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  1. Slowly, but surely things have been moving to the positive. Hopefully Iraq gets past the finish line this year.
  2. EDIT: I clipped the end of my email addresses posted.
  3. I had last used I had the typical "warning not safe" and continued as "unsafe". It works, but I did have to try reloading a few times. - it opens up with two boxes to input your account number and the security image code (changes all the time, bot stopper) - then next screen opens up and you see your name and image, then you input your password (usually all numbers) So I least I have verification my accounts still exists, but I got locked out after 3 attempts. Here is where I sent my request back in April 2017. It took a week for a reply back with new password. (attached is the format I have used several times in the past (docx format) view in reading layout. I'm hoping it is still the same. To: Mohammad Kamal <>, "" <>, " If someone knows different emails to send to please post it here. Warka Memo blank.docx
  4. I look forward to the upcoming update Things are close as we all know. We are just getting anxious. Adam as said from the beginning that certain things need to happen before actual RV happens. We all know this. Keep up the positive thoughts and excellent correspondence, especially in the Crypto Currencies forum. It is great that there is not cursing, F-bombs, etc.... going on at Dinar Vets. That is what makes it a great place to share and learn information.
  5. Announced today. A direct listing. An unusual path according to the article. Valued at 19 Billion. I wonder what the list price would be? Spotify to be listed ADD TO WATCHLIST AAPL Apple Inc 178.12 -0.15% AMZN Inc 1,512.45 +0.03% P Pandora Media Inc 4.41 +1.15% View Watchlist Music streaming service Spotify on Wednesday filed for a direct listing of its shares, taking an unusual path to the U.S. public markets for a large company. A direct listing will let Spotify list existing shares, owned by its investors and employees, without raising new capital or hiring a Wall Street bank or broker to underwrite the offering. The company did not specify a listing price for its shares in the filing or say how much it would list. It is valued at roughly $19 billion according to Reuters calculations based on the filing. Spotify, launched in 2008 and available in more than 60 countries, is the biggest music streaming company in the world and counts services from Apple Inc and Inc as its main rivals. Revenue for Spotify was 4.09 billion euros ($4.99 billion) in 2017, up from 2.95 billion euros a year earlier, the company said in the filing. Its operating loss widened to 378 million euros in 2017 from 349 million euros a year earlier. Its net loss however ballooned 129 percent in 2017, driven mostly by on-paper financing costs related to a 2016 deal in which Sweden-based Spotify raised $1 billion in debt that would convert to shares upon an initial public offering. In its filing, the company said it has 71 million premium subscribers and about 159 million monthly average users. Apple Music launched in 2015 and has 36 million paying subscribers and Amazon Music Unlimited has 16 million paying subscribers. Pandora Media Inc has 5.48 million total subscribers, according to the company. Spotify's premium subscription costs $9.99 a month. Apple Music charges the same but offers a three-month free trial. Unlike Spotify, Apple does not have an advertising-based free service. "With our ad-supported service, we believe there is a large opportunity to grow users and gain market share from traditional terrestrial radio," Spotify said. The company is valued at between $16.8 billion and $22.5 billion, based on recent ordinary share prices between $95 and $127.50 in the private markets in February and 178 billion shares estimated outstanding by the end of February, according to its filing. The company is seeking to list its ordinary shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "SPOT." In December, Spotify and the music arm of China's Tencent Holdings Ltd said they would buy minority stakes in each other. According to Spotify's filings, that exchange was part of a larger series of deals with its note holders that would allow a direct listing instead of a public offering satisfy the conditions of its convertible debt. Tencent agreed not to transfer its shares for three years. That deal helps Spotify, a music streaming leader in Europe and North America, and China-focused Tencent Music, to increase exposure to each other's core markets. Besides saving hundreds of millions of dollars in underwriting fees, a direct listing frees company insiders from any lockup period restricting them from selling their shares following the listing. A direct listing does not dilute ownership as would happen with a conventional initial public offering. ($1 = 0.8191 euros) (Reporting by Nikhil Subba and Nivedita Bhattacharjee in Bengaluru, Stephen Nellis in San Francisco and Greg Roumeliotis and Jessica Toonkel in New York; Editing by Peter Henderson and Meredith Mazzilli) Read more: Spotify Files for Direct Listing on New York Stock Exchange | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook
  6. Joe B. The email snip was the response back from Mr. Issa. Agree, that you still can't go wrong with Mr. Issa, but he was the one that forwarded my email to the one listed above and they sent reply back to me with PW reset.
  7. I submitted email and got a reply back in 5 days! Below is what was in their response. I did include a document (attached) so they can verify your account and have authorization. Be sure to sign it. ************************ Please note that the online link is: For any further questions or inquiries regarding your online account please have the client contact the e-banking team and we will provide our full cooperation and support. Warka Memo blank.docx
  8. Fireplug, What did you use for web address? Please post. I am late to this post, but still getting the error everyone has posted.
  9. I tried sending email to VIP and Support and got the following message: I have a message in the support tab (not sure what else to try). ----- Forwarded Message ----- This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: pipe to |/home/dinarsup/public_html/support/crons/pipe.php generated by local delivery failed ----- Forwarded Message ----- This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: pipe to |/home/dinarsup/public_html/support/crons/pipe.php generated by (ultimately generated from local delivery failed
  10. With the Russian Ruble currently getting weaker due to sanctions.....Is anybody buying low and holding waiting for the rebound? 1 - USD = 66.4244 RUB I'm thinking the Putin will have to give in sooner or later and the Ruble will bounce back. I am not an expert in currencies, but would like to hear some opinions.
  11. Cool. (was on the left side of screen, picture of a mouse on a desk with Online Banking as the header.) I saw the old login screen, but I get this error "PASSWORD HAS EXPIRED, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR!!!" Anyone know how to get a hold of the Sys Admin? I sent an e-mail from the Internet Banking link stating my issue, but I'm not sure if that is the correct person. Anybody else have to reset their password?
  12. Hit "Bank Profile" tab to login to your account. It wasn't obvious like other bank website in the US. EDIT I'm not able to login using my existing login. Anybody else having trouble?
  13. LINK = CIA Building Base C.I.A. Building Base for Strikes in YemenBy MARK MAZZETTI Published: June 14, 2011 WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency is building a secret air base in the Middle East to serve as a launching pad for strikes in Yemen using armed drones, an American official said Tuesday. Related Yemen’s Opposition Meets With Government Officials (June 14, 2011) Times Topic: Yemen — Protests (2011)The construction of the base is a sign that the Obama administration is planning an extended war in Yemen against an affiliate of Al Qaeda that has repeatedly tried to carry out terrorist plots against the United States. The clandestine American operations in Yemen are currently being run by the military’s Joint Special Operations Command, with the C.I.A.’s assistance and with the approval of Yemen’s fragile authoritarian government. But with Yemen’s embattled government on the brink of collapse, Obama administration officials are concerned that a future government might not support American operations. By putting the operations under C.I.A. control, they could be carried out as a “covert action,” which can be undertaken without the support of the host government. The construction of the base, first reported by The Associated Press, is further evidence that the administration sees armed drones as the weapon of choice to hunt and kill militants in countries where a large American military presence is untenable. Since he took office, President Obama has drastically escalated the C.I.A.’s bombing campaign in Pakistan using armed drones, and the spy agency has carried out more than 25 strikes there this year. The American official would not disclose the country where the C.I.A. base was being built, but the official said that it would most likely be completed by the end of the year. Discussions about the C.I.A.’s taking over operations in Yemen began last year, the official said, before the political uprising and violence that broke out in the country in recent months. Last month, the military renewed its campaign of airstrikes in Yemen, using drone aircraft and fighter jets to attack Qaeda militants. One of the attacks was aimed at Anwar al-Awlaki, the radical American-born cleric who is one of the most prominent members of the Qaeda affiliate group, which is called Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The range of a Reaper is about 1100 miles, so the base probably already exists and word just got out to the main media. More then likely an upgrade to the air field. If not in Saudi or Oman. Djibouti, Africa would be logical. Less than 50 miles to cross the Gulf of Aden.
  14. Agree with Justin. I've done a couple of West-PACs, been to both Guam and Phillipines. Phillipines may not have the big bases anymore, but the US military is still there. Small units, but still there, just not in the mainstream and public eye.
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