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no left angles

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Everything posted by no left angles

  1. but you can justify half of / or better yet, one of the retarded things GW would still trying to figure out how bush even won the second term.....oh thats right.....he flipped Florida......roger that.
  2. still on the obama kick...............1 more year left...get over it....he is president.....
  3. Great post.... ive been overseas to Kuwait, Iraq, and Qatar.....i can say ive never been to a mall in iraq, but the malls in kuwait and qatar, are huge.....(several football fields) like the one in kuwait, is the 360 mall......gargantuan......ive written this to say, from what the video has shown, it looks like they have put some serious time and money into building that mall.....wish they would of gone into detail on how large it is, to have a better understanding or speculate on how much cash went into that project..... thoughts?
  4. why exactly does it matter on how much dinar someone owns? since being on this site, i have seen this very same question over an over again.....well just for fun, why dont you create a spread sheet, go through the forum, and hand count the number of people who have takin the time to answer that question. that will most def help kill some of your time......
  5. maybe a wedding? a really big
  6. when is the stopping point of caring for another country that has the appearance of imploding any day now..... "ROFL What do we expect? He has no foreign policy and he is seen around the world as WEAK! Obama IMO is the biggest bumbling IDIOT this country has ever had to endure. What scares me most is his time left in office and just how much more damage he can do to the US credibility around the world. For all of you who voted for this man you got what he promised, he did not lie about that! You have gotten your CHANGE! So now I ask is this what you wanted or expected? LOLOL. Peace. Read more: yeah that the ticket.....yet we forget the bush admin, were full of war mongers, and cowards.......even the commander and chief at the time all i can say is really.....
  7. really....not gonna screw there people? they are screwing there people now.....should of rv'd when they said they were gonna rv..... jmo
  8. you know i get it.....its a very sad moment? but how is this news?
  9. So what about M's creds? i bet he has a mad magazine diploma.....or something you can get off the proof of purchase of the jomba juice specials.
  10. "No, buddy...he's an American....born here. Too bad you are to focused on the color of his skin to realize it." Maaan!!! you couldn't be more right.......if self righteous bigots ruled the world, there would probably be a law in place to burn crosses, lynch, rape, and wrongfully accuse people with different backgrounds. please dont be takin aback by the comments....but lets be real.....if there was Jewish, Asian, Polynesian, Mexican , or Native American in office there would be more negative comments.... GROW UP!..... besides if truth be told, every nationality seemed to have some sort of slave trade.....Europeans happened to better at exploiting, spreading decease and causing chaos so as far as an African-Kenyan-American being our pres....good on em.....remember America Voted this man in .....not one person.
  11. OK......what does this have to do with the price of tea in china? OR...... the price of dinar?
  12. you kinds of people amaze can not be serious....... i am beginning to wonder, is it because "BO" Barak Obama AKA the black......
  13. then technically this isnt a fact, being that you cant post a throwing your opinion out there as fact is malarkey.....not saying that the RV will poop out there on the first of march....whats weird is that you have the gumption, to toss it out there as fact is beyond me..... how is this for a fact.... It will RV when it will RV..... till then..... see you on the other side. GO RV!!!!
  14. LOL, taboo you beat me too it, i was thinking along the lines this would be ideal for all the pumpers, and know blow up the boards about the RV happening come wait wait its most definitely, coming on sunday cause the leaders of the ramadan council said that you cant chew gum in public, and the goat, didnt come home last night, you got another month.....W/E IMO i think the regulars (pumpers) are just up in the air just like the rest of us......but i bet if this thing doesnt happen soon, will be back to business as usual.....dates will change, but the people will say the same thing......
  15. awesome post!!! i give it the face for not being put out sooner..... you get a + 1 though....LOL
  16. not to say this is a sign for an RV, but you honestly believe that speculators are the reason why the numbers changed on the cbi, and forex?.....when speculators are not the one instance this is true? im just curious because it seems as if that thought process is the general consensus..... If i were a major part of government that controlled the money, why would i care on what a speculator thinks.....i could see this happening for a company trying to sway the stock price or something, but not the gov....any gov for that matter.....
  17. well if you noticed the first people he cried to was the U.S....then got shot down....then miraculously China says we are ready to forgive, all the while this fool is booking trips to and from Kuwait.....with a fall back to london......(the london bit may be a rumor) the way i see even when the pucky hits the fan, M has an exit strategy, which most cowards do....I.E, when the US first invaded iraq, where did M run to?? exactly.......did we forget who we are dealing with? ive posted before iraqi people are not bad, but it seems just like any other country has there cowards....or people with there own agenda's whatever.....just with iraq, being that its in the eyes of the world....imho M's plans wont work as smoothly as he would like to think......that is his reward.....
  18. thanks all, question: i kinda agree with quad, this wouldnt be like a flip of a switch thing, but more of a gradual progression.....with constant fluctuations.....almost like something on the stock market....i know this isnt some stock symbol, but currency....but once every thing is in motion then we should see r investment grow.....does that make any sense?
  19. Ma'am, would be kind to enlighten the "ig nant" on what one will need to look for, cause im lost..... thanks.
  20. who should of had better aim....electric shock...."dont taze me dude"
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