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Everything posted by blessedman

  1. Another deluded sicko raises his ugly head...............................go away a.......hole.
  2. Boy the board is kinda touchy important is it!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I just got banned for calling hoaxie a pathological many delusional people over there really a lot of weak minds.
  4. Please dont post crap like this anymore ............................sickening. Just another con artist evangelist make money.....................gimme a break. You gotta be really gullible to believe this clown.
  5. My God is a God of abundance and wants all his kids to prosper.....................certainly can do more when prosperous to help others!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well I can hardly believe it but I totally agree with keep that the security and stability issues are paramount to not only to investment and business opportunities but also as been stated by Shabby time and again as some of the main factors for RV. He has been very consistent about this, thats why RV doesn't look to promising as of yet, unless there is enough outside pressure to do so..................................The Plan.............still skeptical...................sure hope it happens soon.
  7. Hmnnn another one with friends in HIGH places. Now if you have been researching for over a year maybe you should post links or proof to back up your newbie opinion................................another troll ignore him and hopefully he (she) will go away. Go take a nap retired one maybe you wont wake up so grouchy.....................................geez.
  8. "i hope almightly God helps you lose your gains just as quick as you got it thru what ever means he sees fit." Read more: Be careful what you ask for.......................what you put out can come back atcha................karma can be tough sometimes. Some may find your behavior offensive..............................different perceptions and all that. Judge not lest ye be judged. Might wanna get off your white horse and let the MODS handle it.
  9. What's a FART CROSS??????..............................sounds painful!!!!!!!
  10. Totally agree that clown should be in jail, what a joke he was and I don't think he was behind the PLAN. Best pres my arse. Oh and BTW I am a staunch conservative..............always have been.
  11. Donate and support the Wounded Warrior project. Help homeless vets. Donate to church building fund. Retire my wife (high school teacher 28yrs and totally burned out) Set up investments. Help my kids. Buy my new Jag xj. New golf clubs. Visit my homeland......England. Pay off house. Set up trust fund for our 3yr old grandson..........we've adopted him. Be eternally thankful and grateful that I don't have to worry about financial insecurity anymore.....thank you God.
  12. Thank you .......thank you...........thank you...............your so kind.
  13. What really mystifies me is that I've heard some of their CC's and these guys sound like they really believe in what they are saying. Hey today is a good day for RV it's my birthday..............what a great present it would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. OK you've got it all figured out everyone knows that it's your claim to fame, clearly thats your motive. You have officially been dubbed the LOP COP very fitting don't you think . Do you ever not post about the LOP?? Not shooting it down never said a LOP could never happen and will accept it if it does. It just gets old hearing the same stale opinions and rhetoric. BTW you being the expert can you see where a LOP wouldn't happen?? Surely you have more opinions. Ah opinions........................................................................ everyone has one.
  15. OK OK what is the point of all of the lop/redenomination talk, what is your motive. If your OPINION being right is so important....................well then your right ok is that what you want to hear......................your point is well S_ _ _ _ and go start your own ego driven forum. Thank God for those who really have substantial knowledge.............Scooter and others.
  16. It's's ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Well if your predictions are as bad as your spelling we have nothing to worry about...............................absurd ranting obviously.
  18. Just what we need another obnoxious newbie spewing their sarcastic negative drivel.......................just ignore it and maybe it will go away.
  19. Lopsiders just love the attention!!!! Just try to ignore them.
  20. Talk about beating a dead horse...........................go away do some research.............................same crap happens when a rash of newbie's come aboard.
  21. Shabby has always stated that stability and security are two of the main prerequisites for an RV. Makes one wonder, maybe enough outside pressure will override the obvious problems they are having. If not we may have a longer time to wait......................HOPE NOT!!!!!!
  22. Had a very vivid dream the other night.............................1.17
  23. Well I guess it depends which side of the fence your on. I have had the misfortune to be involved in a war that started by outright lies and deception, a false flag event. Did two tours with the USMC lost friends had lots wounded and lost a few to suicide since and the worst part is what for. You would think we would've learned lessons from Vietnam. Invasion of Iraq was the results of lies and deception also. I have two sons serving in the military, one is in Afghanistan and the other is getting ready to go back. Both have served in Iraq. So I guess you could say I'm on my soapbox but I think this post is very much on topic and hopefully we wont be sending our kids in harms way because of lies and b.s. If there was n't any oil would we be over there. If this is a cheap shot well so be it!!!!!
  24. Totally agree he has a right to post....................................false flag event started Vietnam War 58,000+ died and many wounded and maimed and for what. I guess that's one of dirty little secrets...................gimme a break!!!!!!!!!!!
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