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Frank26 Post: 2 August 2010 - KTFM


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Frank26 Post: 2 August 2010 - KTFM --- THIS IS ONE OF HIS BETTER POSTS - IMHO ...... RON B)

Good Evening Family…….

Tomorrow is the end of our second time frame we have been studying together. To refresh your memory below are the three periods:

16th to 26th ……………… Politicians would be selected.

26th to 3rd ………………. These politicians would seat a GOI.

4th to the 15th ……………. The GOI and CBI would receive CH7 from the UNSC activating the RI rate.

As foggy as the articles have been in the month of July it was still within our reasoning to believe progress was being made during these dates. M has pretty much been shown the door and TWICE we see mention that there is going to be a “SURPRISE” for the people of Iraq from the GOI. Unless they get Gomer Pyle to pop into Iraq and holler ….”SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! ………..Then there is a good chance as our 3rd time frame starts to actually see a ………”GIFT FOR THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ!” on the 4th.

As we cautioned …………we cannot afford for the RI to go past this week nor next because it gets us closer to Ramadan. Remember we said ……..9….10……Bad. 14th ….15th……..Better. Not proper to talk about money gains during this religious time in Iraq. Sure enough today we see an article where they say the GOI will be seated before the start of Ramadan on the 12th. Amazing how so many little intricate parts are coming together.

IMO…………Much was accomplished with Iran and Iraq during these time frames………..Without much fan fare for us. This is good IMO ………….Also reflects the reason for such a warp speed in many activities. Lots of meetings in DC and NY this past week. It looks like the blue light special has been given the green light by the authors of The Plan.........article today staying the United States is giving their approval to the new formation of the GOI. Once again little nuggets......that taste so good. BTW ...........are the Kurds happy right now? IMO.....ecstatic. Yes we all saw the article today where they complained about wanting restitution from the war with Saddam. My goodness I don't think that bill will ever be paid. But I keep telling you that if an article is depressing pay attention to what they do. You see ......Iraq paid 30 billion to KU yesterday and I guess we all forgot that the week before they opened their borders between each other to advance oil production. So when you ask me is KU a hold up to the RI.......I tell you to pay attention to what they do not what they say. So with the US giving their stamp of approval to the officials being selected (PM.......President and VP's) who will form the seating to the parliament giving rise to the GOI.......and KU happy.........we should be too.

It can be hard to understand the indigenous people of Iraq especially when they have spent thousands of years keeping themselves divided by invisible borders. Countries within a country do not make sense. Therefore we should all be grateful that the Kurds are slowly making their point and helping to take control of its own country. With or without the help of the rest of their kinsmen. I read an article today saying that Kurdistan reaches a point of a bright future. Their examples will lead the rest of Iraq into this future. The article ended with a powerful sentence that gives hope to our investment. They said that there are 38 oil companies desperate for Iraqi politicians to agree on how to share the nation’s vast oil wealth so that drilling can begin in earnest. This is why I say the Kurds are in control. Just like you and I they await in this final time frame for the GOI to sit down and finish many mechanisms that bring forth the RI rate. One such good example is the 4th and final part missing of the HCL. Well that’s exactly what this article was talking about…….without mentioning the three letter word. How about mentioning three numbers because they sure did today. Powerful article entitled Kurdish Leadership INSISTS on Article 140.

Yes every now and then we can peek through the Venetian blind to see the progress over these three time frames. Today an article tells us that Kurdistan president Barzani met with PRIME MINISTER ALLAWI. Of course within one hour you will see an article come out making an editorial correction by saying the total opposite……LOL.

So what happens when they get CH7 on Wednesday? Will the GOI be already seated by then? Okay hold on tight because here we go. CH7 was a list of mandates that the UN wanted done in order to allow them to become a sovereign nation once again. This sovereignty gives them the right or the option to make their IQD an internationally trade-able and recognizable currency. If they get CH7 their currency is now in a position to have the freedom to go up in value. This action is defined under CH8. Will the GOI take the next two months to seat themselves? We know the way they are don't we Family? Of course they will take two months and more to do it. But no......the currency will not take that long to RI. There are too many indications that they are working towards their goal of an RI. Oh yes ........Iraq's hidden GOI treats the activities to an RI as if it had a daughter pregnant out of wedlock.......illegitimately. No one seems to want to talk about it. Taboo subject. Fine.....but I wouldn't mind talking about the auction that didn't show up yesterday. If you go to the CBI website and look at their spreadsheet you will notice that the last time they did this was on July 12th. I study all patterns. I wouldn't mind talking about the memo that Warka sent out telling their customers that they were closed yesterday because they are upgrading their e-banking systems. Tomorrow I am going to reverse engineer your process of thinking Family. Just like when I asked you what do you get when you add 41 to something .......we were kept mentally busy in a positive way. Our final time frames from the 4th to the 15th shows great promise for the RI. I carry the banner of motivation as high as I can hold it so all of you that follow can glance at it when you get tired. If the blessing comes in August ........Praise God! If not ........tomorrow I will teach you the importance and value of our reverse engineering.

Intel.......our Russian source that you all know about who is in the right spot has informed us that specific people are holding meeting after meeting ........and all without him. The hair on his skin would produce enough static to light a street in Iraq. He tells us that he is very well aware that something is going on. I give and take......barter.........with my intel. I reward them with some info and pray that they can spot what we are studying. This is a very good source Family......pray for him. He is Iraqi.

I dated TINK for over 4 years and every time I went to pick her up my clothes smelled like oil from all the frying in the kitchen. I don't know how she put up with the stench ..........but I am grateful that she did. We both woke up to the smell of oil today as I told AQ last week that the barrel would go past 80 this week. I saw it at 81.20 in the morning then it went to 81.30......81.37....81.48....81.50 throughout the day. Looks like it went up over 2.50 in less than 24 hours. Just like the Iraqi articles all year the barrel of oil prices have been out of whack.......very unusual. Yet......if you have been reading the Blue Writing we told you how to ride this wave . Remember I told you it would go up at the beginning of the month and continue if an RI is given birth. If the middle of the month it begins its downward trend back to the high 70's. I called it a barometer for our investment to give you an indication of when .......the wealth would be spread. I guess we need not say anything else except..........I am hungry for a beautiful watermelon.

SANDMAN……..posted a video of an Iraqi commercial. I don’t know if you got to see it but it was motivational. It starts out showing the ruins of Iraq and a woman rescuing a little child from it. Together they walk into the future of Iraq as bricks magically stack themselves up recreating their glorious city…….once again to be a Mecca of the world. If you have a change go see it. You will enjoy it. dear friend ..........military........talked with four birds today asking them if they knew anything about the RI. They were all very encouraging that something is definitely happening with their currency......they just can't confirm. They only presented it to us as a rumor. Well..........all rumors have a point of original truth.

Mars is done being red. Are you GOI?

I do not know why China had an increase in their Yuan today. It was supposed to happen last Monday. It is the 2nd of 4 scheduled for 2010. We found no reason nor logic for this delay.

Sometimes I am told of questions presented to me from other forums because they read my copied post and think I am on their forum. Some misinterpretation evolved over SFA. This Strategic Framework Agreement along with SOFA are documents that described the method of our military presence and pull out. I said it is a mechanism that can be part of revealing the RI rate. I apologize for not explaining further ……..but no ………the RI rate is not inside of the written words of these documents but CH7 stipulations of pulling out only allow us if they have reinstated their government along with their currency’s RI rate. In other words our military movements right now shadow the obvious. We pull out ………even ahead of schedule……..because God willing maybe the GOI/RI is also on schedule.

I must be very careful with this paragraph but feel a need to say something. Mr. President O …… are almost half way done with your first term. Why do you pick today almost two years later since you were elected to finally talk about Iraq and the war? Why would you talk about the country and their people and the future while disabled veterans are looking you straight in the eye? Why today…….of all days……….do you tell these handicapped soldiers that since you have been in office "YOU" have brought back home many American soldiers as promised? Granted you asked us to support their return and you talked to them about their benefits. But Mr. President………I see a desperate act of staking credit for something you were totally against ……….two years ago. Surely I was not to forget was I? I know the authors of The Plan………can’t forget them. In Hollywood ……..this would be called “Timing”. Forgive me Sir if I show any disrespect but it has been a difficult two years.

We have some amazing bank stories from last week. Many of you got pass the tellers and have gotten VERY close to your bank officers. You just had to be stronger and some of you were! Congrats. Family........DO NOT ASK a bank officer for a rate or date. Show them you are SMART in your investment and watch their attitude change on how they are willing to "help you post RI". You see............That's the business they are in.......Not Speculations. Keep trying and .............Good luck!

Family as I leave you may I remind you of our conference call tomorrow night. The first hour I will have our guest who spent the weekend with Kurdistan politicians. This was the group that went on to DC over the weekend. I will protect my team and not reveal his name. We will be having a one on one conversation as you listen and learn how ……..”The Kurds are in control”. May I also remind you that the Iraqi dinar is on a program rate. Do you understand what that means Family? It’s not meant to stay at that rate. The CBI climbed a tall mountain in January of this year by holding the 1170 rate for 365 days. It was a requirement in order to change the ……..program rate. On top of this same mountain they planted their flag and proclaimed to the world rather boldly that they would re-denominate in 2010. What more do we who have faith in God ……….need? You don’t even need to be a fly on the wall to know what is coming………………”A SURPRISE”. My Christian love and Aloha.



P.S. Here is the link for the Chapters of UN. Study chapters VII & VIII.


Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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