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Differences of opinion for Keepm


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My mommy says Im handsome and thats all that matters!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

You bet, keep! You are a cutie!

This simply is not true. I imagine if it were, you would not be here in the first place.

You are right, Aya, keep is NOT the problem. I have never read so many nasty things as I have read tonight on here.

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Face? What's wrong with his face? I think he's kinda cute. Reminds me of one of my 4 sons! I bet his mama and gf love his face.

My thoughts Exactly! "Don't look back":D

I'm sorry some of the DV family but ....Seriously? this thread :o Come ON <_<

If I didn't fear embarrassment and being ridiculed by family and friends, I'd respond to their question on "What are you reading and writing"?

I suddenly have the urge to run and show my mommy.


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I am the proud father of two daughters ages 23 1nd 21. I find the name Keep Em Walking Funny to be totally disrespectful as it relates to how women walk after sexual encunters. The cokeyed hat doesn;t help either. If he were the son of Shabbi himself, I would'nt pay attention to a thing he says. Right or wrong he has made a reputation by being different. Man up and change the name and thats when I'll show some respect. If I were a woman on here I would be highly offended.

Really? Really? That's what his name means? Hmmm...I've lived a long time and I never heard that. Well, why don't you critical people just kick him out, ban him like seems to be the thing these days. When someone doesn't like someone's looks and then TELLS people, how cruel can you be? Have you looked in the mirror lately, yourself? C'on, people, where have all the good guys gone? Stop all of this bullying. I feel like I am on the 1st grade playground! Sheeeesh.

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I for one do not find Keeps face good looking, but then I wouldn't find any guys face good looking! <_<

I am not a fan of Keep, however I certainly enjoy reading all of his posts with all that data. Sometimes it makes me think things I do not want to think, which is more than ok.

Keep keep posting and thanks for sharing how you came up with your name.

Mine is because for a big guy I sometimes bounce around a lot, like hum I'm HOPPING! ;););)

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I am the proud father of two daughters ages 23 1nd 21. I find the name Keep Em Walking Funny to be totally disrespectful as it relates to how women walk after sexual encunters. The cokeyed hat doesn;t help either. If he were the son of Shabbi himself, I would'nt pay attention to a thing he says. Right or wrong he has made a reputation by being different. Man up and change the name and thats when I'll show some respect. If I were a woman on here I would be highly offended.

NOW, I'm offended.

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Difference of opinion is one thing, being rude, disrespectful and juvenile is another. Differing opinions are the only way to really learn. But it also has to be two sided, and Keepm attacks when he does not get his way. Keep actually has some good input, but unfortunately his obnoxious behavior discredits him. One day he will grow up and look back on this and realize what a chump he has been.

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I have had enough of the personal attacks on DV members. Those of you that continue these personal attacks will be looking for information elsewhere. Debate is always welcome, the attacks are not!

Closing thread.

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