days, it's too easy for a decent person to find themselves in a Sh*t-St*rm and be 'Criminalized', when all they were doing is avoiding something, protecting property, people, or themselves (bodily or financially). We live in a world spinning out of control where some people around us have whacked standards and no accountability for themselves, their kids, property, etc. It is waaaay too easy to get caught up in something that can do you harm. You could go out tomorrow, witness someone being slapped, intervene, stop the abuse, then find yourself in a legal battle against the perpetrator, THE VICTIM, AND THE ENTIRE 'FAMILY'...ALL because you were a good person trying to do the right thing. Before you know it, you have legal bills, requests for admissions, interrogatories, subpoena's, depositions, a rap sheet (you were arrested for bruising the bad person's wrist and the ensuing fight when you held them down), people harassing you and your family, maybe job loss (and difficulty finding another due to your 'rep' now), blah, blah, blah. You're toast. I've seen it happen to people and it STINKS. Forgive my using a base vernacular term, BUT there are people in this world that are nothing but TURDS, and you will only get Turd on yourself by dealing with Turds. You gain nothing and can lose everything. Non-involvement is sometimes best. In the bus driver instance, it's a no-win for the poor sap puttering through his day and counting his pennies. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox, sorry. News like this just bothers me folks. I don't like to see some ordinary putz pay the price for punks of ANY race, creed, religion, or status. The moral of the lesson, it's touchy to get involved. I'm NOT saying be fearful, but I AM saying be wise, consider the cost, and choose your battlefield. Peace out!
  19. I was being sarcastic with the straight jacket idea but really, howabout restraints? Do school busses have seat belts these days (sorry, not a parent and it's been years since I've taken the yellow bus)? Why do motorists or passengers in automobiles have to wear seat belts and behave or be fined, yet school busses have jackalopes bouncing around like kangaroo's. I never liked that...lax laws I guess. Not that it will ever be acknowledged by the liberal, ignorant, or rebellious minded in America, but isn't a bus ride a privilege, not a right? New policy kiddies: Use the belts and behave, or off you go (bus video shows proof of misconduct, punk parents). Bye bye kid, have fun walking or getting mom or pop to take you to school now...not going to put passengers, the driver, or other motorists at risk.
  20. Solution: Put each kid in a straight jacket when they board the bus and hang them upside down by their feet for transport. As they arrives for school or home, unhook them from their perch, unlock the straight jacket and have them leave one at a time. Simple.
  21. Sandfly's and walking sticks, these chat logs are looking more and more like a hybrid between the Avengers and LOR, now we Ent's roaming Iraq and making reports. Hey frank, lay off the Hemp! DUDE, I've SEEN this girl in Portland! She works at the Dollar Store just down the road! Wait a that a dollar store...? I think it is...I see people going in there with dollars all the time.
  22. They are trying to make their Ufo's gold backed.
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