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Enorrste Response on Currency Chatter 6/21/10


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Here is Enorrste's response on another site to two people who were frustrated with Terry K's announcement:

Robert and Ironman;

You both express reservations based on supposed events that MUST happen prior to an RV. While I think that in an ideal world it would be nice for everything to be "tidied up", so to speak, I've come to the conclusion that the forces that are behind this RV are larger than specific events in Iraq (getting the government up and running) or elsewhere (Chapter 7, for instance).

It is my opinion that this will happen before the end of the month, regardless of the governmental outcome. I don't say this just to "chime in" on TKs intel. I have no knowledge of his intel. But I have heard similar things from other "intel"

However, my biggest argument for an RV this week is essentially drawn from logic. Here is how I see it:

Al-Sistani has basically put the "fear of Allah" into he minds of the key players.

- Maliki has dropped out of the picture (have you heard from him in the last 2 weeks)

- Allawi has formed a coalition with the Kurds

- The NA has been formed, joining the two Shia factions

TODAY the NA put out feelers to the Kurd/Iraqiya coalition requesting the creation of a new "super coalition" of all four parties. I believe that this action is in response to Al-Sistani primarily, but the influence from the UN and US must be a part of the equation.

Therefore, based on this more and more rapid movement I feel comfortable in predicting that parliament will meet this week, probably by Wednesday. At that session the new super coalition will be "announced" and the candidates for the four key positions will be "announced" as well. For PM it will be either Allawi or Mahdi, IMO. Talabani and Jafaari will take presidency positions. It is possible that Allawi and Mahdi will somehow "share" the head of government, with one taking the PM slot for 2 years and then the other, with a President of the Republic being the other. Then they would switch after two years. Another more plausible option is that the PM slot will have powers moved over to the President of the Republic slot so that the two are essentially equal. This has been discusssed openly already, so it is likely to occur.

In any case, it is highly possible and actually likely that this will come together this very week (remember Sistani is standing in the wings ready to act).

The RV will, IMO, come into the picture as the first act of business, along with the passing of the long overdue budget, which has right in it that Iraq can afford $3.22.

This is all consistent with TKs intel from this afternoon, incidentally. He added one important factor, however, and that is that Shabibi is also waiting in the wings, ready to act in the off chance that the "players" can't get their acts together.

Therefore, Robert and Ironman, while I believe that the government WILL come together, answering a portion of your concerns, I also believe that Shabibi COULD come to the fore and do it himself by the end of the month, begin driven himself by the IMF and the need to start the new physcal year off with a newly RVd currency.

Of course, I could be wrong. LOL


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Thank you, Trimark , for posting the above information!

It sounds really promising... just what we want to hear.

I hope it will become a reality very soon.

Too many Iraqis are suffering due to the lack of commitment of their leaders.

Lots of investors are waiting for the fruition of this hope in order to make a difference in the world.

Thank you again for the positive news!

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Here is Enorrste's response on another site to two people who were frustrated with Terry K's announcement:


Thanks for the post Trimark (+)...and thank you Steve for your analysis and conclusions...!

Be Blessed All - we're almost Home...!


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Share on other sites is you...July 1st RV Duhhh


Maybe you have already answered this somewhere that I haven't seen, but, but tell us again?

Why do you believe so strongly in the July 1st date? Can you tell us that without a shadow of a doubt it will happen that day? And are you saying OUR July 1st, or THEIR July 1st? Just trying to get all my different "intel" notes in the right order!

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The RV will, IMO, come into the picture as the first act of business, along with the passing of the long overdue budget, which has right in it that Iraq can afford $3.22.


Of course, I could be wrong. LOL

You could be wrong, but if you're proposing an RV of $3.22 before month's end then I sure hope you're not!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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OK well the rates and dates are for all the folks with that information to say and I'll be one happy camper. Plus at those supposed rates I'll be so rich that all the guru wars just won't matter. I mean we will probably have to see them on TV telling everybody it was ME ME ME who was right and that's cool with me. Let them worry about being robbed or kidnapped. I don't care.

However if Ennorste thinks you can fool around with constitutional law for the sake of an election and it go quick and everybody agree in parliament well that is just not gonna happen. It is for exactly that reason we are watching all this BS now. Maliki and his group have done exactly that. The Supreme Court ruling was so bad and just plain wrong it has caused a constitutional crisis. I got a 5 year old cousin who can read better than that court. Besides she did read it and she said ..."ain't no way thats gonna fly bubba". :lol: OK I made that up but it has thrown them into the lurch and no amount of agreements between politicians and parties to change that constitutional requirement with respect to the Council of Ministers is going to pass without going through the entire parliament for review and a vote on it and if it is like our constitution and the states have to ratify it and that will all take time. They may not require a vote from the provinces but even so they are gonna take they ever loving time to do it. But what do I know I have only read that dam constitution 30 times or at least it seems like it and I don't want to read it anymore........I'd like Ennorste to be right and it all happen right now or whenever he said it would....I don't care who's right.

July 1 fine ....By July 26 great. Whenever. But this is not the Mickey Mouse club where all the Mousekateers vote on club rules. It is the government of a country with laws and a constitution and all this has to be dealt with legally or they may as well declare defeat we are now a dictatorship and be done with it. IMO of course.

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Maybe you have already answered this somewhere that I haven't seen, but, but tell us again?

Why do you believe so strongly in the July 1st date? Can you tell us that without a shadow of a doubt it will happen that day? And are you saying OUR July 1st, or THEIR July 1st? Just trying to get all my different "intel" notes in the right order!

Teresa, you know that no one can guarantee anything ... You have been on here long enough to know that.. But the intel is just a date that falls somewhere in the range of being done before the magical date of july 26th or whenever the loan payment is due. Things can not all happen simultaneously, or can they??,,,, That is one of the big questions.. Just add the bits of intel that you recieve and try to remember that it will not pay anymore if you are in the front of the line than it will if you are in the middle... Reelax, breathe, wait... It is how all of us guys feel when we are waiting on the women in our lives.... You get used to it after a while if you are to be successful...... B)

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Thanks for the post Trimark .

Teresa, you know that no one can guarantee anything ... You have been on here long enough to know that.. But the intel is just a date that falls somewhere in the range of being done before the magical date of july 26th or whenever the loan payment is due. Things can not all happen simultaneously, or can they??,,,, That is one of the big questions.. Just add the bits of intel that you recieve and try to remember that it will not pay anymore if you are in the front of the line than it will if you are in the middle... Reelax, breathe, wait... It is how all of us guys feel when we are waiting on the women in our lives.... You get used to it after a while if you are to be successful...... cool.gif

So True patience is a virtue for sure with this investment.

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I honestly believe that the rv will happen by June 30th, 2010, as well. I think that since Allawi will be announced PM on Monday, I think it will be him that announces the rv. Maybe not on Monday, but, I would say by the end of the month. I had read earlier where one of his first actions in office will be to rv. It is the CBI that is directly responsible for the rv, but I believe for image purposes, Allawi will announce it, and thus receive the credit for the change. This would make Allawi a hero amongst his people. I think the rv has been waiting for a PM. Even though it wasn't necessary.

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I honestly believe that the rv will happen by June 30th, 2010, as well. I think that since Allawi will be announced PM on Monday, I think it will be him that announces the rv. Maybe not on Monday, but, I would say by the end of the month. I had read earlier where one of his first actions in office will be to rv. It is the CBI that is directly responsible for the rv, but I believe for image purposes, Allawi will announce it, and thus receive the credit for the change. This would make Allawi a hero amongst his people. I think the rv has been waiting for a PM. Even though it wasn't necessary.

Seems to me if it's not Monday, June 28th, then it would have to be on June 29th, or else it will RV on the last day of the month June 30 which is wednesday. Go RV.

Do we not look at Calendars before we write our predictions?

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Teresa, you know that no one can guarantee anything ... You have been on here long enough to know that.. But the intel is just a date that falls somewhere in the range of being done before the magical date of july 26th or whenever the loan payment is due. Things can not all happen simultaneously, or can they??,,,, That is one of the big questions.. Just add the bits of intel that you recieve and try to remember that it will not pay anymore if you are in the front of the line than it will if you are in the middle... Reelax, breathe, wait... It is how all of us guys feel when we are waiting on the women in our lives.... You get used to it after a while if you are to be successful...... B), you got it all wrong. I'm not asking because I'm being impatient, I am asking because I am putting certain people in certain categories, so that I can tell the bullshippers from the truth HAHAHAHA!!!!

I put all the speculated dates on a list and from who, so that I know who not to ever listen to again when they say,"for sure it's going to happen" I don't even read the posts of those who have proven to be full of it. My time is worth more than that. But you are also wrong, he IS guaranteeing something, and that's what I am calling him on. Not to be rude bigfoot, and maybe you are telling the truth.Either way it is going to happen.

Edited by Teresa82
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