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Confusion about frank dodd law


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nooooooooooooooooo. please calm down don't read much into it. You bought dinar before this law is going to be passed you will be able to exchange your foreign currency its a simple exchange that is all for USD. You are fine. If they don't honor your currency well they will get a class action lawsuit that will turn very nastybetter believe that they don't want that from investors that have put their money into Iraq and have kep CBI auctions going for years and then to stiff us knowing Bush signed the presidential order what i have got the jist from the law is that it pertains to precious metals and hedge funds not actual foreign currency being exchanged.

Edited by easyrider
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Totally agree..This Dodd/Frank law is quite simple. It was designed to prohibit stock traders from over-extending themselves on precious metals futures. It requires them to have the hard cash currency to back-up , essentially providing collateral, for their trades.

Edited by TennesseeCherokee
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Short answer: We don't have to worry about it, regardless of how much dinar you have.

Buying dinar AFTER the RV might get tricky, but we have nothing to worry about at this time or when we go to cash in.

Thank you Adam. This really shook up the site today. Hope tomorrow we can get back to normal. See you at the bank!

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