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A vote for Biden means a vote supporting abortion, LGBT agenda, end of religious liberty

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ah but we have a awesome God and i know he never leaves us , NOR FORSAKES US ,his timing is not ours, satan will never rule and they know this, what was meant for us BAD from the evil will be turn back to them! oh yes PRAISE ABBA FATHER!  as my friend said years ago, HIDE AND WATCH!

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13 hours ago, T B said:

ah but we have a awesome God and i know he never leaves us , NOR FORSAKES US ,his timing is not ours, satan will never rule and they know this, what was meant for us BAD from the evil will be turn back to them! oh yes PRAISE ABBA FATHER!  as my friend said years ago, HIDE AND WATCH!

So you think God is just going to forget the 70 plus million babies slaughtered in their mothers womb and ignore their cries for justice?


I don't think so. The average Christian today thinks of church more as a community center for hooking up than a Holy Place to Worship. More than 50% of self proclaimed Christians secretly believe in abortion. And more than 98%of Christians Place 100% of their waking time thinking about the things of this world.  Giving only a half thought about prayer. 

No, my friend, God isn't going to allow this world to continue down the path humanity has chosen. 

Satan is running this world and most everyone is following him, not God. 


So stop planning your future prosperity and start planning your eternal prosperity. Because the next Great intervention of God with humanity......



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i agree , thats why i put my trust in him and not man , you cant take these material things with you when jesus comes as my dear mom always told us,  yes the babies are in my prayers,  if your looking for a fight , tell it to jesus like i do! be blessed!

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  • 9 months later...
On 10/8/2022 at 9:11 AM, MyLadiesDaddy said:

So you think God is just going to forget the 70 plus million babies slaughtered in their mothers womb and ignore their cries for justice?


I don't think so. The average Christian today thinks of church more as a community center for hooking up than a Holy Place to Worship. More than 50% of self proclaimed Christians secretly believe in abortion. And more than 98%of Christians Place 100% of their waking time thinking about the things of this world.  Giving only a half thought about prayer. 

No, my friend, God isn't going to allow this world to continue down the path humanity has chosen. 

Satan is running this world and most everyone is following him, not God. 


So stop planning your future prosperity and start planning your eternal prosperity. Because the next Great intervention of God with humanity......




I am not disagreeing with what is said here, I would like to converse thoughts I found to be true to aide comprehending how they harmonize with what the Bible teach’s to be the Father— the only true God. (Pro 2:1-14) This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3)


I believe you know a public format is nonproductive for an honest expanding heart though a mentor to the way, and to what the true way is. So judge only when finished reading and then meditating on what is said; be honest, (true to self) more to take in than you can now imagine. (John 11:24)


MLD said; So you think God is just going to forget the 70 plus million babies slaughtered in their mothers womb and ignore their cries for justice?


No, I don’t. The life of those soul’s that were extinguished are now in the safest place possible for anyone to be… Jehovah’s memory. It’s not so much as, their cries, as it is Jehovah’s cry, for justice. Jehovah experiences all, see’s all and remembers all of the discarded and unwanted baby’s, even hundreds of years before industrialized man capitalized on the mass production of todays blood guilt. 

We can be assured Jehovah’s righteous justice will have an affect on any and all victim/victim’s involved, and will follow through, too the final end of the perpetrator carrying out this deception. (John 8:44, Gen 3:4, Heb 2:14)



Note: parentheses- (words changed) Bracketed- [added words.


MLD said; I don't think so. The average (Christian) [Christ like follower of christendom] today thinks of church more as a community center for hooking up than a Holy Place to Worship. More than 50% of self proclaimed (Christians) [Christ like] secretly (believe) [deceived] in abortion. And more than 98%of (Christians) [Christ like] Place 100% of their waking time thinking about the things of this world [Satan’s system of things]. Giving only a half thought about [directing] prayer [to the only true God]. (2 Cor 4:4)

No, my friend, God isn't going to allow this world to continue down the path (humanity) [Adam] has chosen. 

Satan is running this world and most everyone is (following) [deceived by] him, (not God). (Gen 3:13, 1Tim 2:13,14)


So stop planning your future prosperity and start planning your (eternal prosperity) [everlasting life]. Because the next Great intervention of God with humanity......


(WILL BE HIS LAST.) [Will begin the Last Day which brings to an end all Satan’s deception’s. The Real Life begins, all Jehovahs word/promises come to mankind.


Much more “intervention”— The Real Life is yet too Come! “Instruct those who are rich in the present system of things not to be arrogant, and to place their hope, not on uncertain riches, but on God, who richly provides us with all the things we enjoy. Tell them to work at good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share, safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life. (1Tim 6:17-19,) 

With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Rev 21:3,4)


Through Isaiah, Jehovah speaks prophetically to the Jewish captives in`Babylon’… read Isaiah 55:1-13; Isaiah 55


The way you think clearly is different, searching with heart felt expressions outside the box; as it were. Which to some is not only respectable but commendable, could this be a searching for a genuinely healthy fear, of the only true God, perhaps a physically chance to experience outside of said box; too test whether the perceived comfort, with in— is genuine or, un allusion… How would an honest heart ever know heart felt answers all the while denying self a outside experience?


Fear of man leads to his own end, a healthy fear can mean life. (Pro 3:7, Pro 2:5, Psalms 19:9, 1John 4:18, Malachi 3:16, Pro 9:10, Pro 1:7.) 


What you choose do with all or any of true spiritual bible based knowledge, is always and will always be your God given free will choice.


Malachi 3:10—Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this regard,” Jehovah of armies says, “to see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens and pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.”


Isaiah 48:18  

Isaiah 2:2,3


Vernon  : )

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