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Everything posted by countryroads

  1. Just like all the other times, first we hear news that sounds great, then everyone starts sending posts about the ride being over. Then we start hearing from the naysayers that everyone is full of crap. After that we go back to nothing but political news from Iraq and hardly anything about Dinars. I would say that we are about to go into the political news part of the cycle (who's fighting with who, who's traveling all over the world meeting other politicians etc.) So for the present we will start seeing DINAR news that we have all heard before. This is nothing new, this cycle has been run before and all we can do is wait.
  2. Hi Adam. I was thinking last night (man what a headache that was), that since it looks like thing maybe close to the end of our ride, that it might be a good time to post (on this page) your download on cashing in. I don't know if you have it on another post, but since there are probably those who haven't read it this might be the time and place to either repost it or tell us where it can be found. I reread my copy last night to refresh my memory. Thanks Adam GO RV
  3. Definitely , it's going to happen (RV). No doubt about it. You can take it to the bank. I can feel the brakes on this ride coming on now. Naysayers can hit the showers anytime now, they are sweeping up the arena and turning off the lights. Now that's as positive as I can get. GO RV!!!!
  4. Are we alone? Just go to a BLACK FRIDAY sale, we're not alone.
  5. Hi Adam. Just one question for you today. I keep reading about paying special attention to this month of June. In shirt sleeve language (AKA Answers For Dummies) Is this just another buildup that will fall apart at the end of the month or is there something different this time. I'm beginning to believe that there is no power on this Earth that could bring enough pressure to bare on Iraq to make them change the value of it's money.
  6. Why is it that we don't want any part of running our country, but we don't agree with how someone else might be running it.
  7. Mine was a 1968 Dodge Coronet R/T with a 440 cu. in. engine. Bought it brand new. Loved that car!!!!
  8. I just hope that there are no more hoops to jump through or teasers. As YODA said, "DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY."
  9. Hi Adam. It's a sad thing to say, but it's getting so that week after week all I am feeling is frustration. I check in each week and find not much has happened with the dinars or find only political news about Iraq. I'm still hanging in there due to bullheadedness. Now I hear that the US is going to extent that dumb protection of Iraqi finances for another year. Could you please tell me how doing this will in any way contribute positively to the RV? Do you think that the RV is dead for the rest of the year? If ten years hasn't given them enough time to get there act together I can't see how more time is any solution. I am not mad but as I said I am just frustrated. Sorry to ramble on but just had to get it off my chest and get a couple of questions answered. Go RV
  10. 1000 armed individuals marching down the streets in DC? I can't think of anything that would terrorize the DC public more. And if there is any shooting, you will not like what will happen in the coming months. The second amendment would be repealed and those who support us would withdraw that support and we would no longer be considered "law abiding citizens". This in a sense would be an armed militia marching on the nation's capital. If you want to march and protest then by all means do so, just leave your guns at home. Right now the support is with us. Please don't kill that "Golden Goose".
  11. Hi Adam. This is a question I should have asked before, but just stumbled along in blissful ignorance. Would you please tell me what the DFI is. I have seen it but just never bothered to find out just what it was. Thanks
  12. I have just finished sending e-mails to my representatives in Washington asking them to be sure that the guarantee that Obama keeps renewing for the Iraqi government to protect them from being sued over their debts not be renewed. With the state of our financial house, we don't need to be handing this kind of crap, especially since they won't revalue their currency and use it to pay their debts. Just my opinion.
  13. There is no reason for them to change the value. The leaders are making out just fine with the currency as it is now. The Iraqi people?? When was the last time you heard the Iraqi government enacting programs to help them. Until there is financial losses for the members of the Iraqi government that currency is going to stay right where it is. They are not about to share any of the wealth with anybody.
  14. From all of the posts and information I have seen, it appears to me that as long as the members of the government of Iraq are all well off financially that they are not going to be interested in an RV. They are definitely not concerned about their own people, so why should they be concerned about us? Also there is no real power pushing them to move on with this. They can stall and postpone this way past the time when most of us are in our graves. I am 67 years old and judging by the way they run their country, I seriously doubt that I will see an RV in my lifetime. I am not saying that it will not happen, I just say that a lot of the money will end up in wills and be fought over by the heirs. I'll be one of them who will not see any money from Iraq. Even feeling the way I do, I am still going to stay with the investment. I just wish that there was someone with power to make this move, who was on our side.
  15. I don't think the Iraqis know how to change their underwear, let alone the Dinar rate.
  16. It's really nice to see a post on the dinar and the R/V, instead of all the political talk. I usually just skim over the politics and search for any dinar news.
  17. In 1957 the seat of government was at the family dinner table. To day it's hard to find a dinner table with anyone setting there, or even at home.
  18. Now B.O can walk around all day in his underwear. The only difference between Obama and Osama is BS.
  19. We didn't lower the flag when Osama Ben Ladin was killed, and they were both apples from the same tree.
  20. I remember from history when the Parliament of England was doing about the same thing that the Iraqi Parliament is doing right now. However England had Oliver Cromwell who threw out the members of Parliament and ran the government himself. Maybe this is what will eventually happen to Iraq. If they continue as they are, they may end up with another "Sadam" in power. Then NOBODY wins. "I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday For A Budget Today". Apologies to Wimpy in the Popeye cartoons.
  21. Some Day I Will Take A Walk And I Will Be No More.
  22. Take the guns off the streets, but leave the killers on the street. American "logic" 101. Take away the guns, okay the sporting goods stores still sell ball bats, hockey sticks gulf clubs and knives . Take these away, the lumber yards still sell 2x4's and hammers. Plumbing supply stores sell pipes. You can still get killed by a drunk driver. You can be drowned, electrocuted ,poisoned , strangled, die in a house fire or be a victim of a bombing.
  23. Hi Adam. When Parliament passes the budget for 2013, do you think that there may be a way to tell from the budget if they are planning to r/v soon , such as the size of the budget or places where they have allocated more funds? :)/>
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